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View Full Version : Salute the Flag Vets

1/11/2010, 02:08 PM
Ive always done it anyway, But its Nice to know thatits leagal or whatever

Go ahead, salute the flag, Army Times

The president is not the only one authorized to salute the flag when in civilian clothes. Two laws allow veterans and mili*tary members not in uni*form to salute the flag dur*ing the National Anthem, or when it is hoisted, low*ered or passing in review.

But apparently, few have heard of this. Of the many thousands of fans at sport*ing events, few, if any, can be seen rendering a mili*tary salute during the playing of the anthem. The same is true when the flag passed in review during parades and other activi* ties. While these are civilian events, there must be many hundreds of vets and out-of-uniform service members in attendance.

Veterans, as well as serving military members not in uniform, have the right to render a salute as Old Glory passes or when they hear the National Anthem.

If anyone challenges the right to render a salute when out of uniform, they should know it is officially authorized in Titles 4 and 37 of the U.S. Code

1/11/2010, 02:26 PM
I never knew I couldn't salute.
What would happen if I did? (besides Olevet jumping on my back. :))

1/11/2010, 03:24 PM
I'm not sure... what level offense is breaking code?

1/12/2010, 07:37 AM
Breaking code is genereally on the same level as breaking wind.