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View Full Version : Did anyone else Notice Mack last night

1/9/2010, 12:16 AM
Im wondering about his health .
The whites of his eyes appeared to be Yellow . More than his teef

They showed a close up at the start and I noticed it .
Or the Color tint on my TeeVee may be off .

1/9/2010, 12:31 AM
I was also thinking he didn't look well - I also though (IF) Texasss wins this game Mac 'WILL RETIRE' Wanting to leave at the top of his coaching resume -I Still wouldn't be surprised to Hear Mack steps down - How can he face coaching without his boy Colt...?? - ~~ :( or is it ~~~ :) ...?

Leroy Lizard
1/9/2010, 12:37 AM
Sounds like steroids. :D

1/9/2010, 12:39 AM
I think he still has a few seasons left in him.

But, if I were making that kind of money and had reached that age I'd just say to hell with it all and go find a nice beach to retire on.

1/9/2010, 12:42 AM
OMG, Vet, I thought the exact same thing..."Does Mack have Hepatitis?" Weird. Maybe it was just a trick of lighting deal, but I really had the same thoughts.

SGT Park3R
1/9/2010, 12:49 AM
Well they say if your eyes are yellow it might be that you have pancreatic cancer. The cancer squeezes the pancreas so bile spills over or something like that.

Crucifax Autumn
1/9/2010, 01:17 AM
I think it was just reflecting off his teeth.

1/9/2010, 01:41 AM
Glad i wernt the only one to notice. I really did think Maybe My TeeVee color was off . But no one else looked that way

1/9/2010, 01:44 AM
Some people age faster than others. I think its a gene thing.

1/9/2010, 01:50 AM
Some people age faster than others. I think its a gene thing.

So you're sayin Chizick gave it to Mack? :eek:

1/9/2010, 03:37 AM
Hay stains your teeph.

1/9/2010, 07:26 AM
Yellow eyes are ur liver failing. Not saying thats what's wrong with him. Coulda been just the lighting or he had to pee real bad ;)

1/9/2010, 07:28 AM

1/9/2010, 07:32 AM
When was the last time a guy quit a 5m job.

1/9/2010, 08:16 AM
Time to go to the Urban Meyer Clinic for rest and rehab from those coaching stresses.

Husker In Oklahoma
1/9/2010, 08:22 AM
But, if I were making that kind of money and had reached that age I'd just say to hell with it all and go find a nice beach to retire on.

And thats the one thing I will never understand, You work so you can have enough money to retire someday. Mack probably has 50 million in the bank by now. I mean, geez, if you have a good family, why not ride off into the sunset. You are certainly not gonna take it with you and what you leave behind will be enough for several generations. If you have a good woman that you love, why not ride off? I personally will never understand that.

1/9/2010, 10:16 AM
You have to realize that this is Mack's first national championship loss.

Sure, he lost the Big 12 title in 2001 (lulz), but never the brass ring or whatev.

This is also his first "Rose Bowl" loss.

He probably had no reason to think his team would lose, especially after the dreadful Bammer showing on offense, and then again when his backup non-experienced QB brought the whorns within 3.

My guess is he's probably in no condition to recruit, make fundraising appearances or even get out of bed everyday.

1/9/2010, 11:43 AM
We need a new "Stunned Mack" icon!

1/9/2010, 11:50 AM
Nah...that is more of a "Sad Mack Face" than stunned....

He is waiting for DeLoss Dodds to retire so he can move up to AD and then Nutso takes over as Head Coach.

1/9/2010, 12:38 PM
I think he still has a few seasons left in him.

But, if I were making that kind of money and had reached that age I'd just say to hell with it all and go find a nice beach to retire on.

As demanding the job may be, boredom is worse. Coaching is what he knows, it is his identity. It will take a lot more than money in the bank to make him give it up. He probably didn't even think about the $450,000 that hit to Ponyboy cost him . . .

1/9/2010, 01:04 PM
I can only imagine how stressful it is to be a head coach at the highest level of college football. It certainly explains Urban taking a leave of absence and Bob Stoops cutting back his hours given his family history of coronary problems. I suppose it makes guys like Bobby Bowden, Bear Bryant, and other older coaches all the more amazing. It's really a young man's job.

1/9/2010, 01:23 PM
I can only imagine how stressful it is to be a head coach at the highest level of college football. It certainly explains Urban taking a leave of absence and Bob Stoops cutting back his hours given his family history of coronary problems. I suppose it makes guys like Bobby Bowden, Bear Bryant, and other older coaches all the more amazing. It's really a young man's job.

How much a CEO earn?

What is the salary of the US presidente?

Football coaching career for top school is the most well paid, less pressure, well respectful, and less work in compare to those 2 positions above.


1/9/2010, 01:37 PM
He's burnt up.....

1/11/2010, 03:32 AM

Leroy Lizard
1/11/2010, 03:59 AM
He's stressed out over UT's schedule next year.

The easiest job in the country? Congressman.