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1/4/2010, 12:12 PM
Pass this on Folks


http://www.amazon. com/Robert- Hays/e/B002SKIKD E/ref=ntt_ dp_epwbk_ 0

From: Hays [mailto:mbhays1@ comcast.net]
Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 8:02 PM
To: Colonel-dan@ sbcglobal. net
Subject: Free books for U.S. service men and women

THIS IS TO HELP spread the word about Operation e-Book Drop, a program that has provided hundreds of free books to U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere overseas. It is the brainchild of Ed Patterson, writer and veteran, made possible by the generosity of Mark Coker, founding genius of Smashwords (the e-book publisher that serves Barnes & Noble, among others). Mark has made Smashwords available as a platform for the free book distribution system. As both an author and a U.S. Army veteran, I'm proud to be among the scores of authors donating our books and I'm grateful to my publisher, Vanilla Heart, for its cooperation.

IF YOU know any U.S. service men or women (or their families) now deployed or about to be deployed overseas who might be interested-- books are available in formats that can be read on their computer, Kindle, Sony reader, iPhone or any other electronic reader--please refer them to http://operationebo okdrop.com/ forum/, the Operation e-Book Drop Web site, or directly to Ed Patterson at [email protected].

I CAN ONLY offer my own Smashwords page (second link below) as an example to demonstrate what's available and how it worksC. Service men and women who sign on are given coupon codes that provide the books at no cost. This is an extremely small contribution compared to what we all owe them for their sacrifice.

(This is a non-personal, not too selective mass mailing. If it's of no interest, I apologize. If it is of interest, please feel free to forward it to any and all those you wish to share it with. And thank you.)

Happy New Year.



Robert Hays

2009 Pushcart literary prize nominee

http://home. comcast.net/ ~roberthayswrite r/site/

https://www. smashwords. com/profile/ view/RobertHays

http://www.amazon. com/Robert- Hays/e/B002SKIKD E/ref=ntt_ dp_epwbk_ 0