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View Full Version : Why the hate for the Pokes?

1/2/2010, 04:31 PM
I was born and raised in Oklahoma, but moved my senior year in high school so I've really never been around a lot of poke fans (aside from some relatives). I just don't understand how some Sooners seem to hate OSU more than Texas.

I can't bring myself to hate them because frankly they're not much of a threat (though I do enjoy beating them). I kinda feel sorry for them, and I typically root for them in bowl games (even moreso against an SEC team).

Are the poke fans that intolerable to make it impossible for Sooners to root for the other major state school? I can understand Sooners that may have gone to OU but grew up in another state, but for born and bred Okies I don't quite get it.

Does one need to attend a "bedlam" game to get a feel for it? I've never been to Stoolwater, but heard some horror stories from Sooners. Enlighten me, please. [hairGel] :les: :stunned:

1/2/2010, 04:33 PM
Because they're the foot soldiers of a sooner hating mass annoyment maniac (t. boone pickens) and they must be destroyed

Crucifax Autumn
1/2/2010, 04:35 PM
I hate texass a lot more than I hate the sheephumpers.

1/2/2010, 04:35 PM
I guess the short answer is yes. They are that intolerable. They have intense hatred for OU and take abnormal amounts of glee any time we lose. I can't see how any OU fan could pull for them in anything when their fans are so obnoxiously against us in everything we do.

1/2/2010, 04:41 PM
When I was younger, and more liberal, I tried to cheer for OSU as long as they weren't playing OU.

But their asshat fans soon turned me into a rabid anti-pokeite. I wish great misfortune on them, and take delight whenever they lose.

1/2/2010, 04:43 PM
The best way I can describe it is comparing from World War II. Texas is Hitler and Oklahoma St. is Mussolini. Texas is much more evil, but also much more formidable and as an adversary you have to respect them. The Pokes however think they are important...they aren't

1/2/2010, 04:44 PM
My gf goes to OSU makes things a lot easier if I root for them when they don't play OU. But I still don't mind seeing them lose...

1/2/2010, 04:44 PM
Why the hate for the Pokes?
Dumbest question I ever heard.

1/2/2010, 04:48 PM
I would warily be for them back in the 80's. Then the black 90's hit and the pokes won a few games against OU :mad: .....their fans became insufferable.

After the disasters of '01-02, and the accompanying t-shirts, along with the smug satisfaction they get whenever the Sooners lose a nat'l title game.... well, I wish them nothing but losses.

btw, how many poke fans you think actually wanted OU to win last Jan?

1/2/2010, 04:52 PM
I don't know why we spend this much time talking about the jv team anyway.

1/2/2010, 04:52 PM
I guess the short answer is yes. They are that intolerable. They have intense hatred for OU and take abnormal amounts of glee any time we lose. I can't see how any OU fan could pull for them in anything when their fans are so obnoxiously against us in everything we do.


When I was younger, and more liberal, I tried to cheer for OSU as long as they weren't playing OU.

But their asshat fans soon turned me into a rabid anti-pokeite. I wish great misfortune on them, and take delight whenever they lose.

And this.

Poke fans revel in OU's defeats. Probably even more than they do in OSU's victories. They can't stand to hear anything about what's wrong with their teams, but want to run their mouth about OU whenever possible. I used to cheer for those guys, but at best nowadays it's indifference. Especially since I have no more friends that play for them. My thing has always been if you're gonna do some woofin', take your lumps when things aren't so good. Pokes crow on those sole occasions when they're on top, but put massive spin on when they fall off their perch and wanna drop the subject.

Granted I know a couple good Boone Staters. But damn, do I know a lot of asshats. At least my UT-attending family has something to crow about besides "team on the rise!!!!"

1/2/2010, 04:54 PM
I guess the short answer is yes. They are that intolerable. They have intense hatred for OU and take abnormal amounts of glee any time we lose. I can't see how any OU fan could pull for them in anything when their fans are so obnoxiously against us in everything we do.

^^^^^^^^That's it!^^^^^^^

I get sick of hearing the sheephumpers tell me that I should pull for them when OU isn't playing them due to "State Pride." Try being around a puke fan when OU is losing to some other team. They act as though THEY are the ones beating the SOONERS.

1/2/2010, 04:58 PM
I don't "hate" oSu because quite frankly, they aren't worth that type of emotional intensity. The negative feelings I have for the pokes stems from the fact that they hate us.

1/2/2010, 05:00 PM
Many poke fans even gloat when a Sooner is injured. Programs that lack a long history and winning tradition seem to lack perspective. Maybe that's their problem.

1/2/2010, 05:02 PM
They smell funny too.

1/2/2010, 05:08 PM
They smell funny too.

you could have brought that up as post #2 and saved a lot of unnecessary posting.

1/2/2010, 05:18 PM
All of the above. Plus their mind set. A couple times a aggie friend of mine pointed out that they had won more bowl games lately. I asked would you rather win the houston bowl than lose in the national tiltle game? Her answer..... well yeah. :rolleyes:

Crucifax Autumn
1/2/2010, 05:19 PM
Seriously...Just look at them!

1/2/2010, 05:21 PM
I guess the short answer is yes. They are that intolerable. They have intense hatred for OU and take abnormal amounts of glee any time we lose. I can't see how any OU fan could pull for them in anything when their fans are so obnoxiously against us in everything we do.


When I was younger, and more liberal, I tried to cheer for OSU as long as they weren't playing OU.

But their asshat fans soon turned me into a rabid anti-pokeite. I wish great misfortune on them, and take delight whenever they lose.

^This is exactly me... without the liberal part.

I'll add that there is no such thing as an OSU 'fan' in the sense of what we normally mean when we say 'fan'. OSU fans are nothing more than OU haters with an affinity for orange. I have numerous stories to back that up that show that it is more important for OU to lose than it is for OSU to win on any given Saturday.

1/2/2010, 05:27 PM
Plus talking with a Poke is like arguing with a 5 year old. Here's a conversation I had with a Poke today.

Poke: Gundy Sucks! Our offense sucks!
Me: Well your D's not helping them much with field position. Though they're keeping the score down, they could quit giving up so many yards...
Poke: Shut up gooner! Go cry about your basketball team.

They're immune to reason. The more I read this thread, the more I think why wouldn't you hate that fanbase?

1/2/2010, 05:34 PM
I saw enough "Stoops, we did it again" t-shirts a few years ago to make me decide to NEVER cheer for osu again. I have been called up early in the morning, cussed out, razzed, and had my OU house flag burned. And this wasn't done by Texas fans.

1/2/2010, 05:40 PM
The problem for OU is that we have all these "fans" who only cheer for the football team. It's one thing if you only like football, and you just don't pay much attention the other sports, but those aren't the ones I mind. I hate the ones that will cheer for OU football, and then cheer for a completely different team in basketball or another sport. I seriously have known people to cheer for Oklahoma in football, and Oklahoma State for basketball. They somehow even have the nerve to talk trash.

However, even with the huge amount of bandwagon fan's who seem to think that just cheering for a certain team makes you cool, we do have one thing that makes us more tolerable. For the most part, we're more concerned with our own team than anybody else's. OSU fans seem to be more interested in seeing OU lose than seeing OSU win. They badly want to win against us, but it's more to see OU lose to OSU than to just simply have OSU win a big game. They will be overjoyed to see OU's undefeated season come to an end, and will talk trash despite the fact that OSU just lost their 4th or 5th game of the season that same day.

1/2/2010, 05:42 PM
I saw enough "Stoops, we did it again" t-shirts a few years ago to make me decide to NEVER cheer for osu again.

"Are we just MILES ahead, or is this what happens when a team STOOPS so low?"

1/2/2010, 05:42 PM
Did you see the Cotton Bowl? They are an embarassement to the state.

1/2/2010, 05:47 PM
And sitting next to cowboy fans in the south end zone when we lost 16-13 didn't help my attitude toward the cowboys. "I'm a man and I'm 40" was ridiculous as well.

I Am Right
1/2/2010, 05:53 PM
Let me explain, (osu sucks)

1/2/2010, 05:54 PM

^This is exactly me... without the liberal part.

I'll add that there is no such thing as an OSU 'fan' in the sense of what we normally mean when we say 'fan'. OSU fans are nothing more than OU haters with an affinity for orange. I have numerous stories to back that up that show that it is more important for OU to lose than it is for OSU to win on any given Saturday.

I forgot to add that they know more about OU than OSU. Try quizzing one of them next time.

1/2/2010, 06:00 PM
When I was younger, and more liberal, I tried to cheer for OSU as long as they weren't playing OU.

But their asshat fans soon turned me into a rabid anti-pokeite. I wish great misfortune on them, and take delight whenever they lose.


1/2/2010, 06:02 PM
Because they have 49 nc . Have heard that a million times but not one can tell me the name of their pole vaulter.

1/2/2010, 06:07 PM
Because most of their fans that I know have never set foot on their campus. The closest they are to a college education was when they stopped to eat at Eskimo Joe's in Stillwater. And they always think they have the best team in the nation until week 1 is over. Then they are only about dissing OUr team instead of pumping theirs.

They will insist that they are the best team in the state with 4 losses to OUr 5, completely disregarding the sodomizing they took in Norman. Just watch.

1/2/2010, 06:08 PM
For me it's the fans.

1/2/2010, 06:09 PM
Because they have 49 nc . Have heard that a million times but not one can tell me the name of their pole vaulter.

This also

Ive tried to talk to a few (Very few) and they always bring up NCs in water drinkin er sompun

Plus go read their Board . Most of em are asshats a few are Cool . NYCPoke fer one .

1/2/2010, 06:10 PM
Quite simply, they are nothing but jealous kid sisters who concentrate more on their envy of OU than on their own success. I have heard osu fans admit openly that they would prefer going 1-11 and beating OU than going 11-1 and losing to OU. There is no logical explanation to that way of thinking.

How osu can be so arrogant towards OU with a 16-81-7 record of non-success in the series is beyond me.

1/2/2010, 06:14 PM
I guess the short answer is yes. They are that intolerable. They have intense hatred for OU and take abnormal amounts of glee any time we lose. I can't see how any OU fan could pull for them in anything when their fans are so obnoxiously against us in everything we do.

This. + you said you haven't been around pooke fans. Consider that a blessing. I was getting texts from all my hardcore OU friends and all are rooting against OSUx. My wife gets grief from LosuR fans at work all the time even though OSU is not the team beating OU. Of course when the chokes lose, these people are as quiet as ever and don't feel like talking sports much. Just a total POS lot to deal with. None of them are real men, even if they are 40.

1/2/2010, 06:16 PM
Two incidents in the 70's convinced me:

1. Got invited to go with a buddy to an OSU-Colorado game (he wasn't a fan, but his sister went there and got their family some guest tickets) for that game back in '74. Everything I saw in Stillwater that day was geared toward bashing OU, and they weren't even playing us for three weeks. They even had anti-OU signs ringing the field for the TV cameras, Naturally, Colorado kicked them all over the field, because it was SO obvious that they fed off of their fan base's attitude of looking ahead to OU.

2. Went back five years later as an OU senior for Bedlam. Billy Sims limped off the field with a mild ankle injury, and their fans went nuts over it. He recovered nicely to rush for almost 300 yards at Mizzou the next weekend, but I never forgot how low-class it was for them to get so much joy out of seeing a player get hurt. Luckily we were way ahead (38-0) at the time, so they couldn't capitalize on his absence.

1/2/2010, 06:17 PM
I don't mind OSU so much (find them mildly annoying is all) but that orange crap they wear just makes me want to hit someone.

1/2/2010, 06:31 PM
Fuk em

Crucifax Autumn
1/2/2010, 06:35 PM

'nuff said

1/2/2010, 07:06 PM
Try working with a 100+ of them, that will make you dislike them. The firm that I worked at in OKC (about 230 people) was about half OSU people including much of management. Being around that for almost 11 years was insufferable at times, especially during the Blake era. For a few years it was hot at the "company picnic" so they moved it to the fall, most of those years it was on OU-Texas weekend, one year it was on the Saturday of the OU-Notre Dame game and many of them had their weddings on OU-Texas weekend.

I hate texass a lot more than I hate the sheephumpers.
I'm the opposite even though I live in Austin. I have found that Whorn fans tend to get more obnoxious the further away from Austin they get whereas many OSU fans tend to be obnoxious no matter where they are, I got much more crap from UT fans when I lived in Dallas than I ever have in Austin. I have had a discussion with many Whorn coworkers and we pretty much came to a conclusion that the OU-OSU relationship is much like they view the UT-A&M relationship, there is a certain amount of respect between OU/UT even there is an intense dislike because we pretty much view each other as equals on the football field for the most part that does not exist for OSU/A&M. Any moral or minor victory by them becomes huge and many revel in an OU/UT loss more than they do their own teams winning as many others have stated.

1/2/2010, 07:58 PM
1. They're OSU
2. OSU's wins are better than OU's wins
3. OSU doesn't cheat like "the gooners"
3. When OSU losses it's because the air pressure was down and they couldn't breath right or the field had ant hills to make them trip over their shoe laces
4. When OU losses it's because "they suck"
5. Football isn't that important of a sport anyway
6. Most people prefer basketball over football
7. Remember '01 and '02!? YEAH WE KICKED YOUR ASSES!!!!!
8. OSU fans actually go to the school
9. OSU doesn't pay for their players
10. OSU sucks
11. **** OSU
12. If you still don't see why OSU sucks and can burn in hell, go back to 1

1/2/2010, 08:42 PM
After our recent losses in NC games, the poke fans were like a bunch of little pixies, holding hands and dancing around in circles. They acted like THEY had won a championship. Every OSU fan was absolutely in heaven over our losses. I will NEVER root for OSU in any sport any time. The sad part about most poke fans, they hate OU way more than they care about OSU. that's why they'll always be exactly who they are.

King Crimson
1/2/2010, 08:47 PM
i've got OSU extended family and a couple of uncles (pokes) who were real good to me as a kid. i'll always love those guys. back then, i pulled for OSU in every game but against OU. that's what my Dad did (two OU degrees, lived in Norman since 1965), that's what i did. that's what most people did.

but, something has happened to the world, OSU fans...that i can't say that's true anymore. it doesn't seem good-natured too often.....starting with the 01 game maybe.

i've been to the all-college hoops "tournament" a couple times in the 00's and always sort of dumbfounded (i do live out of state) by the idiot aggression you get from some OSU people. we've got our idiots, too. but, i guess i forgot how "Aggro" these people like to get in their puffy, Orange satin softball style jackets.

as i much as i love my uncles, their mom (my g-mom) went to OU back in the day (way on back in the day)....so, we can consider them bad apples, wayward, or looking for attention by putting on the pylon orange.

1/2/2010, 09:00 PM
but, something has happened to the world, OSU fans...that i can't say that's true anymore. it doesn't seem good-natured too often.....starting with the 01 game maybe.
It isn't just OSU, it seems to affect all fan bases whether they are traditional powers or not, no better example than Nebraska or even our own. Look at how some Nebraska fans have acted in recent years, mostly younger ones who tend to be a bit more vocal and obnoxious and seem to have a fundamental lack of respect for anyone else. I actually think it is something that has infected all fan bases, I think I first started noticing it with Miami in the 80's.

King Crimson
1/2/2010, 09:14 PM
It isn't just OSU, it seems to affect all fan bases whether they are traditional powers or not, no better example than Nebraska or even our own. Look at how some Nebraska fans have acted in recent years, mostly younger ones who tend to be a bit more vocal and obnoxious and seem to have a fundamental lack of respect for anyone else. I actually think it is something that has infected all fan bases, I think I first started noticing it with Miami in the 80's.

i agree that all that is true. i don't know about Miami affecting fan bases, but i've lived in Colorado since 1991 and the "mutual respect" factor i used to experience among NU fans when i'd identify myself as an OU guy.....went down the toilet in the mid-late 90's. the one's i would experience around Boulder or Denver would be "like who the F cares".

i was like wow! or even ever suggest that Switzer got the better of Dr. Tom. that was a good way to get in a fist-fight.

1/2/2010, 09:23 PM
I've really never been around a lot of poke fans

This is the key to the whole thing.

As it's been said, it started during the 80s. Before that, they were like Tulsa. We said, "Aww, how cute, they won a game. Good for them. Way to go little guy." Then, the Schnellenblake era happened and they managed to beat OU a couple of times. The orange got brighter and brighter and more people came out of the closet to suddenly become osu fans. Before 1995, you wouldn't see 10 osu fans a year outside the ag barn, but now they're everywhere like the swine flu.

The '01 and '02 loss set the whole thing back 20 years, too.

Playing osu is a lose/lose situation. If OU wins, oh well. Beat them...again. If osu wins all hell breaks loose. Even if it's close, osu claims moral victory and you have to hear about it. That's why this year was the perfect keg full of aggy shut-up juice. That's why you root for texas to kill them. I have never heard a texas fan say anything at all about yet another win over osu. They don't care. But by golly if osu ever manages to not **** away another huge lead and actually win, it'll be katy-bar-the-door.

Anyway, did you watch the Cotton Bowl? Why would anyone in their right mind root for that?

1/2/2010, 09:25 PM
Dumbest question I ever heard.


1/2/2010, 10:14 PM
One of my best friends from high school went to OSU and kept inviting me to come visit his fraternity. In the fall of '86, OU was the defending National Champions. In October for fall break, I finally relented and headed north to the tractor gas pasture.

Now, a fraternity at an AG school is quite an interesting dynamic. Preppies on the farm, if you will. Short hair-cuts, teeth, and very energetic.

Anyway, after about 18 seconds with these knobs, my friend makes it clear to everyone that even though I'm up from Tulane, I'm a huge Sooner fan from birth. They all immediately looked at me like I stole their John Deere reward points.

I root for OSU, too. I said (lie)

Sure you do, one of them said.

OU's a buncha inbred f*cks, one with crooked eyes said (not joking)

and this went on and on throughout the night. They also claimed OSU was going kick our azz. Now, if I remember right, we played OSU the week after the RRS.

Well, OU beat OSU 19-0 (4 field goals and a defensive TD) and I return to frat house say goodbye to my buddy and accidentally smirk. As soon as I enter, there's ol' crazy eyes and he starts talking smack.

Man, your offense still sucks. Not one offensive TD, nice.

I had no comeback for two reasons. One for safety (others were starting to gather), and two because mainly it was the dumbest f*cking thing I'd ever heard.

They just don't know how to be alive.

BHB 91
1/3/2010, 12:38 AM
I agree with everything said so far plus I grew up with Mike Gundy in MWC and he is an arrogant asshat. Brother Cale is completely different. There is no way I can ever pull for them ever again. Used to when I was younger and dumber but not anymore. After the mid 90's and 2001/2002 I have lost any respect for em. Screw them all!

1/3/2010, 12:49 AM
From my own observation, a majority of poke fans are very vocal when it comes to OU losing the game in any game, also when I comes to the OU-OSU game. But, everytime i think about someone saying something that OSU is a stepchile of OU, it all mades sense.

then yes, i feel sorry for them. It is natural that the SUN is way brighter than the moon and OU is much bigger and better.

1/3/2010, 12:54 AM
I was born and raised in Oklahoma, but moved my senior year in high school so I've really never been around a lot of poke fans (aside from some relatives). I just don't understand how some Sooners seem to hate OSU more than Texas.

I can't bring myself to hate them because frankly they're not much of a threat (though I do enjoy beating them). I kinda feel sorry for them, and I typically root for them in bowl games (even moreso against an SEC team).

Are the poke fans that intolerable to make it impossible for Sooners to root for the other major state school? I can understand Sooners that may have gone to OU but grew up in another state, but for born and bred Okies I don't quite get it.

Does one need to attend a "OU-OSU" game to get a feel for it? I've never been to Stoolwater, but heard some horror stories from Sooners. Enlighten me, please. [hairGel] :les: :stunned:
This is why. you don't have to be around them.

1/3/2010, 12:56 AM
One step further. I personally know 3 oSu fans who have bought ball caps of the teams that have beaten OU as of recent.
One wore a Colorado hat in '07. One an LSU hat in '04 and one a Florida hat this summer.
I simply told him I didn't have enough money to buy the hats of all of the teams that have beaten oSu so I'll just wear my OU one.:D

1/3/2010, 01:51 AM
I have a "OSU friend" that always ridicules Stoops and says he is a cheater and deserves all the karma he is getting this year. This really ticks me off when he has shown nothing, but intolerance for cheaters. He goes every week to hospitals and visits the sick and has always showed that how important family is with his own coaches and players. It doesn't matter who is the coach at OU, Poke fans will say they cheat. It's their only excuse for getting beat 90% of the time.

1/3/2010, 02:14 AM
When I was younger, and more liberal, I tried to cheer for OSU as long as they weren't playing OU.

But their asshat fans soon turned me into a rabid anti-pokeite. I wish great misfortune on them, and take delight whenever they lose.

Could not have said it better.....

1/3/2010, 02:26 AM
One of my best friends from high school went to OSU and kept inviting me to come visit his fraternity. In the fall of '86, OU was the defending National Champions. In October for fall break, I finally relented and headed north to the tractor gas pasture.

Now, a fraternity at an AG school is quite an interesting dynamic. Preppies on the farm, if you will. Short hair-cuts, teeth, and very energetic.

Anyway, after about 18 seconds with these knobs, my friend makes it clear to everyone that even though I'm up from Tulane, I'm a huge Sooner fan from birth. They all immediately looked at me like I stole their John Deere reward points.

I root for OSU, too. I said (lie)

Sure you do, one of them said.

OU's a buncha inbred f*cks, one with crooked eyes said (not joking)

and this went on and on throughout the night. They also claimed OSU was going kick our azz. Now, if I remember right, we played OSU the week after the RRS.

Well, OU beat OSU 19-0 (4 field goals and a defensive TD) and I return to frat house say goodbye to my buddy and accidentally smirk. As soon as I enter, there's ol' crazy eyes and he starts talking smack.

Man, your offense still sucks. Not one offensive TD, nice.

I had no comeback for two reasons. One for safety (others were starting to gather), and two because mainly it was the dumbest f*cking thing I'd ever heard.

They just don't know how to be alive.

Amazing story, and I'm sure I'd have had similar ones had I ever visited someone at OSU back in my day.

I also listened to a postgame call-in show on the OSU network, out of curiosity, after the '86 game in Norman. It was truly amazing. Their fans acted like a 19-0 loss was a moral victory. And, of course, they rolled over and died for Nebraska, just like always, later that year. Truly a one-game season mentality existed back then, if not earlier.

1/3/2010, 02:43 AM
Try working with a 100+ of them
http://www.michaelturco.com/images/Mexican%20people%20picking%20green%20beans%20in%20 a%20field%20just%20above%20Everglades%20National%2 0Park,%20Turco%20(c)%202002.jpg

Crucifax Autumn
1/3/2010, 02:54 AM
It also has something to do with all of them being like this:


1/3/2010, 03:30 AM
Maybe I'm just a old crabby old woman but the name calling really gets my hackles up. When I had finally heard enough "gooner, land thieves, squats, mullet heads, trailer trash stuff, I vowed to refer to them only as the Pukes or the Sheephumpers. 3 quick anecdotes that demonstrate how even middle age lOSU folk are just plain stupid.

A friend and I were leaving a restaurant in Tulsa one night on our way to a Tulsa Oilers hockey game. I was wearing an OU sweatshirt. A man opened the door for me, I thanked him and he said "You are wearing the wrong color shirt." I replied that I was neither a convict or a garbage man and kept walking. Never saw the man before in my life and he takes license to comment. Just another arrogant Puke jerk off.

I had an OU One Team - One Tradition screensaver on my computer at work. An OSU woman, who is at least 10 years older than me, walked in my office one morning and said "You need to get a different screensaver. OUs only tradition is losing bowl games." I asked her how many 0-10 seasons OU had ever had, how many conference championships they had won, how many NC had they won, how many times they had even played and chased her down the hall asking her questions she could not answer. As it turns out she had come to my office to ask me to help her work through a complex problem that her OSU education couldn't even begin to comprehend. Figure it out yourself smarty pants. You start it - I will finish it.

An OSU acquaintance called me the night before the OU-Nebraska game
during the NC season to see if I could figure out what she had done to her laptop. My daughter and I were leaving for Norman at 6:00 a.m. While I worked on her computer she started a rant about how OU was really a private university, the whole cheating diatribe, how she hoped we never won another game and that OU Health Science Center was secretly owned by OSU. After 2 hours of this nonsense, I closed up her computer and suggested she call one of her Puke friends to fix it.

They deserve to be despised. My personal experience is the Sheephumper is the one who provokes the conversation and I wish I could say it was just to see my get my dander up but it isn't. The stupidity quotient is an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10.

One of my other personal favorites is that President Boren is gay.

If you lived here it would not take long for traffic cone orange would make you want to puke too. I wouldn't root for them if they were playing Al-Queda.

Crucifax Autumn
1/3/2010, 03:33 AM
I bet the computer never got better and she went back to doing math and **** with her fingers and her 12 toes.

1/3/2010, 03:50 AM
I bet the computer never got better and she went back to doing math and **** with her fingers and her 12 toes.

Heh! She had a very interesting Registry by the time she left.

1/3/2010, 08:32 AM
Just one more example of why I hate OSU and their fans.

On Thursday, after OU's victory, one of my OSU acquaintances made the comment, "Oh, OU won their bowl game? I guess even a blind squirrel can find a nut every now and then."

I looked at him, shook my head sadly and said, "A 25-17 all time bowl record is not a good example of a blind squirrel finding a nut. However, a 16-81-7 record is a fine example of a blind, retarded squirrel looking for a nut."

He took great offense. I think it's because he has a cousin who is a blind squirrel.

1/3/2010, 09:00 AM
I was born and raised in Oklahoma, but moved my senior year in high school so I've really never been around a lot of poke fans (aside from some relatives). I just don't understand how some Sooners seem to hate OSU more than Texas.

The bolded part explains everything. To know poke fans is to hate them.

1/3/2010, 09:30 AM
ive known some decent ones but all in all, they are just annoying. the only time I ever hear from them is if OU lost. it doesnt even have to be a loss to OSU and generally isnt.

but the most annoying thing Ive noticed is any sports conversation you ever have with a Poke, they ALWAYS, ALWAYS turn the conversation towards OSU. even the Cowboy fans I like and respect do this. You could be talking about the national title game and they're bringing up OSU recruits or OSU players. its like their brainwashed to only talk about OSU

I Am Right
1/3/2010, 10:01 AM
Nothing better that watching the pokes choke and then saying wait until next year.

1/3/2010, 10:09 AM
A true fan( of any team) takes pride in HIS team's accomplishments and not the losses that happen to other teams.By this standard T.Boone State has no real fans,just a collection of OU haters.

Leroy Lizard
1/3/2010, 10:27 AM
I like OSU and want them to win. Having said that, most of the Poke fans I know have a real resentment toward OU and its fans. It's truly bitter, and I don't know of any other rivalry that resembles it.

If you walk into a room full of MADD members and tell them that you're a lawyer for the liquor industry, you would get about the same reception.

1/3/2010, 10:50 AM
"Why hate the pokes?"

Why breathe?

1/3/2010, 11:14 AM
Dumbest question I ever heard.

No ****! :pop:

1/3/2010, 01:08 PM
I guess the short answer is yes. They are that intolerable. They have intense hatred for OU and take abnormal amounts of glee any time we lose. I can't see how any OU fan could pull for them in anything when their fans are so obnoxiously against us in everything we do.

even Mr Miyagi would agree :D

1/3/2010, 04:05 PM
Got another anecdote that may answer the OP's question....

It was in '87, the week of the OSU-Nebraska game in Stillwater. Mike Gundy, Thurman Thomas and Hart Lee Dykes were called the "new triplets" by some in Oklahoma, and they seemed primed to at least give the Corn a decent game.

That week, the papers were filled with trash talk from NU players, most notably Broderick Thomas and Steve Taylor. One big broadside came when Thomas hinted strongly in an interview that ex-Aggy recruiter/cheater Willie Anderson offered him illegal inducements to come to OSU. Anderson was given the chance to respond, and it was typical Anderson. He said basically that he didn't do anything wrong ( ;) ), and that he was out of college football because "a certain Big 8 football coach didn't like the results" he was getting in recruiting. Of course, that implied it was Switzer who somehow got him out of the cheating gig he was so good at back then.

That same morning, I was listening to Mike Steely at work on the original "Sports Animal" (pre-commercial overkill days). A guy whose voice I recognized, a hardcore Aggie from the City of Edmond, called in right away. He said, "Can you believe that no-class thing that Barry Switzer did to Willie Anderson?" Nary a mention of all the verbal cheap shots that "classy" Cornhuskers had laid on his beloved Pokes for the whole week.

Of course, NU bent them over pretty good that weekend at Rustoleum Stadium, 35-0. And, of course, they fought OU to their dying breath before losing in Norman, 29-10. That little trend of theirs also means I lost respect for them and that one-game season mentality.

1/3/2010, 04:54 PM
Pokes can be very good people. However, when Pokes obsess a little too much over their sports, they tend to let the inferiority complex that makes them annoying come out. Sure, some are realistic even if they like sports - "Yes, OU will beat us this year, despite the fact that we have a better record and we're ranked" as opposed to "Fairweather fan cheatin' goonerz goin down this year!"

However, when you hear "blah blah Barry Switzer," or "blah blah team on the rise" and "blah blah 49 national championships" repeatedly (there's a gif image of this out there somewhere, heh). it just gets eyeroll worthy.

btw, the Tulsa airport has a lot of OSU signs... and even those signs don't count their cross country title as a national championship (yet). :D

1/3/2010, 06:46 PM
Here's a recent facebook confrontation I had with a couple of pokes. Poke #1 is a long-time friend who should know better.

Poke #1: Whoo hoo..big game bob is back. The sun bowl..lol! Guess the 6th time is the charm!?
Then Poke #2 joins in.

Poke #2: Like I just said on someone else's status: They win two consecutive games and they think they're back on top. Maybe we'll all get lucky and Stoops will pull a Mike Leach.
Back to #1, who again, should know better.

Poke #1: One can only hope!

Poke #2: Or better yet, an Urban Meyer. Next year would be FANTASTIC without those guys...Well, maybe not. We'd still be stuck with their idiot fans. :)
So, now it's my turn to say a few words.

Me: The best OSU team ever lost to Stoops worst ever team by how much? I forget. Really. I do remember the scores of games/teams that are important on the OU schedule, but the perennial cellar-dwellers, not so much. I don't remember the OU score in that game this year, but I do remember OSU's for some reason. It's the last day of the year and OSU still hasn't scored on OU in 2009. OSU couldn't beat, or even score on a team that had 6 All-American players injured & on the bench. How many All-Americans did OSU have this year? I just hope Stoops never pulls a Mike Gundy. How old is that "man" now?
Love ya, bunches _______, but we'll never agree on this one. You're just too wrong. :-)
Poke #2 is now somehow offended

Poke #2: See my point? This guy is the epitome of an OU fan.
To her credit, Poke #1 comes to my defense.

Poke #1: Ah that's mr._____! That's one ou fan I love!
I'm not about to let this lie so I post

Me: Thanks Christina! I take that as a sincere complement. A pocket full of National Championships along with dozens of conference championships, make it easy to be an OU fan. It's so easy we don't have to cheer against the cross-state university unless we're actually playing them and we don't have to wish bad on that cross-state university's program. I'll actually be pulling for OSU in the Cotton Bowl. If wishing the OSU program well except for 1-game a year rather than consistently cheering for their out-of-state opponents makes a fan an idiot, well, I'm guilty. I'd much rather be associated with those positive-thinking idiots than the apparently more enlightened type. Now, go OSU, beat Ole' Miss.

Sadly, I don't think #2 ever saw that she was being the idiot fan. I'm still not to the -hate OSU every day of the year- point, but I'm moving in that direction. Like most here, it's because of their fans.

1/3/2010, 07:29 PM
Back on top? We'll get back there quicker than oSu will get back to where they are now.


1/3/2010, 07:37 PM
^^^^^^^^That's it!^^^^^^^

I get sick of hearing the sheephumpers tell me that I should pull for them when OU isn't playing them due to "State Pride." Try being around a puke fan when OU is losing to some other team. They act as though THEY are the ones beating the SOONERS.


I used to root for them until the year when they beat us and the loss kept us from playi8ng in the Rose Bowl for the NC. my coworker got to work early just to draw broken roses all over my dry erase board and print out a picture of the scoreboard to put on my bulletin board.

at BWW on NW expy last night, I was cheering for Ole Miss and I thought I was going to be beaten. a woman at the table next to me said that I had to cheer for OSU because they were a state team. I told her B.S. another girl, the one that I thought waas going to beat me up tried to get me to make their "pistols firing" gesture and I told her it was not possible.

1/3/2010, 07:40 PM
oh and a friende of mine received a dozen orange roses after an OU loss from her mother in law once. she threw them in the trash.

1/3/2010, 07:59 PM
I was born and raised in Oklahoma, but moved my senior year in high school so I've really never been around a lot of poke fans (aside from some relatives). I just don't understand how some Sooners seem to hate OSU more than Texas.

I can't bring myself to hate them because frankly they're not much of a threat (though I do enjoy beating them). I kinda feel sorry for them, and I typically root for them in bowl games (even moreso against an SEC team).

Are the poke fans that intolerable to make it impossible for Sooners to root for the other major state school? I can understand Sooners that may have gone to OU but grew up in another state, but for born and bred Okies I don't quite get it.

Does one need to attend a "OU-OSU" game to get a feel for it? I've never been to Stoolwater, but heard some horror stories from Sooners. Enlighten me, please. [hairGel] :les: :stunned:

You should go to Stoolwater. You will understand. Does not have to be game day. Just go any day and you will be enlightened.

My career moved me outta state 12 years ago, and I softened. I met others here from Okie State. When I gave congrats to one aggie after their Georgia victory in week one, he responded "Yep. It was a great week. We won and OU lost!" I was stunned. Don't know why. I lived in OK all my life before the move. Now I hope they lose EVERY game. Go visit Stoolwater. You will understand.

1/3/2010, 08:23 PM
Did Zac ever score a QB keep on the Sooners? Just wonderin.


1/3/2010, 08:34 PM
And who can forget Les Miles?? Prior to the game he said "some say we are playing the number one team in the country." And right b4 kickoff in 2003
Sooners downed the Pokes 52 - 9. Game played 11/1/2003.
To this day I still do not have any idea what in the world he is talking about. Does anyone know?

1/3/2010, 08:37 PM
NO ONE has ever understood a word that Lester has said

1/3/2010, 08:42 PM
Most I know are really doing it just to get a rise out of you. Now....when you are just walking around and one that doesn't even know you starts it....it's a much different thing.

1/3/2010, 09:15 PM
It's 8:15 in the P.M. (and OSU still hasn't scored on OU)

1/3/2010, 09:52 PM
Everything I've read here is pretty much like my experience with them. My entire family (except me and my sister) are Poke fans. While they expect me to root for them (state pride, etc.), they refuse to root for the Sooners.

Both of my brothers went there for a short time, neither graduated. I'll grant them their opinions, but crossed the line when I got a text from one of them after Bradford went down this season - basically cheering for the injury.

In short, low class, wanna be's who currently hope to turn a lot of T Boone's money into a stadium they can't fill and facilities that will go unused.

And yes, I'm glad they lost to Ole Miss.

1/3/2010, 09:57 PM
It's 8:15 in the P.M. (and OSU still hasn't scored on OU or Ole Miss)


1/3/2010, 10:00 PM
Because they are just as idiotic and annoying and loud mouthed as ut without the results

Judge Smails
1/3/2010, 10:23 PM

But Zac did just throw another interception....

baja okla
1/3/2010, 11:35 PM
Always OU fan, but I used to pull for OSU too. However, I have a few friends that went to OSU and they have totally turned me off that place. I am convinced they would rather OU lose any day than have OSU win.

I see the point of being a fan of all Oklahoma schools, but no way for me after being around aggie-lite fans. They enjoy anything negative that happens to OU way too much to ever gain my respect. They rank right there with Texas.

1/4/2010, 01:05 AM
Yeah, it's mostly about the fans. I hate Pokes because

1) they sure can dish it out when they have no reason to, and yet:

2) they sure can't take it when they do have reason to.

Case in point:

Before I moved away from Oklahoma, I worked in OKC at a place infested with Poke fans. The week before B*****, all my Poky coworkers were talking trash out the wazoo (i.e. dishing it out when they have no reason to, because the two teams' records clearly predicted who would win).

I and my fellow OU fan coworkers were, as far I observed, silent in the face of this ridiculous onslaught, apart from a few comments along the lines of "Yeah, whatever," knowing that Saturday would show the proof of the pudding. Sort of like a German shepherd with a Yorkie nipping at its heels.

Sure enough, OU beat the crap out of OSU as usual. I couldn't resist: I bought extra editions of the Sunday Oklahoman, cut out all the pictures of OU pwning OSU, arrived at work extra early on Monday, and plastered those pictures all over the OSU fans' cubicles. Believe me, that was subtle compared to the **** all us OU fans had put up with from them the previous week.

I mean, all in good fun, right? Just normal rivalry ribbing (as the Poke fans had dubbed their behavior of the previous week.) And turnabout is fair play, and all.

So one might expect at least ONE of the Poke fans to be a good sport about it, laugh, and say something like, "Fair enough."

Nope (see #2 above). Just silence, and sulking, and rage. Including of course--not that I expected otherwise--the angry ripping down of the pictures I put up. Heh. It was a most satisfying day.

But that's why I hate Pokes. They are horrible sports anytime OU is involved.

1/4/2010, 07:24 AM
OSU is like the middle child.....always begging for attention.... My first wife was a Poke fan....should have been a warning.....

I've never seen a fan base so centered around another teams success/failures......oh, wait! I forgot about Tejas. Maybe it is just an orange thing? Messes with the brain or something.

1/4/2010, 07:37 AM
OSU is like the middle child.....always begging for attention.... My first wife was a Poke fan....should have been a warning.....

I've never seen a fan base so centered around another teams success/failures......oh, wait! I forgot about Tejas. Maybe it is just an orange thing? Messes with the brain or something.

My 1st , 2nd and Last ex were just Bitches so I guess they were Pokes ;)

1/4/2010, 08:59 AM
Well just about every reason I hate them with all my being has already been mentioned but probably the first thing that caused me to hate them is they think to talk good about that school is to lambase OU.

I just don't get that I can talk about how and why I love OU without even bring up losur:confused:

1/4/2010, 12:45 PM
Hate the aggies? After watching that mess of a game Saturday I hated football. I watched the aggies twice this year and they managed to turn the ball over about 12 times and score 7 points. I don't hate the aggies cause their our rivals or cause they once said something mean to me down at the coffee shop, I hate aggies cause of that GD embarrassment of a Big XII football team they put out there Saturday. They had the ball 6 times in the 4th quarter and turned it over ALL.....SIX.........TIMES!!!! WTF?!?! Did Zac owe Jimmy Conway money or something?

1/4/2010, 12:47 PM
I read every post on the thread... Fortunately I haven't lived in Oklahoma in many a moon, but I'm getting some residual hate from these stories. ;)

When Lester was there, I definitely felt the same way as everyone here, but more b/c I couldn't stand him (still can't). When he left, it kind of subsided a bit (and again, I don't live within proximity to any poke fans).

1/6/2010, 03:15 AM
Just one more example of why I hate OSU and their fans.

On Thursday, after OU's victory, one of my OSU acquaintances made the comment, "Oh, OU won their bowl game? I guess even a blind squirrel can find a nut every now and then."

I looked at him, shook my head sadly and said, "A 25-17 all time bowl record is not a good example of a blind squirrel finding a nut. However, a 16-81-7 record is a fine example of a blind, retarded squirrel looking for a nut."

He took great offense. I think it's because he has a cousin who is a blind squirrel.

You should have told him even a nut can find a blind squirrel every now and then. The blind squirrel just sort of runs around wildly hoping to run into a nut. A demonstration was carried out in the the Pukes last two games. NO ONE had a clue about the playcalling. In the 4th qtr they were just scurrying around trying to find where the last turnover went. There were lots of nuts looking for the blind squirrels' attention, they just couldn't get them organized.

Nutty is as nutty does. Scoreboard Baby! :D

Leroy Lizard
1/6/2010, 04:10 AM
The next time you start such a thread, someone should start an identical thread on GoPokes. It would make for a neat comparison.

Sooner in Tampa
1/6/2010, 08:04 AM
Why the hate for Pokes?

This needed to be asked?

1/6/2010, 09:28 AM
The next time you start such a thread, someone should start an identical thread on GoPokes. It would make for a neat comparison.

Neat? They hate us because we're better.

Leroy Lizard
1/6/2010, 09:39 AM
Yeah, but they don't phrase it quite that way.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
1/6/2010, 09:42 AM
I would warily be for them back in the 80's. Then the black 90's hit and the pokes won a few games against OU :mad: .....their fans became insufferable.

After the disasters of '01-02, and the accompanying t-shirts, along with the smug satisfaction they get whenever the Sooners lose a nat'l title game.... well, I wish them nothing but losses.

btw, how many poke fans you think actually wanted OU to win last Jan?This pretty well captures the big picture.

1/6/2010, 01:35 PM
I always root for the Pokes, their our Junior Varisty.

MyT Oklahoma
1/6/2010, 01:41 PM
After 38 years I really just don't pay any attention to what goes on in Stillwater except for the one time each year that we play them.

If they want to carry ill will towards us who cares? It's not as if they have done anything noteworthy since 1976 when they were in a three way tie for the Big 8 Championship with Colorado and OU. :cool:

MyT Oklahoma
1/6/2010, 01:43 PM
^^ Which of course reminds me of KU and all of their hot air earlier this year before their game against Colorado.

They haven't done anything noteworthy since 1968 when they won the Big 8 Championship and who was it who beat them in the Big 8 that year? OU of course.

1/6/2010, 02:51 PM
I was born and raised in Oklahoma, but moved my senior year in high school so I've really never been around a lot of poke fans (aside from some relatives). I just don't understand how some Sooners seem to hate OSU more than Texas.

I can't bring myself to hate them because frankly they're not much of a threat (though I do enjoy beating them). I kinda feel sorry for them, and I typically root for them in bowl games (even moreso against an SEC team).

Are the poke fans that intolerable to make it impossible for Sooners to root for the other major state school? I can understand Sooners that may have gone to OU but grew up in another state, but for born and bred Okies I don't quite get it.

Does one need to attend a "OU-OSU" game to get a feel for it? I've never been to Stoolwater, but heard some horror stories from Sooners. Enlighten me, please. [hairGel] :les: :stunned:

:mad: Here's one reason I can't stand the sheep humpers. A few years back, when they were in the Alamo Bowl, I ran into about a dozen of them in a pizza joint in Waco. They were all in a caravan heading for San Antonio. I sincerely wished them good luck in the bowl game and mentioned that I was a Sooner fan, but pulling for them. You should seen the looks I got from that bunch of slack jaws. Nothing but comtempt and no appreciation whatsoever that I was wishing them and their team well. One of them made some smart assed remark about me being a sooner fan, but not a single one could bring themselves to say thanks or anything in the way of appreciating my comments. From that day forward, my wish was that they never won another football game. What a bunch of pricks!!

1/6/2010, 05:49 PM
For the OP,

Go to Stilwater and wear an OU shirt or hat.

There, you shall get your answer.

1/6/2010, 05:57 PM
Why the hate for the Pokes?

Why not?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
1/6/2010, 07:44 PM
Every time I have gone to the Stoolwater, I leave feeling dirty and depressed. Can you imagine how all those aggies feel, by actually LIVING there? No wonder they have such objectionable personalities.

1/6/2010, 08:05 PM
I like OSU and want them to win. Having said that, most of the Poke fans I know have a real resentment toward OU and its fans. It's truly bitter, and I don't know of any other rivalry that resembles it.

If you walk into a room full of MADD members and tell them that you're a lawyer for the liquor industry, you would get about the same reception.

I also don't know of any other "rivalry" where there is a 65 game discrepancy.

Frozen Sooner
1/6/2010, 08:06 PM
Because **** those guys, that's why.

My first senior year, they beat a terrible OU team 12-0. Not only did they put the score on their graduation medallions (because apparently, to them, having a team beat OU for the first time in living memory meant more to them than academic achievement they attained at their glorified version of DeVry) but they found every sign they could with a "0" and spray painted it to read 12-0.

Because every year they've finally turned the corner and they're going to be the premiere college team in the state, and every year they get slapped back to reality.

Because every year they talk amazing amounts of trash after OU loses to someone else, but accuse OU fans of being sore winners when we give it right back after OU stomps a hole in their back.

I've got more, but those are the top reasons I can think of right now.

1/6/2010, 08:31 PM
Yeah the fans are the reason why I don't like OSU. Their football team is no threat and we own them in basketball, too. But their fans are some of the dumbest jackasses around.

1/6/2010, 10:27 PM
Because **** those guys, that's why.

My first senior year, they beat a terrible OU team 12-0. Not only did they put the score on their graduation medallions (because apparently, to them, having a team beat OU for the first time in living memory meant more to them than academic achievement they attained at their glorified version of DeVry) but they found every sign they could with a "0" and spray painted it to read 12-0.

Because every year they've finally turned the corner and they're going to be the premiere college team in the state, and every year they get slapped back to reality.

Because every year they talk amazing amounts of trash after OU loses to someone else, but accuse OU fans of being sore winners when we give it right back after OU stomps a hole in their back.

I've got more, but those are the top reasons I can think of right now.

Don't forget the bumper stickers that read:

Oklahoma State 12

and that was it, obviously because OU didn't contribute a score

At the time, I think we kind of deserved it. Losing to OSU 12-0 is equal to driving you car into a swingset.

Partial Qualifier
1/6/2010, 11:34 PM
- A 1-12 record is perfectly acceptable if that one win is vs. OU.

- Their football coach bedowngrades columnists who write stories about mothers of children.

- Their iconic basketball legend causes drunk driving accidents and relieves himself on elementary school grounds in broad daylight.

- Pistol Pete.

- Flames on the logos.

- Bright orange, black, and white.

1/7/2010, 09:27 AM
Why ? Because they are sheep humpers..

1/13/2010, 02:31 PM
I forgot to add a more "current" reason - namely the behavior of some of their fans on the internet, like a guy named "currentken."

He once posted a prediction of OU as No. 5 - as in the 2003 team at OU finishing fifth... in the Big 12 South, that year. I think "currentken" went underground after 52-9 blew up in his face that season, though.

Leroy Lizard
1/13/2010, 02:34 PM
And it took this long for it get your goat? :D

1/13/2010, 02:59 PM
I like the Pokes.

The annoying fans are mostly country folk envious of city book learning. The fans I know who actually attended the school are loyal but realistic about their athletic inferiority to OU.

1/13/2010, 03:05 PM
the osu fans I know are obnoxious about their school and their team(s), even my friends. Thats the thing, they have nothing to talk crap about yet they never shut their fudging mouths, thats my issue

1/13/2010, 03:17 PM
I like the Pokes.

The annoying fans are mostly country folk envious of city book learning. The fans I know who actually attended the school are loyal but realistic about their athletic inferiority to OU.

\/ The lOSUr grads I know are more like this \/

the osu fans I know are obnoxious about their school and their team(s), even my friends. Thats the thing, they have nothing to talk crap about yet they never shut their fudging mouths, thats my issue

Stitch Face
1/13/2010, 04:33 PM
Stuff I wrote in some other thread

what bugs me about OSU, somewhat counterintuitively, is that they actually accept and embrace the underdog/little brother mentality so fervently. Even orange and black, the grotesque antithesis of any typical attractive and noble collegiate colors, are a source of pride for fans who consider themselves the opposite of their upscale (but secretly corrupt) blue-blooded big brothers. Much like it rankles some Sooners to hear OU fans ragging on Texas outside of our annual meetings with each other, OSU's constant focus on OU is what is so annoying. If they could objectively look at their strengths and weaknesses and develop some sort of identity of their own they might (*might*) make some gains. I mean an identity beyond acting like a sheriff or whatever. But their whole universe, from their message boards to their billboards, just screams "Ima cowboy, pew pew! Gonna chase off you Gooners!...I mean 'visitors!' We're the real state's university! Etc. etc."

because their whole identity is wrapped up in their underdog status. OSU fans embrace it and identify with the poor, noble outlaw who has been wronged by the well-heeled, politically-connected but corrupt establishment.

My wife occasionally mentions some of her OSU fan acquaintances on the innerweb who apparently post funny status update bravado before games like "got ribs and beer for the watch party tonight, cant wait to see OSU pound UO!!!" and then in later threads (after OSU loses miserably) will say "I fell asleep and forgot to watch the game."

Really? You forgot you were hosting a watch party?

As has been said here already, they hate their enemies more than they love their own kind. And they have the best selective amnesia of any fans nationwide.

1/13/2010, 05:10 PM
the osu fans I know are obnoxious about their school and their team(s), even my friends. Thats the thing, they have nothing to talk crap about yet they never shut their fudging mouths, thats my issue

Several of the OSU grads/fans I know are engineers and not very intense about sports. A few of the others are female above age 30 and in the legal profession - probably not the best sample of the hardcore morons in the Aggie fan base.

I remember the 2001 home loss to OSU and the OSU fans I talked to that night were happy but not gloating. I heard a lot of classy OU fans congrautalting the Poke fans as they left as well. Maybe everyone was too stunned to react "normally" yet after that game. :stunned:

1/14/2010, 12:50 PM
At the time, I think we kind of deserved it. Losing to OSU 12-0 is equal to driving you car into a swingset.

Never drink Dr. Pepper and read this line. :D

1/14/2010, 01:03 PM
Several of the OSU grads/fans I know are engineers and not very intense about sports. A few of the others are female above age 30 and in the legal profession - probably not the best sample of the hardcore morons in the Aggie fan base.

I remember the 2001 home loss to OSU and the OSU fans I talked to that night were happy but not gloating. I heard a lot of classy OU fans congrautalting the Poke fans as they left as well. Maybe everyone was too stunned to react "normally" yet after that game. :stunned:

This. The alums that I know are engineers. They are a strange breed of uber-intelligent, awkward, country nerds, and are easy to deal with. In contrast, the proto-redeck fans who have never been more than 10 miles from the farm are IMPOSSIBLE.

1/14/2010, 01:54 PM
Sometimes they're good for a few laughs, like when some of them posted on the 'net in '05 that long-since-departed RB Mike Hamilton was a better back than Adrian Peterson.

But, I don't have to remind folks that there were also some stories going around about people getting their cars keyed and/or car flags broken off in Stillwater, if the car had anything "Sooner" on it. And those anecdotes came in bunches after an Aggie win in '02.

There were a few in my section at this year's game - they acted okay. I guess it didn't hurt that their team wasn't even making first downs, much less challenging OU on the field.

1/14/2010, 01:59 PM
I remember the 2001 home loss to OSU and the OSU fans I talked to that night were happy but not gloating. I heard a lot of classy OU fans congrautalting the Poke fans as they left as well. Maybe everyone was too stunned to react "normally" yet after that game. :stunned:

That was the most stunned ive ever been after an OU football game, I literally didnt know what to do

1/14/2010, 02:17 PM
The best way I can describe it is comparing from World War II. Texas is Hitler and Oklahoma St. is Mussolini. Texas is much more evil, but also much more formidable and as an adversary you have to respect them. The Pokes however think they are important...they aren't

Great comparison, I've never thought of it that way. :D

1/14/2010, 02:19 PM
:mad: Here's one reason I can't stand the sheep humpers. A few years back, when they were in the Alamo Bowl, I ran into about a dozen of them in a pizza joint in Waco. They were all in a caravan heading for San Antonio. I sincerely wished them good luck in the bowl game and mentioned that I was a Sooner fan, but pulling for them. You should seen the looks I got from that bunch of slack jaws. Nothing but comtempt and no appreciation whatsoever that I was wishing them and their team well. One of them made some smart assed remark about me being a sooner fan, but not a single one could bring themselves to say thanks or anything in the way of appreciating my comments. From that day forward, my wish was that they never won another football game. What a bunch of pricks!!

I too have witnessed this. "Annoying little brother syndrome" from living in OU's shadow all the time has really taken its toll on the poor Pokies.

1/14/2010, 02:38 PM
i have lived in the water for 12 years and wear my ou stuff everyday almost, very seldom do i get comments except maybe the ingenious you got the wrong shirt on. i take a quick glance and say..no, its the right one..and they are dumbfounded. ive never had an issue when i drive my crimson gmc with sooner window decals and plates around.
the only issue ive had was someone was flipping us off on opening day...i pulled over tto see what the guys problem was in his decked out osu-mobile, he rolled his window down and was like 85 years old, shaking and just in a fever pointing at his poke flags saying go pokes!!!!! i told him to have a nice day.
by the way it was a middle school dumpster that got pissed on,lol.
i am about to stop making my bet with the pokes though....for those that dont know, i work at a public school and do a bedlam bet and the loser wears the winners shirt....the last couple years they are forgetting the bet after game day.

2/14/2010, 01:37 AM
It's time to breathe life into this thread. Lots of static and "cheating, thieving little basketball playing scumbags" at OU. I agree that the culprits should have their backsides deposited somewhere near their ear lobes. What a stupid embarassement.

On the other hand, their recently departed Head Coach follows in his papa;s footsteps, gets nailed for 4 felony drugs counts after being warned and they are "praying for him" after his family has been struck by tragedy. What the.....he did it! If anyone did anything to his family, it was Sean Sutton.

Poke response (you won't believe this) is that Garrett Hartley did it and nothing bad happened to him so HCSS is being victimized.

You can't make this stuff up!

2/14/2010, 09:15 AM
I was born and raised in Oklahoma, but moved my senior year in high school so I've really never been around a lot of poke fans (aside from some relatives). I just don't understand how some Sooners seem to hate OSU more than Texas.

I can't bring myself to hate them because frankly they're not much of a threat (though I do enjoy beating them). I kinda feel sorry for them, and I typically root for them in bowl games (even moreso against an SEC team).

Are the poke fans that intolerable to make it impossible for Sooners to root for the other major state school? I can understand Sooners that may have gone to OU but grew up in another state, but for born and bred Okies I don't quite get it.

Does one need to attend a "OU-OSU" game to get a feel for it? I've never been to Stoolwater, but heard some horror stories from Sooners. Enlighten me, please. [hairGel] :les: :stunned:

I'm sort of right there with you. Without a silver spoon in my mouth, I left the state as toddler, but Dad raised me to be an Okie first and an American second. Except for Bedlam, I always root for OSU. Sure, they are easy targets to poke fun at much like the Texas Aggies, but they are still Okies. God bless 'em.


Leroy Lizard
2/14/2010, 02:28 PM
I'm sort of right there with you. Without a silver spoon in my mouth, I left the state as toddler, but Dad raised me to be an Okie first and an American second. Except for OU-OSU, I always root for OSU. Sure, they are easy targets to poke fun at much like the Texas Aggies, but they are still Okies. God bless 'em.


2/15/2010, 02:44 AM
WHY NOT!? (Bluto Blutarksy)

2/15/2010, 02:53 AM
if you don't live here it doesn't surprise me that you don't get it

Leroy Lizard
2/15/2010, 04:29 AM
I think being raised outside of Oklahoma gives another perspective. Too many times our contempt is based on encounters with a few bad fans.

I will say that OSU's fan base does harbor some deep grudges. But I don't root for the fan base; I root for the team.

2/15/2010, 04:50 AM
if by some bad fans you mean all of them :)

Leroy Lizard
2/15/2010, 05:35 AM
Unfortunately, I don't have any counter examples to refute your statement. :D

2/15/2010, 01:46 PM
Anybody who would buy an orange shirt that reads "You can't spell "c***sucker" without O-U!" for their kid that couldn't have been any older than 10 or so deserves to see their team lose every game.

2/15/2010, 03:18 PM
You can't spell that without OSU either... Apparently he missed that.

Leroy Lizard
2/15/2010, 04:53 PM
Maybe "You can't spell 'uncouth' without 'OU'" doesn't sell well in Stillwater.

2/15/2010, 05:04 PM
Because I've had the privilege of dealing with a number of fanbases and can safely say that no fanbase takes more pleasure out of an OU loss than a win from their own team than OSU fans.

Growing up in Dallas, my OKC based cousins would always tell me about how annoying OSU fans were. I never knew what they meant until I moved to Oklahoma.

And Oklahoma State suddenly got very good the year after I moved here when Drunken Eddie took over the coaching reins. And their fans became almost insufferable.

A Sooner in Texas
2/15/2010, 10:39 PM
They live and die on their very few accomplishments in football, and will continue to bring them up at every opportunity no matter how many years have passed and how many dozens of defeats they've suffered at the Sooners' hands. My dad, who is a Razorback, loathes OU to his core, and who has never understood my OU love, still brings up whatever OSU victories with a grin on his face...as thought they are rare, precious diamonds to treasure forever. They're rare, all right. And I suppose they're precious because what else do the OSU fans really have to pin their dreams on?

BHB 91
2/15/2010, 11:38 PM
I went to a birthday party here in Dallas the night of the Big 12 championship game last December and encountered a typical OSU fan. A woman asked me what class ring I was wearing and I told her it was an OU ring. Her response without hesitation was "I root for any team playing OU". I looked at her and just laughed and replied "Typical Poke fan". My wife couldn't help but laugh, too. I had told her about these fans and she got to witness it first hand.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/16/2010, 12:19 AM
They live and die on their very few accomplishments in football, and will continue to bring them up at every opportunity no matter how many years have passed and how many dozens of defeats they've suffered at the Sooners' hands. My dad, who is a Razorback, loathes OU to his core, and who has never understood my OU love, still brings up whatever OSU victories with a grin on his face...as thought they are rare, precious diamonds to treasure forever. They're rare, all right. And I suppose they're precious because what else do the OSU fans really have to pin their dreams on?I have an Arkie friend here in Phoenix. He's from Ft Smith, originally. He hasn't said it, but I know he doesn't like OU at all. Fortunately, he hasn't mentioned Switzer's greatest embarrassment to me.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/16/2010, 12:21 AM
I went to a birthday party here in Dallas the night of the Big 12 championship game last December and encountered a typical OSU fan. A woman asked me what class ring I was wearing and I told her it was an OU ring. Her response without hesitation was "I root for any team playing OU". I looked at her and just laughed and replied "Typical Poke fan". My wife couldn't help but laugh, too. I had told her about these fans and she got to witness it first hand.That ag yaintch knows how to make friends, huh?

2/17/2010, 12:11 PM
When I was younger, and more liberal, I tried to cheer for OSU as long as they weren't playing OU.

But their asshat fans soon turned me into a rabid anti-pokeite. I wish great misfortune on them, and take delight whenever they lose.

Sounds like me.. I used to sorta hope they would win when it wouldn't help OU if they lost. now I hope they lose their asses...

2/17/2010, 01:28 PM
They live and die on their very few accomplishments in football

See, here's a main problem. What accomplishments? A bowl win? They've got nothing. NOTHING!

2/17/2010, 02:02 PM
i have alot of poke fans actually but i remember when we lost to colorado in '07 & i was visiting stillwater that night & my friend came in the house really drunk SCREAMING in my face how bad OU sucks & everything. it was awful. oh not to mention i got spit on & stuff thrown at me at the bedlam football in '08.

2/17/2010, 03:48 PM
i was visiting stillwater that night & my friend came in the house really drunk SCREAMING in my face how bad OU sucks & everything. it was awful.

Gee I'd hate to meet your enemies.

2/17/2010, 06:23 PM
I think hating OSU gives them too much respect. They have never been anything accept little brother in this state. It's not hating it's just a fact.

2/17/2010, 07:20 PM
i have alot of poke fans actually but i remember when we lost to colorado in '07 & i was visiting stillwater that night & my friend came in the house really drunk SCREAMING in my face how bad OU sucks & everything. it was awful. oh not to mention i got spit on & stuff thrown at me at the OU-OSU football in '08.

Hes drunk??? Id take a sharpie and draw all of our accomplishments over the last 50 years, he'll be black when he wakes up

2/17/2010, 08:10 PM
You guys have go to give it up to our very own Bri.

Whilst watching the OU/oSu game in '06 at a Tulsa establishment. Bri, KC Crimson and myself were sitting at a table next to a large group of (mostly big women) oSu fans.
After celebrating victory in the final seconds one of the moo moo's yells "Go Nebraska!" To which Bri says "that's it, live vicariously."


Leroy Lizard
2/17/2010, 08:40 PM
You should have handed them a schedule of OU's future games so they would know whom to root for and when.

2/17/2010, 08:44 PM
I was born and raised in Oklahoma, but moved my senior year in high school so I've really never been around a lot of poke fans (aside from some relatives). I just don't understand how some Sooners seem to hate OSU more than Texas.

I can't bring myself to hate them because frankly they're not much of a threat (though I do enjoy beating them). I kinda feel sorry for them, and I typically root for them in bowl games (even moreso against an SEC team).

Are the poke fans that intolerable to make it impossible for Sooners to root for the other major state school? I can understand Sooners that may have gone to OU but grew up in another state, but for born and bred Okies I don't quite get it.

Does one need to attend a "OU-OSU" game to get a feel for it? I've never been to Stoolwater, but heard some horror stories from Sooners. Enlighten me, please. [hairGel] :les: :stunned:

Why hate for the pokes?

Ever had to share a bed with a bed wetter?

2/19/2010, 06:24 PM
You should have handed them a schedule of OU's future games so they would know whom to root for and when.

My youngest cousin has a Matt Leinart USC jersey, a Boise State Fiesta Bowl Champions T-shirt, a West Virginia hat and a Tim Tebow Phloriduh jersey that he wears to all of our game parties.

Take a guess who "his team" is...

2/19/2010, 11:07 PM
I think hating OSU gives them too much respect. They have never been anything accept little brother in this state. It's not hating it's just a fact.

And you're the liberal arts school... pfft.

**** all you mother ****ers.


2/22/2010, 11:37 AM
Both of my parents went to small high schools in Oklahoma where many of their classmates went to what was then called Oklahoma A&M. They didn't grow up despising the Aggies the way my brother and I did.

So they would scold my brother and me if they heard us ragging on OSU too much, when we we teens. My brother went to Stillwater with me for a OU-OSU game on my 20th birthday in '77, and he reacted more angrily to the whole Aggy experience than I did.

Then, years later, they started listening to sports talk and reading the Aggy letters to the editor. Then they "got it." My mom even sort of apologized to both of us because they saw what we did, albeit at a much later stage of life.