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12/31/2009, 09:46 PM
That guy just looks like an 8th grader to me . I dont keep up with other Conferences , Some one tell me How he got the T job ? What Experience he has that Kinda stuff?

Is that his Daddy thats his D coordinator ?

Frozen Sooner
12/31/2009, 09:47 PM
He was the Head Coach for the Oakland Raiders. Before that he was a coordinator at USC.

Yes, that's his dad (formerly DC for the Bucs and architect of the "Tampa 2" defense) who's the DC.

Lane's also a massive tool.

12/31/2009, 09:53 PM
I dayum sure dont keep up with the Pros
But Ya got to be joshing me about him being an NFL head coach .:eek:
Like i said he looks Like he should still be Trick or Treating

Frozen Sooner
12/31/2009, 09:53 PM
Well, it WAS the Raiders. That's almost like being an NFL coach.

12/31/2009, 09:55 PM
Well, it WAS the Raiders. That's almost like being an NFL coach.

:D :D :D I believe ya bro , Its Just he looks like a Kid still. maybe its cause Im just so Dayum Old :mad:

12/31/2009, 09:58 PM
He actually didnt do bad in the NFL considering how awful the Raiders have been, he was also at usc for a bit. I know alot of people dont like him cus he runs his mouth so much but I like him and I think he is a heck of a coach

12/31/2009, 10:00 PM
Lane may be a massive tool, but I love him coaching in the SEC east. He came in this year after the Vols had a terrible year and fired Fulmer and immediately called out Urban Meyer and set the bar high. He played the gators a tough game and came within a blocked FG of knocking off 'Bama. He appears to have the Vols on track.

12/31/2009, 10:01 PM
I dont have an Opinion cept he Looks Like he should be still Lickin Lolly Pops :D

Frozen Sooner
12/31/2009, 10:02 PM
Lane may be a massive tool, but I love him coaching in the SEC east. He came in this year after the Vols had a terrible year and fired Fulmer and immediately called out Urban Meyer and set the bar high. He played the gators a tough game and came within a blocked FG of knocking off 'Bama. He appears to have the Vols on track.

I may be a bit biased when it comes to the Viles. See location. :D

Well, I'm also a lifelong Charger fan, so the Raider thing doesn't help.

12/31/2009, 10:06 PM
I may be a bit biased when it comes to the Viles. See location. :D

Well, I'm also a lifelong Charger fan, so the Raider thing doesn't help.

Oh, I see. Well, at least he's on the east side of the SEC :) I was thinking more of him being a pain in the gator-butt.

12/31/2009, 10:17 PM
I dont have an Opinion cept he Looks Like he should be still hangin out in my closet

Fuggin weirdo :eek:

12/31/2009, 10:23 PM
Fuggin weirdo :eek:

Dont start no **** with ME . Ill show those pics of You and CK :pop:

12/31/2009, 10:33 PM
He's kind of a polarizing cat.
VOL fans have been torn about him all year.
He's brash and cocky which appeals to some and not to others.
He tends to play fast and loose with the rules.
As long as Les Miles is in the SEC, he can say or do about anything and still not be the craziest coach in his conference. His wife is smokin' hot.

His team did play their butts off this year and he has some young studs. Seems that he's not recruiting a bunch of milk drinkers either...these guys are nasty and mean. I seriously think he's going for that SEC Villain with a baby face schtick thing. His coaching staff are paid like kings. I'm thinking the guy has to deliver quickly here between the huge amount UT is still paying Phil Fulmer and currently paying this staff and his tendency to shoot off his mouth...all of it can be forgiven if he has huge success.

He stole one of Saban's recruiting coaches and has pretty much alienated most of the SEC. It's gonna be interesting here in East Tennessee.

I went to the game on Halloween night and saw him on the VOL walk...he seems like a politician...shaking hands and kissing babies.

12/31/2009, 10:38 PM
...shaking hands and kissing babies.

At least he's not kissing hands and shaking babies (babies should be stirred, not shaken).

VA Sooner
1/1/2010, 02:52 AM
He's caused a lot of controversy... really got under the skin of Urban Meyer.

Actually... that's probably the reason for Urban's chest pains.

And waffling.

1/1/2010, 03:30 AM
He's caused a lot of controversy... really got under the skin of Urban Meyer.

Actually... that's probably the reason for Urban's chest pains.

And waffling.

He better watch that waffling. The Waffle House will clog those arteries! That will give you heart problems.

Oh and I think Kiffin is kind of an ***, but that seems to make you do well in college football so who knows. But props for calling out Meyer and still playing him tough, when you knew Florida wanted to run the score up on them. Give him a year or two and the Vols may be good......or not. We will just have to watch this soap opera.

1/1/2010, 12:00 PM
Although I'm not so much a brash & cocky advocate, I can kinda understand it when someone earns the right to be brash & cocky. Kiffin ain't earned the right to be brash & cocky about anything in CFB. Don't care what he was in pro ball, this is different. He has no floor to dance on. Respect has to be earned--it's not automatically bestowed. He's starting over. He made his famous pronouncement about beating Florida about the first day he was hired, and his team has been getting its butt kicked every since.

He needs to keep his mouth shut & spend more time recruiting, nose to the grindstone and provide some leadership to produce a consistently winning product. That's how he gets respect and earns the right to be cocky & brash, if that's his persuasion. However, he should also know that in CFB, what goes around, comes around.