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12/30/2009, 11:20 PM
Just Vote :D

12/30/2009, 11:22 PM
actually may be the best thing for Leach

12/30/2009, 11:22 PM
Im Thinkin Leapin lizzard will be one of the only 2 to say yes /
Fanina er somepun will be #2:pop:

12/30/2009, 11:23 PM
actually may be the best thing for Leach

I agree Bro
Gets him outta that cesspool and into the Open Market

12/30/2009, 11:24 PM
Yeah....we needed him out of there.....and he could do better.

12/30/2009, 11:28 PM
Plus he gonna get lots a Monies fer them ****in him over:D

12/30/2009, 11:34 PM
Plus he gonna get lots a Monies fer them ****in him over:D

Supposedly they fired him "with cause." Is Texas Tech's stupidity a legit cause?

12/30/2009, 11:36 PM
Supposedly they fired him "with cause." Is Texas Tech's stupidity a legit cause?

See my post in the Leach thread. I am thinking it is #559.

12/30/2009, 11:37 PM
Well, no doubt, he could do better....hell it's Lubbock - but they threw him under the bus THAT's what I don't like.

12/30/2009, 11:39 PM
See my post in the Leach thread. I am thinking it is #559.

I'm trying to stay from that thread since leroy invaded.

12/30/2009, 11:42 PM
I'm thinking....


12/30/2009, 11:45 PM
Just wanted to be different :) sorry...

12/30/2009, 11:46 PM
I really dont approve, stupid to see someone get fired cause some guy wants to go cry.

12/31/2009, 12:03 AM
Supposedly they fired him "with cause." Is Texas Tech's stupidity a legit cause?

I think a judge will be, well - you know... the judge of that.

12/31/2009, 12:19 AM
32 to basically 1
Tells me a bunch

Crucifax Autumn
12/31/2009, 02:08 AM
48-2 tells just as much!

12/31/2009, 02:12 AM
Can I put in an "I don't know" vote?

I really don't think we're getting the entire story.

12/31/2009, 02:15 AM
^ typical Cubs fan, always waiting

Leroy Lizard
12/31/2009, 02:15 AM
Agreed. I didn't vote because I'm not sure what really happened behind closed doors.

Curly Bill
12/31/2009, 02:21 AM
I know an inside detail or two... (no really)

...lets just say that Adam James is pretty much a full fledged P.O.S.

Crucifax Autumn
12/31/2009, 02:25 AM
That's true no matter what else is true!

Curly Bill
12/31/2009, 02:33 AM
That's true no matter what else is true!

Yup, without any inside knowledge that's becoming more and more apparent.

12/31/2009, 02:38 AM
I know an inside detail or two... (no really)

...lets just say that Adam James is pretty much a full fledged P.O.S.


And after I read this, I'm gonna change my opinion and say Leach was wronged.

12/31/2009, 03:53 AM
Pretty sure MIke aint gonna play the Game and the arseholes will try to Manipulate him.
Im 100% on Mikes side

Crucifax Autumn
12/31/2009, 04:24 AM

And after I read this, I'm gonna change my opinion and say Leach was wronged.

Yep...Those e-mails are pretty clear as are the published e-mails from last winter discussing getting rid of Leach.

12/31/2009, 07:02 AM
It's time for a Fark where Mike is made to walk his own plank.

N/M I found it....lol


12/31/2009, 08:31 AM
I'm trying to stay from that thread since leroy invaded.

lol Yep me too :cool:

12/31/2009, 11:40 AM
I know an inside detail or two... (no really)

...lets just say that Adam James is pretty much a full fledged P.O.S.

I know an outside detail or two...

...lets just say that Adam James is pretty much a full fledged P.O.S.

12/31/2009, 11:44 AM
i voted yes... why not ?

Sumlin to Tech?

12/31/2009, 11:46 AM
Might work out better for us and Mike but I don't like the way they did it so, HELL NO !!!

12/31/2009, 11:46 AM
i voted yes... why not ?

Sumlin to Tech?

Why would you wish that on Sumlin?

Mississippi Sooner
12/31/2009, 11:50 AM
Nope. Nothing but pure, dirty politics as far as I can tell.

But, I really hope this will lead to a better opportunity for Mike. I think he'd probably gone about as far as he was going to go in Lubbock.

12/31/2009, 11:52 AM
I spent much of my childhood locked in closets and various claustrophobic hovels and it made me better man.

12/31/2009, 11:52 AM
Hell NO. The BIG XII just lost one of it's crown jewels.

12/31/2009, 11:52 AM
I think he was wronged by the ttu administration that has had an issue with him for a few years now. With that said........I'm soooo glad he's out of the Big 12 South.

12/31/2009, 11:55 AM
Why would you wish that on Sumlin?

coach there a year or 2... then get a better job?

12/31/2009, 11:56 AM
I spent much of my childhood locked in closets and various claustrophobic hovels and it made me better man.

That shed he was in was NOT claustrophobic.

12/31/2009, 11:56 AM
coach there a year or 2... then get a better job?

Better job as in...Houston?

12/31/2009, 12:01 PM
sorry, even tho Houston beat tech this year. Houston is not a better job than Tech... in my opinion

12/31/2009, 12:04 PM
Big XII going down the toilet as we speak....

The Big East might even be better than us next year

12/31/2009, 12:05 PM
Did anyone think it was strange last year that Craig James was pumping up UTerus instead of Tech in the whole 3-way-tie issue? I still believe that elements allied with A&M and UTerus are behind some of this. A&M is a bitter, bitter rival, and Coach Leach has , gasp, dared to question UTerus's power and influence with conference administrators and officials, as well as costing them a Big XII Title, MNC berth, and possibly a Heisman last year.

12/31/2009, 12:09 PM
Big XII going down the toilet as we speak....

The Big East might even be better than us next year

You might not be far off. The ACC with Miami, GA Tech, VA Tech, BC, UNC, and Clemson, probably will be better. Great Lord Above, I cannot stand Texas football politics! They are more willing to destroy each other than build up the conference. No wonder the SWC imploded.

12/31/2009, 12:14 PM
I know an inside detail or two... (no really)

...lets just say that Adam James is pretty much a full fledged P.O.S.

Two days prior to the incident in question, I disciplined Adam James along with several other recievers. His attitude was poor the entire time; even with constant plees for improvement. By the end of the practice, a few of the other recievers accepted their lack of performance in the previous practice and worked harder. Adam was not one of these individuals. He was last on all the excercises asked to do and talked and "danced" during the discipline. When told that this was unacceptable, he simply shrugged his shoulders. I continued to encourge him with no success.

Bennie Wylie
Head Strength and Conditioning Coach
Texas Tech University

To whom it may concern:

You can find out a lot about a person after playing three years of college football with them. Adam James was a teammate of mine from 2006-2009. Ever since the day he arrived on the Texas Tech campus you couldn’t help but to feel a negative energy from him. He expected people to baby him and that he was going make it solely on the fact that his father was a very successful player. Coach Leach has never been a coach to just give something to someone because of who they are. He believes that everyone is equal and you have to earn respect from your coaches and teammates. Adam was never known as a hard worker. I can honestly agree with this because we played the same position and I witnessed his laziness on a daily bases. Adam seemed to have a negative attitude towards the football program the majority of the time. That negative energy is never good for a team and can cause some major problems on and off the field. During practices, Adam always tried to get by with doing the least he possibly could. Never do I once remember Adam to be excited or enthusiastic to be out there. It was almost like he was playing the game of football to please someone other than himself.


Eric Morris

(This next one was long, so I only put part of it in)

To Whom It May Concern:

Before Adam James ever entered the football locker room at Texas Tech I heard how spoiled and selfish he acted in a team atmosphere from many of my baseball friends. Adam was on the baseball team his true freshman year at Tech, before he ever joined the football team, and did not make it through the baseball season because of his selfish attitude. After a baseball game in which he felt like he did not get enough playing time, but the team still won twenty to one, he came into the locker room after the game and “pouted and threw a big fit” according another player on the baseball team. A few weeks later in the middle of the season, he just stopped showing up to practices or game and quit because he was not happy about how he was being treated. One of my roommates was a baseball player on the team and many of my friends were a part of the team that witnessed all of this. These baseball players told me he was “spoiled and selfish” before he ever came to the football team. After quitting baseball he came out for football and his selfish attitude was very evident, as was his laziness. During off-season workouts he often would be caught skipping lifts in the weight room or finding ways to cut corners/get out of conditioning exercises. When we had player organized seven on seven throwing in the summer, when he would show up he was much more interested in playing his own games on the side of the field or telling people that he wasn’t going to run any routes because the coaches do not get him a “fair opportunity” anyway. During the season he was often “injured” (it usually seemed like a very minor injury that could keep him out of practice but never out of any other activity, including games) so he would not participate in some drills in practice. None of these acts were productive for our team, but the most detrimental part of Adam was his off field attitude and actions. In the locker room and away from the facility, Adam used any opportunity he had to tell other players how he was being treated unfairly, how the coaches did not give him a fair chance and how we did not have to do everything the coaches told us because they had no option but to play some of us. When I heard these kinds of things I usually tried to put an end to them but Adam pretty consistently talked bad about the coaches or down played the importance of working hard, when he was off the field. When he talked to young players or players that were usually on the scout he would explain how the coaches were not fair to certain players and only played favorites. When he talked to players that did get some playing time he would talk about how we didn’t really have to do what the coaches asked of us because the coaches had to play us anyway. And it almost always tied back to how he was not getting a fair chance to play just because the coaches were unfair. The coaches were always more than fair to Adam I felt, because he came in the game during certain formations and situations last football season, but because of his work ethic and attitude, many of the players on last years team had a hard time trusting him or relying on him because he was not always practicing and we had seen his laziness during the off-season. Adam was a kid that seemed like he had been given everything he wanted his whole life and acted like if things did not go exactly how he wanted someone was treating him unfairly or someone needed to be blamed for his failures. He was a selfish player on and off the field that was counter-productive for our team and would be for any other team.

Graham Harrell

To Who it May Concern:

During the last two years of being the inside receivers coach, I have
had the chance to learn alot about Adam James. He came to Tech
because of one person: Coach Leach. Although we adamently doubted
his talent, we as coaches came to see that Adam actually had enough
talent to help us out. The problem, though, is that Adam is
unusually lazy and entitled. Many other players on this team,
specifically receivers, have a much larger role on this team with less
talent. I have always been worried about Adam's effect on my other
players because of his weak and conceited attitude. I recently found
out that Adam deliberately undermined my authority on many occasions.
This is particularly disturbing because Coach Leach hired me to make
our receivers the best group in the country, and Adam has damaged this
group far more than I even realized. He should be grateful forthe
opportunity that was given to him here that was not offered at any
other Division 1 football program. He has an unvelievable sense of
entitlement because of who his father is; one that hurts himself and
people around him. Adam is the kind of person thatakes excuses or
blames people for things that go wrong in his life.
Furthermore, I don't have children yet, but when I do I hope they are
coached by someone like Coach Leach. I have learned so many great
things from him and am incredibly lucky to have him in my life.

Lincoln Riley

I am writing this letter on behalf of Mike Leach in regards to the Adam James situation. I was the inside receiver coach at Texas Tech when we made the decision the sign Adam James in January of 2007. Adam had no offers to play NCAA D1 football during and after his Senior year. After a conversation between Coach Leach and Adams father Craig, Coach Leach acquired a brief highlight tape of Adam and made the decision to take him as a scholarship student athlete. I was opposed to doing so in belief he was not a D1 football player. Coach Leach overrode my opinion and Adam became a Red Raider. During the rest of my time at Texas Tech I was Adams position coach where I always remained critical of Adams ability to play at this level due to being lazy in not only the classroom but also in the off season and during practice. Coach Leach was the one who kept saying he believed Adam would eventually contribute. Adams teammates believed he was selfish and were constantly getting onto him for lack of effort as they sensed entitlement on his part due to his father being a very good football player. Adam eventually ended up playing a little after I left due to his body type being able to do some TE sets which consists of around 5-10 plays a game. Adam should be thankful for the opportunity to play at Texas Tech and for Mike Leach, who gave him the opportunity. In my opinion playing 5-10 plays a game in an outstanding offense is more than he would get at any other school in NCAA D1 football.

Dana Holgorsen
OC & QB's
University of Houston

Two practices before Adam James claimed he had a concussion, Coach Leach and I were forced to discipline him for poor effort from the previous practice and poor effort during the early drills of that day. This has been a common theme about Adam's work ethic and attitude during his entire career. Adam, along with two other receivers that were also unsatisfactory, was sent to run stadium steps with Bennie Wylie. After the practice, Bennie made it very clear to Coach Leach and I that Adam was a complete "jerk" while he was being punished. After talking with Adam after the practice, it was very clear to me that Adam did not agree with the punishment and believed that we were just mis-asessing his effort. He complained to me that we were not doing our jobs as coaches and that his effort was just fine, all of which is very typical of him to say. By comparison, the other receiver that we punished agreed that his effort wasn't his best and had a good attitude with Bennie and also in meeting with me after practice. It's just another example of Adam thinking that he knows more about coaching than people who have been coaching for their entire lives. I have no doubt that anger from this led to where we are today with this situation and is his way of trying to "get back" at us coaches

Lincoln Riley

12/31/2009, 12:19 PM
You might not be far off. The ACC with Miami, GA Tech, VA Tech, BC, UNC, and Clemson, probably will be better. Great Lord Above, I cannot stand Texas football politics! They are more willing to destroy each other than build up the conference. No wonder the SWC imploded.

I think there are going to be a TON of questions going into this preseason. Anything is possible next year.

Two known commodities:
Ohio State.

Oh and I truly believe that the 2 top coaches over this decade are Bob Stoops & Jim Tressel. Petey loses games he REALLY shouldn't in conference every year. Saban took an NFL sabbatical. Urban is clinically insane. Mack Brown has 2 conference championships this decade.
...Ok done getting off topic...

12/31/2009, 12:30 PM
This will be a very interesting case, unless Tech settles early, it could really hurt the University. It will be interesting to see who represents Leach if the case goes to trail and will the case be moved out of Lubbock?

I'm hoping the case gets moved to Austin--what a jury pool
Steer's and Queers, No place else but Austin. (Not that there is anything wrong with that).