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View Full Version : DJ Monroe Arrest Video from November

Leroy Lizard
12/25/2009, 03:29 AM

Here's the story


Warning: At around the 15:00 mark he starts to barf in the police car. Don't watch while eating.

12/25/2009, 10:09 AM
My first thought: HAHA for the :texan:
Second, What? charges reduced to what???
Third, HAHA for the :texan:

12/25/2009, 10:22 AM
Someone please send the story and the video to MADD. How Mack watched that and reinstated the kid is beyond me. What DA gave the kid that deal? WTF?

12/25/2009, 10:43 AM
amazing he didn't kill himself or anyone else as drunk as he was.

12/25/2009, 11:28 AM
This is Mack Brown losing all creditability of running a clean and honest program..

Mack Brown Rule # 62 "If you can return kickoffs for TD's you can break ALL the Rules and stay on the team".....

It makes the Championship bcs game a JOKE even before the texass arrive's in California.....

12/25/2009, 11:36 AM
This is Mack Brown losing all creditability of running a clean and honest program..

Mack Brown Rule # 62 "If you can return kickoffs for TD's you can break ALL the Rules and stay on the team".....

It makes the Championship bcs game a JOKE even before the texass arrive's in California.....

First, sMack never had much credibility.

Second, * was a joke long before this!

12/25/2009, 11:39 AM
First, sMack never had much credibility.

Second, * was a joke long before this!


VA Sooner
12/25/2009, 02:19 PM
Eye-opening. Any word on what the blood alcohol level was?

12/25/2009, 02:22 PM
Eye-opening. Any word on what the blood alcohol level was?

Article Say's -- He refused the Test....So...?

12/25/2009, 03:38 PM
Article Say's -- He refused the Test....So...?

You can't beat the test but you can beat the ride.

Leroy Lizard
12/25/2009, 05:35 PM
Some of the OrangePower members are going after the cop.


12/25/2009, 05:48 PM
Lol...Dont puke in my car....lol.....

Crucifax Autumn
12/25/2009, 06:00 PM
Nothing surprising here!

12/25/2009, 06:36 PM
I honestly feel bad for the kid, he made a terrible, terrible decision but to have it posted on the internet for thousands of people to see..no thats not funny. I know alot of cops and i like most of them but this one was an asshat on this particular night.Some of us have been there too, hell i know i have and i sure as hell wouldnt want a video of it posted on the internet.I know it sounds weird but College football isnt just about football, its about these kids making the transition into men. I hope Mack helps this kid become a man through some of his mistakes.

Leroy Lizard
12/25/2009, 07:45 PM
I honestly feel bad for the kid, he made a terrible, terrible decision but to have it posted on the internet for thousands of people to see..no thats not funny.

I think it is hilarious. "I play for UT."

I know alot of cops and i like most of them but this one was an asshat on this particular night.

The player puked in his car. He showed more restraint than I would have.

12/25/2009, 08:22 PM
I honestly feel bad for the kid, he made a terrible, terrible decision but to have it posted on the internet for thousands of people to see..no thats not funny. I know alot of cops and i like most of them but this one was an asshat on this particular night.Some of us have been there too, hell i know i have and i sure as hell wouldnt want a video of it posted on the internet.I know it sounds weird but College football isnt just about football, its about these kids making the transition into men. I hope Mack helps this kid become a man through some of his mistakes.

You feel sorry for someone who hit the road wasted and put other people's lives at risk?

Okay, now that's what I call a messed up perspective.

This fool and any other ****er who drives while intoxicated deserves degradation and humiliation at the highest level. I know of too many folks injured and killed by these losers.

Leroy Lizard
12/25/2009, 09:27 PM
But he plays for UT. You heard him.

12/26/2009, 01:50 AM
wow..... just wow..... and this guy was re-instated to play in the BCS championship game......

Leroy Lizard
12/26/2009, 02:07 AM
Remember, all he did that night was obstruct a passageway. :D

Crucifax Autumn
12/26/2009, 03:03 AM
I'd say learning his lesson, no matter how public and humiliating, is part of that transition into manhood. Obviously getting busted wasn't enough since he thought "I play for UT" was some kind of valid excuse and he seemed to have some sense of entitlement that he thought made him immune from the law and common sense. **** him. I hope everyone he knows sees it. I hope Bama players see it and mention it to him repeatedly on the field. If I pulled that **** no one would be running around saying I deserve any respect or privacy.

Leroy Lizard
12/26/2009, 03:21 AM
Obviously getting busted wasn't enough since he thought "I play for UT" was some kind of valid excuse and he seemed to have some sense of entitlement that he thought made him immune from the law and common sense. **** him

I don't think he felt entitled so much he thought that being a UT player would get him out of trouble. This raises the question as to why he would think that.

12/26/2009, 01:07 PM
He didn't have a little to much. He was ****faced. **** him.

12/26/2009, 01:24 PM
You feel sorry for someone who hit the road wasted and put other people's lives at risk?

Okay, now that's what I call a messed up perspective.

This fool and any other ****er who drives while intoxicated deserves degradation and humiliation at the highest level. I know of too many folks injured and killed by these losers.

As i stated he made a terrible decision but i feel bad for him b/c it got posted on the internet...whats the crime there....yea so what he plays for UT he's still a person. In no way did i condone what he did i just said its sad that thousands of people will get to see it..

12/26/2009, 01:50 PM
I think I'd save my pity for those who are victims to *********s like this guy. You committed no crime. This fool did, and if a little public shame deters him and others from futures of vehicular homicide or manslaughter, then I endorse every DWI to be on YouTube.

12/26/2009, 01:54 PM
As i stated he made a terrible decision but i feel bad for him b/c it got posted on the internet...whats the crime there....yea so what he plays for UT he's still a person. In no way did i condone what he did i just said its sad that thousands of people will get to see it..

Explain to me how this being on the web is worse than being killed by a drunk driver. Perhaps you'll see how I feel that your pity is so wrongly misplaced.

Leroy Lizard
12/26/2009, 03:56 PM
As i stated he made a terrible decision but i feel bad for him b/c it got posted on the internet...whats the crime there....yea so what he plays for UT he's still a person.

He's a person who committed a serious crime, but got off scot free because he's a UT football player.

There, I said it.

12/26/2009, 11:22 PM
This kid will not learn a lesson because he doesn't have to face consequences for his actions. Now here this. Any Sooner that gets caught with a DWI I hope you get your a$$ kicked off of the team. In this day and time there is no excuse for it. Mack Brown is an absolute joke PERIOD end of story. I hope the drunk driving bassturd doesn't kill anyone next time he does it.

Leroy Lizard
12/26/2009, 11:27 PM
I think a one-year suspension is more appropriate for a DUI.

The real shame here is that the LAW (not so much Mack) didn't do anything to him.

12/26/2009, 11:45 PM
He should prob be kicked off the team but that never happens see DUNlap at florida..Not condoning what he did just saying...and i know how dangerous it can be uncle was killed by a drunk driver. Hopefully he'll learn his lesson i doubt it though.

12/26/2009, 11:47 PM
Cam newton gets kicked off UF for stealing a laptop which endangers noone but dunlap, monroe get a DWI DUI and get suspened one game??

12/27/2009, 12:01 AM
cough cough..... Hays County DA.... cough cough.... is a graduate of where??? cough cough....

Leroy Lizard
12/27/2009, 12:03 AM
Cam newton gets kicked off UF for stealing a laptop which endangers noone but dunlap, monroe get a DWI DUI and get suspened one game??

Yep, there is no inconsistency whatsoever. Go back and read my comments on the Cam Newton thread.

12/27/2009, 11:16 AM
Any Sooner that gets caught with a DWI I hope you get your a$$ kicked off of the team.

Like Phil Loadholt (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=114735)?

I mean, for consistency's sake, his case does have to be brought up here while we're piling on Mack Brown. I was in agreeance with you on Mack until a Horn fan brought up Loadholt's case to me, yesterday.

And honestly, how Mack handled this isn't what bugs me about this case. It's the fact he was allowed by the Hays County DA to plea down.

Now I've never been arrested for drunk driving, so I can't speak to whether or not it's common practice to allow people who get arrested for drunk driving to plea down.

But seeing what I saw on that video, I question whether the common man or woman would be afforded that same luxury if they appeared to be as blitzed as Monroe did back on November 15th.

12/27/2009, 12:36 PM
Yep, there is no inconsistency whatsoever. Go back and read my comments on the Cam Newton thread.

Agreed, How can a DUI be a lesser offense?? Although stealing something if convicted gets a person more jail time, a DUI does put others lives in danger. Not saying the NCAA needs to make ANOTHER standard but there should be some type of law or rule regarding off the field issues.

12/27/2009, 12:39 PM
Like Phil Loadholt (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=114735)?

I mean, for consistency's sake, his case does have to be brought up here while we're piling on Mack Brown. I was in agreeance with you on Mack until a Horn fan brought up Loadholt's case to me, yesterday.

And honestly, how Mack handled this isn't what bugs me about this case. It's the fact he was allowed by the Hays County DA to plea down.

Now I've never been arrested for drunk driving, so I can't speak to whether or not it's common practice to allow people who get arrested for drunk driving to plea down.

But seeing what I saw on that video, I question whether the common man or woman would be afforded that same luxury if they appeared to be as blitzed as Monroe did back on November 15th.

It's not very common, but it isn't uncommon. If it's your first offense, if you have a clean record, etc.

And since he refused to do a Breathalyzer, he shouldn't have gotten that treatment.

12/27/2009, 01:53 PM
Can someone please have a huge sign at the MNC game with his face on it that says: "SPIT YOUR GUM OUT"

12/27/2009, 02:01 PM
Oh man this is the best....from hornfans.com:

Looking at the video, I could tell he was nervous but he was very respectful to the officer. The officer on the other hand was being a jerk. It seemed like the officer set it up to where he would fail no matter what.

DJ also mentioned that he took Tylenol PM for a headache because of a concussion he got from the game earlier. He did have a shot of vodka and it's never a good idea to mix with medications with alcohol.

As for the puking, if he didn't drink that much, that could have been stressed induced. Some people do throw up when under pressure. Being in a cop car under arrest is a stressful situation, especially if it could end your football career.

Leroy Lizard
12/27/2009, 05:16 PM
Yeah, playing in front of 80,000 people is no problem, but being placed in the back of a police car stressed him to the point of throwing up. Yeah, okay.

Agreed, How can a DUI be a lesser offense?? Although stealing something if convicted gets a person more jail time, a DUI does put others lives in danger.

Speeding puts other lives in danger, but I certainly think theft is a more serious crime. Again, it comes down to the fact that a thief has a criminal mind, while a drunk driver does not necessarily. Also, the harm that thieves do to society is much greater than drunk drivers. (And here we go again.)

12/28/2009, 09:16 AM
Like Phil Loadholt (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=114735)?


Don't ruin a good witch hunt!

Sure.. Loadholt was held out for one game on his second DUI offense. He's a sooner though.. so. that's ok.

DJ got held out of 3 games... oh, and I think our return game is ok with Goodwin, Malcolm Williams and/or Shipley returning kicks.

Now.. back to the double standard and unabated hatred for UT...

12/28/2009, 09:24 AM
Don't ruin a good witch hunt!

Sure.. Loadholt was held out for one game on his second DUI offense. He's a sooner though.. so. that's ok.

DJ got held out of 3 games... oh, and I think our return game is ok with Goodwin, Malcolm Williams and/or Shipley returning kicks.

Now.. back to the double standard and unabated hatred for UT...

Yep Lets get Back to the Hatred ~~~~ :)

12/28/2009, 10:34 AM
Now.. back to the double standard and unabated hatred for UT...

That's a two-way street. According to Horn fans, Bob Stoops would let a convicted killer play.

Jello Biafra
12/28/2009, 10:54 AM
Don't ruin a good witch hunt!

Sure.. Loadholt was held out for one game on his second DUI offense. He's a sooner though.. so. that's ok.

DJ got held out of 3 games... oh, and I think our return game is ok with Goodwin, Malcolm Williams and/or Shipley returning kicks.

Now.. back to the double standard and unabated hatred for UT...

hey dooshpickle, was he fuggin falling down drunk like the one in this video? i dont know. im asking. this dude looks like he would plow through a cross walk full of kids and wouldn't know the difference.

12/28/2009, 10:59 AM
BTW....lesser offenses?

A felony is a felony.

Now....if they are driving a vehicle and they get off once every ten years and get a reduced sentence to a misdemeanor....I think they have shown respect for the law. If they get a reduced sentence and then get 2 or 3 more DUI's and nobody makes them pay for that....then I think the DA ought to be put in Federal Prison for the rest of his natural life along with the guy he let off the hookem.

I think folks who make a mistake the first time and don't get the deal that they were given a gift....well...they deserve to learn just how the system works the 2nd time. I just saw another guy killed in a hit and run in the news. The innocent guy and his Wife were both ejected form their car and the guy who hit them ran and hasn't been caught. The guy is dead and his Wife is recovering and planning a funeral.

Whether it's Phil or DJ. They should be required to go through some classes in order to get off any charges related to drunk or impaired driving. If they aren't required because they think they should be above it due to playing football....they should get even more punishment. I'm not saying they should have their careers ruined....but they should be required to do community service and some DUI classes at the very least.

12/28/2009, 01:09 PM
Don't ruin a good witch hunt!

Sure.. Loadholt was held out for one game on his second DUI offense. He's a sooner though.. so. that's ok.

DJ got held out of 3 games... oh, and I think our return game is ok with Goodwin, Malcolm Williams and/or Shipley returning kicks.

Now.. back to the double standard and unabated hatred for UT...

I have not heard Phil had a DUI or two. I repeat any Sooner that gets a DUI or DWI has blown their chance and needs to be shown the door. A good friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver and I have zero tolerance for drinking and driving. Get a focking cab.

Leroy Lizard
12/28/2009, 02:29 PM
I have no issue with a reduced sentence for a first-time offense. I have a real issue with a plea bargain to a lesser crime when the evidence is overwhelming. For all practical purposes, the next time DJ Monroe gets a DUI it will be his first, with the same ability to plea bargain down because he has no prior convictions.

Frankly, I would have preferred that the court just released him with no punishment. At least that would have been honest (although reprehensible). Obstructing a passageway?

For all practical purposes, that cop wasted his time that night.

12/28/2009, 02:39 PM
Glad he did not hit one of Macks kids..... wonder if he would have thought different.

12/28/2009, 08:02 PM
bunch of high and mighty morons itt

monroe is from my hometown and he's a moron for drinking. he's a moron for driving. he deserved to go to jail. he deserves the public humiliation for making a loser decision. but the idea that he mentioned he played for UT makes him a bad kid is completely retarded. if you don't believe that any player from OU wouldn't do the same thing you're fooling yourself and are incredibly naive.

he does not deserve imo to get off the hook like he did, he does not deserve to play in the national championship but it makes me nauseous to see morons make fun of him or the university of texas for mentioning he played for texas when i'd bet that 99% of kids that play at a big school(including OU), heck even small schools, would have done the same exact thing.

Makes me sad to see Monroe like this, I always though he was a good kid and he treated me with respect.

Leroy Lizard
12/28/2009, 08:53 PM
but the idea that he mentioned he played for UT makes him a bad kid is completely retarded.

I don't think any of us said that.

For example, I simply pointed out that he was likely trying to convince the officer to let him slide because he was a UT football player.

And he said it twice. He also made a point to mention that he played in the Baylor game, so he was clearly trying to use his status as a UT football player to wiggle out of a bad spot. I found it humorous, not evil.

BTW, I found the manner in which the officer handled this matter perfectly appropriate. "I didn't ask you that." Spot on.

12/28/2009, 08:57 PM
yea, which is exactly how it should be handled. athletes don't deserve any special treatment.

Leroy Lizard
1/24/2010, 12:49 AM
I think we should all go back and have a good chuckle at DJ Monroe's expense once in awhile, considering that he got off scot free.

1/24/2010, 04:22 AM
Regardless of what he does or who he is, he was under the influence of a substance that could have killed someone on the road, he was respectful but he still broke the law. But dont worry, he got to play in the national championship game. Thanks Mack Brown (sarcasm)

1/24/2010, 05:21 AM
Okay, so he gets the felony dropped.

Great. Why?

It is pretty evident on tape that the guy was driving drunk.

My question. How many people in Hays County that have received DUIs in the past, say 5-10 years, have had their their felony DUI charges dropped to a Misdemeanor "Obstruction of Passageway"?

I couldn't careless about him being allowed to play after a 3 game suspension.

I am shocked that the DA would allow the guy to plea down.

What a bunch of BS. Had it been someone that did not play for UT, the charges would have stuck!

1/24/2010, 05:29 AM
bunch of high and mighty morons itt

monroe is from my hometown and he's a moron for drinking. he's a moron for driving. he deserved to go to jail. he deserves the public humiliation for making a loser decision. but the idea that he mentioned he played for UT makes him a bad kid is completely retarded. if you don't believe that any player from OU wouldn't do the same thing you're fooling yourself and are incredibly naive.

he does not deserve imo to get off the hook like he did, he does not deserve to play in the national championship but it makes me nauseous to see morons make fun of him or the university of texas for mentioning he played for texas when i'd bet that 99% of kids that play at a big school(including OU), heck even small schools, would have done the same exact thing.

Makes me sad to see Monroe like this, I always though he was a good kid and he treated me with respect.

"You are literally too stupid to insult!"

Anyway...Want to know what is retarded? Someone actually putting these words together thinking anyone here has said anything of the like.

Leroy Lizard
1/24/2010, 05:48 AM

Leroy Lizard
1/24/2010, 06:03 AM
You'll love this:

Despite incriminating evidence that a police camera recorded of Texas Longhorn running back D.J. Monroe’s driving while intoxicated arrest, the Hays County District Attorney’s Office is standing by its decision to drop the DWI charge.

On Dec. 18, Monroe accepted a plea agreement for the less stigmatized charge of obstruction of a passageway with deferred adjudication. Both charges are Class B misdemeanors, Hays County Assistant District Attorney Fred Weber stressed on Monday.

The district attorney’s office defended the move, saying that it would help keep the 20-year-old redshirt freshman’s scholarship intact.

“With Mr. Monroe we faced two choices. A plea to a DWI where he would be on probation and more than likely lose a chance at a college education at the University of Texas or a plea to Obstructing a Highway where he would be on probation and be allowed the opportunity to complete his education,” Weber wrote in an e-mail.

“In the long run I sincerely believe we made the correct choice,” Weber added. “He received no more or no less consideration than any other young person charged with the same crime. The only difference is that he is a football player and it made the newspaper.”

Weber also denied that the plea deal had anything to do with Monroe being a Texas football player or the upcoming championship game.

“It has absolutely nothing to do with his status as a football player,” he said. “It has everything to do with his chances of obtaining his college education.”

Under the plea agreement, Monroe will be on one-year probation. If he violates his probation, he could face jail time, Weber said.

“It is quite common for us (and other jurisdictions across the state) to resolve first offense DWI cases with this exact same plea agreement,” Weber said. “Sometimes we do it because we have a weak case. Other times we do it simply because it is the right thing under a certain set of circumstances.”

If the case had gone to trial, Sgt. James Brawner, of the Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office, would have been a character witness for Monroe. Brawner befriended Monroe, who is originally from Angleton in Brazoria County, while he was in high school.

Brawner became Monroe’s mentor and said that the video of his DWI arrest didn’t show anything out of the ordinary about Monroe.

“To me, it didn’t look like anything other than normal D.J.,” he said. “He’s just a nervous person.”

As for the vomiting in the back of the patrol car, Brawner said that he knows of several occasions when Monroe threw up due to his nervousness.

At a press conference last week, Texas football coach Mack Brown announced that Monroe would be reinstated.

“What I told him is I didn’t like what he did, but I do think he’s paid the penalty,” he said. “I wanted him to learn from it and be more accountable, but he’s been practicing with our team every day. He has not missed anything, and he’s had a great attitude since his incident.

“And if he practices well enough, we’ll play him in the game,” Brown added. “We’re not punishing him anymore.”

Leroy Lizard
1/24/2010, 06:06 AM
Oh, as for the Fred Weber D.A. dude:


* The University of Texas School of Law
* Baylor University