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Leroy Lizard
12/24/2009, 07:19 PM
Many of you that complain about the announcers we have now didn't have to live through the Howard Cosell days.

BTW, why does everyone hate Craig James so much?

So, who is the worst tv announcer?

12/24/2009, 07:23 PM
Dave Lampham on FSW.

12/24/2009, 07:24 PM
Many of you that complain about the announcers we have now didn't have to live through the Howard Cosell days.

BTW, why does everyone hate Craig James so much?

So, who is the worst tv announcer?

I think a lot of it is personal opinion. I actually like Craig James, and Musberger too.

Worst announcers are the d-bags on Fox, the regular network channel not the sports channels. The had Howie Long and Terry Bradshaw do some games a few years back which was entertaining, but since then it has not been good. Vastergian and Breneman are the worst football announcers I have ever heard.

Bob Davies sucks too. ABC made the right move kicking him off their primetime telecasts.

Leroy Lizard
12/24/2009, 07:44 PM
Wasn't Rocket Ismail announcing at one time? Or was it his brother?

12/24/2009, 08:08 PM
Mark May makes me wish I was deaf. I have a similar amount of distaste for Bob Davie. He tries to make these "folksy" references and just ends up sounding like a jackarse. Mark May just publicly fellates everything USC, which gets old after about 2 seconds.

12/24/2009, 08:16 PM
I'm not too fond of Holtz

12/24/2009, 08:23 PM
Whatever hacks Fox gets to do their BCS games.

Scott D
12/24/2009, 08:36 PM
Joe Buck by far.

Any guy who'd rather watch the Bachelor(ette) over the sports he's paid to cover definitely gets my vote.

12/24/2009, 08:53 PM
Howard. Don't miss him. I remember this incident, but I seem to remember that it was Don Meridith who made fun of Howard after his pretentious attributing of attendance at "little No-Knee College."

Herb Mul-Key, the short-lived druggie kickoff and punt return wonder who drifted in off the streets of DC to return a second half Miami kickoff for a touchdown and who Howard Cosell listed on Monday Night football as “attended None College” which on the roster meant he did not attend college and brought out a few well deserved chuckles from Frank Gifford.

Sonner magic923
12/24/2009, 09:29 PM
lou holtz!!!!! hands down. He sounds like sylvester the cat.

Crucifax Autumn
12/24/2009, 10:58 PM
I can't stand any of the bastards.

12/24/2009, 11:29 PM
i feel sorry for the guys next to Lou Holtz....they probably covered in a spit shower by about midnight on Saturdays

12/25/2009, 12:01 AM
Holtz is horrible.... He sounds like an old Sylvester the Cat. His love affair with ND makes me sick. I understand that most if not all of these guys have thier favorites, but he is so incredibly blatent about it.

12/25/2009, 12:03 AM
I just noticed that I said almost the exact same thing as somebody else... Sorry man. But I guess it just emphasizes the point

12/25/2009, 12:20 AM
There's a lot of awful ones. Really the only ones I like are Brad Nessler, Joel Meyers and Ron Franklin these days.

12/25/2009, 12:33 AM
Yep - I like Craig James.... :) -- Hard to take Bob Davie --- :(

Mark May must Be Thanking God every minute for The Gig he has -- Should be a Insurance Salesman making about $20,000 grand a year - on a good year .... :)

12/25/2009, 12:40 AM
Lindsay Nelson from back in the day was annoying; had a real nasal voice.

Leroy Lizard
12/25/2009, 01:18 AM
Keith Jackson was always the best... until his final few years when he was clearly too old.

What about that lady who sounds like a man? Can't remember her name.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/25/2009, 01:36 AM
Keith Jackson was always the best... until his final few years when he was clearly too old.

What about that lady who sounds like a man? Can't remember her name.Us oldtimers might remember Bill Fleming. I always liked him. upbeat personality, and a gentleman. I don't like any of them when they start the fellating of domer, Tebow or usuc. When the essob's talk about poor Joe McKnight and his auto legality difficulties, the mofos sound almost sad.

12/25/2009, 01:40 AM
I don't really hate any of them, for the most part they do a good job or they wouldn't be on the air. I think Aikman is a really good color guy and I think Buck is a good PBP man.

I like Craig James too, but he always reminds me of Roscoe P. Coletrain. On the other night's game they were talking about his 225 yards in the SD Bowl way back and he was giggling just like RPC. :D

Leroy Lizard
12/25/2009, 02:12 AM
I remember Bill Fleming quite well. Yes, he was excellent.

12/25/2009, 10:06 AM
In the Spirit of the Season -- I love them all !! :D

12/25/2009, 10:08 AM
I remember Bill Fleming quite well. Yes, he was excellent.

I must be Christmas: You agreed with someone !! ;) :D

Merry Christmas, Liz!

12/25/2009, 10:55 AM
Hands down, without question ESPN2's Pam Ward is the worst announcer!!! I wont watch a game she does and it pisses me off that ESPN is shoving her down our throat.

12/25/2009, 03:32 PM
I used to like Keith Jackson back in the days when there was only one college game/week on television and it was his show or nothing, but eventually he morphed into such a cheerleader for SUC, Meatchicken and TOSU so much that it was a pain to listen to him.

As far as bad announcers go, I absolutely hated to watch games with the ex-Mich. St. coach, Duffy Daugherty.

12/25/2009, 09:41 PM
I liked Keith Jackson a lot more during his last season as an announcer when he told ABC he had to do the OU/Texas game one last time.

12/25/2009, 09:51 PM
KJ was awesome. I was going with announcers still in the saddle in my earlier post.

Crucifax Autumn
12/25/2009, 10:43 PM
Hands down, without question ESPN2's Pam Ward is the worst announcer!!! I wont watch a game she does and it pisses me off that ESPN is shoving her down our throat.

Very annoying manwoman voice for sure.

12/25/2009, 11:20 PM
I don't know who Pam Ward is, but I'm assuming she's that manly-sounding woman who calls the BIG 10 games nobody cares about, right?

If this is true, I concur she's by far the worst.

12/26/2009, 08:33 AM
Mark May just talks to fast! Ditch those Ben Franklin Glasses Mark. Of course I'm bored withmushburger also.

12/26/2009, 11:14 AM
Bob Trumphy sucked as the color guy in the orange bowl broadcasts

12/26/2009, 11:20 AM
I was watching the MNF when Howard called Clark a little monkey. I realize that he meant no ill by it, but I was like, "DID HE JUST ****ING SAY THAT?" It wasn't until I saw the doc on Howard that I found out he referred to his grandkids as monkeys. He was a master at getting people (ala Howard Stern) to watch his train wrecks while hating him, but they couldn't change the channel.

12/26/2009, 01:35 PM
WHAT? Nobody mentioned Kurt Gowdy?

Mike Patrick with ESPN is pretty good - knowledgeable, but he uses superlatives too much, IMO.

Can't stand Lapham, Musburger or Bob Davie.

Scott D
12/26/2009, 02:18 PM
*sigh*....Why does anyone consider Mark May, Lou Holtz, Dave Lapham, Bob Davie, etc.. to be announcers? They're analysts..not announcers, the guy that gives you the PBP..that is the announcer.

p.s. Joe Buck is still the biggest asshat in that department.

12/26/2009, 03:41 PM
Hands down, without question ESPN2's Pam Ward is the worst announcer!!! I wont watch a game she does and it pisses me off that ESPN is shoving her down our throat.

Is she the one calling the Marshall vs Ohio game? Call me sexist, but I can't stand any female voice calling a football game, especially one that sounds like a man.

12/26/2009, 03:47 PM
Musberger. I would rather they put a person in the corner of the screen doing sign language than listen to that moron. I have listened to games on mute before to not have him jabbering in my ear.

12/26/2009, 03:50 PM
Worst PBP announcer going, nationally, is Dick Stockton, bar none.

I groan everytime I listen to him. But mostly because I remember him as the voice of the NBA on CBS growing up.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/26/2009, 03:57 PM
I don't know who Pam Ward is, but I'm assuming she's that manly-sounding woman who calls the BIG 10 games nobody cares about, right?

If this is true, I concur she's by far the worst.She's really not terrible, but is a distraction, because she's SO BUTCH!

12/26/2009, 04:06 PM
Is she the one calling the Marshall vs Ohio game? Call me sexist, but I can't stand any female voice calling a football game, especially one that sounds like a man.

:confused: but if it sounds like a man, doesn't that cancel it out?

Scott D
12/26/2009, 04:13 PM
She's really not terrible, but is a distraction, because she's SO BUTCH!

don't forget that pairing her with Ray Bentley is a formula for awfulness on a MSNBC level.

Leroy Lizard
12/26/2009, 04:20 PM
I was watching the MNF when Howard called Clark a little monkey. I realize that he meant no ill by it, but I was like, "DID HE JUST ****ING SAY THAT?" It wasn't until I saw the doc on Howard that I found out he referred to his grandkids as monkeys. He was a master at getting people (ala Howard Stern) to watch his train wrecks while hating him, but they couldn't change the channel.

He had the worst case of white guilt I have seen in an announcer. The time he called the Holmes/Cobb fight has to be the most one-sided announcing I have heard in my lifetime.

I hated him with a bloody passion and danced a jig when he died.

12/26/2009, 04:54 PM
Any old player who knows it all, "should've done this or that" really makes for a long game. Dan Dierdorf & Joe Thiesman are the worst two for me.

Any chick asking STUPID questions to coaches at halftime. Suzie Kolber is the worst.

There was a game a week or so ago where the commentators could not be herd for about 5 min into the game. You could hear the crowd and a little of the stadium announcer. It was great for the short time that it lasted.

Salt City Sooner
12/26/2009, 06:23 PM
I soooo miss Gary Bender....:(