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View Full Version : With '09 drawing to a close...

12/23/2009, 08:00 PM

I've been awful busy closing out some stuff and haven't been on here much over the last few days, BUT, with Christmas around the corner, may I sincerely apologize to all I've offended this year, thank-you for listening to my various rantings, and wish you all a joyous and memorable Christmas, Winter Solstice, Yule, Festivus, Kwanzaa, belated-Hanukka, as applicable.

With God's help, it has been a busy but profitable year for Yours Truly and I sincerely hope the same is true for you and yours -- or "yourn" if you happen to be from SE Oklahoma.

Remember, as John Steinbeck wrote in one of the all time great novels about us Okies in hard times, "We're the people, and we just keep a goen'!" That's why Sooners are survivors and we always bounce back from adversity. Lesser folks just go belly-up and suck their thumbs. We get after it.

Here's hoping for happier days for those Sooners who need help, health to those Sooners who need healing and sugar plums and the latest, greatest juvenile electronic recreational device for all the Sooner kiddoes as ol' Santy prepares to throttle up to military, release his brakes and begin another epic flight delivering all and sundry good children their heart's desire.

May our great Americans in uniform scattered on missions around the globe be held safely in His mighty Hand, and may their loved ones awaiting their return and a grateful nation sleep peacefully in the knowledge they are on guard and remain vigilant.

May There Be Peace on Earth (except for wHorns) and May It Begin With Me.



12/23/2009, 08:29 PM
back at Homey and to the rest of those here

12/24/2009, 09:02 AM
You offend me all the time sir! ;)

12/24/2009, 10:34 AM
Apology accepted. :D ;)

Merry Christmas Homey and Ms. Homey.

12/24/2009, 10:37 AM
You shore got a purdy mouf...

Merry Christmas Mr. & Mrs. Homeslice.

12/24/2009, 11:54 AM

My day just isn't right without your gifts of historical significance.....

12/24/2009, 12:01 PM
MFC, Homey!