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View Full Version : Did anybody feel a little bad for Colt?

12/12/2009, 11:53 PM
I hate to admit, but I sorta felt bad for Colt. Of course, I would have been totally pissed had he won it.


12/12/2009, 11:54 PM
No... I still like the guy but no sorrow...

12/12/2009, 11:55 PM
I honestly don't have a problem with Colt. He gets to go to the big game...so no. I don't feel bad for him at all.

12/13/2009, 12:10 AM
He ran out of luck last week...needed way too much...

Stitch Face
12/13/2009, 12:16 AM
Considering that AD never won it...no. The award's too fickle to lose sleep over.

12/13/2009, 12:23 AM

12/13/2009, 12:34 AM
Yeah, this award is good for bragging rights, but I think it is otherwise pretty silly and irrelevant.

12/13/2009, 12:43 AM
Who is Colt Mckoy? Is that the guy on broke back mountain? If so yes I feel sad for him, and his partner shiply

12/13/2009, 12:46 AM
Not at all cause he didn't deserve it this year

12/13/2009, 02:24 AM
finished 2nd in voting behind Suh in the Southwest region, Big XII turf....

King Barry's Back
12/13/2009, 02:32 AM

He's had a very good, but not great, career; and has nothing to be ashamed of.

but he hasn't turned in a Heisman worthy season, either.

12/13/2009, 02:37 AM
Not at all cause he didn't deserve it this year

I agree with you "word for word". I understand his disappointment that he went 2 years and didn't win one. However, Sam deserved it last year more than him, and this year he didn't deserve to be in the top 3.

The fact that he finished ahead of Suh is a travesty and indictment that the Heisman is becoming a worthless piece of hardware that I more and more believe should be changed to a team award since that is basically what it is becoming.

The Heisman no longer means that you are the most outstanding player in college football. It means your team has done really well this season and you were possibly the most contributing factor to that. That is all. Congrats and welcome to the fraternity. You are now among those that were WAY better than you.

I like Ingram, but he wasn't the best player. Suh was #1, then Gerhart, then Ingram.

And the 2009 NCAA Prom Queen is........Mark Ingram! Congrats SEC!!!!!

12/13/2009, 04:10 AM
No, the little snot is a whorn.

12/13/2009, 04:23 AM
Thinking...thinking...pondering the question...sending out good karma to the universe....drinking...drinking some more....ummmmm....


12/13/2009, 05:08 AM
Not at all. Glad he did not win it.

12/13/2009, 08:01 AM
I wish he could play one more year so he couldn't win it again.

12/13/2009, 08:20 AM
I'd lime to say no, but Hell NO!!!!!! seems more like it

12/13/2009, 08:26 AM

He's had a very good, but not great, career; and has nothing to be ashamed of.

but he hasn't turned in a Heisman worthy season, either.

I think he had a great career. Maybe not Heisman worthy this year but a great career. I don't need to be a sip to see this.

VA Sooner
12/13/2009, 08:43 AM
Bad year for Colt. Games were too close on a few occasions and didn't find his rhythm for at least 50% of the season. The Texas A&M game was his big game but fell flat the game afterwards against Nebraska. Blame Suh on that one... but Texas's receivers, with the exception of Shipley, just couldn't get it done. Too many dropped passes.

The play of the year for Colt was him tackling Brian Jackson after the INT and saving the game for Texas against us. Damn him.

But no... Colt wasn't the best player this year. Ingram, Gerhart and Suh were in a tie... Tebow was just filler material. Same problem... receivers couldn't catch... although accuracy was off as well. And we now know how important a healthy Harvin and Louis Murphy were to him.

12/13/2009, 08:49 AM
Hell no, I was hoping Suh would make him his bitch again and throw him 30 feet.

12/13/2009, 09:28 AM
Nope. Not a bit. I woulda have been mad if he had won. He beat OUr guys fair and square, and I don't wish him any ill, but as a player, he makes me want to hurl.

I do feel bad for Toby Gerhart, though. He was a much bigger stud for his team than Ingram was (and his dad's not a convicted felon whose crimes have to be explained away as a "wrong turn" etc.) :rolleyes:

12/13/2009, 09:35 AM
Why should anyone feel sorry for him? He simply did not deserve the award. I felt a little bad for Gerhart and Suh.

12/13/2009, 10:16 AM
Colt is an amazing athlete and I wish him well. I absolutely despise the longhorns however you can't deny this kids legacy. Love it or hate it - the Heisman is what it is and the voters spoke. He will be interesting to watch in the NFL.

baja okla
12/13/2009, 10:17 AM
Colt a good guy? yeah First whorn I've liked in a long time? yeah Deserve the heisman? not based on this year's performance. Suh should have won. He was amazing against both OU and Texas. Suh should be drafted before any of these other guys.

12/13/2009, 10:19 AM
Not at all. He floundered against the only two defenses he played this year. Ingram, Toby, and Suh were the best players. Not Colt and Tebow.

12/13/2009, 10:20 AM
Plus, have you seen Colt's girlfriend? Who cares if he didn't win the Heisman.

12/13/2009, 10:21 AM
I like colt but no don't feel bad for him.....BUT I FEEL GREAT teblow DIDN'T :D

I Am Right
12/13/2009, 10:44 AM

12/13/2009, 10:54 AM
NO! It would take away from the credibility from the Heisman, Downtown Athletic Club, ect. Supprised no one has mentioned Chris Weinke. The fourth round draft pick from FSU.

12/13/2009, 11:03 AM
He was not Heisman worthy this year.....he was only invited out of pity. Don't feel sorry for him at all.

12/13/2009, 11:26 AM
I hate to admit, but I sorta felt bad for Colt. Of course, I would have been totally pissed had he won it.


Nope. I felt sorry for Sam.

12/13/2009, 12:32 PM
Ponyboy's misfortune was that his career overlapped a couple of other outstanding quarterbacks. Most years, his stats for at least two of those years would have been enough. He did get to go to New York as an invitee more than once, which had to have been fun, and it isn't like he didn't win a slew of the other awards. He has received plenty of recognition for his effort, much more than most other players. I don't feel bad for him.

12/13/2009, 01:49 PM
A Marine friend of mine at work showed me a sheet with the stats between two unnamed QBs. You had to pick the one who had a better overall production this season. The comparison was between Colt and Johnson from A&M. Johnson had better numbers in about 6 out of 10 categories. Couple that with Landry outplaying him in the RRR- NO, I don't feel sorry for him. He's a good guy, and a good Christian, but he didn't deserve it.

I have no problem with Ingram winning it, but Gerhart and Suh had better seasons. If Suh didn't win it this year, or TRRW didn't win it in 2001, then no defensive player will ever win it in the future.

12/13/2009, 02:00 PM

MyT Oklahoma
12/13/2009, 02:20 PM
Nope. I too like some others like Colt as a player and as an individual. But I would have voted for Suh.

12/13/2009, 02:35 PM

12/13/2009, 02:45 PM
Not only nobut hell no.

12/13/2009, 02:51 PM
I do feel bad for Toby Gerhart, though. He was a much bigger stud for his team than Ingram was (and his dad's not a convicted felon whose crimes have to be explained away as a "wrong turn" etc.) :rolleyes:

The same could be said about AD and his dad. I respectfully submit that it makes sense to keep a father's mistakes out of a son's worthiness quotient.

I admire and respect Colt McCoy. I feel badly for his lessened season. Even more so for Sam's. All up for the award this year are talented young men who have great potential to be even better.

That said, I celebrated Timmah's low place in the voting. Haw-haaaww and all that toddlerish glee.

12/13/2009, 04:08 PM
ESPN told the story before the final result was announced. When showing Gerhart's stats, they showed how he led the country in several rushing stats this year. When they showed McCoy's stats, they showed his career stats, not the current season's. He didn't produce this year, and ESPN desperately wanted to give him a "lifetime achievement" Heisman.

So no, I don't feel bad for him for not winning the Heisman. I feel bad that ESPN made him do that awful, forced, "buddy" spot with Teblow in the deli. That was embarassing.

12/13/2009, 06:48 PM
I wish he could play one more year so he couldn't win it again.


Indy Sooner
12/13/2009, 08:26 PM
I don't feel too sorry for the boy...


12/13/2009, 08:41 PM

12/13/2009, 08:44 PM
I hate to admit, but I sorta felt bad for Colt.

I want to call you the "f" word, but I'm trying to refrain and be kindler and gentler towards the chronically dumb.

The only reason I'm mad that he didn't win it is because the guy he's going against DID win it, which means Colt is going to win the f*cking championship now, which really, really, really pisses me off.


Post Script -- F*ggot. NTTAWWT.

12/13/2009, 08:54 PM
I felt bad that Colt had to do that fake, bad acting skit with Tebow. However the joke Fowler did about Colt was hilarious.

12/13/2009, 09:15 PM
i thought it was funny he didnt win heisman, earl thomas didnt win thorpe, and shipley didnt win Biletnikoff

12/13/2009, 10:17 PM
The only way I'd feel sorry for a longhorn is if he suffers a career-ending injury and no longer has an opportunity to lose to Oklahoma.

12/13/2009, 10:37 PM


Stitch Face
12/13/2009, 10:55 PM
I don't feel too sorry for the boy...


Is that Tiger Woods in the water back there?

12/13/2009, 10:58 PM
Poor girls had to wear hand me down bikinis.


12/14/2009, 12:12 AM
I don't feel too sorry for the boy...


when did shipley grow his hair out and start wearing bikinis?

12/14/2009, 01:55 AM
I don't feel too sorry for the boy...


A combined eight inches of moved hands would make that pic, like, WAY better.


12/14/2009, 08:51 AM
[QUOTE=IronHorseSooner;2791455]A Marine friend of mine at work showed me a sheet with the stats between two unnamed QBs. You had to pick the one who had a better overall production this season. The comparison was between Colt and Johnson from A&M. Johnson had better numbers in about 6 out of 10 categories.


I might add:


Case Keenum, 659 468 71.0 5449 8.3 58 43 9 159.3

Colt McCoy, 468 330 70.5 3512 7.5 88 27 12 147.5

Jerrod Johnson, 439 267 60.8 3217 7.3 70 28 6 140.7

Colt = not even the best QB in Texas, let alone the best player in the nation this year. And for all of those "But, but Texas is undefeated!" apologists, allow me to add one more ...

Andy Dalton, 279 174 62.4 2484 8.9 75 22 5 159.6

I might remind the whorns that TCU went undefeated as well, and before any of you 'mos throw out schedule strength, be sure to check your boys stats against the only two LEGIT D's he faced this year.

12/14/2009, 09:17 AM
The same could be said about AD and his dad. I respectfully submit that it makes sense to keep a father's mistakes out of a son's worthiness quotient....

I was waiting for that reply because it's correct: The sins of the father should not be held against the son. But whether it's AD or Ingram (or Jonny Rodgers or Thug-U or you name it....) , don't you ever get just a little bit tired of hearing "prison" and "football star" in the same sentence? I do, and that's what drove my somewhat gratuitous comment.
(BTW - I blame Muhammad Ali.)

12/14/2009, 10:16 AM

12/14/2009, 10:48 AM
I don't feel too sorry for the boy...


it rubs the lotion on the skin...

12/14/2009, 10:49 AM
On topic:
Hell no :P

12/14/2009, 04:00 PM
No I laughed and laughed...

12/14/2009, 04:43 PM
On topic:
1) Lid
2) Colt's mom

12/14/2009, 04:52 PM
let me think about that for a second NO

I think it was his to lose, and the Nebraska game killed his hopes.

12/14/2009, 04:55 PM
No. After the two sideline flops in last year's RRS, I lost all respect for him.

Scott D
12/14/2009, 05:09 PM
I felt bad for Toby Gerhart, because he was the forgotten man on "Championship Weekend" with his team not playing that weekend.