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View Full Version : ok, samford cardinals...

Jello Biafra
12/10/2009, 11:24 AM
i've had enough. these dudes are too friggin nice and quite frankly, i know they are here lurking. they may as well join in on the banter.

first off i hope our players are taking this game a little more seriously than this...


second, if your mascot is not a pine tree, make sure those dumb(smart) asss art fags in the band do a better job of not making it look like a pine tree. to me, a tree if a phucking tree. see, here, in the land of dust and horses and cactii, if it stands still, it gets eaten. that would include vegetation... trees would fall in to this category.

third. unlike your coach, ours was the FAVORITE for the nd job. in my eyes, that makes him the better of the two.

4th. gerhart is a damn good back. ill give you that. is he better than some of the Big XII backs? dunno. we'll find out. but, its not like we've never seen a stud back before. we'll be ok. we hold him to 75 or less, you guys lose. bigtime.

5th. having said that, I hope he wins the heisman. if you look back at the first time we get a shot at a heisman winner or one that is in the running, he will have the worst game of his career against us. bet on it.

6th. and trust me on this...this is NOT a pac 10 defense by any stretch. you had better hope your back up QB can make some early completions to keep your O on the field. if he doesn't, it will be a long game for you guys and a sad ride back on the donkey to "the farm". see...nebish game/texas game/osu game.

whatcha got?

judging on some of your websites, im guessing you guys don't engage in trash talking so this post may be falling on deaf ears....or blind eyes or something.

12/10/2009, 11:31 AM
They are not the Cardinals...
They are the Stanford Cardinal, as in the (reddish)color.
That is all

Jello Biafra
12/10/2009, 11:41 AM
They are not the Cardinals...
They are the Stanford Cardinal, as in the (reddish)color.
That is all

hmmm i wonder what kalvin simpson would think about your post.....you new round here aint ya?

12/10/2009, 11:42 AM

12/10/2009, 11:48 AM
hmmm i wonder what kalvin simpson would think about your post.....you new round here aint ya?

Why do they call him AD?

12/10/2009, 11:54 AM
Why do they call him AD?

Do you guys know where I can get a ringtone...and what's "ENA" mean?:P

Jello Biafra
12/10/2009, 11:58 AM
and here we go lol...

Jello Biafra
12/10/2009, 12:03 PM
skull, i saw you on their bored/board...drag their poindexter assses over here.

Jello Biafra
12/10/2009, 01:47 PM
*crickets chirping*

this makes me a sad sooner.

12/10/2009, 02:20 PM
Well their pine tree mascot seemed to have the right idea when he was photographed taking a bite out of that prime rump roast.

Just sayin'

Jello Biafra
12/10/2009, 02:23 PM
Well their pine tree mascot seemed to have the right idea when he was photographed taking a bite out of that prime rump roast.

Just sayin'

lol i bet thats the only way hes hittin that....

*take off tree* BAM! ugly like a bag o'dikks....

that was for you homer ;)

12/10/2009, 02:29 PM
After last year with Florida fans and LSU fans previously, why are complaining. Enjoy this! They are nice and knowledable. What is wrong with that?

Jello Biafra
12/10/2009, 02:38 PM
After last year with Florida fans and LSU fans previously, why are complaining. Enjoy this! They are nice and knowledable. What is wrong with that?

nothing wrong with that. quite frankly, im sure, most of us are tired of arguing with lid and his ilk. we're looking for a little more FOOTBALL knowledge.

further, how do YOU know they are nice and knowledgable? you banging the tree?

12/10/2009, 02:49 PM
you banging the tree?

Just watch out for the sap

Jello Biafra
12/10/2009, 03:16 PM
Just watch out for the sap

knot holes are faily bad too. they usually contain some "critters" crotch or otherwise..

12/10/2009, 03:20 PM
Shouldn't Allen Datrick be known as AD instead of AP, because that's his initials and all?

Jello Biafra
12/10/2009, 04:28 PM
Shouldn't Allen Datrick be known as AD instead of AP, because that's his initials and all?

did someone say danika patrick? where?

12/10/2009, 04:35 PM
did someone say danika patrick? where?

She's gonna be in NASCAR soon, just like Juan Pablo.

12/10/2009, 10:18 PM
They are not the Cardinals...
They are the Stanford Cardinal, as in the (reddish)color.
That is all

Yeah...its the Samford Bulldogs.

sooner ngintunr
12/10/2009, 11:12 PM

12/11/2009, 07:17 AM
you banging the tree?

Sax man - Bandies do fellow bandies and not otherwise. YWIA:D