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Leroy Lizard
12/3/2009, 04:52 PM

"Is it easier to win one game for a championship? Or to have to win four?" Patterson asked. "If you have a playoff, you practice and get on a plane and play. And if you lose, it's over. If you go to a bowl game, you're there seven days and the kids can enjoy a place and get rewarded."

Yep. As mean as I am to NFL players, I really do think that college football is a recreation to be enjoyed by all.

Leroy Lizard
12/3/2009, 09:53 PM
Well, I guess I am.

12/3/2009, 10:38 PM
pity post

12/3/2009, 10:45 PM
Patterson is only catering to what his administrators who pay his check want

12/3/2009, 10:55 PM
i'm with you Leroy :D

it's hard for me to care about the regular season in the NFL because you can lose 6 games and you are pretty much guaranteed a playoff spot (unless you are the Pats)

and Patterson's right. TCU is much more likely to win a MNC in the current system. if he wins out his conference when the BCS conference have a down year he has to come out and beat a team on one night. imagine them having to play Florida then the winner of Texas/Cincinatti or something similar

Leroy Lizard
12/3/2009, 11:09 PM
pity post

Yeah, I'm sure to gain a lot of pity in here.

12/4/2009, 12:40 AM
pity +

I get what your sayin leroy.

12/4/2009, 01:20 AM
Bowl games are like the NIT. What does it really matter without a shot at all the marbles?

For teams suffering growing pains (like us this year), it's one last game for the departing seniors to lace up and hit someone for the last time (in most player's cases).

For those like TCU and Cincinnati, it's a participation trophy at best. Majority of the time, the big dogs slay the Cinderellas, some times in embarassing fashion. Other times teams like Boise State and Utah prove the big dogs to be all bark and no bite.

IMO, the elite, deserving teams should play it out on the field. TCU looks pretty damn good... we know their coaches and players can get it done... but the tradition of the big dogs, and sometimes the headlines and stories put two-loss teams into championship games in their own back yard.

The BCS is flawed... nothing wrong with admitting that. On an added note, do Oklahoma and Alabama cough up losses to mid-majors in leftover BCS matchups if they can advance by winning? Utah handled Alabama MUCH easier than might Florida did last year.

Leroy Lizard
12/4/2009, 03:05 AM
Bowl games are like the NIT. What does it really matter without a shot at all the marbles?

Did you see the Arizona fans rush the field after their bowl victory? Obviously it meant something to them.

To Sooner fans wanting a national title, a mid-level bowl doesn't mean much. To teams like Arizona, it means a lot. And that is what Patterson was talking about.

The BCS is flawed... nothing wrong with admitting that.

The flaw is our expectations. The BCS was designed to give crybabies a #1 vs #2 game every year. It has succeeded.

12/4/2009, 08:29 AM
To Sooner fans wanting a national title, a mid-level bowl doesn't mean much.

actually, at this point, a win in any bowl sounds pretty sweet.

12/4/2009, 09:57 AM
The flaw is our expectations. The BCS was designed to give crybabies a #1 vs #2 game every year. It has succeeded.

The problem is that in most years there is no clear cut #1 and #2, therefore the system doesnt work. Look at this year with all the undefeateds, look at 04, 03, 00, 06' etc, etc...

12/4/2009, 11:00 AM
Because we all know that if we have a playoff, nobody will ever have fun going to bowls ever again. :rolleyes:

12/4/2009, 11:27 AM
I'm pretty much with Lizzy on this one.
I used to be a rabid playoff proponent. I still say that's the only way to have "one true champion." But I'm starting to think that having "one true champion" is overrated and might not be so important after all.
I'm tired of hearing games talked about as "meaningless" just because they don't lead to The Big Prize. Actualy, I'm ****ing sick and tired of hearing it! If all games are meaningless unless they lead directly to the "Holy Grail" of one true champion, then crisp fall days, chilly night games, cheerleaders, bands, tailgating, roaring crowds, smuggled hooch, and the vast majority of all college football games -- and all the accompanying festivities -- are "meaningless." I don't need ESPN or CBS or a bunch of blogmeisters and innerweb junkies to tell me what has meaning. Playoff or no, if you can't enjoy a college football game for what it is, right now, today, then your whole perspective on life is probably kinda screwy.

That said.... I still wouldn't mind a playoff. :) I just don't NEED one to enjoy CFB for what it is. Either way, the teeming mass of cosmic ingrates will always be able to dismiss some games as "meaningless - and shame on them for it.

Mississippi Sooner
12/4/2009, 12:51 PM
actually, at this point, a win in any bowl sounds pretty sweet.

Yep, I know I was excited about the freakin' Independence Bowl ten years ago, even after we lost that heartbreaker to Ole Miss. When you ain't been there in a while, it's sweet to get back.

Now, if we can just go and win a mid-level bowl....

Leroy Lizard
12/4/2009, 01:19 PM
If all games are meaningless unless they lead directly to the "Holy Grail" of one true champion, then crisp fall days, chilly night games, cheerleaders, bands, tailgating, roaring crowds, smuggled hooch, and the vast majority of all college football games -- and all the accompanying festivities -- are "meaningless."

Football would never have been invented if the only purpose of a game was to crown a true national title.

If all games are meaningless unless they lead directly to the "Holy Grail" of one true champion, then crisp fall days, chilly night games, cheerleaders, bands, tailgating, roaring crowds, smuggled hooch, and the vast majority of all college football games -- and all the accompanying festivities -- are "meaningless."

Luckily, the crisp fall days and chilly nights will remain.

12/4/2009, 02:34 PM
Who needs a true champion? Let's have writers and computers pick a couple teams out of a hat to play a month after the season ends. That's good enough. Just as long as my August 23rd matchup against Arkansas St. is important to the game!

We were completely out of the MNC picture the minute we lost to Miami. Was the Texas game any less important? The OSU game? The Kansas or Nebraska games? Tech, though it wasn't amazingly important to us, was still a game we agonized over after we lost. But we weren't in the mix at all for any kind of awards or championships. Why should we care?

Leroy Lizard
12/4/2009, 09:01 PM
Who needs a true champion?

Apparently, not college football, since it has been enormously popular for over 100 years and has not had a true champion.

We don't need a true champion, and college football's success proves it.