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View Full Version : Since we are in an evaluation mode, does anybody think it is time for Schmiddy to go

11/21/2009, 09:37 PM
...He has always seemed a little odd to me, almost a little-mans complex and nose-hitting players with some kind of junk openly....now we are in an injury streak could it be related to our conditioning program ???

11/21/2009, 09:45 PM
or 'over conditioning' during the off season. Sometimes the body needs to 'rest'

11/21/2009, 09:46 PM
or 'over conditioning' during the off season. Sometimes the body needs to 'rest'

I take a nap every day after lunch.

11/21/2009, 09:54 PM
I had an interesting discussion about this exact topic with an friend of mine who is an Army orthopedist. He sees a lot of injuries like what we are having. He's a college fan as well (tOSU), and is well familiar with our injury plague (it's no longer just a problem, IMHO). He noticed that Army units that had injury problems had to directly with the type of physical training that they are doing. Units that focused on getting their people massive and strong often did so at the risk of flexibility and recovery. If Schmitty is solely focused on getting these guys bigger, he might be doing so at the offset giving these guys proper recovery time and giving them flexibility. I don't know what type of PT Schmitty does with these guys, but I hear that it is like Ranger school. If that is the case, I can speak from personal experience that you are exposing your guys to being more injury prone. Some players who have left the program, to include Curtis Lofton, have had issue with this. If this is all true, those who blame Schmitty for our year-after-year injury problem might be on to something.

Leroy Lizard
11/21/2009, 10:00 PM
Is there anyone we SHOULDN'T go after?

Curly Bill
11/21/2009, 10:01 PM
Is there anyone we SHOULDN'T go after?

In a season like this? Absolutely not.

11/21/2009, 10:02 PM
Is there anyone we SHOULDN'T go after?

Poopsie (that is my name for him until we beat OSU)...

11/21/2009, 10:34 PM
Is there anyone we SHOULDN'T go after?

With all the injuries we have had this year it's a legit question Leroy

11/22/2009, 09:25 AM
Case and point on this is DM. When he got here, he looked fluid and agile, now he's being ran down by DBs from the other side of the field. Look at the run against Uterus his frosh year v. the run he had against A&M for that. He just looks inflexible and slower. His injuries have something to do with that, but his build has changed since he got here. The same thing happened to guys like our DB from a couple of years ago, Walker. He came in blazing fast, then he bulked up, and he got considerably slower. Our O-Linemen look like they have problems moving laterally. That's just not this year, but for a few years. That comes from the same training philosophy as the others. To me, what's more important- looking ripped and massive or being fluid, avoiding injury, and winning games? I take the latter. If it means that Schmiity performance should be evaluated on this, so be it!

11/22/2009, 10:05 AM
Damn Rus....

How many folks should be fired this week?

What about the guy who's in charge for sideline refreshments? I bet he's not making sure everyone is getting the good stuff.

11/22/2009, 10:24 AM
I had an interesting discussion about this exact topic with an friend of mine who is an Army orthopedist. He sees a lot of injuries like what we are having. He's a college fan as well (tOSU), and is well familiar with our injury plague (it's no longer just a problem, IMHO). He noticed that Army units that had injury problems had to directly with the type of physical training that they are doing. Units that focused on getting their people massive and strong often did so at the risk of flexibility and recovery. If Schmitty is solely focused on getting these guys bigger, he might be doing so at the offset giving these guys proper recovery time and giving them flexibility. I don't know what type of PT Schmitty does with these guys, but I hear that it is like Ranger school. If that is the case, I can speak from personal experience that you are exposing your guys to being more injury prone. Some players who have left the program, to include Curtis Lofton, have had issue with this. If this is all true, those who blame Schmitty for our year-after-year injury problem might be on to something.

i've got a little personal experience with "specialized training". yes, your body needs recovery - even at 20-22 years old. i did some highly intense military training for a short time, and my body was abused. think of the hardest, longest workout you ever had... increase the intensity and pain 10 fold. a typical day was a 10 hour workout (burning between 5K and 8K calories depending on the "events" of the day and how bad you screwed up). by the time friday rolled around, doing 20 (quality) pushups was nearly impossible. HOWEVER, once monday rolled around. you could do 100 in a row without batting an eye (and usually did around 1000/day). those 2 days off works wonders on the body.

that being said, these trainers are so professional and knowledgable it's scary. could it be the training program leading to the injuries??? possibly. it could also be bad luck. i don't know.

Johnny Utah
11/22/2009, 11:31 AM
This team seems to lack a certain explosiveness, especially in its play-makers on offense. The o-line (or what remains of it) doesn't blow anybody off the los. The rbs hit the holes (if there are any) slowly and go down relatively easily (Murray gets some yards after contact when hit high but generally not when hit low). The receivers can't seem to get good separation and rarely if ever win in a contest for the ball. Add in the alarmingly high amount of injuries and it has to asked if this is related to the conditioning.

11/22/2009, 12:39 PM
Damn Rus....

How many folks should be fired this week?

What about the guy who's in charge for sideline refreshments? I bet he's not making sure everyone is getting the good stuff.

I think the Get Back coach has done a good job this year; i don't recall any sidelines warnings

Curly Bill
11/22/2009, 02:55 PM
Case and point on this is DM. When he got here, he looked fluid and agile, now he's being ran down by DBs from the other side of the field. Look at the run against Uterus his frosh year v. the run he had against A&M for that. He just looks inflexible and slower. His injuries have something to do with that, but his build has changed since he got here. The same thing happened to guys like our DB from a couple of years ago, Walker. He came in blazing fast, then he bulked up, and he got considerably slower. Our O-Linemen look like they have problems moving laterally. That's just not this year, but for a few years. That comes from the same training philosophy as the others. To me, what's more important- looking ripped and massive or being fluid, avoiding injury, and winning games? I take the latter. If it means that Schmiity performance should be evaluated on this, so be it!

I've thought for a number of years now that we try to bulk our guys up too much at the expense of their speed and agility. Walker and Murray are both excellent cases in point.

11/22/2009, 03:32 PM
...He has always seemed a little odd to me, almost a little-mans complex and nose-hitting players with some kind of junk openly....now we are in an injury streak could it be related to our conditioning program ???

So who gets the credit for OU staying relatively healthy in 2008?

Just Sayin

11/22/2009, 03:36 PM
You guys are WAY off on this topic and don't know what the h-e-double hockey sticks your talking about. Speaking from personal experience I would bet dollars to donuts that Murray is the type athlete that HATES being in the weightroom. When the teams lifting session is taking place I would "guess" he is one of the guys doing more talking than actual lifting. Hence, you have the constant breakdown of Murray. Being in the weightroom is HANDS DOWN the biggest way to avoid injuries. This season has just been a case of dumb luck. And the comment about "too much off season cond.".... please Go look at ANY D-1, D-2, D-3 strength and conditioning program and go watch what they are doing in the summer!! If you think Coach Schmidt is to hard on our guys prehaps you should go watch Mike Barwis, Sonny Sano, Tommy Moffitt, Scott Cochran, Doug Davis, Vic Viloria etc etc. then come back and talk. It's call keeping up with other programs and athletes.

To borrow a phrase from Dan Hawkins..."It's D-1 football!!!!!, It's the Big-12!!!!"

11/22/2009, 03:58 PM
So who gets the credit for OU staying relatively healthy in 2008?

Just Sayin

Good point! Schmiddy has been here for a long time and we have not always had so many with injuries. I think you just have years where Murphy's law takes it's full effect.

Mississippi Sooner
11/22/2009, 04:10 PM
Damn Rus....

How many folks should be fired this week?

What about the guy who's in charge for sideline refreshments? I bet he's not making sure everyone is getting the good stuff.

That's some high quality H2O.

11/23/2009, 05:13 PM
So who gets the credit for OU staying relatively healthy in 2008?

Just Sayin

OU hasn't stayed "relatively healthy" since 2000. Key players get injured more at OU than I can remember at any other program. Many don't miss games but continue to play hurt and end up not playing at the next level because of injuries.
It's more than bad luck. Whether it's Smitty or not I don't know but anyone who says that recovery time is not important is very misinformed. Are they focused only on bulking up or is flexibility important? Is it mostly the weight room or are speed/agility drills a big part? Also, never underestimate the importance of nutrition. Sometimes the smallest change in training can make some huge gains, it's finding what to change that can be the most challenging.

11/23/2009, 05:20 PM
OU hasn't stayed "relatively healthy" since 2000. Key players get injured more at OU than I can remember at any other program. Many don't miss games but continue to play hurt and end up not playing at the next level because of injuries.
It's more than bad luck. Whether it's Smitty or not I don't know but anyone who says that recovery time is not important is very misinformed. Are they focused only on bulking up or is flexibility important? Is it mostly the weight room or are speed/agility drills a big part? Also, never underestimate the importance of nutrition. Sometimes the smallest change in training can make some huge gains, it's finding what to change that can be the most challenging.
That's ridiculous. You aren't paying attention to other schools then. Every school suffers.

2000 was an extremely ABNORMAL year. I've never heard of a team not losing one starter for an entire season. It was amazing.

Just as 2009 was extremely abnormal on the opposite spectrum. The answer usually lies somewhere in the middle. Don't get overly emotional.

11/23/2009, 05:23 PM
Damn Rus....

How many folks should be fired this week?

What about the guy who's in charge for sideline refreshments? I bet he's not making sure everyone is getting the good stuff.

You think he could bring us alcohol in the stands?