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View Full Version : Throwback unies are going to be sweeet!!

11/19/2009, 09:43 PM

We should wear these more often.

11/19/2009, 10:43 PM
They are pretty awesome but I'd like them more if they had a crimson OU on the side of the helmet.

11/19/2009, 11:06 PM
I am just fine with our uniforms. There is no need to change up a classic IMO.

11/19/2009, 11:12 PM
the retail version of the jersey is slightly different


11/19/2009, 11:15 PM
I don't think they're supposed to be "throwbacks" despite the similar helmet.

sooner ngintunr
11/19/2009, 11:44 PM
The kid that was supposed to be wearing that jersey on Saturday is awesome.

11/19/2009, 11:49 PM
They're not true throwbacks but they are inspired by the same uniforms that inspired our 2003 throwback uniforms (a.k.a. the 1955 National Champions). The white helmet is fine the way it is. I think it's awesome.

11/20/2009, 12:47 AM
I think crimson OU on the helmet would have made it awesome. It's just kinda a boring uniform...hope it looks better at the game saturday.

11/20/2009, 01:18 AM
I like it..... matter of fact i love it! Its just one game. It's honoring our past with modern tech! Its not like this is a perminent change. This is what happens when you have a big name like NIKE sponsering your program! Next year will be new jerseys with traditional colors!

MyT Oklahoma
11/20/2009, 01:34 AM
Nike can go suck an egg because their new OU uniforms look like ****. Our present uniforms and helmuts are distinctive and have been for years. Everybody inside and outside of our program recognize them.

Also notice how the SOONERS is missing on the new jerseys yet the Nike logo is still inteact. It's all about Nike and I can't stand that corporation.

11/20/2009, 02:13 AM
IT'S A ONE TIME THING. I feel like people ranting about losing our identity are missing this. Plus, if you want to get technical, it's honoring our past identity, a national title winning one, I might add.

I'd be pissed too if these became our new unis, however, for one game I like 'em. Especially because the players like 'em. Hopefully they like 'em enough to win.

11/20/2009, 02:20 AM
I seriously wish we could switch to those uniforms permanently just to p!ss the ignorant people off even more. We should add black and silver while we're at it. Maybe teal, even though the 90s are long gone.

11/20/2009, 02:23 AM
IT'S A ONE TIME THING. I feel like people ranting about losing our identity are missing this. Plus, if you want to get technical, it's honoring our past identity, a national title winning one, I might add.

I'd be pissed too if these became our new unis, however, for one game I like 'em. Especially because the players like 'em. Hopefully they like 'em enough to win.

While I don't think my previous statement of

I am just fine with our uniforms. There is no need to change up a classic IMO.
constitutes ranting or being pissed, I do still feel that our uniforms have become an institution and don't need to be tampered with. I don't want to forget our past by any means. However, I don't see how changing up our uniforms for a marketing buck does anything other than lump us in with the likes of Oregon.

Submitted calmly and coolly by me :D

11/20/2009, 02:29 AM
Except that Oregon changes their uniforms almost every year. This is a one-time thing to show off Nike's new technology (and we're only 1 of 10 schools doing it if you don't count Nike's pet school, Oregon) and the look is a nod to the Sooners of the mid-50s. It's not like we're going with this style forever. In a week it will be back to our regular uniforms, and then next year our regular uniforms will have the Pro Combat technology worked in. OMG, it's the worst thing that could have ever happened.

11/20/2009, 02:29 AM
Guys, its just one game!!!!!! 1 game. Shi*. Get off your high horse and join the team. Are you complaining that we have NIKE as a sponsor? This is a good thing. Enjoy it! We will go back to our origional helments! And jerseys!

11/20/2009, 02:30 AM
Except that Oregon changes their uniforms almost every year. This is a one-time thing to show off Nike's new technology (and we're only 1 of 10 schools doing it if you don't count Nike's pet school, Oregon) and the look is a nod to the Sooners of the mid-50s. It's not like we're going with this style forever. In a week it will be back to our regular uniforms, and then next year our regular uniforms will have the Pro Combat technology worked in. OMG, it's the worst thing that could have ever happened.

+ 2

11/20/2009, 02:49 AM
Except that Oregon changes their uniforms almost every year. This is a one-time thing to show off Nike's new technology (and we're only 1 of 10 schools doing it if you don't count Nike's pet school, Oregon) and the look is a nod to the Sooners of the mid-50s. It's not like we're going with this style forever. In a week it will be back to our regular uniforms, and then next year our regular uniforms will have the Pro Combat technology worked in. OMG, it's the worst thing that could have ever happened.

I don't get where the hostility is implied on my part. I would prefer to have our traditional uniforms. No emphasis added, no arms waving...

In my opinion, changing uniforms isn't something I would do. I don't know how to state in any more passively than that. Earlier I said, "I am just fine with our uniforms. There is no need to change up a classic IMO.". I apologize for the antagonistic and hyperbolic means in which this sentence was delivered. I didn't realize that "just fine" was the equivalent of "OMG, it's the worst thing that could have ever happened."

I will work on toning down my rhetoric :rolleyes:

11/20/2009, 03:18 AM
Again, it's for ONE GAME. And it's not like we're trotting out some weird look or anything; it's modeled after a former Sooner team. Nike made sure we didn't go with a black helmet or toad-skin pants or anything, which would have sucked. They wanted attention to be drawn to their new toys so they changed the look for one game, and it's a look that we've basically worn before, just altered a bit to fit the equipment; it's changing up a classic for a different kind of classic. This is not that bad of a thing.

And I didn't mean to go at you like that; it was more directed towards everyone who is complaining about this. The players probably love wearing at least the new padding system and other equipment. The uniform style will be done after Saturday and we're not going with 15 different looks after this like Oregon.

11/20/2009, 04:06 AM
If we beat Tech in Lubbock 48-0, are we still whining about this?

Crucifax Autumn
11/20/2009, 04:40 AM
The reality is if the comfort and the light weight of the uniforms is in any way helpful to the players, then we will be switching to the new technology, but keep our distinctive and classic color scheme and so on. Nike put this shat together to show off their technology. Adopting the technology doesn't in any way mean we have to stick with the lookand could actually be a good thing if it adds even .01% to the players' speed or maneuverability.

11/20/2009, 06:56 AM
It was just ONE GAME when we went to Jerry World.

That turned out well.

Crimson Kid
11/20/2009, 08:44 AM
It was just ONE GAME when we went to Jerry World.

That turned out well.

That makes no sense at all. we lost our qb in that game not our unis. gezz some people make a big deal outta nothing.

11/20/2009, 08:51 AM
The uniform makes the difference. You guys don't realize that SWAGGER is actually woven into fabric. The evil Emipre NIKE gives us new no SWAGGER unis every year since 2000 that is why we aren't winning. We should go back the baggy '80's model champion jeresey that ripped every play and those old 5 lb tire tread Pony shoes. Those were are built with SWAGGER. I am with you guys this is the worst thing that could have every happened. I wasn't worried when Sam, Gresh, Murrary, and Broyles got hurt...but this...this is cause for true panic. Sooner Nation: The sky is official falling!!!!!!

I think they are sweet!

11/20/2009, 09:13 AM
Well, those '80s unies were much rougher looking, seeing the shoulder pads and all through the jersey due to the type of material they were using. Also made them look meaner to me. For me, growing up in the '80s, that is the classic Sooner look but I doubt they'll do that again. Had more to do with the material of the jersey than styling.

11/20/2009, 12:03 PM
The most important factor here is that our uniforms will be lighter than Tech's.

11/20/2009, 12:27 PM
The kid that was supposed to be wearing that jersey on Saturday is awesome.

That's why they're selling Sam's jersey - because every other player will be wearing theirs on Saturday.

Excuse me... I need to go cry some more :(

11/20/2009, 12:34 PM
Awesome. OU is going to wear Stanford's road jerseys!

11/20/2009, 12:48 PM
didn't they just beat the living hell out of the trojans?

11/20/2009, 01:01 PM
didn't they just beat the living hell out of the trojans?

Oh yes, so Stanford is loaning them to us so we can kick the karp outta tee tee.

11/20/2009, 02:16 PM
didn't they just beat the living hell out of the trojans?

True, now all we need is Jim Harbaugh coaching our O-Line....

11/20/2009, 02:20 PM

texas bandman
11/20/2009, 02:21 PM
OMG....A new uniform....FIRE STOOPS!!! :D

11/20/2009, 03:12 PM
I don't like the new uni's! :mad:

11/20/2009, 03:31 PM
Yo, people! Wake up.
These uniforms are white and they are boring. The white (and extra boring) helmet is the only thing "throwback" about them. It will be just a tiny bit interesting to see the team in white helmets....for about 2 seconds. After that, I fail to see how anyone who doesn't own a bunch of Nike stock can get the least bit excited about this stunt. It's not a "FAIL"; it's a "meh."
What's next... a "Project Runway" board?

<shakes head sadly>


11/20/2009, 03:34 PM
n/m duplicate post :O

Sooner FLiP
11/20/2009, 05:07 PM
i like em although i agree that they are a bit boring. maybe if the pants were crimson or if the crimson stripe were thicker.

one thing is for sure, the gloves are awesome! i want a pair just to have.

11/20/2009, 06:55 PM
the retail version of the jersey is slightly different


Dont really see this one wicking away moisture ;)

11/20/2009, 07:09 PM
Personally I like the them, for one game. I would like to see the technology incorporated into the existing uni and see how they look.

11/20/2009, 08:48 PM
Don't like em. Don't F with perfection.

11/20/2009, 09:08 PM
Personally I like the them, for one game. I would like to see the technology incorporated into the existing uni and see how they look.

Next season it will be.

King Barry's Back
11/20/2009, 10:58 PM
OK, full disclosure. Purely as a fan, I kind of like the uni's on the website, though I think in the game they will look a little boring. Also, I concede tricking up the uniform can add a little excitement.

But there is nothing for Oklahoma Football in this gimmick. It is purely paid advertising for Nike. That's fine. OU Football gets a lot of money from Nike, and all sports at OU, so we give back what we have to.

What I disagree with is doing this in a key game in a tough place for the Sooners to play. Why add the distraction? Unless this is contractually required, like the gay half-time coaches interviews, I am very surprised that Bob Stoops agreed.

Or, he may take the tack that uniforms don't matter. No excuses. Play in a great way. Etc.

11/21/2009, 01:38 AM
I like the **** outta them and would like us to wear more than once! A home version would be sweeet

11/21/2009, 03:31 AM
Don't like em. Don't F with perfection.

We weren't exactly playing like perfection with our normal road uni's a few weeks ago in Lincoln. If somebody asked me if they should change uni's at halftime of that game, I would have gladly welcomed it. The only thing perfect about that game was watching a gigantic Nebraska fan get tased twice in the stands while fighting off the cops.

Yes.....I was screaming "Tase him, Bro!" :D

11/21/2009, 11:55 AM
What is this sooner magic thing on the collar. What is that phenomenon?

11/21/2009, 03:23 PM
Oh yes, so Stanford is loaning them to us so we can kick the karp outta tee tee.

It's official, I HATE Stanford now.

11/21/2009, 03:30 PM
Anyone got a match?

It's almost time to soak those unis in charcoal lighter fluid.

11/21/2009, 06:29 PM
Those uniforms suck! I expected to see paterno to come running out at halftime.

Curly Bill
11/21/2009, 06:30 PM
They were pretty blah...

How anyone got excited about those things I could never see -- guess the players thought the same thing. ;) ;)

11/21/2009, 06:48 PM
I liked them, for the ONErequired game! Wouldnt want to see them week in and week out. Actually, I just liked the white helment with the grey face masks.

11/21/2009, 06:55 PM
I have never seen a team look so good and so bad at the same time.