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11/15/2009, 05:33 AM
If we win out...possibly Cotton?

WA. Sooner
11/15/2009, 05:55 AM
Don't want to go to Dallas.
Bad year for that place

11/15/2009, 08:21 AM
Neb would go over us, unless they just lay eggs against KSTATE and Colorado, and don't make it to the Big XII Title Game. If they lost two, then they would probably drop to a much lesser bowl, and the Cotton Bowl would need to decide between us and OSU. OSU would have a better record, but we would have beaten them, and we played a tougher schedule.

11/15/2009, 10:00 AM
Neb would go over us, unless they just lay eggs against KSTATE and Colorado, and don't make it to the Big XII Title Game. If they lost two, then they would probably drop to a much lesser bowl, and the Cotton Bowl would need to decide between us and OSU. OSU would have a better record, but we would have beaten them, and we played a tougher schedule.

And we put a lot more butts in seats.:cool:

11/15/2009, 10:05 AM
LULZ. We play this game every week.
After a loss.....----> Independence, Insight....

After a win...----> Can we still make a BCS bowl (this was a while ago), Cotton, Gator, or Holiday.

I'm still going to say IF we win out, we will get the Holiday.
vs USC.

Who isn't all that scary.

11/15/2009, 10:12 AM
I vote for Gator, it's 30 minutes from my house. And my son's school sells $25 tickets when you buy in advance before the teams are announced. We've gone the last 2 years, it's a blast. Jacksonville in January is teh allsome.

11/15/2009, 10:13 AM
And we put a lot more butts in seats.:cool:

There is your winner. A long as you are eligible this is the only consideration that matters. It's all about that dollar dollar bill.

11/15/2009, 11:35 AM
I hear Arizona is just lovely this time of year....

Insight Bowl, probably against MinneSOta

11/15/2009, 11:41 AM
Dallas. I'll bet the pre-nup is already signed.

Lose again and it's a quick drive to Shreveport.

11/15/2009, 11:41 AM
does OSU win next week without Robinson?

which KState team shows up against Nebraska? CU likes to give them a fight as well

if we win out, i could see anywhere from Cotton to Alamo

11/15/2009, 12:18 PM
I would like the Alamo bowl and the Riverwalk!

11/15/2009, 03:15 PM
8-4 ain't cotton this year.
more like, or Mo bowl, or the port, at best the holiday.

Nebish to the Cotton -

TCU - Boise in the Fiesta - (Sad that TCU won't make it to nat'l champ game - they deserve it more than Texas - if you don't believe me than compare their schedules).

11/15/2009, 03:18 PM
I just wanna win!

11/15/2009, 03:37 PM
BCS National Championship Game. We're talking 2010, right?

11/15/2009, 05:48 PM
Well looking at the mathematical formula mad famous by the late great Allen Einstein. Win out two logical choices are Cotton or Holiday. Reasons for the Cotton are we will have beaten OSU and we would bring more people than Nebraska to the Taj ma Jerry. Holiday just because we would have a loss to Nebraska. Lose one of the next 2 then looking at Shreveport or San Antonio. Lose next two and Insight or Sun bowl. Thank you Allen Einstein.

11/15/2009, 06:37 PM

I've read some of Allen's books. Sharp guy!

Dan Thompson
11/15/2009, 07:03 PM
I want to kill USC.

11/15/2009, 07:26 PM
Jerry World?

Here's one butt he can't count on.

I'll never set foot in that place.

11/15/2009, 09:43 PM
any chance we could play SUC in the holiday bowl ha

11/15/2009, 09:45 PM
looks more like Stanford, Arizona or OSU will be in San Diego

11/16/2009, 01:55 AM
Oklahoma- Cotton
Oklahoma State- Holiday
Nebraska- Alamo
Texas Tech- Gator
Missouri- Sun
KState- Insight

11/16/2009, 07:26 AM
The Houston Chronicle (Mike Finger) did a piece today that predicted Big 12 Bowl Games:

Iowa State-EagleBank

None-KU, Baylor, Colorado

I wonder if anyone would pick up OU vs Notre Dame as a bowl game? 'Course both those teams could end up losing one game before the end of season, making them matching 7-5 teams, but still might be a name draw. Actuall OU vs. ND might be a good game....what do yo'all think?

VA Sooner
11/16/2009, 08:49 AM
I see us beating Texas Tech. I think we hold OSU's high-powered offense with our otherworld Defense and with homefield advantage, beat the Pokes in a close game to keep our streak.

Nebraska to Cotton
OU to Holiday

and who cares about the rest.

Unless.... somehow Nebraska drops a game (most likely possibility would be Kansas State... root for Snyder's team... at least this one week). Texas plays Kansas St in the Big 12 CG and we take second place over Neb, KS St, and OSU.

Dream scenario.

King Barry's Back
11/16/2009, 10:07 AM
I've just got a feeling that if we win out, we're going to Dallas. That's not a good feeling, either, as I'm done with Dallas this year, and I get no cheer from contemplating an SEC opponent (LSU?). But that's how I see it.


If you are the Cotton Bowl committee, who do you want in your classic bowl game? One of the first three bowl games ever played? One where you are staking a claim to get back into the BCS rotation?

Do you want Oklahoma State? No, you don't. Do you want a stumbling/ reeling Nebraska team, who hasn't been good in a decade, and has to bring down fans from the frozen north? They do have a good name, so it's possible.....

Or do you want the University of Oklahoma? One of the bluest of the blue bloods of college football? A school that has only played once in your bowl game? A regional team with a huge Dallas fanbase and local interest? A team that has lost four road games against very good competition by a total of 12 points? A team that played for the national title last year? And a team that might be playing for it next year?

Most of the posters on this board seem to think that ticket sales dominate bowl choices -- but I say it's TV interest. Let's face it, nationally, nobody ever cares about watching Ok State, and the pokies would be at least a three loss team anyway. No way they get chosen over us, assuming we win out.

Nebraska has a name as good as ours, but there have been plenty of 50-12 losses in the past few years, and they are nowhere near as good this year, and TX would have just spanked them in the Big XII championship game.

So I am saying we win out, we go to Dallas.

11/16/2009, 12:11 PM
i'm really hoping to see Texas in the Cotton :D

i think Nebraska has another loss in them before the season's over. i kinda think it's going to be KState playing Texas in Alrington

11/16/2009, 12:37 PM
OU Arizona in the Holiday Bowl! Brother against Brother new Rivalry