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View Full Version : Rank Your Top Ten Horror Movies

10/30/2009, 10:53 AM
1. Halloween
http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs229.snc1/7628_102061826479750_100000278005602_58321_3888923 _n.jpg

2. The Exorcist

3. Jaws

4. Rosemary's Baby

5. Texas Chainsaw Massacre

6. The Thing

7. Alien

8. The Shining

9. Salem's Lot

10. Saw

Honorable mention: Blair Witch Project, Evil Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream.

10/30/2009, 11:01 AM
is it bad to say I saw the movie "Scream" when i was in second grade and slept on my parents floor for like a month ? so i was like 6 or 7

i watched the movie again at age 18, and thought it was funny

10/30/2009, 11:11 AM
I'm not a big horror flick guy, but I'd have to say:

1. Exorcist
2. The Omen
3. Bride of Frankenstein
4. The Mummy
5. Dracula
6. Nosfaratu
7. The Pit and the Pendulum
8. Hunchback of Notre Dame
9. The Shining
10. Anything with Peter Cushing, Vincent Price, Lon Cheney, and Bela Lugosi.

Also, to me Jaws isn't a horror flick.

10/30/2009, 11:36 AM
Dean is old school. The Shining is the newest thing on his list.

I don't know that I have a list of 10 but I think my favorite is the original Halloween just because it scared me so bad the first time I watched it. Most of the schlock they put out these days is regurgitated slasher crap that doesn't have any creativity. I'm also sick of the supposedly scary Japanese remakes. I remember being really scared by Salem's Lot when it first came out on TV. I'm also a fan of a bunch of the old ones Dean listed - I used to stay up late on Friday night and watch the old Creature Feature movies. Good times.

10/30/2009, 11:50 AM
I'm not a big horror flick guy, but I'd have to say:

1. Exorcist
2. The Omen
3. Bride of Frankenstein
4. The Mummy
5. Dracula
6. Nosfaratu
7. The Pit and the Pendulum
8. Hunchback of Notre Dame
9. The Shining
10. Anything with Peter Cushing, Vincent Price, Lon Cheney, and Bela Lugosi.

Also, to me Jaws isn't a horror flick.
He rapes farm animals too

10/30/2009, 11:51 AM
1. Bram Stoker's Dracula

2. The Exorcist


3. The Fly

4. 1958 The Blob with Steve McQueen


5. 28 Days Later


6. Poltergiest


7. Lon Cheny and LC Jr. Dracula Movies


8. Original Invasion of the Body Snatchers


9. The Original War of the Worlds in B&W


10. The Original Mummy


10/30/2009, 12:07 PM
Dean is old school. The Shining is the newest thing on his list.

I don't know that I have a list of 10 but I think my favorite is the original Halloween just because it scared me so bad the first time I watched it. Most of the schlock they put out these days is regurgitated slasher crap that doesn't have any creativity. I'm also sick of the supposedly scary Japanese remakes. I remember being really scared by Salem's Lot when it first came out on TV. I'm also a fan of a bunch of the old ones Dean listed - I used to stay up late on Friday night and watch the old Creature Feature movies. Good times.

Agree. I put Halloween at the top because it really started the slasher genre (and no, Psycho does not count) and was made on a shoe string indie budget with no name actors. It was produced with 320,000 dollars and made over 42 million. Another thing that puts it over the top besides not having any blood and guts for an added affect, was the soundtrack. Even in today's horror market, you will not find a more mood setting/creepy as hell soundtrack than Halloween. John Carpenter is a genius.

10/30/2009, 01:14 PM
Not in the horror genre, but I'd actually put The Dark Knight's soundtrack in there as "creepiest soundtrack I've ever heard".

Seriously, listen to it without the movie and tell me that shouldn't be titled "lullaby for a mass-murderer".

I'm not much for horror movies. Other than The Shining, Jaws, and Bram Stoker's Dracula, I haven't seen any of the movies mentioned in this thread. The Shining? awesome. Jaws? Scared the **** out of me when I was little. Arachnophobia? I STILL won't watch that ****ing movie.

10/30/2009, 01:17 PM
Am I the only guy who thought The Excorcist sucked ballz?

Anyway, here ya go;

1: Halloween
2: The Strangers (not to be confused with the Stranger)
3: 28 Days Later
4: Poltergeist
5: Paranormal Activity
6: Friday the 13th
7: Saw 1 only
8: The Shining
9: Jaws
10: The Hills have eyes 1 only

10/30/2009, 01:25 PM
the hills have eyes freaking disturbed me

10/30/2009, 01:25 PM
Not in the horror genre, but I'd actually put The Dark Knight's soundtrack in there as "creepiest soundtrack I've ever heard".

Seriously, listen to it without the movie and tell me that shouldn't be titled "lullaby for a mass-murderer".

I'm not much for horror movies. Other than The Shining, Jaws, and Bram Stoker's Dracula, I haven't seen any of the movies mentioned in this thread. The Shining? awesome. Jaws? Scared the **** out of me when I was little. Arachnophobia? I STILL won't watch that ****ing movie.

You've never seen Halloween, The Exorcist, or Alien?

Dude, we've got to get you exposed.

10/30/2009, 01:30 PM
Come on, how could you guys leave off Dracula: Dead and Loving it :confused:


10/30/2009, 01:35 PM
Agree. I put Halloween at the top because it really started the slasher genre (and no, Psycho does not count) and was made on a shoe string indie budget with no name actors. It was produced with 320,000 dollars and made over 42 million. Another thing that puts it over the top besides not having any blood and guts for an added affect, was the soundtrack. Even in today's horror market, you will not find a more mood setting/creepy as hell soundtrack than Halloween. John Carpenter is a genius.

Halloween was definitely low budget. But compare that to the current Paranormal Activity. It cost $15,000 and has (so far) made $66 million. How's that for ROI? Obviously they spent a fair amount on advertising, but still...

10/30/2009, 01:37 PM
The Strangers was a really good one recently. Good call, Collier.

10/30/2009, 01:39 PM
Halloween was definitely low budget. But compare that to the current Paranormal Activity. It cost $15,000 and has (so far) made $66 million. How's that for ROI? Obviously they spent a fair amount on advertising, but still...

Yeah, I read that. Crazy stuff. A lot of people don't know that it originally came out in 2007 and went straight to DVD before they did some re-shoots and re-released it this year.

10/30/2009, 01:39 PM
Watched The Strangers the other night for the first time. Not sure how I feel about it. It had it's good moments but I got tired of the killers' idiocy. I started thinking maybe they were retarded or something.

10/30/2009, 01:43 PM
Watched The Strangers the other night for the first time. Not sure how I feel about it. It had it's good moments but I got tired of the killers' idiocy. I started thinking maybe they were retarded or something.

You want retarded? Rent Funny Games. I'd rather throw myself down a flight of stairs with a light bulb in my mouth than have to sit through that again. Pathetic.

10/30/2009, 01:43 PM
The Strangers was a really good one recently. Good call, Collier.

The Strangers was more intense than scary which made it really hard to watch, after the movie my hands hurt cus they were clenched the entire time apparently. It was just as intense the 2nd time I watched it at my house. Good flick

10/30/2009, 01:45 PM
You want retarded? Rent Funny Games. I'd rather throw myself down a flight of stairs with a light bulb in my mouth than have to sit through that again. Pathetic.

I had heard that Funny Games was the predecessor for The Strangers. Guess I won't be watching it.

10/30/2009, 01:55 PM
Not really, it's just that Funny Games shared some of the same ideas. Home invasion, no motive, etc.

10/30/2009, 02:26 PM
The Strangers was one intense movie. The best horror movies IMO are the ones where the events could actually happen.

10/30/2009, 02:28 PM
Agreed, thats why someone needs to come up with a new serial killer type movie like Halloween or Friday the 13th but leave out the "coming back from the dead stuff"

10/30/2009, 03:14 PM
Another flick that had it's moments:

Silence of the Lambs

What I don't get are the slasher flicks. I don't see the point. Hell, I never even liked Psycho very much. They're just beyond stupid. No chick in a dark house who hears noises in the basement is gonna go down there - especially after the lights go out, etc. Just stupid.

Another flick I just thought of: From Hell - pretty good movie

10/30/2009, 03:22 PM
It scared the hell out of me, but I also think it's the finest movie poster ever created:


10/30/2009, 03:29 PM
It scared the hell out of me, but I also think it's the finest movie poster ever created:


No kidding. And the theme song still gives me goose bumps and makes me look behind me. I think Gary Olfield (sic?) did it?

10/30/2009, 03:40 PM
Two others that I've seen recently that were really good.

Drag Me To Hell


High Tension


10/30/2009, 04:31 PM
The thing about the Exorcist is that if you compare it to what we now see in Horror...it pales.

Thing is...when it came out...It SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF PEOPLE!

It's theme and music were very powerful.