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View Full Version : Watching AD and the Vikes game, it is obvious that the NFL...

Lott's Bandana
10/25/2009, 01:27 PM
...has become simply a vehicle for commercials.

Kickoff - commercial
Change of Possession - commercial
Injury - commercial
Time Out - commercial
Challenge Flag - commercial

There is no flow to the games any longer. FOX can lose the expensive and stupid Robot graphics and give us more game...not necessarily to listen to banal commentary, but to give us some continuity to what is happening on the field.

Game has been on :83 minutes. :45min of game coverage, :38min of commercials. 54/46 ratio.

10/25/2009, 01:28 PM
I agree, the amount of commercials in NFL games are absurd.

10/25/2009, 01:37 PM
Been that way for several years; how else can they pay those ridiculous fees to broadcast the games? More and more commercials is how

10/25/2009, 09:13 PM
AD & the Vikes are the only reason I watch the NFL. I was born a Sooner the same year the Cowboys started. Used to love them 'boys, but Arky Jones has totally turned me away. Long live Tom Landry, the Murchison Family, Tex, and Gill. No class = no watch. Could you ever imagine Walt G. taking a bow after picking up a 1st down like these prima donas do today? Yep, watching overpaid garbage collectors play a kid's game is not for me. It all about ALL DAY.


10/26/2009, 09:42 AM
...has become simply a vehicle for commercials.

Kickoff - commercial
Change of Possession - commercial
Injury - commercial
Time Out - commercial
Challenge Flag - commercial

The Challenge Flag is the only thing on that list that's new. Like tulsaoilerfan said, it's been like this for years. I've never understood why they would go commercial-kickoff-commercial. Really? That changes it from being a commercial break in the middle of football to being a football break in the middle of commercials.

10/26/2009, 09:43 AM
I noticed this too. I thought it was ridiculous when they took a commercial after BARELY showing the play that was being challenged. I wanted more looks at it.

10/26/2009, 09:50 AM
I remember how Nascar started this follow your favorite Driver deal.

Would be cool to see the NFL give more access to Fans via the internet. Go ahead and have all the commercials you want but let more internet access to other camera views.

They could definitely do something to tap the pockets of the fans they have pushed away by not giving a better outlet for the Sunday Ticket.

10/26/2009, 09:54 AM
Television exists because of advertising. That includes the NFL. And NCAA football.

10/26/2009, 10:30 AM
Reminds me of Playboy,more ads than boobs. :D

10/26/2009, 12:40 PM
Television exists because of advertising. That includes the NFL. And NCAA football.

I thought TV exists so stupid people will have something to do? DAMN YOU TUBA....YOU LIED AGAIN!

10/26/2009, 12:45 PM
That is what they have been trying to do to college football with the new clock rules the last few seasons. Of course they want games to fit in the 3 hour window for TV, but they also want get an extra 100 freaking commercials in.

10/26/2009, 01:00 PM
That is what they have been trying to do to college football with the new clock rules the last few seasons. Of course they want games to fit in the 3 hour window for TV, but they also want get an extra 100 freaking commercials in.
That is why there are only 50% as many plays in the NFL game, as there is in a college game, yet the game is only 15 minutes shorter overall (when you also consider the shortened halftime). It is all commericals!

10/26/2009, 01:43 PM
So when are the college announcers going to learn that the out-of-bounds rule has changed? I keep hearing announcers ragging on the RBs of the team in the lead for stopping the clock by running out of bounds when there is more than 2 minutes left.

Crucifax Autumn
10/26/2009, 04:50 PM
I haven't watched more thn a few minutes at a time of NFL coverage since the early 90s so I don't know about the commercials. I do know the pro game is lifeless and boring compared to college which is why I don't watch. Seems to me the extra commercials would make it even worse...kinda like watching turtles **** under a blanket.

10/26/2009, 07:31 PM
You forgot:
Touchdown, commercial and skip the extra point and/or kickoff, commercial