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10/21/2009, 09:42 PM

This guy is a joke

10/21/2009, 09:57 PM

Curly Bill
10/21/2009, 09:59 PM

...but I thought you were an Obama supporter? ;)

10/21/2009, 09:59 PM

10/21/2009, 10:07 PM

10/21/2009, 10:07 PM
...but I thought you were an Obama supporter? ;)


10/21/2009, 10:47 PM
He's like Obama. Can't stand constructive criticism.

Let's enjoy these days instead of the great Bush years.

10,000 stock market. This is about equal to Bill Clinton's stock market levels.

Now, if we could just get back to the all time record high stock market of George Bush.

How about a return to the all time record high home ownership during George Bush?.

How about a return of jobs that the middle class enjoyed during George Bush?

Let's put Obama in his own unemployment line.
Do it now before the food riots, before the rent riots, before tent city revolts, before the tea tax revolution.

10/21/2009, 11:00 PM
He's like Obama. Can't stand constructive criticism.

Let's enjoy these days instead of the great Bush years.

10,000 stock market. This is about equal to Bill Clinton's stock market levels.

Now, if we could just get back to the all time record high stock market of George Bush.

How about a return to the all time record high home ownership during George Bush?.

How about a return of jobs that the middle class enjoyed during George Bush?

Let's put Obama in his own unemployment line.
Do it now before the food riots, before the rent riots, before tent city revolts, before the tea tax revolution.

This is intellectually dishonesty on Tuba's level.

10/21/2009, 11:04 PM

This guy is a joke

I cant get your linky to load.

10/21/2009, 11:05 PM
This is intellectually dishonesty on Tuba's level.

Considering the fact that I failed him cause his link is wrong, it is even worse.

Guess my devotion to Obama is so strong, I can't look past a failed link to see what the article says. :D

10/21/2009, 11:06 PM
I cant get your linky to load.


10/21/2009, 11:10 PM
His wonderfulness makes up for the failed link

there's nothing that He can't do because He is who He is

10/22/2009, 01:01 AM
I cant get your linky to load.


10/22/2009, 01:05 AM
look like everyone is moving to North Dakota for a job....

My Opinion Matters
10/22/2009, 08:41 AM

The projections for December 2010 haven't been met by Septermber 2009?! ZOMG!

10/22/2009, 09:17 AM
This is intellectually dishonesty on Tuba's level.No, its called facts tommie.

Of course, if the guy I voted for tripled the national debt and doubled unemployment in just 9 months, I would be trying to ignore those facts as well.

10/22/2009, 09:22 AM

I just read something about people who can't find any of those "Green Jobs" our Dear Leader has promised us, and now are losing their homes and moving into Obamavills, or (tent cities for the homeless) in many of those places.

But thank goodness our President is tackling the hard issues, like cable news and fundraising for his next election. Hope and Change baby!!!

10/22/2009, 09:32 AM

I just read something about people who can't find any of those "Green Jobs" our Dear Leader has promised us, and now are losing their homes and moving into Obamavills, or (tent cities for the homeless) in many of those places.

But thank goodness our President is tackling the hard issues, like cable news and fundraising for his next election. Hope and Change baby!!!

God, could you imagine how the libs would act if all this crap had actually started under a Republican president? Dear God, they would have a field day. :rolleyes:

10/22/2009, 09:34 AM
No, its called facts tommie.

Of course, if the guy I voted for tripled the national debt and doubled unemployment in just 9 months, I would be trying to ignore those facts as well.

Oh, and defending a dead link by saying folks can't take "constructive criticism" and attacking them instead of just fixing the god damned link... Yeah I could see you doing that too, so tommie was wrong. Go team jack **!

I Am Right
10/22/2009, 09:39 AM
Barack Hussien Obama, MMMM-MMMMMM-MMMMM

10/22/2009, 09:41 AM
God, could you imagine how the libs would act if all this crap had actually started under a Republican president?They would probably just end up spending more money.

10/22/2009, 09:43 AM
One more thing, yeah **** sucks. Do I blame Obama? Some. Do I blame Bush? Some. Do I blame the rest of the jack asses in Washington? Mostly. If congress had stood up to the idiots on Wall Street instead of just giving them everything they wanted, this whole mess could have been avoided.

But they didn't. So instead we get measure that may or may not work to try and keep the problem, created by both parties equally, from getting to bad.


10/22/2009, 09:51 AM
Now, cue the "MY BELOVED GOP HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WAY THIS COUNTRY WAS RUN IN THE LAST 28 YEARS!!!!!!! ALL THE BLAME RESTS AT THE FEET OF THE EVIL DEMOCRATS!!!!! ROAR!!!!"Well, you can bitch about the last 28 years all your want. In fact, the last 28 years were perhaps the most prosperous and peaceful years in our nation's history.

Or, you can concentrate on where we are going, which is looking worse every day...


A nice graph of "Hope and Change".

10/22/2009, 09:58 AM

That Nate is Stuntzaz Sexy. :D I didn't know he even knew Olevet. :D

10/22/2009, 10:03 AM
That Nate is Stuntzaz Sexy. :D I didn't know he even knew Olevet. :D


Vet's got the shack fixed up pretty good now. I didn't know he decided to spring for carpet.

10/22/2009, 10:08 AM

I just read something about people who can't find any of those "Green Jobs" our Dear Leader has promised us, and now are losing their homes and moving into Obamavills, or (tent cities for the homeless) in many of those places.

But thank goodness our President is tackling the hard issues, like cable news and fundraising for his next election. Hope and Change baby!!!

You didn't seriously think he'd be able to do that in one year now did you? Bush couldn't even get the Twin Towers cleaned up or New Orleans back on track after two Administrations. How the hell could you expect PBHO to be able to create a whole new industry full of new green jobs when after the economy tanked due to the fear mongering the Right did after the election....more folks than ever lost their jobs? I've got plenty of friends and Family that were die hard Righties and they lost their jobs due to the Companies they work for tanking and instead of taking a risk on the long running prospect of keeping their employees and doing whatever they need to keep it going....they hacked their workforce at the knees and gave themselves raises.

What a bunch of crying pussies.

I don't care how the Dems are handling things as I think they are now turning their shoulder on the right. This isn't good. I understand why they are doing it though as the Right needs a freaking wake up call....not the American People. Most Americans are patiently waiting to go back to work. The folks who can invest in the future need to quit sitting on their asses and make the most out of this opportunity to put hard working Americans back to work. Sitting around collecting their unemployment checks watching Fox and going to Tea Parties isn't going to get America back on track.

10/22/2009, 10:17 AM
How the hell could you expect PBHO to be able to create a whole new industry full of new green jobs when after the economy tanked due to the fear mongering the Right did after the election....more folks than ever lost their jobs?You're making my point quite well actually. It's not Obama's job to be creating new industries full of mythical fantasy "green" jobs.

And its Obama who is saying his porkulus is "working" and that the economy is "recovering".

If double unemployment is Obama's standard of how well his policies work, then I sure can't wait to give him control over our health care system!!!!

10/22/2009, 10:20 AM
Well, you can bitch about the last 28 years all your want. In fact, the last 28 years were perhaps the most prosperous and peaceful years in our nation's history.

Or, you can concentrate on where we are going, which is looking worse every day...


A nice graph of "Hope and Change".

Not to forget the recessions under both Reagan and Bush I.

Also don't forget about the sustained economic growth we saw under WJC*.

*Here is where you give all the credit to the R congress or say something witty about a blow job. Because...well...that's what you do.

10/22/2009, 10:20 AM
No, its called facts tommie.

No, it's called loaded figures and things that started when Bush was still in office.

10/22/2009, 10:22 AM
The folks who can invest in the future need to quit sitting on their asses and make the most out of this opportunity to put hard working Americans back to work.Or how about our President needing to quit bitching about Fox News,spending his time at political fund raisers, or spending millions of our tax dollars on lavish parties at the White House while he ignores our Generals in Afghanistan???

That would be a nice step in the right direction as well.

10/22/2009, 10:24 AM
Or how about our President needing to quit bitching about Fox News,spending his time at political fund raisers, or spending millions of our tax dollars on lavish parties at the White House while he ignores our Generals in Afghanistan???

That would be a nice step in the right direction as well.


10/22/2009, 10:28 AM

Hardly mock outrage.

We should all be mad as hell Obama seems to be working harder at trying to destroy Fox News than AQ or the Taliban.

10/22/2009, 10:41 AM
Well....it has helped. Our 401Ks and our stocks are on the rise. If we can time the market just right....we'll have nearly doubled what we had before the collapse. We pulled out instead of ride it out...so we're doing quite well.

Maybe other folks didn't. I can't help how others risked their hard earnings.

If I'm making your point....why isn't the American Investor jumping all over this opportunity? Fear? Lack of trust that the Dems and GOP can work together? Mostly I think it's because they are able to make quick money. That's why you saw those Corporations jump all over that money. That's why you saw regular folks head towards those same people's Homes calling them out on it. The quick greed that people have been used to the last decade is still what is driving the market. The GOP was popular for that very reason. Now they are trying to blame the impasse on PBHO. All these things come to and end. Now PBHO is left with the after math and IMO....the GOP would be in even bigger trouble had they elected McCain. I'm betting McCain is now relieved that he didn't have to take this on. Now the GOP is trying to capitalize on this and the American People are calling BS.

Seriously...I don't like how things are going any more than you but I think you've got to stop this blame game and try and focus on what you can do as an American to make things better. One thing I've noticed is that people who have made a ton of dough easily...they tend to just retire to their own devices instead of keep in the game when the going gets rough.

I think it might be more of a John Kennedy Moment. Again...ask not what your Country can do for you....ask what can you do for your Country? If Obama isn't going to ask this question...that's his problem. Me...I'm a tad more positive about it all right now.

Both the GOP and the Dems are making it difficult on all of us. There is going to be an adjustment eventually. I'm sure one side or the other will try to take credit for the adjustment...but it will really be the American People that should get the credit. It's regular folks that make this Country great. It's regular folks that control things...not the Government. There is absolutely no way the Government can hire enough people to do what it would take to run this Country.

Time for folks like us to roll up our sleeves and help people get back to work. It's time for all of us to ignore all of this BS the media is doing to help tighten the deadlock between the Dems and the GOP. It's time for us all to be Americans again. It's time to rebuild those Towers in NYC. It's time for us to fix our Streets. Clean up our Cities. It's time for us to elect people that don't give a **** about what Obama or the GOP thinks and start doing what it takes to take advantage of what we can get from the Government in order to build our State up. It's time IMO.

10/22/2009, 10:53 AM
Or how about our President needing to quit bitching about Fox News,spending his time at political fund raisers, or spending millions of our tax dollars on lavish parties at the White House while he ignores our Generals in Afghanistan???

That would be a nice step in the right direction as well.

If Fox went off the air...it might help things IMO.

If the Prez wants to bitch about that bunch of losers...that's his deal. I could care less about Fox. I do think that if Glenn Beck and Nancy Grace would hookup and have some kids....those prodigies could potentially save the World. :D

10/22/2009, 02:43 PM
I think it might be more of a John Kennedy Moment. Again...ask not what your Country can do for you....ask what can you do for your Country?

So if it is indeed a "JFK" moment, then why are Obama's only solutions to everything More Government & More Debt??????

I think most people would laugh at the man who just TRIPLED the debt if he dared to get up and tell us that.

10/22/2009, 03:42 PM
Atleast there is a boom in sales for electric golf cart type vehicles.

10/22/2009, 05:58 PM
You didn't seriously think he'd be able to do that in one year now did you? Bush couldn't even get the Twin Towers cleaned up or New Orleans back on track after two Administrations. How the hell could you expect PBHO to be able to create a whole new industry full of new green jobs when after the economy tanked due to the fear mongering the Right did after the election....more folks than ever lost their jobs? I've got plenty of friends and Family that were die hard Righties and they lost their jobs due to the Companies they work for tanking and instead of taking a risk on the long running prospect of keeping their employees and doing whatever they need to keep it going....they hacked their workforce at the knees and gave themselves raises.

What a bunch of crying pussies.

I don't care how the Dems are handling things as I think they are now turning their shoulder on the right. This isn't good. I understand why they are doing it though as the Right needs a freaking wake up call....not the American People. Most Americans are patiently waiting to go back to work. The folks who can invest in the future need to quit sitting on their asses and make the most out of this opportunity to put hard working Americans back to work. Sitting around collecting their unemployment checks watching Fox and going to Tea Parties isn't going to get America back on track.

Obama is a miserable failure and is on pace to be the worst president evar.

10/22/2009, 06:46 PM
Obama is a miserable failure and is on pace to be the worst president evar.

We will see in a term or two. Can't tell affect (effect) of what he has done for a while.