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10/19/2009, 11:35 PM
Go take your rest, gentle warrior.

Your lion's heart has shown through, and your courage, honor and loyalty have humbled us as we have watched you struggle to lead your team you hold so dear. Your indomitable deer-like ancestry (which many of us share) and your Heartland upbringing has guided you to this point and it has been an inspiration to see you fight to help your comrades and uphold the commitment you made to them. You have done that and more, our proud American son. Now is the time to fight your own personal battle and pass the torch to your brothers/sisters-in-arms.

For our own sake, for the sake of those who love you, and for Deer Nation, whose love, admiration, respect, and gratitude you will have for the rest of your days, hang up your fawn jersey, turn in your short hair and go and heal. Take this time to rest, recover and prepare. You will play on Sundays, Mondays and every day of the week dear lad, and thousands of Deer will cheer whatever field is lucky enough to have you. We love you enough to let you go. You are the best of us, and we want the best for you. Thanks for the memories, you are a true Deer legend, and we will always be thankful you once wore the baby antler stubs.

Uncle Buck

Curly Bill
10/19/2009, 11:37 PM
I don't even know what to say Rus, that is uh...very moving.

10/19/2009, 11:37 PM
It was from the heart...

Curly Bill
10/19/2009, 11:38 PM

10/19/2009, 11:38 PM

10/19/2009, 11:44 PM
Go take your rest, gentle warrior.

Your lion's heart has shown through, and your courage, honor and loyalty have humbled us as we have watched you struggle to lead your team you hold so dear. Your indomitable deer-like ancestry (which many of us share) and your Heartland upbringing has guided you to this point and it has been an inspiration to see you fight to help your comrades and uphold the commitment you made to them. You have done that and more, our proud American son. Now is the time to fight your own personal battle and pass the torch to your brothers/sisters-in-arms.

For our own sake, for the sake of those who love you, and for Deer Nation, whose love, admiration, respect, and gratitude you will have for the rest of your days, hang up your fawn jersey, turn in your short hair and go and heal. Take this time to rest, recover and prepare. You will play on Sundays, Mondays and every day of the week dear lad, and thousands of Deer will cheer whatever field is lucky enough to have you. We love you enough to let you go. You are the best of us, and we want the best for you. Thanks for the memories, you are a true Deer legend, and we will always be thankful you once wore the baby antler stubs.

Uncle Buck

If you were there, as I was, and saw Sam get hurt AGAIN, and still feel like he should come back...well, we'll just have to agree to disagree. My heart broke for that kid on Saturday. You can laugh all you want, but it was written from the heart--I want the best for HIM, however that shakes out. If you just want to win, no matter what it means for Sam...then we are in different camps. But you take care...you're all class.

Curly Bill
10/19/2009, 11:45 PM
Rus done got called out!

10/19/2009, 11:46 PM
I was there...I want the best for him...I was just making fun of you...

Curly Bill
10/19/2009, 11:47 PM
I was there...I want the best for him...I was just making fun of you...

Damn it Rus, you know there's no making fun of folks on here! :mad:

10/19/2009, 11:48 PM
Damn it Rus, you know there's no making fun of folks on here! :mad:

Geez man, That deserved it...

Curly Bill
10/19/2009, 11:50 PM

...and your ode to Bambi was very poetic. :)

10/20/2009, 12:02 AM
I was there...I want the best for him...I was just making fun of you...

Right, because I've been a constant thorn in your side, and this was your chance to get back at me, right???? Uh, wait, I've never said a bad word against you, even tho many others here give you constant **** about your "insider" reports and predictions. So, yeah, I can totally see why you would want to try to mock me and my heartfelt thoughts. Whatever. If it makes you feel big to try and make others feel small, then rock on. But maybe you should try that on the whorn boards, and have a little more respect and empathy for your fellow Sooners. Or not. Are you sure there's not some burnt orange in your closet?

10/20/2009, 12:04 AM
Right, because I've been a constant thorn in your side, and this was your chance to get back at me, right???? Uh, wait, I've never said a bad word against you, even tho many others here give you constant **** about your "insider" reports and predictions. So, yeah, I can totally see why you would want to try to mock me and my heartfelt thoughts. Whatever. If it makes you feel big to try and make others feel small, then rock on. But maybe you should try that on the whorn boards, and have a little more respect and empathy for your fellow Sooners. Or not. Are you sure there's not some burnt orange in your closet?

I am not sure I have ever seen a post by you before...

Curly Bill
10/20/2009, 12:05 AM
Rus is a lawyer, he's all about doing wrong to his fellow men/women. :D

10/20/2009, 12:05 AM
Rus is a lawyer, he's all about screwing over his fellow men/women. :D

Are you trying to get a date or something...

Curly Bill
10/20/2009, 12:08 AM
Are you trying to get a date or something...

That is why I come here. ;) :D

10/20/2009, 12:10 AM
I am not sure I have ever seen a post by you before...

Exactly. You just made my point...what did I ever do to you that you felt the need to create a whole new thread making fun of something I feel strongly about?

Curly Bill
10/20/2009, 12:11 AM
Exactly. You just made my point...what did I ever do to you that you felt the need to create a whole new thread making fun of something I feel strongly about?

psssst! He's a mean old lawyer. ;)

Sorry Rus, I's just kidding.

10/20/2009, 12:15 AM
Exactly. You just made my point...what did I ever do to you that you felt the need to create a whole new thread making fun of something I feel strongly about?

You think this is bad? Just try saying something nice about Nate Hybl. :D

10/20/2009, 12:16 AM
Exactly. You just made my point...what did I ever do to you that you felt the need to create a whole new thread making fun of something I feel strongly about?

It seemed appropriate under the circumstances...and still does...

Curly Bill
10/20/2009, 12:18 AM
Say something nice about Kevin Wilson and we'll come to your house with torches and a rope. :D

10/20/2009, 12:20 AM
You think this is bad? Just try saying something nice about Nate Hybl. :D

Some people' memories are like elephants...some of the new posters never heard of N8...

10/20/2009, 07:31 AM
Exactly. You just made my point...what did I ever do to you that you felt the need to create a whole new thread making fun of something I feel strongly about?
Lighten up, Francis.

10/20/2009, 07:34 AM
Damn it Rus, you know there's no making fun of folks on here! :mad:

Especially coaches :D

10/20/2009, 09:00 AM

Scott D
10/20/2009, 12:24 PM
I'm disappointed, I thought this was going to be a letter to Lance Allworth asking him if he had a fleet footed sure handed grandchild that was of recruiting age.

Johnny Utah
10/20/2009, 01:58 PM
Damn it Rus, you know there's no making fun of OU coaches on here! :mad:

fixed ;)

10/20/2009, 02:43 PM
Go take your rest, gentle warrior.

Your lion's heart has shown through, and your courage, honor and loyalty have humbled us as we have watched you struggle to lead your team you hold so dear. Your indomitable deer-like ancestry (which many of us share) and your Heartland upbringing has guided you to this point and it has been an inspiration to see you fight to help your comrades and uphold the commitment you made to them. You have done that and more, our proud American son. Now is the time to fight your own personal battle and pass the torch to your brothers/sisters-in-arms.

For our own sake, for the sake of those who love you, and for Deer Nation, whose love, admiration, respect, and gratitude you will have for the rest of your days, hang up your fawn jersey, turn in your short hair and go and heal. Take this time to rest, recover and prepare. You will play on Sundays, Mondays and every day of the week dear lad, and thousands of Deer will cheer whatever field is lucky enough to have you. We love you enough to let you go. You are the best of us, and we want the best for you. Thanks for the memories, you are a true Deer legend, and we will always be thankful you once wore the baby antler stubs.

Uncle Buck

:P Soonerus, you are a sick boy and need some padded cell time. You is crazy, but danged funny!

10/20/2009, 08:23 PM
Gotta bump this with all of the open letters...