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View Full Version : Bad sportsmanship goes both ways

10/18/2009, 10:33 PM
While I deplore anyone ever cheering an injured player, how is that bad sportsmanship while raining trash down on our players as they emerge from the tunnel considered charming?

The answer is that both are reprehensible.

Yelling obscenities at opposing fans is bad.

So is vandalizing their cars.

So is physically assaulting them, as was the case last year in an Oklahoma bar.

There are plenty of idiots on both sides.

Curly Bill
10/18/2009, 10:37 PM
Not true, the great majority of the idiots are whorn fans -- that's why they're whorn fans in the first place.

10/18/2009, 10:37 PM
Life is tough.

Sack up.

I think that's a Boy Scout Motto even. ;)

10/18/2009, 10:39 PM
You're point being there are more on the texass side??

Cheering Sam while he tried to get up.....actually cheering louder.....well let's just say I prayed for bad things to happen to them......while I cheered as they were thriving in pain.

Most classless thing I have ever witnessed at a game.....well until next year.

10/18/2009, 10:40 PM
You're point being there are more on the texass side??

Cheering Sam while he tried to get up.....actually cheering louder.....well let's just say I prayed for bad things to happen to them......while I cheered as they were thriving in pain.

Most classless thing I have ever witnessed at a game.....well until next year.

10/18/2009, 10:40 PM
You're point being there are more on the texass side??

Cheering Sam while he tried to get up.....actually cheering louder.....well let's just say I prayed for bad things to happen to them......while I cheered as they were thriving in pain.

Most classless thing I have ever witnessed at a game.....well until next year.

10/18/2009, 10:41 PM
You're point being there are more on the texass side??

Cheering Sam while he tried to get up.....actually cheering louder.....well let's just say I prayed for bad things to happen to them......while I cheered as they were thriving in pain.

Most classless thing I have ever witnessed at a game.....well until next year.

10/18/2009, 10:41 PM

10/18/2009, 10:41 PM
You're point being there are more on the texass side??

Cheering Sam while he tried to get up.....actually cheering louder.....well let's just say I prayed for bad things to happen to them......while I cheered as they were thriving in pain.

Most classless thing I have ever witnessed at a game.....well until next year.

10/18/2009, 10:42 PM
Agree with you.
I can understand it with some of the students, but some of the so-called adults need to grow up.
I don't know of any teams that win them all and don't go through tough times. If you lived a little bit you should know how to handle the good and the bad

10/18/2009, 10:43 PM
Agree with you.
I can understand it with some of the students, but some of the so-called adults need to grow up.
I don't know of any teams that win them all and don't go through tough times. If you lived a little bit you should know how to handle the good and the bad

10/18/2009, 10:43 PM
Nice job Bonk....lol

10/18/2009, 10:44 PM
You're point being there are more on the texass side??

Cheering Sam while he tried to get up.....actually cheering louder.....well let's just say I prayed for bad things to happen to them......while I cheered as they were thriving in pain.

Most classless thing I have ever witnessed at a game.....well until next year.

10/18/2009, 10:44 PM
Agree with you.
I can understand it with some of the students, but some of the so-called adults need to grow up.
I don't know of any teams that win them all and don't go through tough times. If you lived a little bit you should know how to handle the good and the bad

10/18/2009, 10:44 PM
Wow I said a lot.......hahaha!!!

10/18/2009, 10:45 PM
Agree with you.
I can understand it with some of the students, but some of the so-called adults need to grow up.
I don't know of any teams that win them all and don't go through tough times. If you lived a little bit you should know how to handle the good and the bad

10/18/2009, 10:46 PM
Anyway..........Texas still sucks!!!

Funky G
10/18/2009, 10:49 PM
Wasting time trying to get logic through to a bovine...

10/18/2009, 10:54 PM
I don't know if the tunnel and what happened when Sam got injured are comparalbe, but whatever helps you sleep at night. You posting this probably says more about it that anything we could add.

Fact is there were 40,000 Texas fans going ape %^&$ when Sam was rolling around on the ground. (There was a clear increase in excitement and cheering AFTER the realization that Sam was hurt)

It will happen someday to you and we will see if it gets the same reaction. I think deep down you already know the answer.....that's why you posted here.

10/18/2009, 10:59 PM
I just replayed Sam's injury....the Texas Fans continue to cheer.

Lid is a liar.

Fanactic has his head buried deep into bevo poo.

Curly Bill
10/18/2009, 11:01 PM
I just replayed Sam's injury....the Texas Fans continue to cheer.

Lid is a liar.

Fanactic has his head buried deep into bevo poo.

...but I bet you already knew these things before you replayed the injury right? ;)

10/18/2009, 11:01 PM
Something is going on with the site. I've had the triple effect happen as well.

10/18/2009, 11:06 PM
Wow I said a lot.......hahaha!!!

Yes, very humorous indeed. Let's see if you can add something more intelligent to the discussion.

10/18/2009, 11:08 PM
...but I bet you already knew these things before you replayed the injury right? ;)

Nope. I was watching the game at McNellies and a whorn came and sat at the bar next to me. When Sam got hurt...I got pissed and walked out of the bar. I didn't watch any of the game until I made it out to the casino.

Curly Bill
10/18/2009, 11:10 PM
Nope. I was watching the game at McNellies and a whorn came and sat at the bar next to me. When Sam got hurt...I got pissed and walked out of the bar. I didn't watch any of the game until I made it out to the casino.

Naw, I meant that you already knew Lid was a liar and Fanatic has his head buried in bevo poo.

10/18/2009, 11:13 PM
I don't know if the tunnel and what happened when Sam got injured are comparalbe, but whatever helps you sleep at night. You posting this probably says more about it that anything we could add.

Fact is there were 40,000 Texas fans going ape %^&$ when Sam was rolling around on the ground. (There was a clear increase in excitement and cheering AFTER the realization that Sam was hurt)

It will happen someday to you and we will see if it gets the same reaction. I think deep down you already know the answer.....that's why you posted here.

40,000 Texas fans going crazy? Really? And yes, the tunnel and Sam are comparable. If anything, the tunnel is worse. Players can get injured from flying debris. The moron who poured a drink on Artest got charged with assault. NY Jet fans who infamously threw snowballs at opposing players got banned from Jets games for life. Throwing crap at opposing players is what happens in Mexico City in international soccer matches. I would hope Sooner fans would hold themselves to a higher standard than drunken Mexican fans.

10/18/2009, 11:18 PM
Naw, I meant that you already knew Lid was a liar and Fanatic has his head buried in bevo poo.

Well yeah.....:D

10/18/2009, 11:22 PM
40,000 Texas fans going crazy? Really? And yes, the tunnel and Sam are comparable. If anything, the tunnel is worse. Players can get injured from flying debris. The moron who poured a drink on Artest got charged with assault. NY Jet fans who infamously threw snowballs at opposing players got banned from Jets games for life. Throwing crap at opposing players is what happens in Mexico City in international soccer matches. I would hope Sooner fans would hold themselves to a higher standard than drunken Mexican fans.

Trying to relate what whornfan did by cheering for Sam's injury to phantom nonsense from supposed debris flying down on poor whorn players walking through the tunnel? Please!!! #1 do you sit in the OU endzone to see this first hand? #2 do you realize there is a tarp over the tunnel so things cannot get thrown down on players anymore? (If you sat in the OU endzone, you would realize this, idiot!) #3 throwing cokes, or hotdogs, or cheap nachos down on a tu player in no way compares to tu fans cheering way past the sack, when Sam is down and writhing in pain - the cheering continued way past the point of being accidental! Neither you or any other whorn fan can change the fact of what happened. It was the lowest class I've ever witnessed as a football fan, and I've attended over 40 games!

10/18/2009, 11:47 PM
Yes, very humorous indeed. Let's see if you can add something more intelligent to the discussion.

Hmmmmm let me see.....nah I got nothing.......you amuse me.

10/19/2009, 12:41 AM
#2 do you realize there is a tarp over the tunnel so things cannot get thrown down on players anymore? (If you sat in the OU endzone, you would realize this, idiot!

IIRC, this change was made like 15 years ago after someone seated above the tunnel tried to pour beer on Gibbs after one of his signature RRR losses.

footballfanatic = FAIL

Nothing the texass fans do surprises me. I guess having the perspective of being in The Pride during the texass games has given me a real look at the true whorn fans. The ones that try to trip the drummers as they march into the stadium. The ones that call your mom every sick name in the book just because you are proud of your university and wear a uniform to show it. The ones that line Colliseum Drive and scream every imaginable obscenity at college kids that are there to support their school, knowing that the band members can't retaliate. The ones that have no qualms about getting right up close to someone's daughter and making mock jacking off gestures right at her as she supports the Sooners. The ones that get a jolly out of sticking their middle finger in the face of a middle-aged female Sooner fan and calling her an "Okie c*nt" for the terrible act of wearing a Sooner shirt on her way to the stadium.

So to those of you that are outraged or shocked that the whorn faithful cheered at an exemplary young man getting hurt I ask: what did you expect? These are whorn fans we're talking about! I'm not a bit surprised they did it. I'm more surprised they didn't do the na-na-na-na hey-hey good-bye song for him.

I'm not going to be all high and mighty and say that we don't have fans that do stuff like that. Every fan base does. The difference is that with Sooner fans, it's the exception. With whorn fans it's the rule.

10/19/2009, 12:47 AM
The ones that line Colliseum Drive and scream every imaginable obscenity at college kids that are there to support their school, knowing that the band members can't retaliate.

Well, they can't retaliate anymore. In Gene Thrailkill's day we had a different parade formation for OU/Texas - girls on the inside, biggest dudes with the heaviest instruments on the outside.

And yes, a few drunk Texas fans got clocked with sousaphones and baritones. That's what they got for shoving their way into our formation and screaming crap at the girls playing flute.

10/19/2009, 12:59 AM
Well, they can't retaliate anymore. In Gene Thrailkill's day we had a different parade formation for OU/Texas - girls on the inside, biggest dudes with the heaviest instruments on the outside.

And yes, a few drunk Texas fans got clocked with sousaphones and baritones. That's what they got for shoving their way into our formation and screaming crap at the girls playing flute.

Wow, let's not open this can of worms...

:rolleyes: ;) :D

10/19/2009, 01:03 AM
While I deplore anyone ever cheering an injured player, how is that bad sportsmanship while raining trash down on our players as they emerge from the tunnel considered charming?
The answer is that both are reprehensible.

Yelling obscenities at opposing fans is bad.

So is vandalizing their cars.

So is physically assaulting them, as was the case last year in an Oklahoma bar.

There are plenty of idiots on both sides. Sorry pal but that accusation doesn't pass the smell test. You forgot one small fact while forming your tall tale. That tunnel entrance has tarp and its swarming with cops, especially when the players are going through there. I guarantee you that if even one clown threw trash on your throat punching, rib jamming, trash talking, bevo breath nasty azz players they would not only be promptly handcuffed and thrown in jail, but the local Texass News stations would still be playing the film of it as I type.

10/19/2009, 01:08 AM
Could somebody please get rid of this clown? Thank you.

10/19/2009, 01:32 AM
Well, they can't retaliate anymore. In Gene Thrailkill's day we had a different parade formation for OU/Texas - girls on the inside, biggest dudes with the heaviest instruments on the outside.

And yes, a few drunk Texas fans got clocked with sousaphones and baritones. That's what they got for shoving their way into our formation and screaming crap at the girls playing flute.

Oh, I remember a certain bass drummer that reached out with his mallet and cold-cocked a texass fan with it when the idiot tried to run through the band. But even so, Coach always told us that we were to ignore the drunken imbeciles unless we felt there was an immediate danger. So wew could retaliate when they were trying to get physical, but we couldn't lay the smack down when they were screaming at us to go f*ck our sisters.

I always particularly enjoyed the idiots that chanted OU sucks OU sucks while the band was warming up in front of the Colliseum. My, they're a creative bunch.

10/19/2009, 05:58 AM
There was a horn fan in section 139 with a big orange fuzzy top hat that was standing in front of the whole section yelling stuff when Bradford went down.

2 Horn fans that were near me yelled at him to shut it and show some class.

10/19/2009, 07:39 AM
I heard more trash from texas fans after the game than i have ever heard from any team. I wish the worst for them only

Boomer Mooner
10/19/2009, 09:56 AM
Wow, they barely beat the second string of a #20 team and they're talking trash.

I can't believe we put up with so many of them on this site frankly. I don't come here as much as I used to just for that reason. It sucks visiting an OU fans website and seeing some of the idiot UT fans posts on here.

10/19/2009, 10:08 AM

Lid is a liar.

Ummm....He's a lawyer, and a UT fan. That's kind of implied in his username.

10/19/2009, 10:23 AM
While I deplore anyone ever cheering an injured player, how is that bad sportsmanship while raining trash down on our players as they emerge from the tunnel considered charming?

The answer is that both are reprehensible.

Yelling obscenities at opposing fans is bad.

So is vandalizing their cars.

So is physically assaulting them, as was the case last year in an Oklahoma bar.

There are plenty of idiots on both sides.

How is it that Oklahoma fans can "rain trash down" on Whorn players as they emerge from the tunnel? Or haven't you noticed that there is a huge covering over the tunnel and they cover the sides of the tunnel as the teams enter? It would be impossibel to "rain trash down" on anything.

The things you list in your post have been carried out by fans of both sides in the RRR game every year I have been there. I have had obscenitires yelled at me by texicans. It didn't really bother me. I just replied in kind. My nephew had his car vandalized by Whorns fans. I saw a knife pulled on an OU fan by a tu fan at the West End a few years back. But until this year, I had never heard either side's fans cheer the injury of a player for the opposing team. When the saxet fans did that, they redefined classless.

10/19/2009, 10:26 AM
Ummm....He's a lawyer, and a UT fan. That's kind of implied in his username.

Your telling me something I don't know I guess....lol

Anyway...I'm not in this thread to argue with a liar.

10/19/2009, 02:14 PM
Castiglione offered to swap ends with UT a few years back when Mack was whining about the "tunnel issue" (even though it has been covered for years) but UT didn't want to give up the seat advantage they currently have by being on the non-tunnel end.

After all the crap that I heard down here towards the end of last season I knew the Whorn fans would be ridiculous this year.

I think all the heckling stuff is juvenile and asinine crap no matter who does it, things like that should have no place in sports.

10/19/2009, 02:30 PM
This thread is moot.EVERTONE knows that all Sooner fans are the epitome of honor and class and Orange Cow fans are hateful,dimwitted and clueless.

10/19/2009, 04:02 PM
Anyway..........Texas still sucks!!!

You could have posted that more than once IMO. :D

10/19/2009, 04:04 PM
I think all the heckling stuff is juvenile and asinine crap no matter who does it, things like that should have no place in sports.

Well what are we supposed to do with all the extra time? :D :pop:

10/19/2009, 04:23 PM
I tellsha what gud sportsmaniship be. Flyin them ther banners over an opponents stayjum & whinin on nashunall TeeVee durin ther halftime game.

That ther is jus exemplarary sportsaminiship!!

Themis jus followin ther leader. :D

:texan: suck