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View Full Version : On another topic - Did anyone notice the CU QB situation?

10/12/2009, 11:15 PM
So Hawkins finally saw the light and replaced his son for good - or so the story says.

Anyone think Cody will be back??


10/12/2009, 11:21 PM
Pretty weak arm. I'm still embarrassed we lost to him as a QB.

I wonder if Coach Hawkins wasn't recruiting QB talent since his son was there.

As neat as it might be to have the father/son combo at coach/QB, it has to be real awkward at the dinner table when the son gets benched.

Dad: I'm benching you,son. This isn't intramurals brother!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom: Shut the F up, dad.

10/13/2009, 12:51 AM
My Dad and I were talking about this tonight. He then reminded me of a time when he was my American Legion pitching coach, and he pulled me after walking the bases loaded. He said it was one of the toughest decisions that he had to make, but he also owed it to the team and to the other parents to put them in the best situation to win.

BTW, the loss to them up there in Boulder in 2007 was a text book example of how to give a game away. Of all of the games in the Stoops era, that was the biggest WTF of all, IMHO.

10/13/2009, 09:12 AM
Cody Hawkins is worse now than he was as a Freshman

VA Sooner
10/13/2009, 10:41 AM
I remember that game in Colorado... had it wrapped up until a slew of events happened and we gave the game away. So many things went wrong starting with that muffed punt... only thing I remember Reggie Smith doing wrong. Man was he a stud in the secondary.