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View Full Version : Of the three heir apparants who is the best?

10/11/2009, 12:50 PM
Brantley for FLA
Gilbert for *
Landry Jones for us.

Who will be better and why? Let's not look at this as Sooners, *, or Gator fans, but as who you would be better to take over after the star QB left. My personal choice would be Landry because you don't have to change the system around him to make him better. Brantley is a drop back guy, same with Gilbert. Tebow brings a lot of intangibles and the ability to run the ball. McCoy makes people pay due to his ability to improvise and having a weapon like Shipley. Landry, on the other hand, has a similar style to Sam, and already has some starting experience (and, BTW, played well enough to win at Miami). As a matter of fact, the three QBs at OU next year (Landry, Allen, and Bell) all are in that same mold as Sam, with Jones and Bell being more mobile. Just my take, but of the three, Landry Jones would be the best capable of taking over his team.

10/11/2009, 12:57 PM
I think Brantley is a stud, I havent seen Gilbert play, Landry is going to be good next year with Broyles, Kenney, and Caleb