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View Full Version : Football Gods Smite Bob Stoops

10/7/2009, 09:19 AM
From an unknown author at an unknown newspaper. Still, it sure is fun to email him over and over.

COTTRELL COLUMN: Stoops getting his just desserts
Published: October 6, 2009

Apparently the football gods decided they hadn’t done enough to get Bob Stoops’ attention.
Prior to this season, the usual punishment for the Oklahoma coach’s constant running up the score and occasional arrogance was humiliation in a BCS bowl game.
When that became not enough, the football gods smote golden boy quarterback Sam Bradford in the season opener this year, causing the
Sooners to lose to an inferior BYU squad.
With Bradford out for the next few weeks, Stoops still didn’t get the message.
After wins over Idaho State and Tulsa by a combined 109-0, the football gods guided Miami quarterback Jacory Harris’ arm to 202 yards passing and three touchdowns to lift the Hurricanes — another team inferior to the Sooners, at least when Bradford is around — to a dramatic win.
And now, sitting at 2-2 with the grind of conference play yet to begin, Oklahoma and Stoops are in a bit of a pickle.
Bradford still hasn’t seen the field, which doesn’t bode well for the showdown against Texas on Oct. 17, and isn’t exactly good news even if he does play against a rejuvenated Baylor team this week.
With Bradford almost certain to not risk another injury and head to the pros following this season, Stoops’ chances for a second national title may have ended for the next two or three seasons.
Perhaps if he didn’t like rubbing it in so much ...

Tim Cottrell is sports designer of the Opelika-Auburn News. He will write a weekly column on college football during the season. You can also read him on the O-A Sports Blog at oanow.com. He can be reached at 737-2511 or [email protected] .


10/7/2009, 09:22 AM
DC? Wow. Good to see you and that is an asshat of an article.

10/7/2009, 09:27 AM
And this guy should be throat punched.

10/7/2009, 09:43 AM
And this guy should be throat punched.

And have his nads ripped out

10/7/2009, 09:50 AM
He's still bitter from 2004.

10/7/2009, 09:51 AM
He is a *****!

10/7/2009, 10:01 AM
This will be the 2nd time in the last 10 years that Stoops hasn't been in the NC hunt well into November......me thinks the "next two or three" years statement maybe a little risky of a prediction.

10/7/2009, 10:03 AM
"rejuvenated Baylor"? Apparently this guy doesn't know much about sporting current events.

10/7/2009, 10:09 AM
This will be the 2nd time in the last 10 years that Stoops hasn't been in the NC hunt well into November......me thinks the "next two or three" years statement maybe a little risky of a prediction.

There ya go thinking again...

Bob is gonna fire everybody and take us to a NC before the Season is over.

10/7/2009, 10:14 AM
I am thinking about an escort potentially! but don't let me distract from the team or our purpose! Big 12 Championship Baby and an arse kicking of smurf turf st!

10/7/2009, 11:36 AM
This guy probably never played, knows he couldn't have done any better, and makes himself feel superior by writing crap like that. Yes, he's entitled to his opinion, and we all know what opinions are like... And now we know he certainly is one!

10/7/2009, 12:28 PM
What a ****** bag. Did this guy even see the ISU or TU game. It's not like OU was throwing deep late in the game. Or is it the shutouts that this guy doesn't like? He's probably never played a down of defensive football and doesn't get what a big deal a shutout is to the squad.

10/7/2009, 12:32 PM
Like Achilles said, the gods smite Bob Stoops because "they are petty and envy" Bob Stoops. Stoops is just that good. Mythology is rancid with tales of the gods smiting mortal man for their greatness. Someone needs to document what is about to happen so that we can tell our kids of it.

10/7/2009, 01:00 PM
I guess the guy slept through 2005, as well.

10/7/2009, 01:10 PM
against a rejuvenated Baylor team What?

Tim Cottrell is sports designer Oh.

10/7/2009, 01:33 PM
my email to him

Just say it Tim... you don't like Oklahoma and Bob Stoops.

You could have copy-pasted the above phrase 100 times and delivered the same point that you did in your article. You are simply taking the opportunity to pile on Oklahoma because they are easy pickings right now.

If, as you say, Stoops' sins are 1) "constant running up the score" and 2) "occasional arrogance", then I'd say you're just being petty. Every successful football coach in America is occasionally arrogant. If you really believe that occasional arrogance is unforgivable in college football then I guess we can all eagerly await your upcoming columns trashing Urban Meyer, Lane Kiffin, Rich Rodriguez, Mark Richt, Mack Brown, Steve Spurrier, Mike Leach, Nick Saban, Les Miles, Pete Carroll, and so on.

As for the charge of constantly running up the score. Show me a game where Stoops ran up the score and I'll show you a box score from which you drew conclusions without actually watching the game. That is a standing offer. Go back over Stoops' career and actually look at the so-called instances of running up the score. There aren't as many as you think.

10/7/2009, 02:08 PM
Nicely done, CincySooner.

This article smacks of Lupica after the A&M thrashing.

10/7/2009, 02:09 PM
Dude doesn't merit an e-mail from any of us.

10/7/2009, 02:29 PM
d00d needs his pubes tweezed.

10/7/2009, 06:33 PM
This will be the 2nd time in the last 10 years that Stoops hasn't been in the NC hunt well into November......me thinks the "next two or three" years statement maybe a little risky of a prediction.

You should check out our line play... :D

...and most of our defensive play, players, and play-calling.


10/7/2009, 06:38 PM
Remember, you only get rocks thrown at you when you're on top of the mountain.

I love being a Sooner!!



VA Sooner
10/7/2009, 09:36 PM
This Cottrell guy is pretty bitter. Was it the 2004 snub that's still pissed him off.

I guess I'm still pissed about the Oregon call... hmmm... 4 years.

10/7/2009, 09:41 PM
And have his nads ripped out
Have they dropped yet?

10/7/2009, 10:14 PM
I think this is a plagarized post from Orangepower.com.It reads like the usual Poke tripe.

10/7/2009, 10:33 PM
And have his nads ripped outWhat makes you thinks he has any?

What is it about these writers that turns them into stupid when it comes to the whole running up of the score issue?

10/7/2009, 11:12 PM
And, if anything, it's "occasional running up the score" and "constant arrogance", not the other way around.


10/7/2009, 11:17 PM
Yikes! We have finally found Mike Lupica's illegitimate son. Based on what happened to Gundy and the Pokes today, maybe little Timmy can write a column on God being an equal opportunity smiter (is that a word?)!

10/8/2009, 08:22 AM
To be fair he wrote me back. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, just mis-informed. Making fun of Stoops every once in a while is part of his schtick. When he cited cases of running up the score, he stayed well away from earlier games I thought he would mention (i.e. aTm 2003), and stuck with last years 60-streak.

10/8/2009, 08:27 AM
Have they dropped yet?

:D :D :D

10/8/2009, 08:28 AM
What makes you thinks he has any?

What is it about these writers that turns them into stupid when it comes to the whole running up of the score issue?

Your right I guess I made a "*** out of U and Me" :D :D

Leroy Lizard
10/8/2009, 11:56 AM
Invoking the wrath of God bit may be good sports forum fodder, but I think a real columnist would be a little more rational in his arguments. I felt like I was reading gopokes.

10/9/2009, 03:18 AM
Your right I guess I made a "*** out of U and Me" :D :D
What does Miami have to do with this? :D

Crucifax Autumn
10/9/2009, 04:31 AM
To be fair he wrote me back. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, just mis-informed. Making fun of Stoops every once in a while is part of his schtick. When he cited cases of running up the score, he stayed well away from earlier games I thought he would mention (i.e. aTm 2003), and stuck with last years 60-streak.

Proving he didn't pay attention last year either. We all know what really happened in those games as far as 4th quarter scoring. If we'd ran it up we'd have the record for most 70-80+ games in a season.