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10/7/2009, 01:06 AM
I apologize, I'm literally in hell when it comes to info so if this has been posted my apologies.

10/7/2009, 01:15 AM
He's in the middle about it. You can tell he wants to be on the field, but at the same time he doesn't want to put his future career (which will obviously make him millions) in even more jeopardy. But both he and Bob said he's been practicing, and the official announcement should be Thursday. Also, they said theres a possibility he could have surgery on the shoulder too if he wanted.

IMO he's going to play. He'll probably come in for the first half, then let Landry take over the 2nd. He needs to get a little bit of playing time in an actual game before Tejas.

10/7/2009, 01:20 AM
The thing is....

He probably doesn't really need to play in the Baylor game, so why should he? There's really not much upside for him to play this weekend.

10/7/2009, 01:22 AM
I agree, but I honestly think he needs experience. Being out for 4-5 weeks will do that to you, no matter if you're a Heisman winner or not. But good luck this weekend anyways :D

10/7/2009, 01:22 AM
Personally, I wouldn't mind hearing the truth. I wouldn't judge him for sitting out the rest of the season. He's either ready or he's not. Personally, I don't think we see him again this season or he'd have dressed for the Miami game. Stoops & Co are getting cute with this possible surgery crap IMO. 4 weeks is 4 weeks and I don't blame him. Bob should just admit it. I'm a HUGE OU fan and wouldn't blame him.

10/7/2009, 06:55 AM
Sam IMO will not play against Baylor. There were too many cryptic messages in his talk with the media. “I will play at sometime this year”. Don’t sound to me like he will be playing this weekend. Could be wrong but his interview left me with more questions than answers.

10/7/2009, 07:14 AM
Sam IMO will not play against Baylor. There were too many cryptic messages in his talk with the media. “I will play at sometime this year”. Don’t sound to me like he will be playing this weekend. Could be wrong but his interview left me with more questions than answers.

I agree. Seems during his talk with the media he left the door wide open for anything, which he needs to do. Don't know if he will even play the rest of the year. Either way is fine with me.

10/7/2009, 07:47 AM
Yup, I really don't think we will see Sam in a OU uniform again. Its for his own well being... physically and finacially. Blame it on bad luck. God knows he doesn't need more bad luck. He did his University a service just by coming back this year. Heal yourself Sam and get prepared for your future millions. Nobody blames you.

10/7/2009, 08:44 AM
Heal yourself Sam.

Hey, he's not St. Tebow, ya know.

10/7/2009, 08:51 AM
Sam IMO will not play against Baylor. There were too many cryptic messages in his talk with the media. “I will play at sometime this year”. Don’t sound to me like he will be playing this weekend. Could be wrong but his interview left me with more questions than answers.

The interview was definitely a little strange.

10/7/2009, 08:54 AM
I thought if he was coming back, it would be against Miami. Now I don't think he will play until after Texas or at all.

10/7/2009, 10:09 AM
Yup, I really don't think we will see Sam in a OU uniform again. Its for his own well being... physically and finacially. Blame it on bad luck. God knows he doesn't need more bad luck. He did his University a service just by coming back this year. Heal yourself Sam and get prepared for your future millions. Nobody blames you.

I disagree with the bolded statement. If he isn't able to come back this year, it actually is bad that he returned because Landry could've been getting all the snaps in the spring and summer.

I'm cool with whatever Sam decides, although selfishly I'd love to see him out there again ASAP.

10/7/2009, 11:31 AM
if he does not play against Texas, he has zero business playing this season

10/7/2009, 11:37 AM
if he does not play against Texas, he has zero business playing this season


10/7/2009, 11:38 AM
...is a no contest. If we add 10 players to Sam's side, the margin widens a great deal more.

10/7/2009, 03:36 PM
If he is 100%, he needs to play, no matter what game it is. That's why he came here and why he is on scholarship.

If it doesn't appear that he will get back to 100% before the season is over, then that is another matter - - whether surgery, more rest or whatever.

10/7/2009, 03:55 PM
I know most think it is only fair that Sam play 1 on 11 versus Baylor but since the injury to his shoulder, rules state the Sooners must play a full 11-man lineup when Sam is directing the offense . . .

10/7/2009, 03:56 PM
if he does not play against Texas, he has zero business playing this season

Disagree. If he's ready, he should play when he's ready to show the NFL he has recovered and can still play at an elite level post-injury.

10/7/2009, 04:04 PM
I apologize, I'm literally in hell when it comes to info so if this has been posted my apologies.
You are literally in hell? LITERALLY in hell? So you are actually in hell, with satan, on fire, breathing sulfur.

You are literally in hell?

..does satan look like this :gary: ?

10/9/2009, 12:45 AM
By Hell I mean I dawn my OU hat in enemy territory every f'ing day even after Florida beat us last year and now after the local bandwagon Hurricane fans think they have a better program even though they barely beat us wounded.

In fact, I admire the letters even more.

10/9/2009, 07:10 AM
He has still not thrown over twenty yds. so I doubt that he will play this week.

10/9/2009, 01:05 PM

Jello Biafra
10/9/2009, 01:09 PM
The thing is....

He probably doesn't really need to play in the Baylor game, so why should he? There's really not much upside for him to play this weekend.

says the man(?) whos never donned a jock strap...

10/9/2009, 02:53 PM
...is a no contest. If we add 10 players to Sam's side, the margin widens a great deal more.


10/9/2009, 03:04 PM
I'm glad Sam will be back and I hope he does inspire the offense..

10/9/2009, 04:02 PM
The thing is....

He probably doesn't really need to play in the Baylor game, so why should he? There's really not much upside for him to play this weekend.

I don't want him to be rusty for the UT game. I mean sure you can say oh he'll practice for a whole week but GAME situations are much different from practice.

10/9/2009, 05:33 PM

VA Sooner
10/9/2009, 05:48 PM
Bradford throws to Caleb, TOUCHDOWN.

Bradford... shovel pass between the blitzing linebackers, Brown runs deep, TOUCHDOWN.

Bradford... hands off to Murray who runs on the edge... TOUCHDOWN.

Bradford... dumps off to his checkdown receiver Miller... TOUCHDOWN.

10/9/2009, 06:03 PM
"I felt really good today. Arm felt really strong and I could make all the throws with no problem. My line did a great job, I wasn't even touched once. My receivers got open and made all the catches, it was a great day. I am ready for next weeks game".