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10/4/2009, 05:57 PM
From what I've read and seen I'm interested to see what people say to this. I've seen lots of different opinions and heard from people smarter than every coach on the planet put together so... It's you're time to shine and be the expert...

Alright folks you can finally be the coach! You're Bob Stoops!

Ok Coach Stoops you just got home today! The University is pissed at you! They have had enough of the defense blowing in bowl games and game winning drives. They have also had enough of the conservative play calling that has become the offense. So now they're making you rethink your gameplans and either rearrange some coaches or fire some.

You must replace the OC Wilson with somebody else on the staff or hire a new one. Also, you must replace the DC Venerables with somebody else on the staff or hire somebody else. Oh, we already asked Mike Stoops your brother and he already said he won't come back so you must find somebody else.

Ok Coach Stoops, what are you going to do with our team? Who are you going to hire to fix this mess? We're sick and tired of what we see! We want to have a BCS Bowl bid...AND WE WANT TO WIN IT!!!!



10/4/2009, 06:05 PM
Yeah Bob. Fire everybody right now and tell all those kids you recruited and intend to recruit that you just wanted to blame everyone on your Staff for being such unreliable football Coaching hacks that continue to make you and our University look bad!


10/4/2009, 06:10 PM
i think josh heuple would be the greatest OC in sooner history... and stoops' successor to the head coach's job.

defense, while not fine, is still gettin the job done. it isnt brent venables thats losing games. its a lack of offensive production.

10/4/2009, 06:12 PM
It could be players losing the game too couldn't it?

10/4/2009, 06:15 PM
What about poor cheerleading...

Nobody has mentioned that...

The Horsepig being there and Boomer and Sooner getting left in Oklahoma....what about that?

Maybe David Boren forgot to put a little something extra in the collection plate at Church?

I bet it's because they don't give Josh any input at all. That's gotta be it.

10/4/2009, 06:19 PM
It could be players losing the game too couldn't it?

They don't always execute but it starts with the coaches. Look at our offensive line: same penalty problems we had last year, except last year we had an experienced line. I don't think you can put that on the players, especially when I watch other teams play and their offensive lines are not penalized nearly as much as ours.

Losing is a team effort, but there's always a starting point and I prefer to start with the guys who get paid to coach rather than the players who are just doing (or not doing) what they're being coached to do.

10/4/2009, 06:20 PM
They don't always execute but it starts with the coaches.
If it starts with the Coaches and they give the players all the tools they need to execute and they don't....where does it end then?

Am I missing something?

10/4/2009, 06:22 PM
Yeah, you apparently forgot to read the rest of my post. Not surprising.

10/4/2009, 06:22 PM
If it starts with the Coaches and they give the players all the tools they need to execute and they don't....where does it end then?

Am I missing something?

I think he is saying the coaches aren't giving them the tools.

10/4/2009, 06:31 PM
I have always stayed with Switzers line of logic. It's pretty much the same one Bob uses. Execute. No Fumbles. No Penalties. No INT's. Those things win ball games. Don't do those things and then the Coaches have a right to run your *** off in practice or find someone to replace you with.

We've got good Coaches. You can't blame Kevin Wilson and not blame Josh Heupel, Cale Gundy, Jay Norvell or James Patton. You can't blame Brent Venables and not blame Bobby Jack Wright or Jackie Shipp.

You can blame who you want...I don't even blame the players right now because I think our Team is a mess due to injuries and two very close games that resulted in two losses.

I hope Bob and the Staff can rally our boys and make this a good finish. This has been one of the roughest starts since Bob became HC IMO. I'm still not gonna quit rooting for them...nor am I going to quit responding to things I think are just plain wrong.

10/4/2009, 06:32 PM
I think he is saying the coaches aren't giving them the tools.
And I think he's wrong.

10/4/2009, 06:33 PM
And I think he's wrong.

I don't think its totally wrong.

Jack T.
10/4/2009, 06:34 PM
Alright folks you can finally be the coach! You're Bob Stoops!

Ok Coach Stoops, what are you going to do with our team? Who are you going to hire to fix this mess? We're sick and tired of what we see! We want to have a BCS Bowl bid...AND WE WANT TO WIN IT!!!!



Wonderful. Lemme know when you get that $4M check in the mail and then I'll start working on the problem.

10/4/2009, 06:34 PM
And I think he's wrong.

I may be, but look at the offensive line from the past several years and try to tell me that's all the players' fault. It's not. When the results are the same with different players you have to start looking at the coaches. Or are you going to ignore this, too?

10/4/2009, 06:37 PM
Loadholt went Pro and he still is having trouble.

He didn't make it to the pros just because he was big.

10/4/2009, 06:39 PM
Loadholt went Pro and he still is having trouble.

And? You didn't even really respond to what I said.

10/4/2009, 06:41 PM
Also....here is a list of guys who never were given the tools....


10/4/2009, 06:42 PM
And? You didn't even really respond to what I said.

Yes I did...

I told you you were wrong.

10/4/2009, 06:42 PM
Once again, you're putting words in my mouth. At no point have I ever said that the coaches are terrible, nor have I ever said that all the blame for the losses should be on them. I just said that if you're going to start somewhere, start with them.

10/4/2009, 06:44 PM
Yes I did...

I told you you were wrong.

So when different offensive linemen are still committing the same mistakes and penalties as experienced offensive linemen the year before, the coaches have nothing to do with it? Okay. You're still skirting around that, so no, you didn't really respond to what I said.

10/4/2009, 06:50 PM
You mean different you mean like like Trent Williams SENIOR, Brian Simmons SENIOR, Tyler Evans FRESHMAN, Brody Eldrige SENIOR

They have all been given the tools...except maybe Tyler. I bet he's working on it though....same for Ben Habern

10/4/2009, 06:52 PM
I mean guys who didn't play the majority of the snaps last year at their positions committing the same penalties and mistakes as the guys who did. Is it that hard?

10/4/2009, 06:57 PM
Gimme the names.

10/4/2009, 06:57 PM
Hurry...too...I ain't got all night

10/4/2009, 06:59 PM

10/4/2009, 07:01 PM
Jones and Brandon have been the main culprits this year. Even Williams had some bad penalties last night when he usually doesn't. Part of that is youth an inexperience with some of the guys, of course, but even the most experienced guys have made those same mistakes.

Seriously, watch other teams play and see how often their lines get penalized. Most teams' lines don't get penalized nearly as often as our line does, and it's not just this season. It happened a ton last season.

10/4/2009, 07:02 PM

LMAO. It had been TWO minutes. Are you serious?

10/4/2009, 07:10 PM
LMAO. It had been TWO minutes. Are you serious?
Yeah I'm serious.

You started mouthing about all these players who weren't give the tools. Spitem out!

Two guys is what you have. Those two guys have apparently brought the entire Team down because they aren't able to get what they need from the Coaching Staff?

You see....it's asinine really. All these guys got to this level by being the best to choose from. They are making mistakes. Coaches in Mid-Season have to make hard choices. Ours are continuing to do the job they were hired for IMO. It's the execution IMO that is lacking...not the Coaching.

It's why I think your wrong...no hard feelings.

10/4/2009, 07:13 PM
Whatever, dude. You're not even trying to argue if you're going to pull that "zzzzzzzzzzzz" crap. You're just posting to read what you have to say.

Two guys have committed the bulk of the penalties thus far, but the line as a whole is not playing well. And you still won't acknowledge the fact that guys who no longer play for OU were committing the same penalties, nor will you acknowledge other teams' lack of penalties on their lines.

I'm done with this argument, if you can even call it that.

10/4/2009, 07:13 PM
BTW Brandon is a back up and Jones is a Sophomore. They are the youth and inexperience you may have talked about. The Seniors have been given the tools

Curly Bill
10/4/2009, 07:18 PM
BTW Brandon is a back up and Jones is a Sophomore. They are the youth and inexperience you may have talked about. The Seniors have been given the tools

By "tools" are you talking about KW, BV and BJW? :D

10/4/2009, 07:20 PM
And you still won't acknowledge the fact that guys who no longer play for OU were committing the same penalties, nor will you acknowledge other teams' lack of penalties on their lines.

Yes I did. I expressly told you that Phil Loadholt was given the tools by Stoops and in the NFL and he still has problems.

As far as acknowledging other team's lack of penalties on their lines....I'm not sure where that ever fit into the conversation.


10/4/2009, 07:20 PM
Bt "tools" are you talking about KW, BV and BJW? :D


The Ghost of Mex
10/4/2009, 08:03 PM
O Line play is the problem...END of Conversation...No further discussion needed.

10/4/2009, 08:07 PM
I made this same point when someone suggested Stoops wasn't getting the job done. Who would anyone rather have? Saban? Meyer? Carroll?

I will play along though.

Norm Chow - I think the guy is the best in the business.

Or are we 17th in total offense? (http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/stats/byteam?cat1=offense&conference=I-A_all&year=2009)

39% on 3rd down conversions? Pretty bad.


We are ranked 4th in scoring defense. (http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/stats/byteam?cat1=defense&cat2=Total&sort=1137&conference=I-A_all&year=2009)

These rankings are as weird as our schedule has been so far.

So, I don't know who I would trade KW for if not Chow.
As far as Venables...he needs some help.

Maybe a few more co-coordinators and assistant head coaches would do the trick. :rolleyes:

10/4/2009, 08:08 PM
O Line play is the problem...END of Conversation...No further discussion needed.

Right-o. Not just play though, experience. It is a rebuilding year and it's time we face that fact. We didn't recruit enough linemen the past few years to be able to reload so we are growing our own line here.

10/4/2009, 08:30 PM
Right-o. Not just play though, experience. It is a rebuilding year and it's time we face that fact. We didn't recruit enough linemen the past few years to be able to reload so we are growing our own line here.

Agreed it's a rebuilding year...but your going to lose a bunch of Seniors....so is next year a rebuilding year too?

10/4/2009, 08:37 PM
I would move Bobby Jack Wright from secondary defense coach to recruiting coordinator and replace him with Derrick Strait. Coach Strait; yeah...it has a nice ring to it. :D

The Winnipeg Blue Bombers just released him at the beginning of training camp. Hows about I go hunt him up? :pop:

10/4/2009, 08:41 PM
Agreed it's a rebuilding year...but your going to lose a bunch of Seniors....so is next year a rebuilding year too?

Yes maybe even more so then this year.

10/4/2009, 08:46 PM
Yes maybe even more so then this year.

That's why I guess if any of you BV hatas want to get rid of him...now's the time for you to get your pitch forks and torches and head up for the Baylor Game. Paint "Fire BV" or "Fire KW" on your chest in bloody crimson paint and let Bob know how you really feel. Don't just sit here on a message board and post to fire them...get out there! Let your opinion be heard and seen.

GO!!! :pop:

10/4/2009, 08:48 PM
I make all OUr players sign a pledge to not get hurt or FORFEIT their schollies. :D

Slackers like Bradford,White,Murray,AD,Kelly,Manny Johnson,Granger,Reynolds,Broyles,Gresham, Box ,etc.have all cost the Sooners games by being so inconsiderate as to get hurt and cost us games.This doesn't include the selfish SOB's like Harris,Williams,AD,Wilkerson,Kelly and Sith et al who left OU early and destroyed Our chances to be great the next season.Funny how much better the coaching looks when the players are topnotch and healthy. :)

10/4/2009, 08:54 PM
OK, I'll play.

I leave the offensive staff alone ... but I tell Wilson to come up with a more free-wheeling, balanced attack.

I demote Venables immediately to LB coach, and I tell him I'll help him find another job if he wants one.

Then, I retire BJW and I bring in Mark Stoops to coach Dbs and coordinate the defense - with the provision that I want him in my ear as a sounding board to kick me in the *** when I turn all pussified when the chips are down.

Finally, one question: What do I have to do to win Carol?

10/4/2009, 08:55 PM
OK, I'll play.

I leave the offensive staff alone ... but I tell Wilson to come up with a more free-wheeling, balanced attack.

I demote Venables immediately to LB coach, and I tell him I'll help him find another job if he wants one.

Then, I retire BJW and I bring in Mark Stoops to coach Dbs and coordinate the defense - with the provision that I want him in my ear as a sounding board to kick me in the *** when I turn all pussified when the chips are down.

Finally, one question: What do I have to do to win Carol?You gonna do all that this week?

Curly Bill
10/4/2009, 08:57 PM
You gonna do all that this week?

Why the **** not? What do we really have to lose? ;)

10/4/2009, 08:59 PM
I demote Venables immediately to LB coach, and I tell him I'll help him find another job if he wants one.

So let me get this straight...

You are going to fire the guy who currently has the #4 defense in the nation (despite playing 3 tough offenses in 4 games), mid-season?

Curly Bill
10/4/2009, 09:02 PM
So let me get this straight...

You are going to fire the guy who currently has the #4 defense in the nation (despite playing 3 tough offenses in 4 games), mid-season?

Woot, woot! # 4 defense in the nation! Who have we played? Two teams that are really bad, one that is medicore, and one that is pretty good.

We're talking about BV's track record of suck since Mike left, try to keep up.

10/4/2009, 09:05 PM
Woot, woot! # 4 defense in the nation! Who have we played? Two teams that are really bad, one that is medicore, and one that is pretty good.

We're talking about BV's track record of suck since Mike left, try to keep up.
Woot, woot?

Tulsa and BYU,both have very good offenses. In fact, Tulsa has lead the nation the last 2 years in total offense.

Miami is likely pretty good, also. Their stats aren't great, but that probably has to do with the fact they've played 4 ranked teams in their 4 games.

Idaho State is horrendous.

Curly Bill
10/4/2009, 09:08 PM
Woot, woot?

Tulsa and BYU,both have very good offenses. In fact, Tulsa has lead the nation the last 2 years in total offense.

Miami is pretty good, also. There stats aren't great, but that probably has to do with the fact they've played 4 ranked teams in their 4 games.

Idaho State is horrendous.

Wow, Tulsa has led the nation in offense the last two years. That has a lot to do with this season I guess. :rolleyes:

10/4/2009, 09:40 PM

10/4/2009, 09:43 PM
It was a good one....lol

10/4/2009, 09:54 PM
Ummmm people are breaking the rules. Remember, we're all Bob Stoops here in this thread so talk like it!

It was a good one....lol

Thank you Coach ;)

10/4/2009, 09:58 PM
i think josh heuple would be the greatest OC in sooner history... and stoops' successor to the head coach's job.

10/4/2009, 10:00 PM
I like that Josh Heupel better.

10/4/2009, 11:53 PM
I leave it all alone this season. My son signed to play golf at a college because of the coach....the AD fired him....and the entire team except one left. We only sent him there because of the coach. Want to demoralize a team....especially a bunch of wide eyed freshman....take away the thing they were counting on the most.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/4/2009, 11:54 PM
Yes maybe even more so then this year.The defensive line is pretty much gone after this yr.

10/5/2009, 12:00 AM
The defensive line is pretty much gone after this yr.
6 man rotation...

DT Taylor - back
DE Alexander - back
DT Walker - back
DE Beal - likely back
DT McCoy - likely gone
DE English - gone

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/5/2009, 12:53 AM
6 man rotation...

DT Taylor - back
DE Alexander - back
DT Walker - back
DE Beal - likely back
DT McCoy - likely gone
DE English - goneThnx. Doesn't look as bad as i guessed. Of course, Granger is gone, too, FWIW.

10/5/2009, 01:08 AM
How many teams would win without their 3 Top Offensive Play Makers? Does USC beat Ohio St. without Barkley, McKnight, and Williams? Does texas beat Tech without Shipley, McCoy, and whoever? I am just saying that at the end of the day if you lose your 3 best players on either side of the ball...you probably aren't going to beat a Top 25 team. This team is just having horrible luck. We weren't lucky enough to play Florida's schedule so we have played 2 really good teams and we didn't have enough weapons offensively

10/5/2009, 09:10 AM
Jones and Brandon have been the main culprits this year. Even Williams had some bad penalties last night when he usually doesn't. Part of that is youth an inexperience with some of the guys, of course, but even the most experienced guys have made those same mistakes.

Seriously, watch other teams play and see how often their lines get penalized. Most teams' lines don't get penalized nearly as often as our line does, and it's not just this season. It happened a ton last season.

Exactly, this is the most undiciplined team I have ever watched. The offense needs to run at practice until they are so pissed off that somebody quits the team or decides to start blocking and not false starting.

10/5/2009, 09:18 AM
I just can't understand how anyone defends BV. Sure, the decimated offense could use some creative thinking, but the defense again this year gave up a big play that cost us an important game. I don't blame the players at all. Sure, they missed their assignments, but what player in our secondary over the last five years hasn't? Isn't it clear that our players are either dumb as hell, which I don't believe for a second, or the teacher isn't very good. He either can't teach or what he's teaching is suspect. I believe, hey.. it's my opinion, that most of the good OC's know how to attack a zone defense. At least in man coverage we can say we got beat by the better team and not by blown coverage due to confusion in the secondary.

10/5/2009, 09:35 AM
I'm going to score 2 more points per game, that should fix it!

10/5/2009, 11:46 AM
I have always stayed with Switzers line of logic. It's pretty much the same one Bob uses. Execute. No Fumbles. No Penalties. No INT's. Those things win ball games. Don't do those things and then the Coaches have a right to run your *** off in practice or find someone to replace you with.

We've got good Coaches. You can't blame Kevin Wilson and not blame Josh Heupel, Cale Gundy, Jay Norvell or James Patton. You can't blame Brent Venables and not blame Bobby Jack Wright or Jackie Shipp.

You can blame who you want...I don't even blame the players right now because I think our Team is a mess due to injuries and two very close games that resulted in two losses.

I hope Bob and the Staff can rally our boys and make this a good finish. This has been one of the roughest starts since Bob became HC IMO. I'm still not gonna quit rooting for them...nor am I going to quit responding to things I think are just plain wrong.

Ok, I am with ya I will not quit rooting for OU either but are you saying the injuries are all of our problem ? Get me straight on this one please? BTW, Do you think our coaches are doing an excellent job ?

10/5/2009, 12:44 PM
Ummmm people are breaking the rules. Remember, we're all Bob Stoops here in this thread so talk like it!

Thank you Coach ;)We need to make some major changes in a great way.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/5/2009, 05:09 PM
We need to make some major changes in a great way.You have met the challenge in a great way, but an appreciation of changes that are to be accomplished can not be offered, even in a mundane way, since they are not yet specified.

10/5/2009, 09:07 PM
Ok, I am with ya I will not quit rooting for OU either but are you saying the injuries are all of our problem ? Get me straight on this one please? BTW, Do you think our coaches are doing an excellent job ?

If you would have read all the posts like I have...;)...you would have read that I think it has quite a bit to do with it. Also Players not executing and making turnovers, Penalties....I've never seen a perfect game but it's what you teach your players to strive for. I think our Coaching Staff preaches it daily. If the playbook isn't wide open...there was a reason for it. It's not something I would have done...I'm a gambler. I think Wilson and Stoops are calling to many plays by way of High Percentage instead of trying to throw the Defenses we face off track. They just aren't going to gamble with the players they have left...IMO...it's because they know we are hurting and they intend to teach right now instead of gamble. I'd say they saw this coming when Sam and Gresham went out. Broyles was the clincher. I'd still put Landry in more go for the win situations too. It's just not what they are going to do it seems.

10/5/2009, 10:16 PM
As my first task as Bob Stoops, Head Coach, I will hire a hitman to take out the horsepigs.