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10/2/2009, 12:17 AM
Better start stocking up on pesticides.


Free-flying cyborg insects steered from a distance

It's tempting to call them lords of the flies. For the first time, researchers have controlled the movements of free-flying insects from afar, as if they were tiny remote-controlled aircraft.

By connecting electrodes and radio antennas to the nervous systems of beetles, the researchers were able to make them take off, dive and turn on command. The cyborg insects were created at the University of California, Berkeley, by engineers led by Hirotaka Sato and Michel Maharbiz as part of a programme funded by the Pentagon's Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

The project's goal is to create fully remote-controlled insects able to perform tasks such as looking for survivors after a disaster, or acting as the ultimate spy.


10/2/2009, 01:13 AM
I respect your opinion and admire your intellect, but this is just a lame brained solution. The tinfoil hat wearers of the world obviously need tin foil suits.

Pesticides can contain mind controlling drugs.

Please think before you post. Thanks


10/2/2009, 10:23 AM
Not if it's homebrewed, Scout. You'd be amazed what distilled water and your own urine can create when mixed in a tinfoil bowl...

King Crimson
10/2/2009, 10:45 AM

who needs the MSM anymore? direct influence is where it's at.

10/2/2009, 11:32 AM
My concern is what happens when the scientists give the beetles little electrodes to hold, then fly the damn things into our necks. Then you have scientists controlling beetles controlling us.

I for one welcome our new exoskeletal overlords.

10/2/2009, 10:37 PM
Yall missin the Point :eek:

Its ****ing USC doing this shat :mad:

10/3/2009, 04:57 AM
So No comment ?

10/3/2009, 10:33 AM

Should we should stop wearing trojans and switch to another brand?

Curly Bill
10/3/2009, 10:35 AM

Should we should stop wearing trojans and switch to another brand?

Yup, something with a wooden horse pictured on the box. ;)

Harry Beanbag
10/3/2009, 11:54 AM
Not if it's homebrewed, Scout. You'd be amazed what distilled water and your own urine can create when mixed in a tinfoil bowl...

I just saw on Manswers the other day, yes I get all my science news from that show, that they are making 1.5v urine batteries now. Coming soon to cell phones near your ear.