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9/25/2009, 08:04 AM
any one else IN on this one?


9/25/2009, 08:45 AM
I saw about the last half of the show. Looked pretty good. I'm going to have to go back and watch the beginning on DVR.

9/25/2009, 08:50 AM
I think there is an encore showing tonight

already can see the 'battle' brewing between those that 'want' the future to come true, and those that don't. and then of course there is the 'X' factor of just who/what is behind all this.

had a very LOST flavor to it, in terms of clue searching and easter eggs.

Hot Rod
9/25/2009, 09:56 AM
I think there is an encore showing tonight

already can see the 'battle' brewing between those that 'want' the future to come true, and those that don't. and then of course there is the 'X' factor of just who/what is behind all this.

had a very LOST flavor to it, in terms of clue searching and easter eggs.

Yeah, I saw a few easter eggs. These shows that you keep wondering, seem to be the new thing. I thought it was interesting, especially seeing the previews for what's to come and who's in the show. "You are everybody"

9/25/2009, 02:22 PM
I TIVOed the show, how can a TV show have an easter egg?

9/25/2009, 02:23 PM
I watched it.


9/25/2009, 02:47 PM

So - did you like it? ;)

9/25/2009, 03:04 PM
Anyone see the Oceanic Airlines billboard ;)

9/25/2009, 03:34 PM

So - did you like it? ;)

Negative Ghostwriter.

9/25/2009, 05:24 PM
I have the torrent downloading now.

I've been getting really into Dark Blue.

9/25/2009, 06:26 PM
I thought it was intresting and has posssibilities.

9/27/2009, 06:51 AM
Have any of you flashed forward to see if baby tebus came back and won the Heisman again? :D

9/27/2009, 05:37 PM
I just watched it on my DVR.

I though it was interesting. I'll probably watch it.

But, Seth MacFarlane? Really? I was thinking at anytime that he was going to talk about his flash forward-giggety.

10/1/2009, 11:25 AM
watched the 1st epi on DVR, pretty interesting. It didnt hook me like LOST but I will watch for a while and see if it stays interesting

10/2/2009, 07:59 AM
pretty good episode last night

so we 'know' that 'D. Gibbins' as a man, and not the lady @ the cupcake store. the man 'D Gibbins' is using the lady's credit card/identity the finance his research/cyber hacking.

I'm in for another week.

10/2/2009, 08:26 AM
Pretty good. The twists still have me in.

10/2/2009, 10:58 AM
The Asian Agent knocks up the boyfriendless chick agent. Can see that one coming from a mile.

10/2/2009, 12:16 PM
Wonder if "stadium guy" will be the Hobbit....he's probably only 5'8" like the figure.

10/3/2009, 04:29 PM
This is full of awesomeness. IN.

10/5/2009, 12:41 PM
After having followed "Lost" for five years, I didn't think I had the energy for another one like this, but I've been entertained by the first two episodes.

I wondered what would it would be like if something like this really happened. The can of worms it would open up concerning free will versus pre-determination would be huge, and there would be religious implications there, as well.

Personally, I think it would result in the biggest case of mass delusion ever--I think it would be just too much for us to handle, and we'd all end up pretending it didn't happen.

10/5/2009, 12:50 PM
Double post.

10/5/2009, 12:59 PM
No doubt, as much as I absolutely love LOST, it wears you out. I was leary of this oen cus I dindt know if I wanted to devote myself to this kind of show again like you but thus far it is good, we will see if I can keep up

10/6/2009, 11:42 AM
I never watched a single episode of Lost, so I'm all in for this one.

10/6/2009, 12:37 PM
I will say one more thing--this story is cool, but it seems to me to be best suited for a compact run. If they try to make more than a couple of seasons out of this, I think it will ruin it.

10/6/2009, 03:28 PM
Q: Why is 24 successful?
A: It has a lot of shooting and blowing up stuff without much smarmy relationship BS.

Q: Why does Flash Forward blow?
A: We don't care about the FBI agent's love life and the kid in the hospital

10/7/2009, 11:26 AM
I will say one more thing--this story is cool, but it seems to me to be best suited for a compact run. If they try to make more than a couple of seasons out of this, I think it will ruin it.

This I agree with. I think there are a LOT of shows this logic can be applied to.

10/8/2009, 02:47 PM
previews look interesting for tonight's show

so in a very 'LOST' like direction of tying the past with the future. And throwing in a Nazi scientific theory is always interesting. :pop:

10/8/2009, 04:53 PM
I like it, but I'm interested to see what they can squeeze out of a 6-month story line. After 6 months, it would seem like the story is over.

10/8/2009, 10:30 PM
Tonight's episode was fail.

10/8/2009, 10:44 PM
Tonight's episode was fail.

i am with ya, while it had a couple of moments it didnt deliver for a 3rd episode

i am still in...but this one was a 'filler' from season 3 of LOST

10/8/2009, 10:46 PM
I like it, but I'm interested to see what they can squeeze out of a 6-month story line. After 6 months, it would seem like the story is over.

LOST squeezed out 3+ seasons in 3months of 'real' time

but that mantra can't last forever

10/9/2009, 07:10 AM
I expected more from the kraut, something like the 137 seconds was the time it took for something horrific the Nazis used to do.

Getting real tired of Demetri's brooding scenes.

Best scene from last night was the FBI boss's wife making eye contact with the boy who called her "mom" in her vision.

The dead crows and a previous event were kind of interesting as far as giving the story a direction to pursue but if things don't heat up soon this show is going to drop in the ratings real quick.

10/9/2009, 08:45 AM
I hope the storyline doesn't get too confusing and have tons of twists that lose the audience. It seems like it's heading that way sort of like Heros did.

10/23/2009, 08:31 AM
pretty good episode last night, and more battle lines are being drawn. even had some lipstick lesbo action too! (which I think the fbi chick is going to be a surrogate and have a baby for the other lesbo chick. but that pesky gunshot wound might now be a set back)

the 'hint' of China being involved just might be a red herring but you have to wonder just who is behind the flash forward (and i am not thinking ET), and the 'towers' be build years before. And all the dudes that are now shooting at the FBI dudes, seemed to be gooks. we will see. :pop:

10/23/2009, 06:05 PM
When the lesbian agent, Janis, described as "a tomboy with a quick wit" was lying on the ground after being shot and recalling her flash forward, it made me wonder if her future was changing from what was on the mosaic.

Olivia, agent Mark's wife (who kinda looks like Jennifer Anniston) now knows future Mark will go off the wagon (and by extension, was hiding this from her), so their divorce becomes more not less likely to happen.

Demetri is openly talking about being dead on April 29.

Is that a love triangle involving Stanford, a woman with a child that seems to be his, and the President of the U.S.?

10/24/2009, 12:03 AM
What kind of heartless chick leaves her husband because he hasn't had a drink in 7 years and goes on a bender? Frankly, unless he was beating her senseless or sleeping with women when he's drunk, there isn't any grounds for divorce there... and I'm a Baptist that doesn't drink. ;)

10/24/2009, 02:26 PM
What kind of heartless chick leaves her husband because he hasn't had a drink in 7 years and goes on a bender? Frankly, unless he was beating her senseless or sleeping with women when he's drunk, there isn't any grounds for divorce there... and I'm a Baptist that doesn't drink. ;)

Till you've tried living with an alcoholic (as opposed to someone who happens to drink alcohol on occassion) you have no idea how stressful it can be or the toll it takes on the people who otherwise love that person. If that particular storyline is written by someone with such experience, that marriage is toast as soon as Mark hits the bottle.

10/24/2009, 04:08 PM
Try living with a cheating whore. That'll push someone to drink.

10/30/2009, 08:02 AM
So last week there was lipstick lesbian action and this week there was a darn near full blown seks! :pop:

11/7/2009, 10:46 AM
This week's episode, The Gift, was the one we've been waiting for, the one that tied together some threads and answered the question everyone (viewers and the characters) have had since the flash forward.

Can the future, as seen through the FF, be altered?

Al's death screams, "Yes!"

Purists will say that the show might as well end now since the premise that everyone, save the "ghosts", saw their own future but now there is incontrovertible proof that the "future" is not set afterall.

Coolest parts of The Gift:

Gaining access to the ghost event by playing Russian Roulette. Since Al knew he had a future, there was no risk to him.

The ghosts allowing themselves to be tortured was . . . words escape me.

11/7/2009, 04:17 PM
This week's episode, The Gift, was the one we've been waiting for, the one that tied together some threads and answered the question everyone (viewers and the characters) have had since the flash forward.

Can the future, as seen through the FF, be altered?

Al's death screams, "Yes!"

Purists will say that the show might as well end now since the premise that everyone, save the "ghosts", saw their own future but now there is incontrovertible proof that the "future" is not set afterall.

Coolest parts of The Gift:

Gaining access to the ghost event by playing Russian Roulette. Since Al knew he had a future, there was no risk to him.

The ghosts allowing themselves to be tortured was . . . words escape me.

I'm not so sure they'll find some bizarre way to bring him back though it seems pretty unlikely.

And in any case, I think death may be the only way to alter the future. As long as you're living, no matter what you do, things seem to line up in such a way that the future outcome is realized.

11/10/2009, 04:02 PM
In my Flash Forward I saw SicEm out of school and he had a job. I know that can't be right.