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9/24/2009, 06:53 PM
Here's your chance to man up and do something. State your case against me, sir or ma'am...

See, the difference between us, other than the obvious mental ones, is that you're the kind of pr*ck that drops neg spek on posts like this:

Yeah, those guys are pretty cool, for Aggies, and for every 100,000 views that their videos get, they sponsor a child in Africa or some sh*t, so they're cool and they're "shooting" for a good cause. Dude, Perfect, indeed.

but will say nothing to me in public, 100% due to the fact that you're afraid to take the public plunger r*ping that would come from trying to butt heads with me. Tell you what... Neg every post I write. That's an order. You still won't dent me. I believe that Dr. Dre summed up your man-crush on me pretty well...

"Some people want to talk like they got something to say, but nothing comes out when they move their lips, just a bunch of jibberish..."

(..and yes, I know Eminem rapped that lyric, but whose song was it...?)

So, just to let me get this perfectly straight, unlike your relationship with JLew... You negged a post about a group of guys helping dying children in Africa, solely because I wrote the post? You need to get your priorities straight before you figure out your relationship woes, I'd say.

Anyway, here's your public forum. This is a public forum that allows for a gun fight, and I'm tired of getting snipered with spitballs. I'd rather you show some real balls and say what you have to say here. In the meantime, I'm going to continue to quote you and some of your more intelligent ramblings...

- "k"
- "witty"
- "k"
- "ed" (although, in fairness to CK, he may have been reaching out to me about a personal problem of his with this one; a problem which affects 20% of men according to a statistic I made up to continue ragging on his dumb *ss)
- "j"
- "d"

For more scores (although not scoring) and analysis (with the emphasis on the first syllable) stay tuned for CK's response... I, on the other hand, have better sh*t to do with my time than wait for something that will likely never happen, and if it does, will fail to impress.

Your move, funny guy. But, I know how "guys" like you prefer to play, and, since I already took "put up," I guess we'll all get to see, first-hand, what that left you with...


9/24/2009, 07:00 PM
You know, I was going to wait for you to show up to start launching bombs, but then I figured I probably won't ever get the chance to, so, as long as I'm talking to myself anyway, how's about I ask hypothetical CK a question too?

My question is this:

How can somebody, a human person, be so hypocritical and pretentious as to stalk me around the board for calling people out on their mistakes, and then post this as their sig?

We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.

My bad, for trying to hold jlew, et al.. accountable for their actions in regards to correct usage of the English language, and acceptable levels of public dumb... but your sig said that I could do it. So, how's that work, again, Guy That Won't Fail to Disappoint?


9/24/2009, 07:14 PM
ur a tool

how many people like you on SF???

please tell me

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 07:19 PM
You go around the board and bitch at people for grammar and spelling. I don't give a **** who you are going after because it is really strange and borderline obsessive. Saying someone shouldn't reproduce because they don't type up to your standards on a message board is really strange and I am going to take a guess that you don't talk to anyone like this outside the board because well....I think you know why.

That quote in my signature implies something different and you can interpret that quote in different ways.

I just don't understand the grammar smack, because again you are the only one that goes on tirades over someones spelling and/or grammar. Then taking it as far as saying someone shouldn't have children because of the way they type on a message board? Now that is pathetic.

9/24/2009, 07:22 PM
Other than the people that message me and read me, saying things like, "I always look forward to your posts," I'd say that nobody likes me on Soonerfans. But, then again, unlike some You's, I'm not on here to make people like me. I'm on here to discuss the issues that matter to me. It is primarily a Sooner athletics message board, yes, but over the years, you branch out and discuss other issues either. One of my favorite issues is whether or not the board should police itself. I say "yes." H*ll, you might even say "me likey," or whatever qualifies as the affirmative in your language.

Regardless, if zero people liked me, I would live the exact same life that I live now, maybe with fewer trips to the tailgates...

How many people do you interact with on a daily basis who think you're a complete idiot because of the way that you carry yourself and address others? I think my question is more valid than yours. Just because YOU don't like me doesn't mean that NOBODY likes me. In fact, the fact that YOU don't like me... it probably makes some of the people on this board like me even more.

We call those "perks."


9/24/2009, 07:24 PM
if u ever wanna "hang" at a tailgate let me know

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 07:29 PM

9/24/2009, 07:33 PM
You go around the board and bitch at people for grammar and spelling. I don't give a **** who you are going after it is really strange and borderline obsessive. Saying someone shouldn't reproduce because they don't type up to your standards on a message board is really strange and I am going to take a guess that you don't talk to anyone like this outside the board because well....I think you know why.

That quote in my signature implies something different and you can interpret that quote in different ways.

I just don't understand the grammar smack, because again you are the only one that goes on tirades over someones spelling and/or grammar. Then taking it as far as saying someone shouldn't have children because of the way they type on a message board is pathetic.

So is having to teach those children when they never learned to take some of the most basic facets of life, like communication and education, seriously...

As for how I talk to people off of this board, feel free to ask those who have met me. I talk to people how they deserve to be spoken to. If someone's cool with me, I can return the favor in spades. If someone's not, then I can make sh*t really uncomfortable. I'm good with either, but I prefer to have a beer and smile.

So, are YOU saying that you think he's ready to have kids right now, or does he maybe have a little more growing up to do first? I mean, at this rate, if he does have kids, in three or four years, they'll be able to help him with his homework...

And, about that Reagan quote, I interpreted it the way I saw most fit. Care to respond to that allegation? Here's another one:

I only go after the people that give me a reason to go after them. YOU poked the lion in the cage. Don't get p*ssed off when he growls.

And, while I'm at it, why SHOULDN'T I be concerned about whether or not someone who appears to be completely uneducated decides to have children. I pay taxes, and typically, the uneducated's children are paid for more out of state coffers than individual ones. Just like I don't want Random Welfare Mama to grow up thinking that having another kid is a good idea 'cause it'll give her a bigger check, I don't want to see a child; ANY child, born into a situation in which they won't be able/allowed to reach their full human potential.

Yeah, I support Eugenic research. That doesn't make me a Nazi, it makes me fearful for the future of the human race. I'm not joking when I say that, either. Not one bit. The casual attitude that most children have in regards to education now days is going to end up severely costing this country within the next couple of decades. On the local levels, it already is costing us. There are blurbs nationally, too.

Really. Sarah Palin was "the answer?" THAT is how little party leaders thought of 1) the competition, and 2) their supporters. Can she even read?

Anyway, quit stalking me, and I'll quit calling you out.


9/24/2009, 07:34 PM
And considering your hilarious situation outside the board this is comical at the least.

To whom is this addressed? If it's me, what "situation" is that, exactly?

9/24/2009, 07:35 PM
if u ever wanna "hang" at a tailgate let me know

I can't envision a scenario in which I'd want to, but the difference between you and I is that I'd try to give you a chance.


9/24/2009, 07:35 PM
hell I'd give u a chance... this is only a freaking message board... come on now

and you hate AI !!!

9/24/2009, 07:51 PM
It's not my fault that I hate A.I. He makes it hard NOT to hate him, as of the past few years, anyway.

I hate replacement refs, too...


9/24/2009, 07:54 PM
I hate AI... = cancer

9/24/2009, 08:04 PM
Hating A.I. equals cancer? I thought you hated him.


9/24/2009, 08:20 PM
I do hate him

AI = cancer (to any team that takes him)

stoops the eternal pimp
9/24/2009, 08:31 PM
I like skull. He has soft hands.

9/24/2009, 08:52 PM
nice f'ing thread...

9/24/2009, 09:23 PM
I like skull. He has soft hands.

I prefer the adjective "delicious" to "soft," but I'm open to suggestions.


stoops the eternal pimp
9/24/2009, 09:28 PM

starclassic tama
9/24/2009, 10:12 PM
skull i hope your own sake that you don't take this board nearly as serious as you appear to...

9/24/2009, 10:37 PM
You go around the board and bitch at people for grammar and spelling. I don't give a **** who you are going after because it is really strange and borderline obsessive. Saying someone shouldn't reproduce because they don't type up to your standards on a message board is really strange and I am going to take a guess that you don't talk to anyone like this outside the board because well....I think you know why.

That quote in my signature implies something different and you can interpret that quote in different ways.

I just don't understand the grammar smack, because again you are the only one that goes on tirades over someones spelling and/or grammar. Then taking it as far as saying someone shouldn't have children because of the way they type on a message board? Now that is pathetic.Heh.

How wrong you are. I know Skull.

Skull would say this to your face, then offer you a tissue to clean the pee pee from your pants.

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 10:38 PM

How wrong you are. I know Skull.

Skull would say this to your face, then offer you a tissue to clean the pee pee from your pants.

....says the limp wrist.

9/24/2009, 10:40 PM
LAS is a real SoonerFan fav around here

9/24/2009, 10:40 PM
Worst thread evar !!!

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 10:45 PM
Guy's, did you know I live in Californiaaa!? You guys want me to get more pics of my Messican trip?


9/24/2009, 11:04 PM
....says the limp wrist.Heh heh heh...

Ah...how I LOOOVE Internet Tough Guys...

You got it, CK. I'm a "limp wrist." I'm totally gay. I love it up the pooper.

And I still get more, better looking women than you do.

That must hurt...somewhere deep in your soul. :D

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:06 PM
Heh heh heh...

Ah...how I LOOOVE Internet Tough Guys...

You got it, CK. I'm a "limp wrist." I'm totally gay. I love it up the pooper.

And I still get more, better looking women than you do.

That must hurt...somewhere deep in your soul. :D

I'm not being tough, I am just repeating what you have said, and how in the world would you know who gets hotter women?


9/24/2009, 11:12 PM
What's funny is CK and J-Lew's obsession with my trip to Cozumel and informing me how a) nobody on here likes me and b) nobody cares about my trip.

Things to ponder:

a) "Nobody likes you smack?" Are you STILL in High School, or did you guys finally make it to college? Do you actually think I come here, or anywhere for that matter, looking for validation or hoping people will "like me?" People either like me, or they don't. If they do, that's great, if they don't then I know they have bad taste in life and I wouldn't want them for friends because they'd just embarrass me around my other friends who have excellent taste.
b) If nobody cared about my trip then why did it go to 6 pages, why did multiple people send me PMs and spek messages commenting on how cool it was and asking me about it?
c) You act as if my Mexico trip thread was some sort of bragging. I asked if anyone else had been diving down there and was looking for recommendations and suggestions for things to see. I was asking my fellow Sooner Fans for their help and ideas. Then, after the trip, I came back to thank them for sharing some really good suggestions on places to dive. You find that...what...offensive? boring? bragging? That's sad, because in finding it that way it shows nothing of me, but reveals you to be a petty, insecure and jealous child. That's sad. And it makes me feel a little sorry for you.

I'm glad you and J-Lew have each other to keep each other warm at night. It's a good thing. As you know, I have nothing against homosexuality and feel that you guys should be given the same respect as anyone else. But I think you two should consider posting on different boards. You need your own space. And if you keep following each other around like this one of you is bound to start feeling a bit smothered.

Best of luck to you both. Sincerely. I really hope you two find happiness together.

9/24/2009, 11:13 PM
I'm not being tough, I am just repeating what you have said, and how in the world would you know who gets hotter women?

:confused:Calling me "limp wrist" isn't you trying to prance around and act tough? When have I said, without obvious sarcasm, that I have a limp wrist or am gay? Riiight...I haven't. So that means you're just trying to be a tough guy. Which is cute...and kinda pathetic.

As for the other, trust me, I don't have to know you in person to know that even if I was gay, I'd still do better with the ladies than you.

9/24/2009, 11:13 PM
LAS, have you found happiness ???

9/24/2009, 11:13 PM
dude i just wanted to see Shark pictures

Las hows your boyfriend doing in LA? we all know you hide him

you live in a worthless state too , by the way.. go play with Arnold!!

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:14 PM
What's funny is CK and J-Lew's obsession with my trip to Cozumel and informing me how a) nobody on here likes me and b) nobody cares about my trip.

Things to ponder:

a) "Nobody likes you smack?" Are you STILL in High School, or did you guys finally make it to college? Do you actually think I come here, or anywhere for that matter, looking for validation or hoping people will "like me?" People either like me, or they don't. If they do, that's great, if they don't then I know they have bad taste in life and I wouldn't want them for friends because they'd just embarrass me around my other friends who have excellent taste.
b) If nobody cared about my trip then why did it go to 6 pages, why did multiple people send me PMs and spek messages commenting on how cool it was and asking me about it?
c) You act as if my Mexico trip thread was some sort of bragging. I asked if anyone else had been diving down there and was looking for recommendations and suggestions for things to see. I was asking my fellow Sooner Fans for their help and ideas. Then, after the trip, I came back to thank them for sharing some really good suggestions on places to dive. You find that...what...offensive? boring? bragging? That's sad, because if finding it that way it shows nothing of me, but reveals you to be a petty, insecure and jealous child. That's sad. And it makes me feel a little sorry for you.

I'm glad you and J-Lew have each other to keep each other warm at night. It's a good thing. As you know, I have nothing against homosexuality and feel that you guys should be given the same respect as anyone else. But I think you two should consider posting on different boards. You need your own space. And if you keep following each other around like this one of you is bound to start feeling a bit smothered.

Best of luck to you both. Sincerely. I really hope you two find happiness together.


9/24/2009, 11:15 PM
LAS, have you found happiness ???Completely. :)

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:15 PM
dude i just wanted to see Shark pictures

Las hows your boyfriend doing in LA? we all know you hide him

you live in a worthless state too , by the way.. go play with Arnold!!

It runs in the family.

9/24/2009, 11:16 PM
It runs in the family.

You know, since you want to get all personal and all.



9/24/2009, 11:16 PM
I'm not being tough,


http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/images/reputation/reputation_neg.gif An open invitation to... (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2714773#post2714773) 9/24/2009 08:42 PM CK Sooner (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/member.php?u=58977) and i would pound YOU into paper


Yeah...dude...you'd totally kick my ***. I swear you would. You're a complete bad ***.

Tough guy. ;)

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:17 PM


Yeah...dude...you'd totally kick my ***. I swear you would. You're a complete bad ***.

Tough guy. ;)


9/24/2009, 11:17 PM
dude i just wanted to see Shark pictures

Las hows your boyfriend doing in LA? we all know you hide him

you live in a worthless state too , by the way.. go play with Arnold!!Awww...you're so pathetically jealous.

Poor kid.

9/24/2009, 11:17 PM
i love my sister ... i support her

9/24/2009, 11:18 PM
Completely. :)

Cosmic Consciousness ???

9/24/2009, 11:18 PM

Clearly you're projecting.

Look, CK, if you wanna ask me out, go ahead. But I can't be responsible for J-Lew's little hissy fit of jealousy.

9/24/2009, 11:19 PM
I support my sister

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:20 PM
Awww...you're so pathetically jealous.

Poor kid.

This is what we are talking about no one is jealous of you know matter how much you brag about living in California, no one gives a ****.. I mean all you have to do is look at your user title.

9/24/2009, 11:20 PM
It runs in the family.Wow...trying to talk smack on my sister now?

Really? You wanna go down that road with your little personal attacks and hissy fits?

HAHAHALord Jesus...CAN you think for yourself? Or do you just follow CK around and hope he'll pat you on the head every now and then?

9/24/2009, 11:20 PM
I support gay rights

9/24/2009, 11:21 PM
LAS, the Maharishi works for me...

9/24/2009, 11:21 PM
This is what we are talking about no one is jealous of you know matter how much you brag about living in California, no one gives a ****.. I mean all you have to do is look at your user title.Sure...sure.

You're not jealous at all.

And nobody can tell, either. You hide it sooooo well. LMFAO

I support my sister:rolleyes:

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:22 PM
Wow...trying to talk smack on my sister now?

Really? You wanna go down that road with your little personal attacks and hissy fits?

Lord Jesus...CAN you think for yourself? Or do you just follow CK around and hope he'll pat you on the head every now and then?

You said that SKULL was going to pound me and then you keep calling me gay.


9/24/2009, 11:22 PM
i rub elbows with gay people every day in LA... AND I LIKE IT!!!!

9/24/2009, 11:22 PM
You guys are all immature...

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:22 PM
JLEW, is your sister going to the gay pride parade tomorrow?

9/24/2009, 11:23 PM



9/24/2009, 11:24 PM
JLEW, is your sister going to the gay pride parade tomorrow?

i think so... i feel so proud to have a gay sister. i really support her and her rights... its great for America

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:25 PM
Does your sister look like this?


9/24/2009, 11:27 PM
You said that SKULL was going to pound me and then you keep calling me gay.

Hypocrite!I never said that SKULL was going to pound you into paper...I said he COULD pound you into paper after you tried to pretend that you could kick his ***. Which, everyone who's ever met SKULL and who's ever seen a picture of you, can confirm with complete confidence.

And I didn't "call you gay," I really thought you two were dating. Aren't you? I certainly didn't mean to offend you, after all, I don't find it offensive if someone thinks you're gay because I like gay people. To me that's no more offensive than if someone thought I was left-handed. It's inaccurate (in my case) but not offensive.

i rub elbows with gay people every day in LA... AND I LIKE IT!!!!Jeez...you make it too easy, you know?

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:27 PM
LAS, would you stop negging me?!

:mad: :P :P :D

9/24/2009, 11:28 PM
I'm gonna go rub elbows with my sister

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:29 PM
I never said that SKULL was going to pound you into paper...I said he COULD pound you into paper after you tried to pretend that you could kick his ***. Which, everyone who's ever met SKULL and who's ever seen a picture of you, can confirm with complete confidence.

And I didn't "call you gay," I really thought you two were dating. Aren't you? I certainly didn't mean to offend you, after all, I don't find it offensive if someone thinks you're gay because I like gay people. To me that's no more offensive than if someone thought I was left-handed. It's inaccurate (in my case) but not offensive.

Jeez...you make it too easy, you know?

Bull****, you called me gay and used it in an offensive way. Why do you have to be that way?

9/24/2009, 11:30 PM
Bull****, you called me gay and used it in an offensive way. Why do you have to be that way?

rub elbows



:eek: :D

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:31 PM
rub elbows



:eek: :D

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

9/24/2009, 11:32 PM
Bull****, you called me gay and used it in an offensive way. Why do you have to be that way?I thought you were gay and you two were dating. My bad. If I was wrong, then I apologize.

Your feelers all better now?

9/24/2009, 11:32 PM
I could care less who is or is not gay...

9/24/2009, 11:33 PM
rub elbows



:eek: :DIs your sister really gay or are you trying to launch into some kind of juvenile attack on my gay sister who isn't even on this board to defend herself?

Just curious.

And remember, this is for posterity's sake so please...be honest.

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:33 PM
I thought you were gay and you two were dating. My bad. If I was wrong, then I apologize.

Your feelers all better now?


Curly Bill
9/24/2009, 11:33 PM
I think everyone that has posted in this thread is gay!

:eek: Oh crap, wait! I take that back!!! :O

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:34 PM
Is your sister really gay or are you trying to launch into some kind of juvenile attack on my gay sister who isn't even on this board to defend herself?

Just curious.

And remember, this is for posterity's sake so please...be honest.

No, man. His has a sister and she is really gay.

9/24/2009, 11:34 PM
I'm talking about my sister. duh

9/24/2009, 11:35 PM
I am not gay but I am ok with gays...

Curly Bill
9/24/2009, 11:36 PM
I am not gay but I am ok with gays...

If you're not gay why did you tell me you used to be in the Village People?


9/24/2009, 11:36 PM
I am not gay but I am ok with gays...

well according to LAS, I'm gay.... at least i don't rub elbows with people in the most gay State in the union

9/24/2009, 11:36 PM
NoThen I double apologize for thinking you two were gay and dating each other.

No, man. His has a sister and she is really gay.Okay, no problem then.

9/24/2009, 11:38 PM
To hammered for much more.... I'm gonna go call my sister and go to bed

night yall

Curly Bill
9/24/2009, 11:38 PM
To hammered for much more.... I'm gonna go call my sister and go to bed


CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:39 PM
Since we got this thing worked out, I am going to bed too.

Got to get up EARLY tomorrow.

Night All!

9/24/2009, 11:39 PM
I think everyone that has posted in this thread is gay!

:eek: Oh crap, wait! I take that back!!! :O You are SO the gayest person in this gay thread.

I am not gay but I am ok with gays...But are the gays okay with you?

If you're not gay why did you tell me you used to be in the Village People?

:confused:He was their drummer. He pounded the skins.

well according to LAS, I'm gay.... at least i don't rub elbows with people in the most gay State in the union:rolleyes:

Lord have mercy, you are such a child.

Get over your insecurity complex with regard to California.

I mean, you're not good at insulting and you're not even accurate. N.Y. has a higher gay population than California. And we don't even have legalized gay marriage. Technically Vermont, NY, Massachusetts and Iowa are all "gayer states" than California.

And we've got hotter women...which makes us even less "gay."

Is that the best you've got J-Junior?

9/24/2009, 11:40 PM
Although I personally do not understand the gay lifestyle, I accept and realize many great people choose this...and it is OK !!!

CK Sooner
9/24/2009, 11:41 PM

9/24/2009, 11:41 PM
:eek:Yeah...seriously...he just left himself SO OPEN for a good incest "guess we know who's the TOP" joke. :D

9/24/2009, 11:42 PM
Although I personally do not understand the gay lifestyle, I accept and realize many great people choose this...and it is OK !!!
It ain't a choice, Rus.

And let's not even TAKE this thread down THAT road.

Curly Bill
9/24/2009, 11:42 PM
You know what they say: incest is the best. ;) :D

9/24/2009, 11:43 PM
By the way, CK, are you even gonna TRY to respond to Skull? I mean that WAS the point of this thread.

Or are you gonna be smart and apologize for making an *** of yourself and let the issue drop?

The apology could be in the form of a PM. In fact, I think that would probably be best.

Curly Bill
9/24/2009, 11:45 PM
Apologies are for wimps.

9/24/2009, 11:49 PM
Bottom line: LAS is a congenital jerk and can't help it...with a lame effort at false effort at pompishness...

9/24/2009, 11:51 PM
my sister did not answer ... just going to go to bed.. night yall

9/25/2009, 12:14 AM
Bottom line: LAS is a congenital jerk and can't help it...with a lame effort at false effort at pompishness...Oh, Rus... :rolleyes:

Frozen Sooner
9/25/2009, 02:10 AM
For the record, I like D. Mainly because we have a bunch of mutual friends from college, make really terrible jokes about some mutual, er, female acquaintances, and have hung out once or twice when I was in Norman. He's a good guy. Gave me a football signed by Teddy Lehman.

9/25/2009, 05:15 AM
I think everyone that has posted in this thread is gay!

:eek: Oh crap, wait! I take that back!!! :O

Well at least there's hope on the horizon with the HIV news that Vet posted. Hopefully all of you won't spread the virus when your all meeting up in the TG port-a-john. :pop:

9/25/2009, 09:53 AM
I support gay rights

Keep it up. Maybe you'll be allowed to vote someday.


9/25/2009, 09:56 AM
To hammered for much more.... I'm gonna go call my sister and go to bed

night yall

You make drunken, late-night calls to your sister too? Sh*t, we DO have a lot in common. Maybe we SHOULD hang out.


9/25/2009, 10:22 AM
For the record, I like D. Mainly because we have a bunch of mutual friends from college, make really terrible jokes about some mutual, er, female acquaintances, and have hung out once or twice when I was in Norman. He's a good guy. Gave me a football signed by Teddy Lehman.

Aw, thanks. It's rare that people admit to liking me in a public forum. :D I forgot about that foolball, man. Do you still have it? Wasn't it Teddy and Lance, or someone? I remember Teddy, but I don't remember who was with him when he came into my bar.

But, as Frozen is a prime example of, while the intelligent, open-minded people of the world tend to like me, it's fairly rare when the unintelligent like me, mainly because I have chosen to spend a great deal of my time and energy reminding them of their lack of intelligence and their inability to apply their limited intelligence to the every day world. If someone needs instructions to figure out life, then I'm cool with them choosing to hang out elsewhere. I don't want to babysit. Some people, though, don't seem to mind it so much. Desperation is a stinky cologne, John.

"Me posty on bored makey friendz"



I just wrote it and can barely read it, and there are some (ahem) that feel it's acceptable ALL OF THE TIME. Yeah, I can do without those people, on my boards and in my genepool. Sorry. Things are becoming difficult enough without having to account for what is becoming typical American ignorance and apathy. If you wonder why we're losing ground to almost every other industrial nation, look no further than a thread full of (poor) gay jokes and half-full of atrocious grammar, spelling, and presentation. Go to school, high-school, in China for one year, and come back and tell me that you still think you're smart enough for college.

The question was posed, in a negative manner, earlier, as to whether or not I take this board "so seriously." You decide how seriously I take it by deciding what is important to you, ultimately. I could give a sh*t about whether or not we just signed another hot prospect from straight out of Bugtussle that's going to give Cory Brandon a run for his money next season... What I DO care about are the issues that I see on this board every day that aren't sports-related.

I see it like this: Let's say that you find yourself immersed deep in a conversation with an attractive member of the opposite sex. (I know for some of you, you'll need to break out the virtual reality helmet and gloves, even just to pretend, so I'll give you a second before I continue.) Let's say that, during the course of this conversation, he/she excuses themselves to go to the bathroom. As soon as they do, I come over to you and say, "You have a hanger. Blow your nose." And then I walk away.

Would you get p*ssed at me?

If no, good. You're halfway-smart. If yes, then why, exactly? Because I pointed out your problem in a public forum? It's not like I made a big deal of it. In fact, the only people that likely noticed me do it were the ones who had already ALSO seen the bird in your proverbial wire, and weren't ballsy enough to mention it themselves; or comfortable enough in their own skin to realize that they're not attacking you, they're trying to be helpful.

If someone's mis-use of the English language bothers them so much that they get pissy when I point it out, then why? If they cared, they'd have fixed the problem on their own long ago. If they don't like people trying to help them, then they shouldn't limp across the street like an old person, waiting for someone to take their strong arm.

Speaking of strong arms, anybody else have anything worthwhile to add, or can we put this f*ggy baby to bed? I believe a question was posed to CK, but that was five pages ago, and he didn't answer, and, at this point, that's fine too. I think that the point that needed to be made, was made. I'm good with that. Enjoy the weekend, f*ckers. :D


9/25/2009, 10:32 AM
You told me I had a hanger once...

9/25/2009, 10:36 AM
I've also been told that I was hung. It's all about the small favors. :D


9/25/2009, 11:19 AM

Get in line. I've been told many times by jlew and ck that I'm the most hated guy on these boards and that NOBODY likes me. You're just going to have to deal with it. I'm sorry, but together we'll make it through this.


9/25/2009, 11:30 AM
You make drunken, late-night calls to your sister too? Sh*t, we DO have a lot in common. Maybe we SHOULD hang out.


wait, your sister, or his sister?

9/25/2009, 11:31 AM
lol this thread rocks

9/25/2009, 11:40 AM
wait, your sister, or his sister?

I'm an only child. My parents didn't want to share the awesome. That's why I'm so full of it.

JLew, LONG VERSION: a great deal of this thread is, and has been, dedicated to pointing out your shortcomings, so you can really only profess to think it "rocks" if you are or have become smart enough to take advantage of the advice offered within. Considering the not-as-elaborate-as-alcohol-and-your-co-conspirator-may-have-led-you-to-believe lie about your sister, I'm not sure that, at least to date in your life, you've picked up enough of the necessary "smarts" to take something of value from this thread.

SHORT VERSION: are you too stupid to realize that you're being made fun of?


9/25/2009, 11:41 AM

Get in line. I've been told many times by jlew and ck that I'm the most hated guy on these boards and that NOBODY likes me. You're just going to have to deal with it. I'm sorry, but together we'll make it through this.


Hold me.

9/25/2009, 11:44 AM
I'm an only child. My parents didn't want to share the awesome. That's why I'm so full of it.

JLew, LONG VERSION: a great deal of this thread is, and has been, dedicated to pointing out your shortcomings, so you can really only profess to think it "rocks" if you are or have become smart enough to take advantage of the advice offered within. Considering the not-as-elaborate-as-alcohol-and-your-co-conspirator-may-have-led-you-to-believe lie about your sister, I'm not sure that, at least to date in your life, you've picked up enough of the necessary "smarts" to take something of value from this thread.

SHORT VERSION: are you too stupid to realize that you're being made fun of?


i love my sister

and LAS

Curly Bill
9/25/2009, 05:52 PM
i love my sister

and LAS

I "loved" your sister once, but I'm not "in" love with her.

LAS...meh :P

9/25/2009, 08:47 PM
Skull & Sooner04,

Get in line. I've been told many times by jlew and ck that I'm the most hated guy on these boards and that NOBODY likes me. You're just going to have to deal with it. I'm sorry, but together we'll make it through this.


9/25/2009, 08:49 PM
funny ?...

9/25/2009, 08:50 PM
I "loved" your sister once, but I'm not "in" love with her.

LAS...meh :P
You should BE so lucky as to earn my love. :D

9/25/2009, 08:57 PM
You should BE so lucky as to earn my love. :D


stoops the eternal pimp
9/25/2009, 10:37 PM
I love LAS, Skull, and 04......like John Phillips loved McKenzie

9/25/2009, 10:38 PM
I love LAS, Skull, and 04......like John Phillips loved McKenzie

I don't "love" any of them...

stoops the eternal pimp
9/25/2009, 10:43 PM
You know I don't get anybody not liking anybody on the board...

Of course the 2 percosets I just took could hinder my judge of character

9/25/2009, 10:46 PM
You know I don't get anybody not liking anybody on the board...

Of course the 2 percosets I just took could hinder my judge of character

You just changed from "love" vs. "like"....big difference...

CK Sooner
9/25/2009, 10:50 PM
I love LAS, Skull, and 04......like John Phillips loved McKenzie

Love Is A Battlefield.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/25/2009, 10:57 PM
You just changed from "love" vs. "like"....big difference...

yeah I realize that...

stoops the eternal pimp
9/25/2009, 10:59 PM
Love Is A Battlefield.

your deep man:D

Frozen Sooner
9/25/2009, 11:09 PM
You know I don't get anybody not liking anybody on the board...

Of course the 2 percosets I just took could hinder my judge of character

That Mike Rich character was an *******.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/25/2009, 11:11 PM
Mike Rich gave me some good television advice before, but other than that...a total bewb

9/25/2009, 11:11 PM
Mike Rich was cool...

stoops the eternal pimp
9/25/2009, 11:28 PM
Mike Rich has strange tingly feelings about nick saban

Crucifax Autumn
9/25/2009, 11:35 PM
So basically everyone in this thread is one or more of the following:


Yep...That sounds right!

stoops the eternal pimp
9/25/2009, 11:43 PM
Im none of those things today

CK Sooner
9/25/2009, 11:45 PM
Im none of those things today

Me neither.

Frozen Sooner
9/26/2009, 12:13 AM
Mike Rich has strange tingly feelings about nick saban

Boy howdy they love that guy around here. He's definitely a hell of a coach, but I'm not quite ready to...well, crap. I was drinking something called "Sabanade" at the tailgate last week.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2009, 12:15 AM
Boy howdy they love that guy around here. He's definitely a hell of a coach, but I'm not quite ready to...well, crap. I was drinking something called "Sabanade" at the tailgate last week.

Alabama hasn't been good to you friend

9/26/2009, 12:49 AM
This is the dumbest thread ever but now that ive made myself a part of it, ill jump on in.

Skull-Met him, he bought me a few beers after I did a non sexual favor for him, good guy. On the board he gets a little hoity toity(SP?) but everyone on here has a persona to uphold

I think all of you are homos and need to hug it out ;)

LAS, my friend, and I say that seriously cus I am pretty sure we can call each other friends now, everyone knows your act around here. In some threads it works, in some it doesnt. In almost every thread you are a Super Black Pot though, all im sayin :)

Jlew only hangs out with CK cus CK gives good head apparently, Jlew is good people though, met him and would like to hang out with him again

CK, honestly im still not sure if you are a dude or a chick or if you are straight or gay, you make it tough to know sometimes but I still like ya ;)

STEP, youre my boy!

9/26/2009, 12:52 AM
alright Skull...


9/26/2009, 12:53 AM
CK, honestly im still not sure if you are a dude or a chick or if you are straight or gay, you make it tough to know sometimes

Oddly enough, I've been thinking the exact same thing.

9/26/2009, 12:53 AM
his email is registered to the name Sharon for gosh sakes, it was hard enough before I knew that :D

9/26/2009, 11:07 AM
When, without a previous understanding, the enemy asks for a truce, he is plotting.
- Sun Tzu

Also, asking for a "truce" would imply that we were at war. Chucking grenades at an immobile target only requires an arm, not an agenda. For me, typing is the same way.

In other words, I don't have to have an agenda against someone to speak my mind, and I will only make things as personal as they are made towards me. My problems are with people acting like I'M the d*ck when THEY'RE in the wrong, warm beer, and Tejas. (At times, all three are related, and it's a whirlwind of pissedofftitude.) Basically, I just don't like stupid people and warm beer. I AM a firm believer in eugenics, but I'll apologize for suggesting that you shouldn't pollute the gene pool, JLew. It is your right to do so if you see fit, and I am not the person to take that right away from you, so for that, as well, I apologize.

Sharon? Maybe he still lives at home? (Or she does...)


9/26/2009, 01:08 PM
well i always have cold beer...

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2009, 01:10 PM
he has 2 tv s also

9/26/2009, 01:11 PM
Ive got 3 Tvs

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2009, 01:12 PM
I've got 3 testes

9/26/2009, 01:16 PM
I've got 3 testes

I thought those sunglasses looked funny on you.

9/26/2009, 01:18 PM

Get in line. I've been told many times by jlew and ck that I'm the most hated guy on these boards and that NOBODY likes me. You're just going to have to deal with it. I'm sorry, but together we'll make it through this.


Eventually even a blind squirrel is gonna find a nut.

Even a blind squirrel with 3 testes.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2009, 01:18 PM
I stole one from lance armstrong

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2009, 01:36 PM
i consider myself more of a 3 teste ferret

9/26/2009, 02:59 PM
So is Sharon going to clarify if it is a guy or girl, or are we just never going to know and have to assume it likes guys either way?

CK Sooner
9/26/2009, 04:03 PM
So is Sharon going to clarify if it is a guy or girl, or are we just never going to know and have to assume it likes guys either way?

Actually not my email account its a girls account that I know. Not that it's any of your business considering I don't even know who the **** you are......?

9/26/2009, 04:41 PM
Eventually even a blind squirrel is gonna find a nut.

Even a blind squirrel with 3 testes.

If it has three testes, then it already found a nut.

But what do I know? I'm not a doctor...


9/26/2009, 05:22 PM
Actually not my email account its a girls account that I know. Not that it's any of your business considering I don't even know who the **** you are......?

If it's too personal to state whether your are a guy or girl then nobody is forcing you to say it.

9/26/2009, 09:10 PM
I'm listening to Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass right now.

The proper question would be, why aren't you doing the same?

stoops the eternal pimp
9/26/2009, 09:44 PM
Im day dreaming of Jarrod Reese...sorry

9/27/2009, 02:24 AM
how was that guy not a superstar?

9/27/2009, 01:19 PM
La cabeza.


Frozen Sooner
9/27/2009, 02:01 PM
Jonathan Coulton - "Under the Pines"

I actually like Brando too. Mainly because he's like the only other Padres fan in the world.

I think Skull, 04, and I should form a group of people nobody likes. We could even have like a separate message board and stuff.

9/27/2009, 02:07 PM
Why would you do that to Skull and yourself?

9/27/2009, 02:18 PM
Don't forget LAS. We could be the Mount Rushmore. I'm Washington, 'cause my teeth are wooden! Sh*t, wait...


starclassic tama
9/28/2009, 02:14 AM
04 once negged me because i got the year wrong in which texas won their last national championship in football. i think that says all you need to know about the guy, and probably explains the lack of female attention he got in high school

9/28/2009, 05:11 AM
I'd be Lincoln.

Since he's the only Republican on Mt. Rushmore.


9/28/2009, 08:42 AM
04 once negged me because i got the year wrong in which texas won their last national championship in football. i think that says all you need to know about the guy, and probably explains the lack of female attention he got in high school

Pays attention to detail and wants facts to be correct, not pulled from random *sses, especially when concerning our primary rival... Yeah, sounds about right to me. Get your dates/facts straight before you start rattling them off on a message board... Nothing wrong with people wanting to see that. I feel the same way, and I got more *ss than a toilet seat, so you're off on that too, super sleuth.


9/28/2009, 08:49 AM
04 once negged me because i got the year wrong in which texas won their last national championship in football. i think that says all you need to know about the guy, and probably explains the lack of female attention he got in high school
Without facts, there's chaos.

9/28/2009, 01:46 PM
Pays attention to detail and wants facts to be correct, not pulled from random *sses, especially when concerning our primary rival... Yeah, sounds about right to me. Get your dates/facts straight before you start rattling them off on a message board... Nothing wrong with people wanting to see that. I feel the same way, and I got more *ss than a toilet seat, so you're off on that too, super sleuth.



starclassic tama
9/28/2009, 05:05 PM
ha. it would have been different if i said 1927 or something ridiculous. i said texas hasn't won one since '69 when it was really '70. SORRY TO OFFEND 04


9/28/2009, 05:32 PM
but many don't count 1970 since they lost the bowl game and split the polls. the UPI still gave theirs out before the bowls then, but the AP trophy went to Nebraska

so 1969 could be debated ;)

9/28/2009, 06:10 PM

Is that like:



10/1/2009, 02:04 AM
I wish I hadn't missed this thread...

C'mon thread! Breathe!

10/1/2009, 02:52 PM
I actually think me and Skull would be quite the Allies

10/1/2009, 03:14 PM
I got you Frag...

Hey CK, Skull said Vanessa Hudgens is fugly and High School Musical is Bull Sh*T!

CK Sooner
10/1/2009, 03:27 PM
I got you Frag...

Hey CK, Skull said Vanessa Hudgens is fugly and High School Musical is Bull Sh*T!


10/2/2009, 03:02 PM
No, it's true. I mean, I liked the pics of her little Hershey's kiss n*ps that her lawyers made all of the gossip sites take down, but High School Musical? Seriously? You're, uh... a "fan." That's fabulous.


CK Sooner
10/2/2009, 03:55 PM
No, it's true. I mean, I liked the pics of her little Hershey's kiss n*ps that her lawyers made all of the gossip sites take down, but High School Musical? Seriously? You're, uh... a "fan." That's fabulous.


No, I do not like High School Musical.

10/2/2009, 05:00 PM
Good, 'cause by "fabulous," I meant



10/2/2009, 05:01 PM
...and that's an anti-Boren pic, not an anti-OU pic... F*ckin' alcohol policy that's increased DUI's by 300%...


Jello Biafra
10/9/2009, 02:00 PM
I actually think me and Skull would be quite the Allies

i think you guys should just phuck and get it over with....internet tough guys.

10/9/2009, 07:05 PM
Well, it's not gonna s*ck itself...


10/19/2009, 09:28 PM

OK which one of you is the skull ****er?

10/20/2009, 12:42 AM

OK which one of you is the skull ****er?

I'm going to request you stop posting in this thread.
