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Leroy Lizard
11/13/2009, 12:24 PM
It is more technically challenging to sing and hold a note than warble around it...

Which is why they warble around it.

11/13/2009, 12:31 PM

you know the season is going down the tubes, when the Oklahoman has to revert to 'news' like this instead of what is happening on the field. :pop:

11/13/2009, 12:46 PM
you know the season is going down the tubes, when the Oklahoman has to revert to 'news' like this instead of what is happening on the field. :pop:

Well, kinda, yeah. I mean, didn't our media expect the Badlem game to be the battle for the Big 12 South? OU and OSU were both supposed to be undefeated up until that game? The winner would play for the Big 12 and national titles?

11/13/2009, 12:53 PM
I don't see why we all keep arguing about it. It's not like one side is going to cave. I said "Home of the Sooners" as an unknowing undergrad. Then I heard this argument and decided it may be disrespectful. I brought this point up to my friend (who has served in Iraq 3 different times) and he called me an idiot. So that when I decided that it's not even worth arguing. IMHO.

11/13/2009, 01:04 PM
My hubby's in Iraq--I love that people are free to say "Sooners" or "Brave". Isn't that kinda the point?

Anyway, for a late Veteran's Day salute...Here's the BEST NATIONAL ANTHEM IN THE HISTORY OF EVER!!! Thanks to all who do or did serve.


11/13/2009, 01:24 PM
Hells bells... if you change the words from "home of the brave" to "home of the sooners" that is changing the words.

"Brave" changed to "sooners"

brave to sooners.

See how that works?

And I am HARDLY metro.. I am just.. fastidious.

Besides.. they're "manly" ties.. a throw back to better days when all men wore them!

Look up the song on the innerweb, or go to a music store and check the lyrics. They're still "home of the brave." Therefore, nobody has changed the words of the Star Spangled Banner.

And I'm with the guy who boils when I see men leave their hat on during the playing of the NA. If they're within eyeshot/earshot of me, I have no problem telling them to take their damned hat off. A bunch of drunken goobers going "Sooners!" at the end of the song is not anywhere near as disrespectful as a grown-assed man eating his nachos and wearing his hat during the song.

11/13/2009, 02:29 PM
See, we actually yell "Sooners" after the song is over. But we are so fast (almost as fast as the SEC) that it SOUNDS like it's right at the end of the song.

11/13/2009, 02:43 PM
See, we actually yell "Sooners" after the song is over. But we are so fast (almost as fast as the SEC) that it SOUNDS like it's right at the end of the song.

Exactly!!! :cool:

11/13/2009, 03:47 PM
See, we actually yell "Sooners" after the song is over. But we are so fast (almost as fast as the SEC) that it SOUNDS like it's right at the end of the song.

I'll go with this. I'm guilty of saying Sooners instead of brave, but honestly I don't feel bad at all. How is me changing the words to our National Anthem (Only before football games remind you) showing disrespect to our soldiers? What they are doing in Iraq and what those veterns did is no less brave because I said sooners. Just a little game time fun. My opinion...sorry if you're a solider or vetern that feels differntly.

11/13/2009, 03:52 PM
because the song was written to honor our soldiers, not our football team. It is sung to honor our soldiers, not our football team

11/13/2009, 04:11 PM
At Tulane they say "home of the WAVE!" I don't like that either, but what are ya gonna do? I think "Wave" or "Sooners" instead of "brave" is disrepectful. I don't do it, and if you ask me what you should do, I'll tell you not to do it. But obviously lots of people who mean no disprespect do it all the time. They probably just think it's cute, which of course it is not. But for them it may be as close to cleverness as they'll ever get in their dumbed-down, follow-the-herd lives. They might as well say "home of the 99-cent double cheeseburger."
I may not call anybody out over it, but I will think - for a split second - that I am seated among the dull and lame.

11/13/2009, 06:05 PM
Several people on the Daily Disappointment thread already said this, but the fact that David Boren and the DD are trying to accuse fans of disrespect is rich. They are the ones that sold/bought the name of Oklahoma MEMORIAL Stadium.

11/13/2009, 06:29 PM
I don't yell "Sooners" nor do I get all bent out of shape when others do. Some may see yelling "Sooners" as being disrespectful, but I don't think anyone means any harm by it.

11/13/2009, 06:31 PM
David Boren and the DD are trying to accuse fans of disrespect is rich.

File this under "failed attempts to appease others" along with "Cheer during the opposing team's song before the game" and "key play"

11/13/2009, 06:45 PM
Honest question: how is saying "home of the Sooners" any less disrespectful than a man leaving his hat on?

For the record, I do neither.

I Am Right
11/13/2009, 07:12 PM
I always say "brave", however, it is ok.

I Am Right
11/13/2009, 07:14 PM
Honest question: how is saying "home of the Sooners" any less disrespectful than a man leaving his hat on?

For the record, I do neither.

Good point!

I Am Right
11/13/2009, 07:14 PM
I don't yell "Sooners" nor do I get all bent out of shape when others do. Some may see yelling "Sooners" as being disrespectful, but I don't think anyone means any harm by it.

Another good one.

I Am Right
11/13/2009, 07:17 PM
My hubby's in Iraq--I love that people are free to say "Sooners" or "Brave". Isn't that kinda the point?

Anyway, for a late Veteran's Day salute...Here's the BEST NATIONAL ANTHEM IN THE HISTORY OF EVER!!! Thanks to all who do or did serve.


Good call Sunny.

Leroy Lizard
11/13/2009, 08:21 PM
Good point!


Leroy Lizard
11/13/2009, 08:21 PM
Another good one.


Leroy Lizard
11/13/2009, 08:22 PM
Good call Sunny.

Sure is.

I Am Right
11/13/2009, 08:39 PM
got to make a post, stuck on 666

11/13/2009, 09:27 PM
I'm still gonna say it.

And the damn PC police here who want to call me disrespectful can suck my disrespectful nuts.

Anyone that knows me knows how I feel about America, her soldiers, and the freedom we enjoy.

sooner ngintunr
11/13/2009, 09:37 PM
Anyone that knows me knows how I feel about America, her soldiers, and the freedom we enjoy.

Your a lib which means you hate all 3.;)

11/14/2009, 07:31 PM
Well, what happened tonight?

11/15/2009, 12:17 AM
I yelled sooner.

11/15/2009, 12:24 AM
I am way more offended at a bunch of band kids pretending they are actually in the armed forces than I am at "home of the Sooners".

11/15/2009, 12:54 AM
I dont get the animosity towards it..i mean it is the home of the sooners is it not?

11/15/2009, 02:04 AM
I dont get the animosity towards it..i mean it is the home of the sooners is it not?

The same people who hate it regularly denounce PC'ness and foster racism. Yes, OSU fans, I'm talking about you.

11/15/2009, 02:23 PM
I think the line of the anthem that comes
right before the last line makes this whole
debate silly and superfluous.

BTW, the national anthem's purpose is not
to just honor the military. It's purpose is to
honor all the patriotic individuals who stand
for the founding principles of the country......
which does not include the harlots and whores
in Washington DC who are selling the country
piece by piece to the highest bidder.

11/15/2009, 03:48 PM

11/15/2009, 04:09 PM
My aggie father-in-law was fired up about this last night. I responded by quoting the Lord's prayer, "Our Father, who art in Norman". Now I know I may have sealed my bid to live in lakes of fire, but at least it shut him up.

Oh, and my wife offered him one of our tickets to OSU game. I may need another place to live before long...

11/15/2009, 04:33 PM
Home of the Sooners baby!!!!!

11/15/2009, 04:39 PM
Sorry to be the cause of this controversy, but I did start it by being the only one to yell Sooners at an OU basketball game in 1998 and it eventually spread to football. I love America and I love the Sooners. I got the idea after I went to see OU play in the Washington DC Regional in 1998 and the locals yelled "O" for Orioles and thought about "OU" at Oh, say does...but liked "Sooners" better.

If you don't believe me, I have witnesses.

11/15/2009, 10:22 PM
I sing "home of the brave," but I will defend to the death your right to sing "home of the Sooners."

It's been a lot of years since an OPUBCO product quoted Voltaire.

11/16/2009, 09:00 AM
If you think that it's disrespectful, that's your opinion. But you shouldn't get all worked up over it and gripe about it. Saying "Sooners" at the end of the national anthem doesn't make you any less of an American. I'm sure that there is people out there that has family in the military that still say it, besides, I bet anyone who has been in the war that goes to the games still say Sooners. It's all a matter of opinion.

11/16/2009, 10:01 AM
I sing "home of the brave," but I will defend to the death your right to sing "home of the Sooners."

It's been a lot of years since an OPUBCO product quoted Voltaire.

Perhaps Sooners don't feel comfortable saying the word, "brave."

11/16/2009, 10:51 AM
Perhaps Sooners don't feel comfortable saying the word, "brave."

Yeah, that's why a lot of medical personnel who were working at the OU Medical School rushed into the Murrah Federal Building that was still collapsing to resuce victims after Timothy McVeigh had bombed it.

I think you and your ghey handle just earned a little time off.

Half a Hundred
11/16/2009, 11:06 AM
On an associated note... doesn't the star-spangled banner wave over the home of the Sooners?

11/16/2009, 09:21 PM
On an associated note... doesn't the star-spangled banner wave over the home of the Sooners?

If that's the jist of the pro-"Sooners" argument, then logically, wouldn't you have to name EVERY home over which the flag flies? Otherwise, we just look selfish... also, I kinda like the implication that, if you are not brave, you do not deserve to fly the flag. I do NOT like the implication that, if you are not a Sooner, you do not deserve to fly the flag.

So yeah, I'd prefer people stop trying to be cute, or clever... I mean, it's not like the majority of the people that say "Sooners," were singing the song up to that point anyway - at least none that I've observed; they're saying "Sooners" to try to make the Anthem about themselves... this kind of person would be just as comfortable with the entire stadium shouting their last name ...and that's my problem with it. If it were about the home of the Sooners, great. But it's usually just about the person saying it. You'll notice that nobody did this back when nobody (i.e. - just the "true" fans) was going to games.

Then again, I was so **** drunk at most of those games that the crowd COULD have chanted my last name at the end of the Anthem, and I might not have noticed... Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs, Howard the F*ck, and Booooo Blake were my first five years at OU. I turned "legal" during Howard's "tenure." I had an excuse for my controlled alcoholism. I can't think of a legitmate excuse for saying "Sooners," that doesn't come back to, "because I want to be different and change the words."

Or, if you want the Cliffs Notes version of my take: I think the song is pretty f*ckin' good the way it's written, personally...

That's my take on the issue.


A Sooner in Texas
11/16/2009, 09:35 PM
As is pretty much always the case, I agree with Skull.

(and feel free to add my endorsement to your growing sig, Skull. ;) )

11/16/2009, 10:56 PM
For the record I sing the whole damn thing...

Frozen Sooner
11/16/2009, 11:20 PM
Perhaps Sooners don't feel comfortable saying the word, "brave."

Perhaps you need to hang out on Hornfans.com. You're officially not welcome here.

11/16/2009, 11:44 PM
I think the line of the anthem that comes
right before the last line makes this whole
debate silly and superfluous.

Right on, MFers.

11/17/2009, 08:11 AM
I was at the Tulsa v E. Carolina Game Sunday Night.

When the Anthem was sung...I sang "And the Home of the Brave!"

When aggie comes to Norman...."It will be "And the Home of the SOOONERS!".

11/17/2009, 02:38 PM
I sing, "and the home of the BRAVE Sooners!!!" :D