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View Full Version : Prep Time for OU games during camping

Hot Rod
9/16/2009, 09:44 PM
We're going camping with the family and it just so happens that fall break lands on the date of the OU/Texas game this year. We'll be down in the Arbuckles and don't have DirectTV/Dish Network, so I was curious if any of you had any solutions as to how I can watch the game while enjoying the camping atmosphere?


9/16/2009, 09:52 PM
Can you pick up the Ardmore ABC station KXII (http://www.kxii.com/) from there? It is an ABC game so with a good antenna you probably could.

9/17/2009, 11:54 AM
What you need to do is figure out whoever planned it for that weekend, ask them why they didnt look at a schedule, and then punch them. Now you are uninvited to the trip, and get to watch from the comfort of your home.

proud gonzo
9/17/2009, 12:01 PM

Hot Rod
9/17/2009, 12:38 PM
What you need to do is figure out whoever planned it for that weekend, ask them why they didnt look at a schedule, and then punch them. Now you are uninvited to the trip, and get to watch from the comfort of your home.

School system planned the Fall Break. We just take that week to enjoy some camping time. Usually it has landed on other games, like Kansas last year, and Iowa State 2 years ago. Believe me, I'm not to thrilled about even possibly missing it.

9/17/2009, 02:11 PM
Get ya one of them pertable saterlite thingies
Ya know like what Dean has fer the Tailgates and such .
Either that or Just get sick as hell that day and have to go home . Ya can always go back Sunday, feeling better:cool:

9/28/2009, 08:58 PM
I travel a lot for work and also frequently go camping with the family as it's our favorite family activity. These are the following options I have for both that may help you.

First choice as far as I'm concerned is to try and get a TV signal there if you have access to power. You can get USB TV tuners you can plug and play into a laptop for not much more than $100. That's what I have and turns my laptop into an HDTV/DVR. It's not a great DVR but the picture is good and the DVR is workable. Pretty cool. If you frequently go camping where you have access to power during football season, this is a must have. I also keep it in my travel bag when traveling for work. I can get a better picture with it (mainly because it's HD when HD is available over the air) than I can in most hotel rooms.

If you can't pick up a TV signal, the second choice has to be Slingbox. Slingbox is a device that you hook up to your cable/satellite/antenna at home and to your internet (you need high speed internet for this). Using the Slingplayer software on you laptop will let you control and watch your TV from your house... no subscription needed. If you can't get internet where you're going but have the right type of smartphone, you can pay a little more for a player that will work on your phone that will work the Slingbox. It works really well on my Windows Mobile Tilt phone. Again, no subscription other than the internet service you hopefully already have. Slingbox prices vary based on which version you buy. I got the original version and payed I think $140 but I don't think that one is available anymore and the last I saw the cheapest one was $160. The player for the computer comes with it and the player for the smartphone is something like $39 I believe. This is a must have if you often travel outside of Big 12 country during football season.