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View Full Version : So why was Barry Switzer wearing an O state shirt?

9/13/2009, 01:54 PM

9/13/2009, 01:56 PM
Boone bought Barry's soul back when he bought the OSUE Athletic Dept.

9/13/2009, 03:36 PM
Is he thinking about running for the gov of OK job?

9/13/2009, 03:38 PM
He bid on a prize in a charity auction that included a seat in one of Boone's suites for the Houston game.

9/13/2009, 03:39 PM
Or he wants to be T. Boone's pimp?

9/13/2009, 03:45 PM
He bid on a prize in a charity auction that included a seat in one of Boone's suites for the Houston game.

I wonder if he was just a little happy inside that OSU lost the game.:)

9/13/2009, 03:45 PM
Because he can?

9/13/2009, 04:28 PM
T.Boone's goons were holding Barry's grandkids at gunpoint?

Lott's Bandana
9/13/2009, 04:36 PM
You guys all know that Barry loves everybody. Give the Bootlegger's Boy the opportunity to be anybody's Special Guest and he'll take it and be the star of the day.

Remember the relationship he had with T-Oz?

I think Darryl Royalpainintheass was the only person he openly loathed.

However, never question (not that anybody was) Barry's Crimson marrow.

Desert Sapper
9/13/2009, 04:36 PM
The King went 15-1 against Okie Lite, so it ain't no thang but a chicken wang.

9/13/2009, 04:44 PM
Other fans hate the guy but they sure like to quote him when he says something favorable about their program.
oSu recently on his comments about the Poke facilities and k-state used to use his quote about Snyder on their annual media guides.

9/13/2009, 04:46 PM
Because he can... he is the KING

9/13/2009, 05:57 PM
Because he can... he is the KING

Verdict rendered in this here case! :D

9/13/2009, 06:06 PM
it was the old double reverse orange hex...and it worked.

9/13/2009, 06:55 PM
You knows don't know? Like when he gave a pep talk to the Texas players before a OU game, Texas lost, he wear it to put a curse on OSU, it worked.:))

Hpe to see Barry in a Miami shirt in a few weeks.

9/13/2009, 06:56 PM
We couldn't see the back of his shirt but I think it said 'SUCKS"!!!

Leroy Lizard
9/13/2009, 07:04 PM
Switzer never fell into the typical homerism of most fans. I am sure he was pulling for the Aggies because he has friends in the organization.

9/13/2009, 07:16 PM
I could see him rooting for the Buckeyes.

9/13/2009, 08:44 PM
From the Oklahoman:

"Barry Switzer and OU alum Jakie Sandifer watched the game from Boone Pickens' suite. Switzer purchased the tickets in a benefit auction and even wore an orange shirt for the occasion. But it was the palest orange shirt you've ever seen. " :)

VA Sooner
9/13/2009, 09:23 PM
Double-reverse orange hex... from the King.

Ha! Gotta love it.

9/13/2009, 11:04 PM
He lost a bet?

9/14/2009, 08:29 PM
Maybe he's just went to hit on Boones wife.

9/14/2009, 11:09 PM
Because he can... he is the KING

This should have ended the thread.

9/15/2009, 12:02 AM
I think Darryl Royalpainintheass was the only person he openly loathed.

I may have to go back and read Bootlegger's Boy... but I didn't get the impression he loathed DKR, but rather, Royal loathed Barry. And Barry thought it was silly how seriously DKR took himself; and, maybe he even pitied what a duplicitous, myopic, bitter old man Royal became.

9/15/2009, 06:13 AM
The pukes over on orange"power" have gotten a hold of this thread and are looking at it a lot. So first and foremost YOU SUCK!!!

Secondly, I would post this over there but their mods are such pu$$es that I can't post anymore. Here is a quote from their thread about Switzer wearing an orange shirt to their game. Btw this is post #8 over there.

Those comments coming from goons that think UO has more national titles than OSU, mind you. - pokeresideintulsa.. or something like that

Nobody freaking cares about your wrasslin' titles you morons! This is a forum devoted to football so why in the hell would anyone care about any other national title you may have? I guess you must have been referring to all those titles in football you have...oh wait

You are completely irrelevant on the football stage and it will always be that way regardless of how many millions of dollars some jacka$$ spends on your worthless program. He can fix the place up a bit, but mediocrity will still dominate within. Did I mention you guys suck at life?

Boomer Mooner
9/15/2009, 07:05 AM
The same guy sent everyone over here to look at the meltdown.

Why would they ever think they could be relevant enough to cause a meltdown on the football forum? Really, they should just embrace their place in wrasslin' and be happy.

9/15/2009, 07:35 AM
OU has more national championships than OSU*

*This is a football forum, so other titles are not counted here.

OU is ranked higher than OSU in every major football poll right now*


OSU will never win the Big 12 championship while Gundy is in charge.*

*Never EVER. [hairGel]

EDIT: Poke State fans, if you're looking for a meltdown, let me redirect you back to your own board here. (http://www.orangepower.com/showthread.php?t=76142)

EDIT2: I just made it through that thread between reading stuff I actually care about and wow it is awful... if you're a Poke fan. The rest of us can giggle.

9/15/2009, 11:23 AM
Every state needs a stepchild.

9/15/2009, 11:29 AM
Every state needs a stepchild.

I loved what Bomar said after Sam Houston State played OSU. haha

9/15/2009, 11:32 AM
I loved what Bomar said after Sam Houston State played OSU. haha

Where's the strip?

9/15/2009, 11:34 AM
I'd have a bit of a meltdown too if I had to wear orange and copy other schools.

9/15/2009, 11:45 AM
OSU hasn't been successful enough in football to "get it." They got it in basketball... until recently... they probably get it in wrestling, but I don't pay attention to wrestling so I have no idea, but they definitely do NOT "get it" in football.

When you win, you act like you've won before. When you lose, you still support your team and act like gracious hosts and stuff.

I realize that it's easy to say that when you win oh-so-many Big 12 titles and have many annual BCS bowl appearances... and Nebbish can attest to the fact that it's easy to be polite when you are winning and tough to be good fans and gracious hosts when you have a d00shebag like Throat-Slash-Gesture in charge... but come on. If they ever want to be taken seriously by others, they better start taking themselves seriously first. Here, have some help from a WINNING program, hehe:

1- Make it known where your allegiance lies. Wear a coaches polo to work on "casual Fridays," have an official poster on display with a football schedule, project to everyone who will listen how well your team is going to do this year... feel free to exaggerate. All true fans do.

2- Be the guy that rallies your fanbase after losses. It's perfectly natural to get angry, upset, sad, etc. when your team loses, but be sure to be back on the allegiance side as soon as other fans of your school start getting moody. Don't be the one who starts ranting or calling for the coach's firing, or the benching of a player, etc. Realize that losses happen to every team (except Utah and Boise State, but they don't count, so don't count em, haha) and now that you've gotten your loss out of the way you can focus on winning again.

3- Don't look down on sourpuss fans. Be the better fan and be an example for other fans to follow.

In short, be like Stunned Aggie. :stunned:

Seriously! Stunned Aggie was cool and was notorious for being a cool guy, but unquestioned Poke fan. So what if he wore a stupid looking foam Cowboy hat and had to endure those stunning losses! He's a Poke fan! No question! And he's cool about it!