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Harris County Sooner
9/12/2009, 10:11 PM
Please retire. I only have access to your radio broadcast for the Idaho State game and your commentary on the game leaves me feeling like the AFFLAC duck. Please retire. The game was not against Iowa State. Franks' first name starts with a D but is not Demarco. And there is no city in Georgia called Dracula.

9/12/2009, 10:58 PM
"and they are back out on the court" :D :D :D :D

I kid you not...he said it. I was LMFAO in my truck.

9/12/2009, 11:00 PM

ELP Sooner
9/12/2009, 11:01 PM
I turned it off and followed it on the game thread. It's like listening to Harry Carey call jai alai match.

9/12/2009, 11:07 PM
Its like listing to a guy with turrets and trying to make since out of it.

9/12/2009, 11:10 PM
I like Merv though. He says some things that just crack me up!

9/12/2009, 11:13 PM
Merv is getting a little alzie too.

9/12/2009, 11:13 PM
Tonight was the first night I listened to the OU radio broadcast in years. I was surprised at how back ol' Bob was... you guys that complain about him aren't wrong. I can't say I was all that impressed with Merv though either. Sounded like he was bored to death and was just killn' time till he got to go home.

9/12/2009, 11:14 PM
I'm with you...I heard a lot of "uuuhhhhhhh....uuuhhhh" out of Merv. It's a pretty sad radio crew. :O

9/12/2009, 11:16 PM
So who do we want as the broadcaster? Nobody likes the ones we have, but I'm not sure how I would like the new ones if we had them. The guy that does the OSU games just has an irritating voice. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Old Bob and Merv can't have too many years left in them, although they are like the Joe Pa of announcing.

9/12/2009, 11:18 PM
How about BBJ?

9/12/2009, 11:18 PM
On our first touchdown, Barry called it "Touchdown at the Five."

What the hell dpes that mean?

The Harry Carray comparison is dead on balls accurate.

ELP Sooner
9/12/2009, 11:24 PM
So who do we want as the broadcaster? Nobody likes the ones we have, but I'm not sure how I would like the new ones if we had them. The guy that does the OSU games just has an irritating voice. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Old Bob and Merv can't have too many years left in them, although they are like the Joe Pa of announcing.

I have no idea if he would be interested, but Tim Healy who calls Arizona State is very professional.

9/12/2009, 11:27 PM
How long ago was the Syracuse game in Norman? I remember even then Bob Barry needed to retire. During that game he said, "and the kick is up and it's....gooo...no it's blocked!!!" How is a kick almost good if it never even got to the goal post? Tonight was just brutal as well. I like Merv for some of the tid bits he throws out, but he sounds like the biggest goober!

9/12/2009, 11:32 PM
BBS announced his retirement before the 2000 season and had his own personal farewell tour then decided he needed to stick around after we won the MNC. I'm convinced this has cursed OU and we won't see another NC year put on the press box until BBS is gone.

Also, he must have some really good dirt on the Borens because they are the only reason he still has a job.

9/12/2009, 11:35 PM
How long ago was the Syracuse game in Norman? I remember even then Bob Barry needed to retire. During that game he said, "and the kick is up and it's....gooo...no it's blocked!!!" How is a kick almost good if it never even got to the goal post? Tonight was just brutal as well. I like Merv for some of the tid bits he throws out, but he sounds like the biggest goober!

I said it in the game thread but I will repeat it. I remember having a conversation right after I graduated about how I loved Bob, but it was time for him to retire. I graduated in 1995.

I had a friend from another school call me tonight to ask why the radio broadcast was outsourced to the Duncanville High School tandem. :mad:

9/12/2009, 11:38 PM
I have no idea if he would be interested, but Tim Healy who calls Arizona State is very professional.

I'll take your word for it. Never heard him myself. I'm not saying that I disagree with those calling for his retirement. I have just heard many announcers that I disliked much more than BBS and Merv. I have no problem getting some new ones that are decent, though.

9/12/2009, 11:41 PM
At one point, I think he had Sam Proctor returning a punt for Idaho St. He also said that the rain on the press box window sounded like someone scoring a TD! However, nothing can ever outdo the hotdog incident.

German Corner
9/12/2009, 11:45 PM
You know last week he called Landry Jones...Laundry.

9/12/2009, 11:53 PM
Best line from today's radio broadcast: Merv is having a hard time pronouncing someone's name, then ends up spelling it out and saying "You're good with names, Bob."

9/13/2009, 12:10 AM
How about BBJ?

I have never heard him call a game, but I don't care for him on KFOR or Sports Animal.

A Sooner in Texas
9/13/2009, 12:12 AM
I love them both, but BBS and Merv sound like a couple of geezers sitting in rocking chairs on the porch trying to call a game.

9/13/2009, 12:15 AM
I heard he had a hard time with Ronnell Lewis' name tonight

9/13/2009, 12:28 AM
Effin moron's. If you would go to games you would not have to hear his voice.:D

9/13/2009, 12:41 AM
by the way, where are guys located where you listen to BBS and Merv so much that it makes you want to get rid of them? I, at the very most, catch them once a year.

9/13/2009, 12:41 AM
He had a hard time with a lot of things tonight. I like them both, but they're just not cuttin' it anymore. Non OU fans I know generally comment on how bad they are and ask why OU is not emarrassed by them. I guess I'm just used to them, but I do notice, when listening to other team announcers, how much more professional and prepared they seem to be. I'll prolly miss ol' Bob and Merv when they're gone, but it's about time to go.

9/13/2009, 12:42 AM
Only on PPV games I'll listen at home. Heres hoping the baylor game is on FSW!

9/13/2009, 12:47 AM
by the way, where are guys located where you listen to BBS and Merv so much that it makes you want to get rid of them? I, at the very most, catch them once a year.

there are the guys with radios at the game

i'm not sure i've ever listened to them... maybe the Baylor games in 2000 and 2002?

9/13/2009, 12:48 AM
The more people bitch about him...the longer he stays.

Give the Man his due and quit listening. That way they won't find any sponsors. No sponsors...no show.

9/13/2009, 12:49 AM
I love them both, but BBS and Merv sound like a couple of geezers sitting in rocking chairs on the porch trying to call a game.

I too have not listened to a game in years until today when I couldn't make it to the usual SD Sooner Alum watch spot, but this is exactly how I would describe what I heard.

9/13/2009, 12:51 AM
Personally, after reading all the ignorant shheeiiit in earlier posts, I hope BBS and Merv stay as long as they want.

9/13/2009, 02:07 AM
I find it sad, really. I have nothing against them, but they just sound like a couple of old farts talking nonsense about football.

Edit: Didn't see A Sooner in Texas basically say the same thing.

9/13/2009, 02:07 AM
I too have not listened to a game in years until today when I couldn't make it to the usual SD Sooner Alum watch spot, but this is exactly how I would describe what I heard.

Edit: Oops.

9/13/2009, 02:32 AM
I know the OP has no ill will to Bob so this isn't directed at him. I love Bob always have he might be slipping but I love hearing Touchdown Oklahomaaaa coming over the speakers.

9/13/2009, 02:49 AM
Back off of Bob. He's drank more beer, pissed more blood and banged more quiff than all of you numnut's put together.

9/13/2009, 04:34 AM
Personally I like the guys,,they keep me laughing,remember the Muppet show,they remind me of those 2 old men sitting in the balcony,,good entertainment,,lol

Lott's Bandana
9/13/2009, 04:45 AM
Back off of Bob. He's drank more beer, pissed more blood and banged more quiff than all of you numnut's put together.

See, we need a guy that can seamlessly incorporate the word, "quiff" into the broadcast.

Leroy Lizard
9/13/2009, 04:53 AM
Its like listing to a guy with turrets and trying to make since out of it.

Every English teacher on Soonerfans just scratched their eyes out. :)

9/13/2009, 08:08 AM
I know what I'm getting when I tune in to them. As such, I'm not going to bag on them. They are who they are.

If I wanted to know what's actually going on in the game, I'd whip out my Blackberry, go to ESPN's mobile website, and follow along on the play by play. :D

9/13/2009, 08:25 AM
i left the game a half time and i apologize for that. I have never left a game that early before. But my so called rain coat was soaked thru and thru. I was wet from head to toe and had an upset stomach.

I tried to listen to BBS on the way home and it was sad, very sad. i understand the loyalty, but this has to change, my only guess is the powers that be have never listen to BBS.

For a program like OU has this is an embarrassment.

9/13/2009, 08:33 AM
I took a friend who was from out of state and has no ties to the program, but a big admirer. I showed him the great campus, stadium, heisman park, and pointed on the banner for 7 NCs.

We left early also.

We tried to listen to BBS, and my friend's comment were "I can not understand or follow the game" - "what down is it, I thought is was 2nd down" - "Wow, a program as great as OU ought to be able to find a better PBP guy".

I could follow the game marginally, but only because I have years of pratice listening to BBS.

BBS doing PBP is truly ridiculous. There are many high school programs that do better.

9/13/2009, 08:58 AM
I can't understand a word "Mumblin' Merv" is saying

9/13/2009, 09:09 AM
I know what I'm getting when I tune in to them. As such, I'm not going to bag on them. They are who they are.
I listen to BBs and Merv when watching the game, usually better than listening to the national broadcaster on TV and better than listening to Blevins...but yes many years of listening to them helps make sense of what they are saying.

Partial Qualifier
9/13/2009, 09:28 AM
by the way, where are guys located where you listen to BBS and Merv so much that it makes you want to get rid of them? I, at the very most, catch them once a year.

What does the frequency of being forced to tune in have to do with anything? These guys are pathetic, but it's okay since you think everyone ought to go to games or watch on TV instead of listen to them?

there are the guys with radios at the game

And the ones who watch on TV but listen to the radio broadcast. They're the people who are all "Wayell, Gaw Dang!! I don't see the problem, leave dem poor old guys alone!"

Of course you don't see the problem, Numbnuts. :rolleyes:

9/13/2009, 10:16 AM

9/13/2009, 10:28 AM
bobs the only announcer that can call a incomplete pass,an interception and a touchdown pass all on the same play.bring back treps and brooks

9/13/2009, 12:10 PM
I listen to BBs and Merv when watching the game, usually better than listening to the national broadcaster on TV and better than listening to Blevins...but yes many years of listening to them helps make sense of what they are saying.

Amen to that.

I'd just as soon put five knuckles across his tool-*** lips as hear him assign a random percentage to something completely craptastic.

He was on a tear last night, too. It's like he made it an effort to ****bag the player, only to turn around and talk about how everyone else is doing great. His own personal version of good cop/bad cop. "If Josh would say anything to him, it would've been to take about 2 1/2 more yards on that carry." "He needed to throw that pass a lot earlier, but it was a perfect pass."

I didn't like that butthump before, but now I literally HATE that pompous piece of sh*t tick on the nutbag of Sooner football.

9/13/2009, 01:27 PM
by the way, where are guys located where you listen to BBS and Merv so much that it makes you want to get rid of them? I, at the very most, catch them once a year.

Some of us, actually, don't live in OK anymore. I live 1600 miles away and I can usually catch a game either through gameplan or the OU Club in NYC. So excuse those of us that are not in OK and we don't want to spend $400 on airfare every week.

9/13/2009, 01:43 PM
Bob will never let go!


King Crimson
9/13/2009, 01:54 PM
i like Merv.

BBsr is at his finest in hoops. authoring such incisive play-play as "the Sooners drop back into a man to man or some kind of zone defense".

9/13/2009, 01:59 PM
Keep Merv. I enjoy his glass is half empty coaches perspective.

9/13/2009, 02:09 PM
Personally I like the guys,,they keep me laughing,remember the Muppet show,they remind me of those 2 old men sitting in the balcony,,good entertainment,,lol

I love the Muppet analogue.
I was leaving the game and listening to their play by play---- Bob made the comment that our Kicker had had a great game. Merv immediately replies “no he hasn’t. He missed the extra point.”

It really is entertaining to listen to.

9/13/2009, 03:10 PM
And there is no city in Georgia called Dracula.

I missed that! ROTFLMAO. I wonder what the folks in Dacula (Da-kew-la) think today???

Harris County Sooner
9/13/2009, 04:34 PM
I like Merv though. He says some things that just crack me up!
Merv almost had me crying at the end of the first drive that fizzled at the goal line. I could feel his pain.

9/13/2009, 04:42 PM
Did you guys hear the part early in the 4th I think when they were talking and bob failed to mention we had lined up and run a play?

"yadayadadadada.....incomplete pass.":D

9/13/2009, 04:42 PM
I wanted to turn it off, but I had to listen to the game on the computer and it was the only broadcast in Kosovo. I did like hearing that we were also playing Iowa State instead of Idaho State. I did like the outcome of the game also. Boomer Sooner!!!!

9/13/2009, 05:16 PM
On our first touchdown, Barry called it "Touchdown at the Five."

What the hell dpes that mean?

The Harry Carray comparison is dead on balls accurate.

He said that? I cannot believe he is still on the radio. He was done a decade ago! Why can't he just let it go?

9/13/2009, 05:41 PM
[QUOTE=Partial Qualifier;2701745]What does the frequency of being forced to tune in have to do with anything? These guys are pathetic, but it's okay since you think everyone ought to go to games or watch on TV instead of listen to them?

it was just an opinion. I don't listen to them near the frequency you do, I guess, so just having to listen to them every once in a while, I can stand. I guess for folks that listen to them with a great amount of frequency would get tired of them. Anyway, just sayin

9/13/2009, 07:27 PM
I turned it off and followed it on the game thread. It's like listening to Harry Carey call jai alai match.


9/13/2009, 07:28 PM
Its like listing to a guy with turrets and trying to make since out of it.

Every English speaker on Soonerfans just scratched their eyes out. :)

fixed :D

9/13/2009, 07:34 PM
I haven't been up there in a while but I wonder if he still drops the "Let's go down to Mark Rodgers" everytime he has a brain shart.

9/13/2009, 07:36 PM
Now its Toby Roland. Meh

Harris County Sooner
9/13/2009, 07:48 PM
Now its Toby Roland. Meh
I think he was the one that made the lame finding Nemo joke.

9/13/2009, 08:32 PM
My all-time favorite Bob Barry-ism was in a 1999 broadcast, describing a player from another team:

...six-oh, a hundred and 90 pounds, from Tampon Springs, Florida...

9/13/2009, 08:40 PM
I'll never forget the '99 big red rally at the stadium. We were playing Indiana St. the next day and said we were going the Sycamores, more sick. Then he chuckled. Everyone was like, ok thats just bad. HEH

9/13/2009, 09:07 PM
My all-time favorite Bob Barry-ism was in a 1999 broadcast, describing a player from another team:

...six-oh, a hundred and 90 pounds, from Tampon Springs, Florida...

I played in '98.

9/13/2009, 09:16 PM
If you mean with yourself, I believe you.

9/13/2009, 09:19 PM
If you mean with yourself, I believe you.

yes! that was one of my better years. 96% in the red zone.

and I could score from both sides.

9/13/2009, 11:05 PM
Please retire. I only have access to your radio broadcast for the Idaho State game and your commentary on the game leaves me feeling like the AFFLAC duck. Please retire. The game was not against Iowa State. Franks' first name starts with a D but is not Demarco. And there is no city in Georgia called Dracula.The game was on PPV.

9/13/2009, 11:47 PM
Well, you could have "HOLY GUACAMOLE!" guy. Trade?

9/13/2009, 11:50 PM
Is that what pistols firing guy says?

9/13/2009, 11:59 PM
Is that what pistols firing guy says? His most common post game statement is..."I'm not as obnoxious as I sound."

9/14/2009, 12:18 AM
His most common post game statement is..."I'm not as obnoxious as I sound."

Oh man!!!! I cant stop laughing at that. I'm serious. Good stuff, good stuff.

9/14/2009, 12:34 AM
Well, you could have "HOLY GUACAMOLE!" guy. Trade?

Hey, he might sound and look just like Barney fife but he gives a good description of what's happening on the field. Unlike the Barry foibles.

Foibles? Check that...it was a fumble.

9/14/2009, 12:37 AM
Hey, he might sound and look just like Barney fife but he gives a good description of what's happening on the field. Unlike the Barry foibles.

Foibles? Check that...it was a fumble.

Cant argue that.

9/14/2009, 09:11 AM
Back off of Bob. He's drank more beer, pissed more blood and banged more quiff than all of you numnut's put together.

I don't think I know anyone who has banged a quiff?! That is impressive! Does he catch it in a tin can and then bang on it like a drum. Bang! Bang!

9/14/2009, 09:25 AM
The game was on PPV.

When are people in Oklahoma going to figure out that on PPV, might mean that it isn't necessarily available in certain markets outside of Oklahoma or other countries?:confused:

9/14/2009, 09:37 AM
Well, you could have "HOLY GUACAMOLE!" guy. Trade?

I would listen to BBS any day over that OSU guy... when i hear him squealing like a chearleader "Pistols Firing!"
I want to bash my head on the steering wheel...

9/14/2009, 09:42 AM
I don't think I know anyone who has banged a quiff?! That is impressive! Does he catch it in a tin can and then bang on it like a drum. Bang! Bang!

Heartbreak Ridge.


9/14/2009, 09:54 AM
Merv brings some great coaching insight to the game at times. Thanks for all you've done Bob, please retire.

The ultimate voice of the Sooners "JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMINY Christmas" John Brooks is saddled with calling football broadcasts for the Union Redskins (or Onion Fishheads as I have heard).

Listened to his broadcast the other night and greatly enjoyed it. Too bad he was working for the enemy. I started a thread on JB when he got the job. Trojans win 27-25.

Bob is also the basketball commentator as JB used to be. Would be great to have Brooks back on with basketball as well. Few Sooner basketball games were telecast until the late 80s so I listened to a load of games in the mid 80s and Brooks was awesome.

9/14/2009, 10:31 AM
I always thought Bob Carpenter would be our next voice when BB retires. He is great on the basketball games.

9/14/2009, 10:49 AM
I said it in the game thread but I will repeat it. I remember having a conversation right after I graduated about how I loved Bob, but it was time for him to retire. I graduated in 1995.

I had a friend from another school call me tonight to ask why the radio broadcast was outsourced to the Duncanville High School tandem. :mad:

Ha! That is funny because this is the first season we have had the radio feed down here in Houston, and my dad and I were driving back from helping my brother move saturday and i was looking for the game, put it on 1560am, and my dad was like, "No, that can't be it, that's a high school game."

He wasn't making a joke. He really thought it was a high school game.

9/14/2009, 10:55 AM
To the dude who streamed the game on justin.tv, my undying gratitude.

9/14/2009, 11:13 AM
To the dude who streamed the game on justin.tv, my undying gratitude.

Amen. I had to turn off the broadcast. I doubt Joe C has ever listened to the sad product we put out each week on the radio. It's on Sirius, people everywhere hear that joke.

Gresho Murford
9/14/2009, 11:26 AM
anybody else hear the finding nemo reference

9/14/2009, 04:48 PM
anybody else hear the finding nemo reference
Yep, that was pretty humorous given the conditions.

9/14/2009, 04:59 PM
To the dude who streamed the game on justin.tv, my undying gratitude.

holy shiite! i couldnt find the game on justin.tv... it was my first time trying to watch it on there so i thought "oh well" must not be big enough...

9/14/2009, 05:36 PM
BBS spent too many years working weekends in Stillwater. Got to close to Jim Stanley and Started talking like him.

9/14/2009, 05:44 PM
BBS spent too many years working weekends in Stillwater. Got to close to Jim Stanley and Started talking like him.

Give Bob Barry a break, but if he ever says "Touchdown Pokes" then it's time for him to go to a home.:O

A Sooner in Texas
9/14/2009, 07:37 PM
The game was on PPV.

Sadly, 'twas not offered everywhere, Mama.
(Did you like the quasi-Elizabethan language? ;) )

9/14/2009, 07:38 PM
To the dude who streamed the game on justin.tv, my undying gratitude.

Mine too.

I've always wondered how Spencer Tillman would do. He has a great voice.

9/14/2009, 07:48 PM
That would be a good pick!

9/14/2009, 08:03 PM
I wonder if we could entice Keith Jackson away from Arkansas?

Harris County Sooner
9/14/2009, 08:13 PM
Just to follow up on a few things. I love BBSR. When I was a kid back in the '60s I thought he and Jack Ogle were the greatest ever.

Bob should just retire and go dove hunting with Danny Williams.

hawaii 5-0
9/14/2009, 09:25 PM
They really should throw a nice retirement party for Big Bob ( I hope he remembers to show up), thank him warmly for his years of service (except for when he jumped ship and broadcasted Cowpuke games for a coupla years) and let him go.
Allow him back in the booth every coupla years just to say, "HI" but don't allow him any more play-by-play airtime.
He really is an embarrassment to the Sooner Nation. Way past his prime. It's gone beyond funny. OU deserves better representation and professionalism behind the microphone.

:cool: 5-0

9/14/2009, 10:36 PM
Yes Bob, please show a little self-respect, and respect for your profession, and retire.

9/16/2009, 09:15 AM
The game was on PPV.

Not in Houston. Concast did not carry the game. Ole Bob was our only outlet (with the exception of the internet link to the guy with the camera on the TV...)

9/16/2009, 09:16 AM
I would listen to BBS any day over that OSU guy... when i hear him squealing like a chearleader "Pistols Firing!"
I want to bash my head on the steering wheel...

My Brother in Law and my wife listened to the game last weekend. They could only describe to me that his voice sounded "gay" - "pistolllssss firin'"

9/16/2009, 09:18 AM
Ha! That is funny because this is the first season we have had the radio feed down here in Houston, and my dad and I were driving back from helping my brother move saturday and i was looking for the game, put it on 1560am, and my dad was like, "No, that can't be it, that's a high school game."

He wasn't making a joke. He really thought it was a high school game.

Nope - OU on Houston radio has been here for years. it was previously on 1430am.

9/16/2009, 10:15 AM
Nope - OU on Houston radio has been here for years. it was previously on 1430am.

Holy crap. I had no idea. Not that I would have listened most of the time, but that's interesting.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/16/2009, 12:22 PM
Im pretty sure he called landry jones andrew jones at the beginning of the game...

I used to be all in the get rid of him group, but it doesn't really matter to me anymore..

And I really enjoy Merv...I love the truth he brings to the booth, maybe more than any other guys working a football game

9/16/2009, 05:00 PM
I remember back in the day when Blake was coaching, BB would always say "TOUCHDOWN!!!!! NO FLAGS!!!!!!"

9/19/2009, 08:12 PM
This thread must be revived for a min.

I had to miss the first 30 min (real time, not game time) of the game due to work. As I was heading home at 3, I wanted to flip on the radio to listen to the game for my 10min commute. I have never struggled more in comprehending what a broadcaster was trying to say. I was trying to remember them so I could post the exact wording on here, but there were so many, I have forgotten.

This man needs to retire. No broadcaster should have to correct themselves on EVERY play. Slide over and do color if your voice must be heard by the Sooner nation, but play-by-play is no longer for you.

9/19/2009, 08:15 PM
/agree Was like trying to sort out a Lou Holtz play by play

9/20/2009, 09:21 PM
You think they are just waiting for him to pass away before replacing him? Im not hoping for that, but what could be their reasoning?

9/20/2009, 09:34 PM
Im pretty sure he called landry jones andrew jones at the beginning of the game...

I used to be all in the get rid of him group, but it doesn't really matter to me anymore..

And I really enjoy Merv...I love the truth he brings to the booth, maybe more than any other guys working a football game

He also called him LAUNDRY.

9/20/2009, 09:59 PM
He also called him LAUNDRY.

I am pretty sure at least one guy on Fox Sports did also. :mad:

9/20/2009, 10:00 PM
Don't be a hater.

Laundry Jones is a baaaaaaaaad mutha...

9/20/2009, 10:03 PM
Has Merv and Bob talking about "sloppy seconds" during halftime of the Idaho State game been mentioned yet?


Toronto Sooner
9/21/2009, 06:01 AM
Did you know OU has a receiver named Brandon Taylor?

9/21/2009, 06:22 AM
I like Bob & Merv. I guess I'm partial to older folks, and having grown up with these guys, I'm used to their foibles. I like Merv's insight....he's had about every coaching position one can have I think. I guess the reason I like 'ol Bob & overlook his shortcomings is that he's so genuine and spontaneously excited about OU FB. . Also, I live around Houston & we have a baseball announcer for the Astros, Milo Hamilton who's over 80 and does a fine job, so age isn't a factor. BUT, Milo very seldom makes mistakes, if ever, so comparing his announcing skill to BB's probably isn't valid.

I've learned with Bob, especially on a big play, take his first pronouncement with a grain of salt and wait on Merv or he corrects it. He gets so excited he loses track of accuracy sometimes.

9/21/2009, 07:12 AM
.... but only because I have years of practice listening to BBS.

I used to type the play-by-play in the game thread, but it's just impossible now. I got very good at making pretty decent 'guestimates' as to what actually happened in the game, and going back and editing my posts quickly if I was off. But it's just too much time and effort, and adds too much frustration ("Bob, you've just said the down was on the 23 and they made 15 yards, which means it must be on the 28.... and the player's name you've just garbled out doesn't exist in any human culture, much less on our roster... :mad: ") to what should normally be a pretty enjoyable experience.

Anyway, if any of you guys ever have the spare moments in your life to throw away listening to a Kentucky football game broadcast, you will briefly be thankful for BB and Merv. Those guys will spend 4 minutes talking about the location of the nearest Sonny's Real Pit Barbecue while their team is making a critical drive down the field late in the third quarter.

I'm not exaggerating. It's like they want you, the listener, the listener to THE GAME, to think that they're just sitting on their porch sipping bourbon.

9/21/2009, 07:36 AM
There are two ways of getting it wrong - senility and stupidity. Bob may say the wrong name or not see where the ball is but the Texas radio crew is the biggest couple of homers that I've ever heard.

I was listening to their game the other night while driving home from Norman. Every time a flag was thrown one guy would immediately say it was on Tech and what the call would be.

Funny thing was he was never right – ever – even when it was on Tech he would get the call wrong.