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View Full Version : Maybe it's a good time for us to stop criticizing the team.

9/11/2009, 06:44 AM
Watched this Mossis Madu video; and truly sorry about the negativity I have contributed after the loss.He specifically talked about the fans not getting down on team due to the poor performance last saturday. I think these guys right the ship and take care of business the rest of the year.

Check the video out...


9/11/2009, 06:55 AM
After a loss, I often wonder how many of these players log into soonerfans and see the criticism of some very spoiled and unrealistic fans. It gets old seeing the same old "the sky is falling" posts after a loss.

This team will be just fine like Moses says. This is the same coaching staff that played for a national title just 8 months ago but now they are all dumb a****.
Geesh! get a life people.

Partial Qualifier
9/11/2009, 08:37 AM
One thing that helps is to remember these guys are kids for the most part, they're unpaid student athletes, and the vast majority of them are simply in it for the love of the game.

Jello Biafra
9/11/2009, 08:39 AM
im sayin

Desert Sapper
9/11/2009, 08:43 AM
I think many of us that watch the NFL expect the same execution from kids with 10 or more less years of experience than your average NFL starter. It's really good when you can get a college kid to do maybe 3 or 4 things really well as opposed to probably 14 or 15 things for your typical NFL player who plays football for a living and does nothing but prepare for the next game all week.

9/11/2009, 08:58 AM
I try to never criticize players. I assume they are practicing hard and playing to the best of their ability. They want to make the big play as much as we want to see them make it. That's why I would jump in to support Stevens last year. I only have problems with player that don't go to class or have off field behavior problems.

Coaches on the other hand, are highly paid professionals.

9/11/2009, 09:00 AM
Coaches on the other hand, are highly paid professionals.

This would be correct.

9/11/2009, 09:02 AM
Venables storms to Reynolds' defense

"I don't know, I think it's a great story. Everybody in our family thinks it is. How you can't have respect and admiration… I don't have his kind of toughness, and I'd be willing to believe a lot of people out there don't have his kind of toughness.

"What's in there is something that's really deep, and it's really neat to be associated with something like that when it happens. It does not happen very much, period, in your life, whether it's professionally, spiritually, athletically, socially, just to be able to be around something like that. It's very neat.

"I question the type of people that wanna question him, that take a moment of their breath and their life to say anything in a negative way.

9/11/2009, 09:04 AM
He is one sharp kid. Love his attitude. I'm now an even bigger fan of his. NHS represent!

This team might be down, but they are not out.

9/11/2009, 09:19 AM
I don't think fans have been blaming the players. From what I hear from most fans, they're all blaming the coaches, and rightfully so. The only player that deserves individual criticism is Cory Brandon.

9/11/2009, 09:34 AM
We got hit with some bad luck - nightmarish start! The injured for the year can rehab and work for the combine - sit back on some insurance cash perhaps!

Will be good to see some guys get some serious experience and kick some arse. We still got a shot

9/11/2009, 09:36 AM
I don't think fans have been blaming the players. From what I hear from most fans, they're all blaming the coaches, and rightfully so. The only player that deserves individual criticism is Cory Brandon.

What he said. It's rare that true fans rip players. Ripping an embarrassing performance by a highly paid coaching staff should not be a cause for concern. That's what msg boards are for.

9/11/2009, 10:56 AM
Madu seems like a good kid.

9/11/2009, 11:07 AM
This is coming from a guy that could have a chip on his shoulder for being underutilized last Saturday yet here he is rallying the troops.

This team will do great things before they are finished.

9/11/2009, 11:08 AM
This is coming from a guy that could have a chip on his shoulder for being underutilized last Saturday yet here he is rallying the troops.

This team will do great things before they are finished.

"In a great way" "certainly"

9/11/2009, 11:31 AM
This is coming from a guy that could have a chip on his shoulder for being underutilized last Saturday yet here he is rallying the troops.

This team will do great things before they are finished.

I kept waiting during the game to see MM set up to be a receiver and it didn't happen. I bet he could have caught a pass or two for us. It's a shame he didn't get a chanse to try. Of course, this is against a coach, not MM.

9/11/2009, 11:36 AM
I never once bashed a player.

I bashed the coaches ... A lot

9/11/2009, 01:40 PM
This would be correct.

Here here

9/11/2009, 01:42 PM
What he said. It's rare that true fans rip players. Ripping an embarrassing performance by a highly paid coaching staff should not be a cause for concern. That's what msg boards are for.


Murray hadn't been hit in a year, so he dropped the ball a couple times. He was also ripping off 5+ ypc. So just like when Sam went down in Lubbock, the coaches decide to throw the ball 57 times in a a row. I don't get it.

edit: Really, really good interview by Madu.

Jello Biafra
9/11/2009, 01:51 PM
I don't think fans have been blaming the players. From what I hear from most fans, they're all blaming the coaches, and rightfully so. The only player that deserves individual criticism is Cory Brandon.

i scream bullshiite at this too. im going to defend him because it was also the coaches fault. no matter how you measure it. he should have been tested to the breaking point in practice to make sure he was gettin there quick enough. USUALLY, the only reason a STARTER jumps on offense is because they are getting thier everloving asses handed to them. you would THEN jump a split second early to try and get in front of his block. some kids DO have a quick first step but if the defender is beating him to a hole consistantly as a coach, you need to pull him and put someone else in there who may be a little fresher or change the play calling to make sure that kid who is getting in on the plays is no where near the play.

9/11/2009, 01:58 PM
Yeah my venom has been directed at the coaches. Can't blame the players that much when they were not coached very well prior to and during the game.

Scott D
9/11/2009, 02:05 PM
um jello, he was getting his *** handed to him. But, I think at least a couple of his penalties were butterflies and nerves

Jello Biafra
9/11/2009, 02:09 PM
um jello, he was getting his *** handed to him. But, I think at least a couple of his penalties were butterflies and nerves

yessir, i think you're right. i said USUALLY and its still the coaches fault. you have all spring and summer to get in those kids head and beat on them until muscle memory takes over when your mind can't handle the stress. brandon will be fine guys. it all starts with one down and snowballs from there. but that snowball rolls down both sides of the hill too.

Scott D
9/11/2009, 02:40 PM
yessir, i think you're right. i said USUALLY and its still the coaches fault. you have all spring and summer to get in those kids head and beat on them until muscle memory takes over when your mind can't handle the stress. brandon will be fine guys. it all starts with one down and snowballs from there. but that snowball rolls down both sides of the hill too.

That's how I see it also, and who knows...the kid may not have another false start called on him for the rest of the time he's at OU.