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View Full Version : i've been thinking

Jello Biafra
9/10/2009, 09:57 AM
that this doom and gloom will not end until we throw some perspective into the mix. I know By"joe"YU will only be tested one more time this season until a bowl game but......what happens if they go undefeated the rest of the season and either beat OR come damn close to a win in a major bowl.

would we be willing to climb back off of the ledge?

what if this team that we have running out onto the field this season is not really ALL that bad but, in fact, the stars have simply aligned for the fightin mormons this season?

anyone think of that? not at all like THAT is out of the question...

9/10/2009, 10:03 AM
No, I don't think it's out of the question.

But I don't believe that excuses the way we played last weekend. If they are really that good and we played that bad and still only lost by 1 point.

I don't know, something doesn't jive.

I'm just saying, we would have beat them by 40 last season, no doubt about it.

9/10/2009, 10:03 AM
I've had that same thought too. This is still the same team(minus Gresh,yes a big loss) that we all thought could go get #8. Sam will be back for the big games. We lost due to mistakes but mistakes are correctable. A good week of practice and some confidence for the young guys could be all we need. An "us against the world" mentality may set it now and the last time we had that was the end of last season and the team really responded.

Jello Biafra
9/10/2009, 10:07 AM
lol maybe we need to climb off of a bus or plane in full Battle field dress unis...

9/10/2009, 10:16 AM
We'll find out a little more on the Cougs after they host Free Shoes U on the 19th, and after we visit Miami, considering the what we saw on Monday.

Its often a stretch playing the "we play x, they play y, and x/y played each other", but it should shed some light on just how good BYU will be.

The Maestro
9/10/2009, 10:16 AM
Our last game was for the national title. We had a team full of guys coming back for ONE reason.

BYU's last game? They lost to Arizona. Yes, that Arizona.

BYU is not that great. Not "hold the highest scoring team of all time to 13 points" great, by any means. I'm not sure BYU is as good as Tulsa. Guess we might know more in two weeks.

Jello Biafra
9/10/2009, 10:17 AM
We'll find out a little more on the Cougs after they host Free Shoes U on the 19th, and after we visit Miami, considering the what we saw on Monday.

Its often a stretch playing the "we play x, they play y, and x/y played each other", but it should shed some light on just how good BYU will be.

i tell ya, if they beat or play FSU within 7, ill give it up to them as being a legit team.

Jello Biafra
9/10/2009, 10:18 AM
Our last game was for the national title. We had a team full of guys coming back for ONE reason.

BYU's last game? They lost to Arizona. Yes, that Arizona.

BYU is not that great. Not "hold the highest scoring team of all time to 13 points" great, by any means. I'm not sure BYU is as good as Tulsa. Guess we might know more in two weeks.

i guess the ones coming back meant more to the team than the handfull that didnt come back? im not saying they don't but there is a very important aspect of the team that DIDNT come back.

9/10/2009, 10:50 AM
I have no doubt that BYU a good team. But not good enough to stay on the field with a legit top 5 team as we were supposed to be. First games can be quirky though, so that game may not tell much about either team. But the injuries to Gresh and Sam are not quirks and have to reset expectations.

9/10/2009, 12:36 PM
what happens if they go undefeated the rest of the season and either beat OR come damn close to a win in a major bowl.

By the time all that happens we'll know all we need to know about our team regardless of what BYU does.