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Lott's Bandana
9/8/2009, 12:14 PM
...reports the sun will rise tomorrow.

We are doomed.

9/8/2009, 12:21 PM
PRELIMINARY! The sun has NOT risen yet and thus should NOT be reported as having risen! This TOTALLY will mess with the ethereal poll ranking which heavenly objects are brightest - the moon or the sun. If Mark's off touting the sun as the early morning riser even though IT HAS NOT RISEN YET, then what does that say about the moon - that it will just disappear from the sky like it always does?!?!


I don't hate Mark Rodgers, but he made a mistake.

9/8/2009, 12:37 PM
He just said the OU is getting a reputation of being soft.

Gresho Murford
9/8/2009, 01:18 PM

9/8/2009, 01:33 PM
Ugly Rosie aside, Mark Rodgers is standing by his story that he received word that Gresham would be out for the season before Stoops refuted it via text to a paper and to everyone else later at his weekly presser.

Take it as you will --- it kind of reminds me of when Kirk Herbie tried to break the story that Lester the Molester was going to Meat Chicken... only for Leslie to come up before the SEC Championship to remind everyone that "I'M THE HEAD COACH!" and that he was staying at LSU. After this Less Smiles move, Herbie stood his ground, saying that his report was accurate at the time.

... so, I think Mark is doing about the same thing now. Is his report accurate now? No. Was it when he reported it? No clue... but it isn't anymore.

Gresho Murford
9/8/2009, 01:35 PM
Ugly Rosie aside, Mark Rodgers is standing by his story that he received word that Gresham would be out for the season before Stoops refuted it via text to a paper and to everyone else later at his weekly presser.

Take it as you will --- it kind of reminds me of when Kirk Herbie tried to break the story that Lester the Molester was going to Meat Chicken... only for Leslie to come up before the SEC Championship to remind everyone that "I'M THE HEAD COACH!" and that he was staying at LSU. After this Less Smiles move, Herbie stood his ground, saying that his report was accurate at the time.

... so, I think Mark is doing about the same thing now. Is his report accurate now? No. Was it when he reported it? No clue... but it isn't anymore.

the thing is, on my way home for lunch, mark was still saying that he would be out.

9/8/2009, 01:38 PM
Matters not what Mark Rodgers says or what we know - the facts will reveal themselves as the games play out. With Bradford and Gresham both out for now, our offense is officially in rebuilding mode for some number of games.

9/8/2009, 01:48 PM
Mark is correct when he says OU is soft.

stoops the eternal pimp
9/8/2009, 03:26 PM
Geez, Rodgers is sticking to his guns on this one...said Gresham has undergone season ending surgery

9/8/2009, 03:37 PM
Who cares what anybody says....if you saw that (BYU) game and the bowl game and the Texas game and the WV game and the other Texas game and the Boise Game and the other Texas game and the USC game and the LSU game well then you know that we are not up to the task right now. That doesn't that anyone needs to be fired or that the world is ending. It simply means we have to play harder and tougher. There is no way in the world that was OUR kids best effort. I will be looking for more nastiness as we make our way to a Miami game that we can now easily lose.

Again, its OU football and I am an OU fan. It was one game and we as fans play a roll in this too. Show up and be heard. Let's get it rolling the other way.

9/8/2009, 03:43 PM
I love what Bronco Mendenhall said after his team lost their bowl game last year. He put every bit of it on his shoulders. He said they weren't prepared and they weren't tough enough.

Bobby could take a lesson from Bronco.

Lott's Bandana
9/8/2009, 04:55 PM
I love what Bronco Mendenhall said after his team lost their bowl game last year. He put every bit of it on his shoulders. He said they weren't prepared and they weren't tough enough.

Bobby could take a lesson from Bronco.

d00d, I have never heard Bob Stoops shirk his responsibility for a loss.

Nice try.

9/8/2009, 05:14 PM

9/8/2009, 05:19 PM
Mark's NSFW Bio (http://www.mikepellegrini.com/Graphics/butt_head.jpg)

9/8/2009, 06:17 PM
ok so lets say gresham is out for the season...

will he try for a medical redshirt and another year? will sam want to come back, then?

9/8/2009, 06:30 PM
Hell no, and hell no.

9/8/2009, 06:43 PM
Aw crap, guess he is out now. (http://www.tulsaworld.com/sportsextra/OU/article.aspx?subjectid=92&articleid=20090908_250_0_NORMAN509232)

Well, hope I raised your hopes for a few hours :(

9/8/2009, 06:47 PM
I'm telling you folks, we need to convince Gresham and Sam to take a medical redshirt and try again next year. Give us a year to solidify the line, maybe find a receiver who can catch the ball.

And if we've got any other all-world seniors (I'm too lazy to go to Soonersports and look, and I always tend to mentally misplace which year different players are) it's time for them to "tear out a knee" so they, too, can take their medical redshirt.

We'll just take the season off. Spend time with our families. Sleep in on Saturdays. Mow the lawn in the middle of winter.

2010 will be our year.

9/8/2009, 06:47 PM
The good news is that Gresham should recovery 100% and this should not impact his pro career. Hats off to him for the courageous decision to stay in school knowing full well the risks of this very thing happening.

9/8/2009, 06:47 PM
Hell no, and hell no.



9/8/2009, 11:47 PM
I'm telling you folks, we need to convince Gresham and Sam to take a medical redshirt and try again next year.

Sam has already redshirted BUT he is only a junior.I would like to see Jermaine come back BUT money talks.The only chance I see for Greham to return is if an NFL draft evaluation drops him out of first round money.