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View Full Version : How was your Holiday weekend?

9/7/2009, 08:50 PM
Excepting all that football unpleasantness of course for y'all. Personally mine was great. I got to do pretty much all my favorite things. I worked cattle, drank beer, watched football, spent time with my family, got a free couch, looked at some of my clients crops(which looked good), watched a couple of good movies, did laundry, and finished a good book. I can't bitch about a bit of it. Hopefully you had as good of one as I did.

9/7/2009, 08:58 PM
Other than the football( which was big), i had a good time, I was on vacation last week so it was a long break. Got some stuff down around the house. Plus it wasn't 1000 degrees outside

9/7/2009, 09:36 PM
Great weekend here....

....as far as I can remember.....:confused:

9/7/2009, 10:50 PM
I got to deal with a bunch of morons. :)

For some reason, the company I work for thought it would be cool to not only make me work my regular weekend shift for 20 hours this week, but to also schedule my oncall rotation for this weekend. And at our company, holiday coverage is supplied by whoever has the oncall for the week.

Which meant that from 9:00 Friday night until 7:00 last night and from 7:00 this morning to 7:00 tonight, I was the only tech standing between our users and the resolutions to their issues.

WEll, actually all 70 hours because our India people apparently had the day off without letting me know. BTW, communication remains a huge issue at our company.

Anyway, I'm going to suggest to my boss tomorrow this be the last weekend that I be put in this situation.