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9/7/2009, 12:49 PM
Read it here. (http://www.whitehouse.gov/MediaResources/PreparedSchoolRemarks/)

9/7/2009, 03:21 PM
I will fully admit that I am amazed and proud of the responders here. Although one would think that because of the previous reactions to every little thing about Obama the national outcry would be echoed here. But that didn't happen. Even Tuba said, "Let them see it, he's the president." If that can happen, how far out there are the people railing against it?

Good job people.

9/7/2009, 05:39 PM
It's a decent speech.

9/7/2009, 05:44 PM
OMG TEH SOCIALIZM!!!!!1!!!1!!!1!!!1!!!!!!

Is that what you were expecting, Boarder? ;)

9/7/2009, 05:47 PM
Seriously, my original objections remain.

I have no problems with the speech itself. What I had a problem with is the Department of Education issuing what could be best described as a lesson plan. One that oversteps their bounds as a Federal agency.

Not a major violation, mind you. But one that the outcry did take care of, even if the outcry was over the top.

Leroy Lizard
9/7/2009, 06:24 PM
The speech lasts longer than the average attention span of a student, so what's the point?

He isn't going to "fix" these kids by bombarding them with motivational speeches, no matter how inflated his self-image.

I’m working hard to fix up your classrooms and get you the books, equipment and computers you need to learn.

Uhhh, no. The federal government does not fix up classrooms, or buy books and computers for schools. But the kids will think that now.

9/7/2009, 06:30 PM
So that is what everyone is all up in arms about? It's amazing what people get pissed off over.

9/7/2009, 06:46 PM

I agree that the Elementary School kids will definitely be well into their nap before PBHO finishes.

Leroy Lizard
9/7/2009, 07:20 PM
So that is what everyone is all up in arms about? It's amazing what people get pissed off over.

You must not have read the lesson plans put out by the Education Department.

Leave the kids out of the political process. If you want to pour on your charm, take aim at us adults. We are mature enough to see through it all.

9/7/2009, 07:26 PM
nope never once heard about the lesson plans just heard that he was going to address the schools.

9/7/2009, 07:32 PM
yeah, I'd like to see the lesson plans...see if its a resource my teachers could use.

Leroy Lizard
9/7/2009, 07:48 PM
nope never once heard about the lesson plans just heard that he was going to address the schools.

Oh, they're a real hoot. http://www.ed.gov/admins/lead/academic/bts.html

So this wasn't JUST a speech. It just so happens that the Department of Education created activities to coincide. The term is "orchestrated."

Once students finish, they will learn how inspirational our President is, and how he resonated with school children all over the nation. (Keep in mind, the activities don't ask IF he resonated, that is assumed.) They will hang up quotes of his on their classroom walls. (Why not just go full Stalinist and ask them to hang his picture while they are at it?)

The youngest kids are asked to describe why it is important that they listen to the president and other elected officials..."

Best of all, the youngest kids are urged to read "books about presidents and Barack Obama." (Notice that it's presidents AND Barack Obama. We wouldn't want kids just to read about Ford or Lincoln and leave Barack Obama out of it.)

He is inspiring. He resonates. You should read more about him. You should hang his quotes on your classroom walls.

You can't see the problem with that? Seriously?

The worse thing, none of the activities are really going to help kids in their schoolwork. It's ten minutes of wasted class time coupled with a bunch of activities that teach nothing. But many of these kids already don't learn enough in school.

Now, stay tuned for the governor's speech to our state's kids during the time in which they were supposed to be learning math. And the local state assemblyman also wants his day in the sun, too. And why not? They're elected by the parents of the school population, too.

9/7/2009, 08:44 PM
well, the questions involved in the lesson plan are great for discussions:

What do you think it takes to be president? (higher level, inferencing)
To whom do you think the president is going to be speaking? (author's purpose)

If you were president what would you tell students?

What new ideas and actions is the president challenging me to think about?

What would you like to tell the president?

Create posters of their goals

Write letters to themselves about short term and long term goals.

You know these questions are pretty generic and are probably happening daily in the classrooms.

You are reaching dude.

Frozen Sooner
9/7/2009, 09:25 PM
You know who else encouraged children to work hard and think critically?


9/7/2009, 09:29 PM
You know who else encouraged children to work hard and think critically?



Leroy Lizard
9/7/2009, 09:38 PM
I didn't say that every question was propaganda. They couldn't pull that off even if they wanted to. After all, if you want to get a message across when it isn't appropriate, you have to couch it among a lot of innocent looking stuff. They tried with the "What can you do to help the president?" question, but they got caught and had to remove it. (They couldn't have developed that question without seeing the political undertones.)

BTW, asking students "What do you think it takes to be president?" doesn't teach kids to infer. It will only elicit responses like "you have to be good, you have to be smart, you have to be real honest, you have to be a great leader" which is exactly what this was all about in the first place.

Besides, the speech is supposed to be about each student doing his best to be whatever he or she wants to be. There was no need to mention anything about the president at all.

A Sooner in Texas
9/7/2009, 09:52 PM
Oh, they're a real hoot. http://www.ed.gov/admins/lead/academic/bts.html

So this wasn't JUST a speech. It just so happens that the Department of Education created activities to coincide. The term is "orchestrated."

Once students finish, they will learn how inspirational our President is, and how he resonated with school children all over the nation. (Keep in mind, the activities don't ask IF he resonated, that is assumed.) They will hang up quotes of his on their classroom walls. (Why not just go full Stalinist and ask them to hang his picture while they are at it?)

The youngest kids are asked to describe why it is important that they listen to the president and other elected officials..."

Best of all, the youngest kids are urged to read "books about presidents and Barack Obama." (Notice that it's presidents AND Barack Obama. We wouldn't want kids just to read about Ford or Lincoln and leave Barack Obama out of it.)

He is inspiring. He resonates. You should read more about him. You should hang his quotes on your classroom walls.

You can't see the problem with that? Seriously?

The worse thing, none of the activities are really going to help kids in their schoolwork. It's ten minutes of wasted class time coupled with a bunch of activities that teach nothing. But many of these kids already don't learn enough in school.

Now, stay tuned for the governor's speech to our state's kids during the time in which they were supposed to be learning math. And the local state assemblyman also wants his day in the sun, too. And why not? They're elected by the parents of the school population, too.

I can remember growing up with pictures of whoever the president was at the time in classrooms...and occasionally the "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" also displayed prominently in a few classrooms as well. I just don't understand how it's Stalinist to display a picture of the president of our country - especially in classrooms where history and civics are (hopefully) taught. Most presidents have addressed students in one form or another, but somehow for Obama it's a terrible thing?
I really, truly don't get this kind of weird paranoia and where it comes from.

9/7/2009, 10:10 PM
The boogie man is alive and well. Especially, if he is dark complected.

Leroy Lizard
9/7/2009, 10:31 PM
Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country"

Replace the word "country" with "president" and tell me what you think. Still cool? Hmmmm?

Civics isn't about doing what the president tells you to do. We have always had the philosophy that, while the president is important and his ideas should be respected and taken seriously, he is not a king and we shouldn't just blindly do as he says.

I really, truly don't get this kind of weird paranoia and where it comes from.

I know you don't. If Kennedy had said, "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your president," you probably wouldn't have batted an eye.

But I would have.

We need to recognize that the president is the leader of a political party and has an agenda. They all do. This wasn't about motivating kids. This was about political gain.

The speech was not so bad as the activities created by the Feds to hand out to schoolchildren, which really come off as something you would see in a banana republic.

9/7/2009, 10:33 PM
I didn't say that every question was propaganda. They couldn't pull that off even if they wanted to. After all, if you want to get a message across when it isn't appropriate, you have to couch it among a lot of innocent looking stuff. They tried with the "What can you do to help the president?" question, but they got caught and had to remove it. (They couldn't have developed that question without seeing the political undertones.)

BTW, asking students "What do you think it takes to be president?" doesn't teach kids to infer. It will only elicit responses like "you have to be good, you have to be smart, you have to be real honest, you have to be a great leader" which is exactly what this was all about in the first place.

Besides, the speech is supposed to be about each student doing his best to be whatever he or she wants to be. There was no need to mention anything about the president at all.
That last part is ****ing laughable.
uhhh, ok.

Damn River Oaks Elem. for having that bust of G Washington with "I cannot tell a lie" underneath it!!! It was just Federalist propaganda!!! I feel so cheated!

9/7/2009, 10:46 PM
Well, sooneron?

Is the speech supposed to be about education? Or the President?

Again, I think some righties are making this molehill into Mount Everest. That doesn't mean that there weren't any legitimate concerns with the Department of Education trying to tack out a lesson plan of sorts to supplement the speech.

All they had to do was issue a memo stating the President would be speaking at 12:00 EDT on Tuesday. Tune in if you want...or don't.

A Sooner in Texas
9/7/2009, 10:58 PM
Thanks for your oh, so kind attempt to "enlighten" me, Lizard, as to how changing the words of "ask not..." might be so very, very evil and that Obama is just a Stalin in sheep's clothing. What would I do without that kind of wisdom? Fortunately, I do have the ability to think for myself instead of allowing someone to try to do it for me. And my kids, fortunately, also have enough brain cells to be able to reason things out very well.

9/8/2009, 12:41 AM
Civics isn't about doing what the president tells you to do. We have always had the philosophy that, while the president is important and his ideas should be respected and taken seriously, he is not a king and we shouldn't just blindly do as he says.

The speech was not so bad as the activities created by the Feds to hand out to schoolchildren, which really come off as something you would see in a banana republic.

You need to stick to burgers and fries. Education isn't your long suit, especially history.

The reason the alies won WWII is exactly because FDR was treated like a king pertaining to wartime issues. 90% of what came out of DC during those years was, at best, propoganda. Most of it was outright lies. But it was also necessary to do what the nation needed to do AS A NATION. FDR was the closest thing the US ever had to a dictator, and he wasn't even close. But in terms of the war, what FDR wanted, FDR got.

There have been far more liberal Presidents than Obama, and we still aren't clicking heels and saluting the Dear Leader. People who think Obama, or any politician for that matter, has the ability to lead the US into socialism is just flat-out ****ing stupid. We still have this little document called the Constitution, and we still have a Supreme Court. Both of those would have to go away to inject a socialist dictator in the US.

(cue the liberals-appointed-to-the-court-tossing-out-the-constitution schtick in 5...4...3...2...)

Your paranoia would be laughable if it weren't so incredibly pathetic.

Leroy Lizard
9/8/2009, 02:57 AM
The reason the alies won WWII is exactly because FDR was treated like a king pertaining to wartime issues. 90% of what came out of DC during those years was, at best, propoganda. Most of it was outright lies. But it was also necessary to do what the nation needed to do AS A NATION.

Are you seriously comparing FDR in World War II to Barack Obama today? How are the two situations even remotely similar? The notion that it is okay for our current president to resort to lies and propaganda (for sake of argument) because FDR did it in WWII is pretty bizarre.

Besides, you're note even close with your appraisal of FDR. He tried to pack the Supreme Court in 1937, which would have been at the height of his power. How did that work out for him?

As for 90% of his comments being lies, I'm not sure where that is coming from. Do you have any examples in mind?

People who think Obama, or any politician for that matter, has the ability to lead the US into socialism is just flat-out ****ing stupid.

I have no interest in name calling, so I'll pass.

Thanks for your oh, so kind attempt to "enlighten" me, Lizard, as to how changing the words of "ask not..." might be so very, very evil and that Obama is just a Stalin in sheep's clothing.

I asked you a simple question: Would you have any problems if Kennedy had said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your president?"

The question seems simple enough. Why didn't you answer?

Leroy Lizard
9/8/2009, 02:58 AM
That last part is ****ing laughable.
uhhh, ok.

It went right over your head, if that is what you mean.

9/8/2009, 07:03 AM
You know who else encouraged children to work hard and think critically?


Actually, his first addresses to the kids were about physical fitness. One of my customers was a teen in Germany back then. Her stories are fascinating.

A Sooner in Texas
9/8/2009, 08:36 AM
I asked you a simple question: Would you have any problems if Kennedy had said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your president?"

The question seems simple enough. Why didn't you answer?

Since he didn't, I don't have any problems with it. Since Obama isn't, I don't have any problems with it. I didn't have problems with Reagan trying to convince schoolchildren why his tax program was the solution to all our problems...did you? I DID have problems with Americans being called unpatriotic by Bush and his minions because they didn't support the Iraq war.

9/8/2009, 08:36 AM
I think the challenge with reaching such a large age range of kids is shown in the speech - you have to make it simple enough for kindergartners so their minds don't wander after a few minutes, but you can't seem to be talking down to high school seniors.

I like that the president's giving a speech... I just wonder if he should have prepared separate addresses for younger kids (a lighter theme that might be shorter, perhaps via Sesame Street or something - now THAT would be awesome) and something for older kids with a more serious tone.

9/8/2009, 08:52 AM
Even Tuba said, "Let them see it, he's the president." If that can happen, how far out there are the people railing against it?

I don't think most of the folks who are against it are "out there", I just don't think they trust the man's motives anymore.

9/8/2009, 09:01 AM
So, is this the book our children will be force fed in their classrooms after the speech???


That's great. Our kids can't spell, add or find brazil on a map, but they will know who their one true God is.

God bless you teleprompter Jesus!!!

9/8/2009, 09:08 AM
I remember once seeing a person stand up in front of a room of hundreds of people and tell the audience that they should applaud someone in the room for their efforts.

The applause was half-hearted, not because they hated the guy they were applauding, but because everyone in the room thought the person only told them to applaud so he could hear himself speak and stroke his ego by getting them all to do what he instructed.

I wonder if the anti-Obama speech people are thinking the same of the president in this case. Even so, no reason to pull your kids out of class or order your school to not show the presidential message.

9/8/2009, 10:38 AM
Well, I'm ok with the speech, but designing lesson plans and a curriculum around the life and lessons of Dear Leader???

No thank you.

9/8/2009, 11:39 AM

rabble rabble

9/8/2009, 11:39 AM
Well, I'm ok with the speech, but designing lesson plans and a curriculum around the life and lessons of Dear Leader???

No thank you.

Where is this in the lesson plan?

9/8/2009, 12:37 PM
Laura Bush likes it...


9/8/2009, 01:02 PM
Funny story I heard at work - kids and families could opt out of the speech at an Oklahoma elementary school... kids who were not allowed (or didn't want) to watch Obama... were given a picture of Obama to color.


Frozen Sooner
9/8/2009, 01:32 PM
Obama to color.



Condescending Sooner
9/8/2009, 02:23 PM
There have been far more liberal Presidents than Obama, and we still aren't clicking heels and saluting the Dear Leader.
Your paranoia would be laughable if it weren't so incredibly pathetic.

Who were the presidents who were "far more liberal" than Obama?

9/8/2009, 03:03 PM

I would probably be in the principal's office the rest of the day for coloring him green and making him into a President Hulk :D

Leroy Lizard
9/8/2009, 03:08 PM
Who were the presidents who were "far more liberal" than Obama?

He'll just name all the Founding Fathers, a popular tactic among the Left.

Since he didn't, I don't have any problems with it. Since Obama isn't, I don't have any problems with it.

Okay, just to be straight. If Kennedy had said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your president" you would not have any problems with that?


If so, then there is no point in arguing with you. Our beliefs about individualism are polar opposites.

A Sooner in Texas
9/8/2009, 07:31 PM
He'll just name all the Founding Fathers, a popular tactic among the Left.

Okay, just to be straight. If Kennedy had said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your president" you would not have any problems with that?


If so, then there is no point in arguing with you. Our beliefs about individualism are polar opposites.

Took you this long to figure it out? The point is moot, because Kennedy never said it, and neither did Obama, if you actually paid attention to the speech.

You actually are correct about one thing. Our beliefs about individualism are most definitely polar opposites. I actually have a brain that allows me to determine individually for myself what I choose to believe; I don't need anyone to tell me how to do that. You, on the other hand ...

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/8/2009, 07:39 PM
Who were the presidents who were "far more liberal" than Obama?Who is even one of them, haha?

9/8/2009, 08:04 PM
If there was ever a President more liberal than Obama, he didn't have the "Audacity of Hope" to remake our country in his own image...or his own radical wet dream.

9/8/2009, 09:06 PM
Hmmmmmmmmmm. The message was work hard, study hard, stay in school and grow up to be somebody????????????? That was the socialist indoctrination????

Oh my God, My grandparents, my parents, and all my teachers through 18 years of school were all socialists and they indoctrinated me and now I'm a socialist too. Oh woe is me. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

9/8/2009, 09:20 PM
When are you all going to figure out, people have issues with these things, because he already has a track record that shows he could give a damn what normal Americans think. His radical idols and mentors have shown him the direction this country should take, and I have heard the man say "it dissapoints him that the Constitution does not allow it".

Well that no longer disappoints him. He simply no longer cares.

9/8/2009, 11:37 PM
People have issues with it because they have an irrational blind hatred for the man and think that anything and everything he does is wrong. He could say that clouds are in the sky during a thunderstorm and certain people would cry that "he can't tell me what the weather is! It's MY weather!"

Ad hominem fallacy at its finest.

9/9/2009, 12:03 AM
People have issues with it because they have an irrational blind hatred for the man and think that anything and everything he does is wrong. He could say that clouds are in the sky during a thunderstorm and certain people would cry that "he can't tell me what the weather is! It's MY weather!"

Ad hominem fallacy at its finest.

With that, I must respectfully disagree.

9/9/2009, 01:10 AM
If the house was on fire and President Obama said, "The house is on fire, everybody get out!" There are people out there who would actually stay in and claim that he was faking the fire all as some part of a master plot to get everyone to do the same thing.

Then they would all die in a fire.


9/9/2009, 07:32 AM
Had the President announced this speech a month or so ago (instead of two weeks ago), and had he included the actual transcript (instead of these bizarre lesson plans), then I wouldn't have a problem at all with my children viewing it. As it turned out, he gave hardly any time for parents to even find out about it. He only produced the transcript one day before the speech. Do you really think that was the original speech? I'm sorry, I don't. I don't trust the man. He only produced the transcript because of the public outcry, and I have no doubt it was not the original.

9/9/2009, 07:41 AM
Can I please have a link to these lesson plans everyone keeps talking about? I have yet to see them and I'm starting to think they are fictional just so you guys have something to bitch about.

Really lesson plans guys? Is that really all you have to bitch about? I can think of about 100,000 other things to be pissed off about other than freaking lesson plans.

9/9/2009, 08:00 AM
Can I please have a link to these lesson plans everyone keeps talking about? I have yet to see them and I'm starting to think they are fictional just so you guys have something to bitch about.

Really lesson plans guys? Is that really all you have to bitch about? I can think of about 100,000 other things to be pissed off about other than freaking lesson plans.

For some reason, I can't find the K-6 lesson plan I was referring to. Surely they didn't take it down.

9/9/2009, 08:25 AM
Wonder how many parents bitching about Obama talking to their kids in their absence are actually going to sit down and watch a speech WITH their child and dialogue about what is being said??

9/9/2009, 08:44 AM
I would feel like these kids if I was still young:
Seriously- getting out of class was a big deal for a kid that never got to call in sick for any reason except perhaps an extremely high fever and didn't have cool enough parents to allow you to miss a day or two here and there just for fun. If Obama got me out of class, I would be all about Obama :D

(I don't fault the parentals for making me go to school)

9/9/2009, 09:09 AM
Wonder how many parents bitching about Obama talking to their kids in their absence are actually going to sit down and watch a speech WITH their child and dialogue about what is being said??

I had a long talk with my 9 year old last week the night I found out about the speech. We talked about the topics that were supposed to be in the speech and about the topics I thought might be in the speech. I assume most parents that were concerned about it did the same.

9/9/2009, 09:51 AM
People have issues with it because they have an irrational blind hatred for the man and think that anything and everything he does is wrong. He could say that clouds are in the sky during a thunderstorm and certain people would cry that "he can't tell me what the weather is! It's MY weather!"

Ad hominem fallacy at its finest.


Good Lord people. Not directed at anyone here because so far this board has actually been great about the speech... but for others across the nation, just wow.

Stop looking into everything so hard. He told kids to stay in school and education is needed. Goodness.

9/9/2009, 10:16 AM

Good Lord people. Not directed at anyone here because so far this board has actually been great about the speech... but for others across the nation, just wow.

Stop looking into everything so hard. He told kids to stay in school and education is needed. Goodness.

If the original speech was to be that generic, then why wasn't the transcript posted a month ago? Sorry, I just don't buy that's what was planned.

9/9/2009, 10:23 AM
Why should a transcript be posted at all? It's ridiculous to think that there would be anything at all damaging to kids put into a speech by the President of the United States. ANY President of the United States. On Sept 11, 2001 did President bush put out a transcript of his meeting with the kids in Florida? If he did, I sure don't remember hearing about it. Why? Because he's the president!

That's what I mean by blind hatred. There is some bizzaro paranoia that has caused people to worry about the boogy-Obama "getting" your kids. Disagree with issues, spending, etc. That's perfectly fine. But worrying at all that a President will be indoctrinating your kids on national television? Insane paranoia. There's no way that some people will survive the next 8 years without their head exploding.

9/9/2009, 11:05 AM
Why should a transcript be posted at all? It's ridiculous to think that there would be anything at all damaging to kids put into a speech by the President of the United States. ANY President of the United States. On Sept 11, 2001 did President bush put out a transcript of his meeting with the kids in Florida? If he did, I sure don't remember hearing about it. Why? Because he's the president!

That's what I mean by blind hatred. There is some bizzaro paranoia that has caused people to worry about the boogy-Obama "getting" your kids. Disagree with issues, spending, etc. That's perfectly fine. But worrying at all that a President will be indoctrinating your kids on national television? Insane paranoia. There's no way that some people will survive the next 8 years without their head exploding.

I don't have blind hatred. I have distrust. At first, it wasn't supposed to be on national television, just piped in to every one of our schools with a lesson plan that was not intended to question anything he said, but to praise everything he said, and then discuss just how awesome this man is and what all of us can do to help him because he is just so awesome. That's not what Bush did. I believe the original version of the speech would have included subtle hints at global warming, government health care, among other things. I'm glad this version is the one they decided on.

9/9/2009, 11:44 AM
The "original speech" theory amuses me greatly. It leaves no possibility of being wrong, and it is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with the thought process of the loudest of the political fanboys.

Those questions that were released reminded me exactly of the ambiguous, no right answer, no wrong answer questions that I saw in hundreds of text books over the course of my schooling. They meant nothing without the body of the speech (How can I help President Obama? How can I help him what?), and since the people who were so up in arms can apparently make that speech whatever they want it to be, they latched on to it.

9/9/2009, 11:57 AM
The "original speech" theory amuses me greatly. It leaves no possibility of being wrong, and it is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with the thought process of the loudest of the political fanboys.

Those questions that were released reminded me exactly of the ambiguous, no right answer, no wrong answer questions that I saw in hundreds of text books over the course of my schooling. They meant nothing without the body of the speech (How can I help President Obama? How can I help him what?), and since the people who were so up in arms can apparently make that speech whatever they want it to be, they latched on to it.

That's the whole point. We don't know what the body of the speech was. We know what it is now, and it's perfectly innocent. I don't believe it was innocent in the beginning.

9/9/2009, 12:00 PM
BTW, I'm not just repeating some rightwing blog or news channel or talk radio. I've never heard anyone say anything about a previous version. Maybe they have, I don't know. I'm just relaying my personal feelings.

9/9/2009, 12:47 PM
You really believe they had some covert sneaky guy plan and had to change it because of getting caught by the media? Even though they released the lesson plans on the Dept o Education website? That's your theory? Think about what you're saying. It's the real life equivalent of a 007 super villian leaving Bond to die without watching for his escape. Like them or not the current administration is not filled with bungling super villians.

9/9/2009, 01:21 PM
Like them or not the current administration is not filled with bungling super villians.

Yes it is.

9/9/2009, 01:47 PM
If the original speech was to be that generic, then why wasn't the transcript posted a month ago? Sorry, I just don't buy that's what was planned.

Oooooooooooo There's a conspiracy underfoot. Are you concerned with what political party your children's teacher or their Sunday School teacher belong to. What do you suppose they're telling your children when no one is around? Ooooo.

9/9/2009, 02:00 PM
That's the whole point. We don't know what the body of the speech was. We know what it is now, and it's perfectly innocent. I don't believe it was innocent in the beginning.
I just think to be honestly critical, you can't be actively cynical to the point that your suspicion alone justifies itself. You should have to see that which you are suspicious of come to pass, or else admit that you were wrong in the case.

9/9/2009, 02:02 PM
I don't have blind hatred. I have distrust. At first, it wasn't supposed to be on national television, just piped in to every one of our schools with a lesson plan that was not intended to question anything he said, but to praise everything he said, and then discuss just how awesome this man is and what all of us can do to help him because he is just so awesome. That's not what Bush did. I believe the original version of the speech would have included subtle hints at global warming, government health care, among other things. I'm glad this version is the one they decided on.

I don't understand. Explain for me the mechanism that exists in all the schools which allows something to be "piped in" if it wasn't going on national TV.

I believe that the original version of the speech would have???? included warnings against conspiracy theory nutbags who wished to censor any views put forth by anyone with whom they did't agree.

Let's just have the current president's name stricken from all documents our children might view in their lifetime.

9/9/2009, 02:12 PM
Let's just have the current president's name stricken from all documents our children might view in their lifetime.Well, the've done it to Christ....

9/9/2009, 02:51 PM
You can find a copy of "Obama's original speech to the children" in the same place you'll find the long form birth certificate he's hiding from us.

9/9/2009, 03:37 PM
I wanna see the Long Form version of the Original Speech.

Frozen Sooner
9/9/2009, 04:18 PM
I think the original speech was written by a Kenyan and smuggled to Hawai'i, then printed in a Honolulu newspaper just in case it got read by the President some day.

9/9/2009, 04:19 PM
I wanna see the damn lesson plans!

I'm giving you all the side eye.

Scott D
9/9/2009, 04:30 PM

Boogeyman Lesson Plan (http://www.docstoc.com/docs/10582301/President-Obama%E2%80%99s-Address-to-Students-Across-America-September-8-2009)

9/9/2009, 04:40 PM

Boogeyman Lesson Plan (http://www.docstoc.com/docs/10582301/President-Obama%E2%80%99s-Address-to-Students-Across-America-September-8-2009)

Thanks Scott, and to the rest of you hacks... REALLY this is what you get pissed off about? Permanent side eye assigned to you all.

Scott D
9/9/2009, 05:57 PM
Well to be fair, a question like "What can I do to help the President?" is one that is ambiguous enough to create a stir.

Leroy Lizard
9/9/2009, 05:58 PM
Took you this long to figure it out? The point is moot, because Kennedy never said it, and neither did Obama, if you actually paid attention to the speech.

You need to pay closer attention to what is going on. The part about "helping the president" was not in the speech, but the lesson plans. And it is no longer in the lesson plans because people complained and they had to remove it.

Leroy Lizard
9/9/2009, 06:07 PM
Stop looking into everything so hard.

You would like that, wouldn't you. Did you tell that to Glen Beck when he checked into Van Jones background?

I don't have blind hatred. I have distrust. At first, it wasn't supposed to be on national television, just piped in to every one of our schools with a lesson plan that was not intended to question anything he said, but to praise everything he said, and then discuss just how awesome this man is and what all of us can do to help him because he is just so awesome.

Exactly. Read the trascript. He talks mostly about himself at first, how hard he had it and how he is now such a tremendous success. At the end, he tries to make them think that they owe the state of their classrooms and books to him.

If he had focused his speech on the accomplishments of someone else, it wouldn't have been so bad. But that would have required humility.

Rule 1 in speech: Don't yammer about yourself.

Leroy Lizard
9/9/2009, 06:09 PM


I Am Right
9/9/2009, 06:25 PM
RUSH: Downers Grove, Illinois. This is Art, and it's great to have you here on the program, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Greetings, Rush. I catch your pinkie finger mobster.

RUSH: (laughing) Thank you, sir. The Mob Father.

CALLER: Mob father. I got something, tonight President Obama, who personifies the word tyro, is going to speak tonight. I was just wondering if the Republican response, I suppose it's going to be headed by Boehner or somebody like that, that they would keep it simple and short like you were saying today, maybe stick with tort reform, portability and the fact that there's not 40 million, but only 11 million people that are uninsured.

RUSH: Look, even though the White House thinks I am the leader of the Republican Party, I played no role in the selection of who is giving the Republican response. I just saw the name flashed on television, I don't remember, it's not Boehner. I'll find out who it is. I have no clue what he's going to say, no clue whatsoever. I frankly hope that the central theme of the Republican response tonight is freedom. It's a marvelous concept that we're on the verge of losing if Obama wins this thing. Freedom. Liberty. Private sector. You know, start talking about reform, specific reforms, you could do tort reform, you could mention that. You could also mention the portability, cross-border purchase, state border purchase of health insurance.

You know, one of the reasons it's so screwed up is that every state has its own mandates. If you live in Florida, you want health insurance, you gotta buy it in Florida. What if you like a policy in Missouri? You can buy auto insurance at any auto company insurance in the world, in the country. You can get a personal liability umbrella from Lloyds of London if they'll insure you. But when it comes to the health insurance you've got to buy it within the state because there's so damn many mandates. You know, it's a real simple matter. If you get rid of that, the costs would plummet. It's one of the fastest things you could do to reduce costs. You know why? It would really ramp up competition. If insurance companies throughout the country had the entire population to pitch their policies to, imagine all that competition. Imagine what would happen to prices. Right now you got these mini-monopolies. The insurance companies have to deal with the mandates that the states give 'em, but they can only sell policies to people in those states. It's so screwy.

I want you to listen to this sound bite. Grab audio sound bite number four. Now, if this question isn't a plant, I don't know what is. This is yesterday at a Q&A before Obama gave his speech to the young skulls full of mush at Wakefield Highschool. He spoke with the ninth graders there. A student named Sean asked this question. Now you tell me if this question isn't a plant. Question: "Hi, Mr. President. My name is Sean, and my question is, currently 36 countries have universal health coverage, including Iraq and Afghanistan, which have it paid for by the United States. Why can't the United States have universal health coverage?" Now, where does a high school ninth grader come up with the notion that they have universal health coverage in Afghanistan and Iraq? That's some kind of leftist drivel that a teacher is pumping into their heads. Can you imagine, the president of the United States asked by a ninth grader, how come our health care is not as good as it is in Afghanistan? How come our health care is not as good as it is in Iraq? As though universal coverage equals good health care? Here's the president's answer to this.

OBAMA: What happened is that back in the 1940s and fifties, a lot of -- most of the wealthy countries around the world decided to set up health care systems that covered everybody. The United States, for a number of different reasons, organized their health care around employer-based health insurance. What happened was is that the majority of Americans still have health insurance through their job and it's, you know, most of them are happy with it, but a lot of people fall through the cracks.

RUSH: Good Lord, he just admitted that most people have insurance through their job. And, by the way, the reason that we were organized with health coverage through our employers was because we were strict capitalists back then. The idea of the government doing this was foreign. Well, it wasn't foreign, and FDR had done what he'd done, but it's been a slow creep to get government involved to the point that they are. And so Obama says, "Well, most people like their coverage. He tells this kid the majority still have health insurance in their job, and most of them are happy with it. So why are you messing with it tonight, then? You know, you get this guy off the teleprompter and it's a crapshoot. They're probably, in the White House when he said this, going, "Oh, no, gosh, I hope this doesn't end up on television, oh, no. I know Limbaugh's gonna get it then our goose is cooked." Most people have health insurance and they like it. So why is he doing what he's doing?


RUSH: So a ninth grader stands up and asks Obama at the high school yesterday, "Afghanistan and Iraq, they got universal coverage. Why don't we have it?" From Reuters, April 21st, 2008: "Afghan laborer Chaman traveled a whole day to bring his son to Kabul to have a kidney stone removed after doctors in their home province turned them away because they could not afford the fees. The two-year-old boy, who suffered excruciating pain for three days, finally had the stone removed in a charity hospital funded by Turkey. 'The private hospitals are only for rich businessmen. Poor people have to use government hospitals and if they can't help, the children die,' said the young father from Ghazni province as he unwrapped a piece of paper to show a brown pebble measuring half a centimeter in diameter. Ghazni is southwest of Kabul. Foreign donors have given some $15 billion in aid to Afghanistan since U.S.-led and Afghan forces toppled the Taliban in 2001."

Now, who's putting this idea in this little kid's head that Afghanistan and Iraq have universal coverage? Well you know it's the damn teachers, it's the damn teachers and where are they picking it up? Probably from the stupid left wing website that's run by the Obama White House or something, or maybe from ACORN or whatever. I've been to Afghanistan. That notion is more ridiculous than saying Cuba's got the best health care in the world. I've been there. There's not an American that would live there. There was not one American who would accept the living conditions in Afghanistan. Forget health care. You want to see the food? In Kabul, the capital, you're driving around, the roads are dirt, dust is raised by the tires of all the cars going by, and there are not that many, but they're old. And along the roadside is the meat market with raw meat hanging in the sun with the dust circulating and people are standing in line to buy it.

You want to talk about universal health coverage in Afghanistan? Jeez. There is not one of you, there is not one American in poverty, there is not a homeless person in this country who would accept living conditions in Afghanistan. Forget the Taliban. Pile the Taliban onto it and what they're doing over there and it's the home base of terrorism, it's even worse. And we got a planted question about Afghanistan and Iraq have universal coverage and why can't we? We're raising these little kids to hate this country and to get the totally wrong idea about it, all for the sake of this guy's monuments and the advancement of his political objectives? I detest this stuff that's going on here, and then that phony baloney speech about accepting personal responsibility.

In fact, I got an e-mail from a woman, Katherine Lewis, who disagrees with me. "A rare occasion, I disagree with your analysis of Obama's speech to the kids." I said it was a conservative speech and he didn't believe it but the content was good. "I printed that speech Tuesday morning, Rush. I read through some of it, and I gave it to my son, a ninth grader at our local high school. The speech was effectively a call for nationalism a la Hitler. It was less about individual responsibility and more about responsibility to the state, how the kids need to feel an obligation to their community, the state, the nation, and of course Obama himself. I found the speech repugnant because I saw it as insidious and manipulative starting with the poor-me attempt to connect with the kids emotionally when he had to get up at 4:30 in the morning to study. Sounds a bit like some national Labor Party tactics being used. It was full of allusions to things like fighting discrimination and making our nation more fair and more free. Then poor me, my father left my single mother struggle, who hasn't heard all this over and over, lots of I's, I's, I's." So that woman disagreed with me. Anyway, regardless, this is unacceptable, it's ridiculous, and it's gotta be stopped. What happened in August cannot stop. It must continue for four years.


Curly Bill
9/9/2009, 06:40 PM
Should I be amused that the outrage over the speech/lesson plans, is less than the outrage directed at those who are outraged that the POTUS wants to talk to all the kiddies?

9/9/2009, 07:12 PM
Should I be amused that the outrage over the speech/lesson plans, is less than the outrage directed at those who are outraged that the POTUS wants to talk to all the kiddies?

Eh, I don't find find it particularly amusing. No doubt some do.

9/9/2009, 07:15 PM
I'm watching another well orchestrated rock star moment for the Pres. in congress right this minute...underwhelmed.

9/9/2009, 07:17 PM
Great...there's Pelosi. Now I'm gonna have nightmares.

9/9/2009, 07:31 PM

9/9/2009, 07:43 PM
This is absolutely disgusting.

9/9/2009, 07:48 PM
Did he just say "spending cuts?"


Leroy Lizard
9/9/2009, 07:51 PM
Did he say, "I'm working hard to build the pharmacies that sell your medicine"? :)

9/9/2009, 08:05 PM
I want to get him a t-shirt that says, My mouth is writing checks my butt can't cash. Make a lot of promises to protect our system when has nothing to do with the way legislation like this gets exploited by Congress.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
9/9/2009, 08:06 PM
3yrs, 8 months...Aaaaargghhh!

Scott D
9/9/2009, 08:13 PM
I'm outraged that the Rush transcript doesn't have any of the wheezing that you know went into those replies that Mr. Limbaugh made. ;)

9/9/2009, 08:26 PM
3yrs, 8 months...Aaaaargghhh!

You mean 7yrs and 8 months.:D

9/9/2009, 08:43 PM
Much ado about nothing . . .

9/9/2009, 08:52 PM
Great...there's Pelosi. Now I'm gonna have nightmares.

bro, i would so poke her daughter, she is freaking hot in a like a nerd type way.. yah know? :D :hot:

9/9/2009, 09:05 PM
I'm not touching anything that passed through Pelosi's birth canal. No way I can get up for that no matter how smoking hot she is...unless it might get me into Thanksgiving dinner. I could have a lot of fun with that.:D

9/9/2009, 09:05 PM
bro, i would so poke her daughter, she is freaking hot in a like a nerd type way.. yah know? :D :hot:



Heh. ;)


j/k I'd probably hit it...

A Sooner in Texas
9/9/2009, 10:54 PM
If the house was on fire and President Obama said, "The house is on fire, everybody get out!" There are people out there who would actually stay in and claim that he was faking the fire all as some part of a master plot to get everyone to do the same thing.

Then they would all die in a fire.


A friend of mine said that much of this is akin to comparing Obama to Hitler because Obama breathes. Hitler breathed too!!!!!!

Lol. Only not so funny because so many people think that way. If you can call that "thinking."

Leroy Lizard
9/9/2009, 10:59 PM
No one was compared to Hitler more than Bush. Just sayin'.

A Sooner in Texas
9/9/2009, 11:06 PM
No one was compared to Hitler more than Bush. Just sayin'.

Bush breathed too????????

Curly Bill
9/9/2009, 11:15 PM
You guys have to forgive Leroy - he forgot that there's never been a President to be criticized and called names before Obama came along.

Leroy Lizard
9/9/2009, 11:39 PM
Name one time that Chester A. Arthur was compared to Adolf Hitler. I searched the Web pretty hard, and I can't find a single instance.

9/10/2009, 12:52 AM
Taft was a beached whale!!