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9/7/2009, 10:55 AM
It's called "Blocking, Pass Rush, Coverage, or Sam?"

Here's how you play... I'll post a picture of something that happened recently, OU-football-wise, and you tell me whose fault it is/was.

Ready? Let's play!


Is this picture the result of poor blocking by the OU offensive line, an outstanding pass rush by an undersized and undermanned BYU defensive line, outstanding coverage of our receivers, or Sam holding the ball too long?

Answer D is right out. That leaves us with A, B, or C. Discuss... Please include in your answers your reasoning. Please include in your reasoning reason.

Bonus Round: Whatever your answer may be, how can you also relate that to the OU coaching staff...? Andddd, GO! Who's going to be the first to buzz in today?


9/7/2009, 10:57 AM
Multi-cho...easy schmeezy

A) poor blocking by the OU offensive line

9/7/2009, 11:00 AM
A) poor blocking caused by > E) Poor preparation.

9/7/2009, 11:01 AM
I'd go with a freak accident...same as AD.

9/7/2009, 11:03 AM
Sam didn't buy the O line a case of beer before the game, it was a leadership mistake.

9/7/2009, 11:05 AM
Farkle anyone?

9/7/2009, 11:05 AM
let oline looked drunk to me

9/7/2009, 11:09 AM
let oline looked drunk to me

Because they wus pissed at Sam fer not hook'in up with some brew!

9/7/2009, 11:12 AM
It's called "Blocking, Pass Rush, Coverage, or Sam?"

Here's how you play... I'll post a picture of something that happened recently, OU-football-wise, and you tell me whose fault it is/was.

Ready? Let's play!


Is this picture the result of poor blocking by the OU offensive line, an outstanding pass rush by an undersized and undermanned BYU defensive line, outstanding coverage of our receivers, or Sam holding the ball too long?

Answer D is right out. That leaves us with A, B, or C. Discuss... Please include in your answers your reasoning. Please include in your reasoning reason.

Bonus Round: Whatever your answer may be, how can you also relate that to the OU coaching staff...? Andddd, GO! Who's going to be the first to buzz in today?


Right tackle read the blitz incorrectly and blocked outside in. Bad fundamentals and was a poor read of the blitz. Noticed it when the play was happening.

CK Sooner
9/7/2009, 11:12 AM
let oline looked drunk to me

Jlew, tell me your in college!


9/7/2009, 11:13 AM
lol just trying to **** him off now

9/7/2009, 11:13 AM
Please don't post the kids crying pictures... please don't post the kids crying pictures...

:( Seriously, don't post them. They shouldn't have been on television in the first place.

9/7/2009, 11:18 AM
I'll play. It was a numbers game, and our coaches didn't adjust. BYU had already loaded one side on a previous play, and we had three of our'un trying to block four of their'un. Pretty simple math. The fact that we let it happen again, and Sam's subsequent injury, is pretty disappointing.

9/7/2009, 11:25 AM
All the above.

9/7/2009, 11:49 AM
I am going with A, and blaming the coaching staff for not rolling pocket away from the rush.

9/7/2009, 12:47 PM
It happened on back to back plays practically, then when L.J. came in it happened to him. I blame poor coaching for not recognizing the defense was confusing the 0-line and neautralizing it by sticking an experienced back in the back field to help block.

That game and all the woes are a direct result of this program not being coached up like they should. It's nothing short of that.

Only giving up 14 points to an opponent is pretty good and OU should beat any team that only scores 14 points. However, This is not the first time a tight end has ran wide open an entire game against a B.V. coached defense.

Also, you have an inexperienced qb running to offense on 4th and goal and not a single coach on the sideline noticed the playclock? Please.

9/7/2009, 01:04 PM
Simple...Trent Williams (potential 1st rounder) blocked the outside blitzer instead of the inside blitzer who had the shortest path to Bradford...learned that in middle school

9/7/2009, 01:07 PM
Simple...Trent Williams (potential 1st rounder) blocked the outside blitzer instead of the inside blitzer who had the shortest path to Bradford...learned that in middle school


9/7/2009, 01:17 PM
well i stand corrected just watched the replay and it was worse than i thought when i saw it live. trent williams first went after the outside guy and then realized he made a mistake and tried to get the inside guy but it was too late and he ended up blocking no one and they both went through basically untouched....not that it woulda mattered but he made a 2nd mistake by trying to go back and block the other guy and ended up missing them both shoulda just played though his mistake and blocked the outside guy and hoped for the best...obviously worst case scenario happened.

Wasnt there a thread saying Kevin Wilson said he was the best lineman he ever coached at OU? lol i know everyone makes mistakes but damnit why here and why now!!??

9/7/2009, 01:56 PM
just found this on youtube while looking for a Switzer post-game locker room speech from an OU loss (hard to find as there aren't a lot of those). It may not fit in with the main purpose of the thread, but I think everyone needs a motivational boost. Also, there's a few NSFW words. Not a ton of them, but they're there:

9/7/2009, 02:28 PM
A...Wilson needs a kick in the teeth.

9/7/2009, 04:16 PM
lol just trying to **** him off now

It's easy for you to (two to?) pass it off that way, but the truth is, your spelling and grammar are absolutely deplorable, and I worry for your college future, assuming that you're in college now. The apathy with which you write on this board, it likely carries over into other aspects of your life too: your personal spaces are messy, you probably have issues with procrastination, if you have interpersonal relationships, they are more likely characterized by what they do for you than what you do for them, etc...

Basically, today's youth are just plain f*cking stupid.

At least, it'd be easy for me to just pass it off to that, and to prove it, I'd like to add. But, it's not just a lack of intelligence. Is a sherpa any less wise just because he's not smart enough to use an umbrella when it rains? No. He's from the goat hills of the Himalayas. He doesn't know 'th' f*ck an umbrella is. So, I postulate that the youth of today are, well, f*ck it, I need to go shopping. Here, YOU read it...

It was a study done about 10 years ago at Cornell. This is the original author's (Kruger and Dunning) follow-up, answering some questions left by their original studies. It is now known as the Dunning-Kruger effect.


There's lots of big words in there, so make sure to get mommy or daddy to read it for you. I'm going to Wal-Mart now. Maybe I'll run into some more of "your people" there. If I do, be sure to look for them on peopleofwalmart.com later.

i'm out! C u guyz l8r lolz!!!!



CK Sooner
9/7/2009, 04:19 PM
It's easy for you to (two to?) pass it off that way, but the truth is, your spelling and grammar are absolutely deplorable, and I worry for your college future, assuming that you're in college now. The apathy with which you write on this board, it likely carries over into other aspects of your life too: your personal spaces are messy, you probably have issues with procrastination, if you have interpersonal relationships, they are more likely characterized by what they do for you than what you do for them, etc...

Basically, today's youth are just plain f*cking stupid.

At least, it'd be easy for me to just pass it off to that, and to prove it, I'd like to add. But, it's not just a lack of intelligence. Is a sherpa any less wise just because he's not smart enough to use an umbrella when it rains? No. He's from the goat hills of the Himalayas. He doesn't know 'th' f*ck an umbrella is. So, I postulate that the youth of today are, well, f*ck it, I need to go shopping. Here, YOU read it...

It was a study done about 10 years ago at Cornell. This is the original author's (Kruger and Dunning) follow-up, answering some questions left by their original studies. It is now known as the Dunning-Kruger effect.


There's lots of big words in there, so make sure to get mommy or daddy to read it for you. I'm going to Wal-Mart now. Maybe I'll run into some more of "your people" there. If I do, be sure to look for them on www.peopleofwalmart.com later.

i'm out! C u guyz l8r lolz!!!!



Yea, Jlew. Get your **** together. ;):D

You can tell by this guys sig that he is a dip****.

9/7/2009, 04:41 PM
It's easy for you to (two to?) pass it off that way, but the truth is, your spelling and grammar are absolutely deplorable, and I worry for your college future, assuming that you're in college now. The apathy with which you write on this board, it likely carries over into other aspects of your life too: your personal spaces are messy, you probably have issues with procrastination, if you have interpersonal relationships, they are more likely characterized by what they do for you than what you do for them, etc...

Basically, today's youth are just plain f*cking stupid.

At least, it'd be easy for me to just pass it off to that, and to prove it, I'd like to add. But, it's not just a lack of intelligence. Is a sherpa any less wise just because he's not smart enough to use an umbrella when it rains? No. He's from the goat hills of the Himalayas. He doesn't know 'th' f*ck an umbrella is. So, I postulate that the youth of today are, well, f*ck it, I need to go shopping. Here, YOU read it...

It was a study done about 10 years ago at Cornell. This is the original author's (Kruger and Dunning) follow-up, answering some questions left by their original studies. It is now known as the Dunning-Kruger effect.


There's lots of big words in there, so make sure to get mommy or daddy to read it for you. I'm going to Wal-Mart now. Maybe I'll run into some more of "your people" there. If I do, be sure to look for them on peopleofwalmart.com later.

i'm out! C u guyz l8r lolz!!!!



Someone needs to take their meds. :gary:

9/7/2009, 04:58 PM
You know...this keeps coming up.

It's been talked about 100 times on this board in the last two days.

Trent made a mistake. Very True.

If he'd have adjusted to the guy blitzing...he would have left his man free to go after Sam's blindside.

It's not like Sam hadn't seen it happening either. He'd been hit before that play occurred and more than once. He's a tough guy who can take a hit. It wasn't the hit that hurt him...it was how he landed. A freak accident.

Sam was having to really look his receivers over for yards. IMO...this was due to the loss of Gresham the week of the game. Losing Gresham started a backlash and the way our offense had prepared changed.

All that considered...imagine Landry's head when he saw Sam go down and as he's getting ready to walk out to lead the Team...Bobby Jack Wright grabs his helmet and gives him a pep talk. That's a lot for a Freshman QB to step up into. Landry wasn't simply stepping in for a few snaps...he knew it was his job to finish the game. Tough position when you look up in those stands and there are 70,000 Sooner Fans staring at you.

Landry got hit one time by that blitz and after that...the O-line never let it happen again.

Also as far as Trent is concerned...he should have let up on his block earlier and at least got a hand on the guy so he would have been pushed a bit more into Sam's peripheral vision.

9/7/2009, 05:43 PM
Where is the Brent Venables option?

9/8/2009, 01:10 AM
let oline looked drunk to me

thats only cus you were so drunk

Crucifax Autumn
9/8/2009, 01:40 AM
If I have to pick a real reason and I'm forced to put it on anything I'll say inexperienced center. The Center is largely responsible for pointing this **** out to the line and that didn't happen. The reality is it was a whole bunch of **** that caused it, none of which was grammar related.

9/8/2009, 08:10 AM
...Landry got hit one time by that blitz and after that...the O-line never let it happen again...
Unfortunately when Landry got hit it was about the 5th time that our QB had either gotten hit or chased down by what appeared to be the same (or very similar) blitz package. I was amazed that we didn't adjust to it after the 2nd time. Maybe leave a fullback in for protection, roll the pocket, something.

9/8/2009, 08:24 AM
Ready? Let's play!


This is Kevin Wilson's fault!!! No one else's.

9/8/2009, 08:38 AM
Trent Williams is not the best lineman Wilson has coached, what a joke