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View Full Version : The Sam Bradford adoration thread!!!

8/28/2009, 06:54 AM
Made and crafted especially for those who love Sam Bradford. In this thread we remember when we first knew and believed that he was a special player. We complain about Tim Tebow threads, well here is your chance to show some love for the one and only, the undaunted, the irresistable, the spectacular Sam Bradford!!!

My memory was the loss to Colorado, when Sam went to Malcolm Kelly and told him to stop sulking, because the other players are watching you. Impressive composure from the start and not letting the circumstance dictate his emotions or cool.


8/28/2009, 06:56 AM
Man crush

8/28/2009, 07:13 AM
Man crush

I understand now

8/28/2009, 07:21 AM
I heart Sam!

8/28/2009, 07:22 AM
I think he meant he has a man crush on Sam...not ridiculing you for man crushing.

8/28/2009, 07:22 AM
The best part of Sam is that he's not looking for praise on a personal level. He's a team player and doesn't separate himself from the entire team. He's the opposite of let's say Booger Daniels who thinks that he is the team.

8/28/2009, 07:58 AM
I think he meant he has a man crush on Sam...not ridiculing you for man crushing.

My Bad just got off of work; thanks for clearing that up.

Sam is still awesome!!

8/28/2009, 08:01 AM
I think he meant he has a man crush on Sam...not ridiculing you for man crushing.

Thanks Gandalf yea that was no ridicule for him.

8/28/2009, 08:02 AM
My Bad just got off of work; thanks for clearing that up.

Sam is still awesome!!

Yea Adon meant my man crush on our man Sam:D

8/28/2009, 09:18 AM
Ooo, me likey this idea!

I have loved Sam Bradford ever since he was a 3-star recruit on Rivals.com
You see, Lloyd Carr decided not to answer his phone, so Michigan lost out the chance to get the future Heisman winner... and Lloyd Carr lost his job shortly after.
As much as I love Sammie, Sammie love me and all of Sooner Nation.
Of course, the Sooner wearing #14 is traditionally awesome:
And even though Heupel didn't get the Heisman he incredibly deserved, we love that his apprentice did!
And while his hair can get kind of shaggy during the season, at least he's never done anything to embarrass us:
And the best is yet to come!
We love you Sammie!
^^^is it just me, or was Sam doing the Mongo expression?

8/28/2009, 09:19 AM
FINALLY! My kind of thread! Spek!

8/28/2009, 09:20 AM
His talent, ability, poise, and demeanor add up to being far and away, as well as heads above, any other college QB today. I respect Sam Bradford as both an individual and a great football player, he's an outstanding example of both.

If I had a son, I would want him to be like Sam.

On the other hand, if I had a son that turned out like that fake QB from florida, I'd call HIM my daughter! ;)

8/28/2009, 09:37 AM
His talent, ability, poise, and demeanor add up to being far and away, as well as heads above, any other college QB today. I respect Sam Bradford as both an individual and a great football player, he's an outstanding example of both.

If I had a son, I would want him to be like Sam.

On the other hand, if I had a son that turned out like that fake QB from florida, I'd call HIM my daughter! ;)

I agree totally with what you have said about Sam. Understanding the GatorLuv for Tim I think would be as difficult for us as it did or does to fans across the country who contemplate our adoration of someone like "The Boz".

8/28/2009, 09:43 AM

8/28/2009, 09:51 AM
I love watching him play both in person and on tv, he plays like he loves the game.

Where do you think he will be playing in the NFL? My guess would be St. Louis or San Francisco.

8/28/2009, 10:08 AM
Made and crafted especially for those who love Sam Bradford. In this thread we remember when we first knew and believed that he was a special player. We complain about Tim Tebow threads, well here is your chance to show some love for the one and only, the undaunted, the irresistable, the spectacular. . .
The Master of Disaster, the King of Sting, the Count of Monte Fisto. . .

8/28/2009, 10:14 AM
The HeisMAN.

8/28/2009, 10:20 AM
Sam truly is 'sooner born, sooner bred' and I love him for it!

8/28/2009, 01:50 PM
It's hard to be humble when you're a Sooner, but Sam does it with style and grace day in, day out! Love you Sammy!

8/28/2009, 01:55 PM
This thread need more posts than anything Tebow. KEEP POSTING PEOPLE! (and spek to posters)

8/28/2009, 02:08 PM
I think Sam will come back for his last year.
before Yall go to ridiculing me . Let me just say That SAM Loves OU and is Having the Time of his Life.
Being a Sooner is and was his Life long Dream.
Plus he has the chance to Be the FIRST 3 time Heisman winner and back to back MNCs

8/28/2009, 02:08 PM
damn Badger, pretty good pics

8/28/2009, 02:34 PM
I think this Bradford kid may turn out to be pretty good.;)

8/28/2009, 03:00 PM
IMHO, his greatest trait is his love for his team and putting the accomplishments of that team above his own.

Jello Biafra
8/28/2009, 03:12 PM
badg would hit it...;)

Jello Biafra
8/28/2009, 03:13 PM
i love the boy because he came out of the little league football conference i have been coaching in for a while and have heard stories about the caliber of man/boy he has always been.

8/28/2009, 03:25 PM
I love him because he doesn't wear Jorts!

8/28/2009, 03:26 PM
Bradford is good!

Is that what your wanting Badg?

8/28/2009, 03:41 PM
Out of respect for my dad who graduated from OU in 1954, I'll tip my hat to Bradford. He's a great player.

8/28/2009, 03:42 PM
why didn't you wanna go to OU!?

bent rider
8/28/2009, 03:43 PM
Sam Bradford, Anthony Kim, OU Golf Course, 18 Holes. Who wins?

Jello Biafra
8/28/2009, 03:44 PM
Sam Bradford, Anthony Kim, OU Golf Course, 18 Holes. Who wins?


8/28/2009, 03:48 PM
I think Sam will come back for his last year.
before Yall go to ridiculing me . Let me just say That SAM Loves OU and is Having the Time of his Life.
Being a Sooner is and was his Life long Dream.
Plus he has the chance to Be the FIRST 3 time Heisman winner and back to back MNCs

I agree

8/28/2009, 03:49 PM
Sam would make a helluva fine Marine. And THAT is sayin' something.

Jello Biafra
8/28/2009, 03:50 PM
Sam would make a helluva fine Marine. And THAT is sayin' something.

hes smarter than that aaaaand his stomach is too sensitive to eat rocks.

8/28/2009, 04:03 PM
More Sam Qoutes

Oklahoma offensive line coach Kevin Wilson and reserve QB John Nimmo spoke with The Sporting News about Sam Bradford’s most underrated attribute, and how difficult the end of his sophomore season was.

It bothers him quite a bit. The last national championship game, that really hit him hard. I could see it…He prepared himself the most I’ve ever seen.
- John Nimmo

When Kelvin Sampson was here as basketball coach, he said, “That kid could play for us in the Big 12.” If we had 100 guys out there, and we’re picking for basketball, he’s one of the top four kids.
- Kevin Wilson

The Remnant
8/28/2009, 04:13 PM
bro' mance

8/28/2009, 04:14 PM
I have a man crush on Sam so bad, I have to hide it from my wife.

Yea, I said it, and I'm not even sorry I did.

8/28/2009, 04:27 PM
hes smarter than that aaaaand his stomach is too sensitive to eat rocks.

Don't make me come up there and put a hurt on you, boy.
:mad: :D

8/28/2009, 06:44 PM
If Sam was President, we would be 7 Trillion dollars in Profit!

8/28/2009, 06:58 PM
badg would hit it...;)

You know, I have a husband...

...who probably also has a crush (man-crush) on Sammie :D

8/28/2009, 07:00 PM


8/28/2009, 07:09 PM
Everyone knows I love Sam but every time I see that, I almost wet myself with worry about his health!!

8/28/2009, 07:26 PM
It was apparent from his first game that he was something special. Yeah, we all knew UNT was horrible, but there was just something about the way he stood in the pocket and just looked so natural out there. It's been an absolute joy to have him be our QB!

Crucifax Autumn
8/28/2009, 09:04 PM
You know, I have a husband...

...who probably also has a crush (man-crush) on Sammie :D

So what you're saying is it's looking like a threesome?

Crucifax Autumn
8/28/2009, 09:07 PM
Everyone knows I love Sam but every time I see that, I almost wet myself with worry about his health!!

Same here, but then I think back to some of our previous QBs and think how great it is that Sam can throw his body out there like that and come away healthy. Hyble and White were like Samuel Jackson as Mr. Glass in "Unbreakable". Sam is the Bruce Willis character, but smart. :D

8/28/2009, 09:12 PM
I hope his bronzed statue is of him upside down.... how cool would that be? I know there is a pic of a fake statue going around. I had to double check that it was fake. Im all for it.

Crucifax Autumn
8/28/2009, 09:17 PM
Me too. They can have an upright version for the trophy he collects this year.

8/28/2009, 10:05 PM
Me too. They can have an upright version for the trophy he collects this year.

Now there's fodder for speculation: How would Heisman Park depict a two-time winner?

8/28/2009, 10:07 PM
We will just steal whatever Florida has planned already for "He that shall not be named"

8/29/2009, 12:19 AM
MONEY - SAM IS MONEY. He has "it", whatever "it" is, he has it.

As a 4th gen Okie, I'm as proud of SAM as I am of Jim, Will, Johnny, Mickey, or momma Selman. The fact that he is a SOONER LEGACY with native American blood only makes it better.

Here's GOOD HEALTH to SAM and a big 'ol BOOMER SOONER.


8/29/2009, 09:20 AM


8/29/2009, 09:24 AM
Sammy is the reigning Heisman Trophy Winner. Just thought I might remind any of the Sports Writers who are peeking in to get some material for their next article.

8/29/2009, 11:18 AM
Three pages is still far too short :mad:

Now maybe if we were struggling for good stuff to say about Colt, we could finish in three pages after mumbling stuff about "screen passes" "throwing balls to his roommate wide receiver" and "short, short, short passes," but this is SAMMIE we are talking about here!

Does ANYONE in college football hit the corner of the endzone as perfect as Bradford?!

8/29/2009, 11:22 AM


True Badj and this should be reposted on each page. :D

8/29/2009, 11:25 AM
I think it wouldn't be such a bad thing if Sammy didn't win the Heisman this year... Just so we can win the MNC! Sounds stupid but there is some bad luck that comes with it. Who else other than USC has won the award and the MNC in the same year? I know it has been done, but who wants to risk it? I honestly think Sam could care less if he wins it. I believe he has only one thing on his mind this year. He will bring great vingeance on every team he plays!

8/29/2009, 11:25 AM
Sam breaks the touchdown record this year, and comes back next year, to put itout of distance.

8/29/2009, 11:27 AM
Screw the Bad Luck stuff.

If it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all.

And Sam might not care about winning it but if he's on track to do it again...don't think for one second that Bob and Joe C. won't be promoting him to win it again.

8/29/2009, 11:34 AM
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't cry if he won it.

8/29/2009, 11:35 AM
Hey stooptroup, have you seen inglorious bastards? What did you think? I'm about to head that way and watch it.

8/29/2009, 11:48 AM
Sam is telling little colty "Boy, I'm going to F you up next year... Keep eating your protein cause you going to need it!"


bent rider
8/29/2009, 01:31 PM
Now there's fodder for speculation: How would Heisman Park depict a two-time winner?

Heck, the Heisman Trophy itself should be re-cast to depict the Inverted Sam. Keeping your feet on the ground is so 20th Century.

8/29/2009, 10:08 PM
I admire the way Bradford keeps his spirit up considering that he's never won a bowl game.

8/29/2009, 10:26 PM
Sammy! Sammy! Sammy!

8/30/2009, 12:35 AM
I admire the way Bradford keeps his spirit up considering that he's never won a bowl game.

Yup thats almost as worthy as Colt keeping His spirits up Having Never won a Big 12 Championship :P

8/30/2009, 02:17 AM
I knew he was good in HS when he started for a good PCN team as a freshman...never knew he would be this good..I'm amazed by every game he plays

8/30/2009, 02:58 AM
Yup thats almost as worthy as Colt keeping His spirits up Having Never won a Big 12 Championship :P


8/30/2009, 09:14 AM
Yup thats almost as worthy as Colt keeping His spirits up Having Never won a Big 12 Championship :P

Well done sir; very good.:D

8/30/2009, 09:56 AM
I admire the way Bradford keeps his spirit up considering that he's never won a bowl game.

Not every team gets to play 6-6 Iowa at home or Ohio State for their bowl game.:texan:

8/30/2009, 12:21 PM
Berry Tramel,
Sam Bradford can end all arguments about who's the best QB in Sooner history

NORMAN — The young among us, the crowd that thinks of stocks, not pitchouts, when you mention option, can debate between Josh Heupel and Jason White.

If Sam Bradford has another great season, he will be the best QB all-time at the University of Oklahoma. (Photo by Bryan Terry, The Oklahoman Archive)

Us baby boomers will put up Jack Mildren, Jamelle Holieway and all the wishbone generals.

Old-timers won’t let Jack Mitchell, Eddie Crowder or Jimmy Harris be forgotten.

And when the generations mix, the fun really starts.

But if Sam Bradford quarterbacks in 2009 anything like he quarterbacked the previous two seasons, the arguments are over in Soonerville.

Slingin’ Sammy B. will be the greatest quarterback in Oklahoma history.

No other conclusion can be reached. Take your pick on who currently wears the crown — I’m staying with Mildren, but I wouldn’t argue against Heupel or White — doesn’t matter. Bradford will surpass them all with anything close to his established level of play.

Injury appears to be Bradford’s only potential landmine. Jamelle Holieway once was, like Bradford, an epic OU quarterback after spectacular freshman and sophomore years, but a torn knee ligament in 1987 ended Holieway’s days as an elite quarterback.

"It’s rare that a guy gets the opportunity to be on the field for three years,” said Heupel, now Bradford’s QB coach. "Rare for a young guy to perform like he did.

"His freshman season was obviously extremely special to play as smart as he did. Certainly last year, it was fabulous. He played at as high a level as any quarterback at any time.”

Some say Bradford already ranks No. 1, but that’s silly. Bradford vs. White alone ends that notion. Bradford has had two superb years; he won a Heisman in one of them. White had two superb years; he won a Heisman and placed third in the voting for another, plus quarterbacked a victory over Texas in an earlier season.

No, Bradford’s not there yet, but he almost surely will be. Let’s look at the five primary ways to historically judge quarterbacks:

→Championships: Bradford still seeks a national title, but he’s got two Big 12 championships. If he gets a third, he joins Harris as the only Sooners to quarterback three outright league titles. Mitchell, Steve Davis and Thomas Lott also won three, but some were co-championships.

Davis and Harris each quarterbacked two national titles; Holieway, Heupel and Claude Arnold each quarterbacked one.

→Numbers: Bradford’s stats are off the charts. He’s got a chance to break Graham Harrell’s NCAA record of 134 touchdown passes (Bradford needs 49; he had 50 last season).

But Bradford’s numbers can’t be compared to 20th-century quarterbacks. The game has changed. If you judge too much on numbers, you arrive at the conclusion that Colt Brennan was better than Roger Staubach.

Bradford’s numbers can be compared to contemporaries Heupel and White. Bradford’s are a little bit better, and they’re about to be a whole lot better.

→Honors: Heisman votes and All-American selections matter. But don’t sell out to them.

White and Bradford won Heismans; Heupel finished second in 2000 to Chris Weinke. But you can’t let voters in Mobile, Ala., and Salt Lake City decide greatness in other ports, unless you’re ready to declare Archie Griffin better than Jim Brown.

And while All-American status matters, don’t forget this: In his 16 years as head coach, Barry Switzer never had an All-American quarterback.

→Historical impact: This is where Mildren (and Heupel) and shine. They profoundly changed OU football, with their success in cold-turkey offensive revolutions.

I give Mildren the slight edge, because the wishbone saved the Fairbanks era and paved the way for Switzer, while I assume Stoops would have figured things out even had not Heupel popped out of a genie bottle.

Bradford can’t match such impact, but he does have that chunk of granite and could win another, which would be a sonic boom, and win or lose the ’09 Heisman, his star appeal is unlike anything ever seen on Owen Field. The only person close might be Ma Selmon.

→Longevity: This usually is more of a pro issue. A quarterback who is great for six years is not equal to a quarterback who is great for 12.

But it matters in college, too, in smaller ratios. A star for three years trumps a star for two years. Advantage, Bradford.

OU never has had a three-year QB like Bradford. Mildren ran hot and cold before finding the wishbone midway through his junior year. Heupel played only two seasons. Knee injuries wrecked two White seasons.

Holieway, you know about. Eddie Crowder as a sophomore played behind Arnold. Mitchell was a three-year star, but for some reason (Darrell Royal), Wilkinson kept trying to move Mitchell to halfback.

Thomas Lott didn’t take over until midway through his sophomore year, and neither did Harris. Strange but true: Bradford already has started more games in two seasons (28) than Harris did in three (25).

So that leaves only Davis, the unlikely leader of Switzer’s first three teams, 1973-75. Davis went 32-1-1 as a starter and played about as well as a sophomore as he did as a senior.

I think generally we far too often have downgraded option quarterbacks in favor of throwers. Optioneers had to make split-second decisions and execute flawlessly, or the split-T and wishbone would go south in a hurry.

But still, quarterback play is more important than ever before. It’s harder to play quarterback than ever before. And Mildren is the only option quarterback to play at Bradford’s standard.

Mildren did it for a year and a half. Bradford has done it two years and counting.

Slingin’ Sam is about to be the greatest quarterback in Sooner history.

Berry Tramel: 405-760-8080; Berry Tramel can be heard Monday through Friday from 4:40-5:20 p.m. on The Sports Animal radio network, including AM-640 and FM-98.1.

Crucifax Autumn
8/30/2009, 12:51 PM
I just finished reading that over on the DO. Good points he makes, but I still think he musta suffered multiple head injuries as a child.

8/31/2009, 02:16 PM
Even though I'm old enough to be Sammy's mammy, I'd do him!

9/6/2009, 02:19 PM
Get Well Soon!! Thank you for the dedication and grace you have displayed.