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View Full Version : If you think Obama is like the Nazis, you need a history lesson

8/26/2009, 02:31 PM
I saw this today. I think it opens an interesting line of discussion.

Please read it before you comment and try to keep the discourse civil. It isnt very slanted one way or the other even though the title is.

Is there a right and wrong way to attack political candidates? Should calling them Nazi's be fair game?


Posted: Aug. 21, 2009

If you think Obama is like the Nazis, you need a history lesson


I hope this column makes you sick.

See, we'll be talking about Nazis, something many of us are doing lately. Indeed, just this week a fellow named Joseph e-mailed me about a caller he heard on a radio show. The man, vexed over health-care reform, likened President Obama to Adolf Hitler. Asked why, he said, "Hitler took over the car companies, then health care and then he killed the Jews."

Said Joseph: "I almost swerved my vehicle off the road when I heard that."

But the caller is hardly unique. Google "Obama + Nazis" and you get almost 7 million hits. Nor is the phenomenon new. Substitute President Bush's name and you get nearly 2.8 million.

Even granting that many of those hits are benign, it seems obvious the Nazis have invaded American political rhetoric in a big way. As in Rush Limbaugh declaring health-care reform "a Hitler-like policy," swastikas popping up at protest rallies, a poster depicting Obama with Hitler's moustache and a pamphlet that says: "Act Now to Stop Obama's Nazi Health Plan!"

It's important to remember that the Nazis are passing out of living memory; U.S. soldiers of that era are said to be dying at the rate of 1,200 a day. Which makes it too easy, I think, for a nation of notorious historical illiteracy to remake the Nazis as some kind of all-purpose boogeymen for slandering political enemies and scoring cheap rhetorical points.

So I thought it would be good to make you sick, i.e., to spend a few minutes reminding some and teaching others what you invoke when you invoke the Nazi regime.

For the record, then: It was Nazis who shoved sand down a boy's throat until he died, who tossed candies to Jewish children as they sank to their deaths in a sand pit, who threw babies from a hospital window and competed to see how many of those "little Jews" could be caught on a bayonet, who injected a cement-like fluid into women's uteruses to see what would happen, who stomped a pregnant woman to death, who once snatched a woman's baby from her arms and, in the words of a witness, "tore him as one would tear a rag."

That's who the Nazis were, ladies and gentlemen -- those obscenities plus 6 million more. They were the triumph of ideology over reason and even over humanity, the demonization of racial, religious and political difference, the objectification of the vulnerable other. And the authors of a mass murder that staggers imagination, still.

You would think, then, that where they are invoked to draw a parallel or make a point, it would be done with a respect for the incalculable evil the Nazis represent. You would think people would tread carefully, not because of the potential insult to a given politician (they are big boys and girls) but because to do otherwise profanes the profound and renders trivial that which ought to be held sacred by anyone who regards himself as a truly human being.

But in modern America, unfortunately, rhetoric often starts over the top and goes up from there. So fine, George W. Bush is "a smirking chimp." Fine, Barack Obama is "a Chicago thug." We have a Constitution, after all, and it says we can say whatever we want. It doesn't say it has to be intelligent.

And yes, you are even protected if you liken Obama or Bush to Hitler. Yet every time I hear that, it makes me cringe for what it says about our collective propensity for historical amnesia and our retarded capacity for reverence. Once upon a lifetime ago, 6 million people with DNA, names and faces just like you and I, were butchered with gleeful sadism and mechanistic dispatch.

You and I may no longer respect one another, but is it asking too much that we still respect them?

LEONARD PITTS JR. is a columnist for the Miami Herald, 1 Herald Plaza, Miami, Fla. 33132. Write to him at [email protected].

8/26/2009, 02:32 PM
Love him or hate him, that Hitler sure killed a lot of Jews.

8/26/2009, 02:47 PM
So where was this article while Bush was in office???

Considering the donks ran a nationally televised campaign commercial basically comparing Bush to hitler in 2004.

King Crimson
8/26/2009, 02:51 PM
Obama's innovation is that he's like Hitler AND Stalin with a little Black Panther, Islamofacist, tree-hugger in the mix.

Frozen Sooner
8/26/2009, 02:54 PM
So where was this article while Bush was in office???

Considering the donks ran a nationally televised campaign commercial basically comparing Bush to hitler in 2004.

Please provide a credible link to back this up. Credible in this case would be a REPUTABLE news source.

I believe what you're attempting to reference is an ad created as a response to a MoveOn.org contest soliciting amateur ads, which certainly wasn't run as a national televised ad. It's also worth noting that MoveOn.org isn't the Democratic National Committee.

8/26/2009, 03:02 PM
I believe what you're attempting to reference is an ad created as a response to a MoveOn.org contest soliciting amateur ads, which certainly wasn't run as a national televised ad. It's also worth noting that MoveOn.org isn't the Democratic National Committee.

This is the ad:

I just remember seeing it a lot early in the 2004 campaign. And I didn't say the DNC particularly did it, but it wasn't a GOP group, thats for sure.

Again, nice to know lefties are concerned about the whole Nazi thing now.

Frozen Sooner
8/26/2009, 03:03 PM
Please note from the comments on your own link that ad was never run on TV.

You likely "saw it a lot" because various crazy-*** right-wing sites put it up.

So yeah, no nationally televised ad campaign, just one video submitted to a contest that didn't win.

That's some fine police work there, Lou.

8/26/2009, 03:03 PM
Please note from the comments on your own link that ad was never run on TV.Heh. Like that's going to happen.

8/26/2009, 03:04 PM
Please note from the comments on your own link that ad was never run on TV.On the news it was. And it was hosted on many democratic websites as well.

Of course, the fact they actually made it says enough.

Frozen Sooner
8/26/2009, 03:06 PM
I thought it was a nationally televised ad campaign. Make up your mind.

And who's "they?" A random guy making a submission to a web contest is suddenly the entire Democratic Party?

8/26/2009, 03:11 PM
I thought it was a nationally televised ad campaign. Make up your mind.

And who's "they?" A random guy making a submission to a web contest is suddenly the entire Democratic Party?I thought I remember that it had been on TV, but I guess I just remember seeing it on the news a lot back then.

Of course, this doesn't even count the thousands of Bush=hitler signs at every liberal protest that was drummed up the last 8+ years.

8/26/2009, 03:14 PM
And who's "they?" A random guy making a submission to a web contest is suddenly the entire Democratic Party?They = Moveon.org, as it was hosted on their website until they got enough flak and where Forced to remove it.

Frozen Sooner
8/26/2009, 03:16 PM
Oh, crap, I just got caught making things up! Time to move the target!

Anyone who carried a Bush=Hitler sign was an idiot, for the record. Not one single person in American political history is remotely comparable to Hitler or the Nazis. Also for the record, at any Democratic Party event I've personally been at (which certainly might not have been a representative sample) anyone carrying a sign like that or using such rhetoric was generally told they were acting stupid and hurting the message.

8/26/2009, 03:16 PM
You really should change your avatar, Tuba.

Frozen Sooner
8/26/2009, 03:17 PM
They = Moveon.org, as it was hosted on their website until they got enough flak and where Forced to remove it.

But "they" didn't make it.

You have an odd habit of holding people responsible for everything someone else posts on their website.

8/26/2009, 03:17 PM
Also for the record, at any Democratic Party event I've personally been at (which certainly might not have been a representative sample) anyone carrying a sign like that or using such rhetoric was generally told they were acting stupid and hurting the message.

Did anybody tell Senator Durbin that when he compared our soldiers to nazi's on the floor of the Senate as well????

And MoveOn.org HOSTED it. That's a little different than simply posting something.

8/26/2009, 03:19 PM
I thought I remember that it had been on TV, but I guess I just remember seeing it on the news a lot back then.

Of course, this doesn't even count the thousands of Bush=hitler signs at every liberal protest that was drummed up the last 8+ years.

Nationally run TV ad -> Probably saw it on the news a lot -> At least there were all those signs people made.


8/26/2009, 03:20 PM
Nationally run TV ad -> Probably saw it on the news a lot -> At least there were all those signs people made.

Two outta three isn't that bad. :D

Frozen Sooner
8/26/2009, 03:20 PM
Actually, yes, many people called Durbin on his comments and he ended up apologizing for them.

In fact, there was a national ad campaign by the donks calling for him to resign. I'm surprised you didn't see it, since it didn't exist either. :D

8/26/2009, 03:20 PM
So, about that politics forum.

8/26/2009, 03:21 PM
Yeah, I read the article. It didn't take long for that Nazi regime to take power and brainwash their people.

8/26/2009, 03:21 PM
Timothy McVeigh is an evil *********...and Timothy McVeigh is STILL no Hitler.

8/26/2009, 03:25 PM
Actually, yes, many people called Durbin on his comments and he ended up apologizing for them.After the fact of course.

Maybe he made that commercial for his supporters at Moveon.Org???

8/26/2009, 03:25 PM
Please provide a credible link to back this up. Credible in this case would be a REPUTABLE news source


8/26/2009, 03:25 PM
Tuba. Change your avatar to Obama with a big *** halo over his head. NOW!!!

8/26/2009, 03:25 PM
How about a "This is stupid ****" forum?

Someone starts a thread equating Bush/Obama to Hitler...BOOM...it's moved to the Stupid **** forum.

Someone starts a thread about how MySpace proves that Obama isn't a US citizen...BOOM...it's in the Stupid **** forum.

Someone accuses Bush/Cheney of orchestrating 9/11...BOOM...it's in the Stupid **** forum.

Someone starts a thread calling for us to fire Brent Venables...BOOM...it's in the Stupid **** forum.

Someone starts a thread about how Bob Stoops is gonna leave us to go coach the Browns...BOOM...it's in the Stupid **** forum.

Someone starts a thread talking about failures in Bush/Obama's policies, terrorists trying to attack us, political issues and concerns, questionable play calling from the defense/Kevin Wilson in NC games...THOSE stay where they are.

Works for me.

8/26/2009, 03:26 PM
Tuba. Change your avatar to Obama with a big *** halo over his head. NOW!!!Or something that isn't Racist/traitorous would be nice.

Like a "Don't Tread on Me" flag or a fat guy in a blue suit.

8/26/2009, 03:26 PM
Timothy McVeigh is an evil *********...and Timothy McVeigh is STILL no Hitler.

True, but given the power and intelligence he would have been.

8/26/2009, 03:29 PM
Or something that isn't Racist/traitorous would be nice.RACISTS!!!!!!!

8/26/2009, 03:29 PM

I thought you left?

Frozen Sooner
8/26/2009, 03:30 PM
Or something that isn't Racist/traitorous would be nice.

Like a "Don't Tread on Me" flag or a fat guy in a blue suit.

Tuba's avatar doesn't strike me as either traitorous or racist. I don't find it particularly clever either, but he's certainly entitled to use it.

8/26/2009, 03:32 PM
Or something that isn't Racist/traitorous would be nice.

Racist? No. Traitorous? No. Respectful? No.

8/26/2009, 03:33 PM
Fixed. :cool:

8/26/2009, 03:34 PM
Drama? Yes.

8/26/2009, 03:34 PM

I thought you left?I took a brief break for personal reasons.

Tuba's avatar doesn't strike me as either traitorous or racist. I don't find it particularly clever either, but he's certainly entitled to use it.We can agree to disagree. I think it's quite obvious why it falls into both categories.

But Tuba has said many things in the past which fall into both categories, so color me unsurprised.

8/26/2009, 03:35 PM
Tuba's avatar doesn't strike me as either traitorous or racist. I don't find it particularly clever either, but he's certainly entitled to use it.And it was made by an Obama supporter even, or ex-Obama supporter I guess (seems to be a lot of those these days).

8/26/2009, 03:36 PM
Racist? No. Traitorous? No. Respectful? No.A black man in white face? Racist.
Our President equated to a sociopathic, homicidal mass murderer? Traitorous.
Accusing our President of being a Socialist? Simply stupid and inaccurate.

8/26/2009, 03:36 PM
But Tuba has said many things in the past which fall into both categories, so color me unsurprised.Like?

Or does dis-agreeing with Dear Leader now fall into both those categories now?

8/26/2009, 03:37 PM
And it was made by an Obama supporter even, or ex-Obama supporter I guess (seems to be a lot of those these days).Keep telling yourself that when he hands you your *** again in 2012.

8/26/2009, 03:38 PM
Our President equated to a sociopathic, homicidal mass murderer? Traitorous.

So when all those liberals called Bush a Nazi, those were traitors too huh??

8/26/2009, 03:38 PM
Or does dis-agreeing with Dear Leader now fall into both those categories now?Disrespectful and Aggie.

8/26/2009, 03:39 PM
So when all those liberals called Bush a Nazi, those were traitorous statements too huh??Not just traitorous statements...STUPID traitorous statements.

8/26/2009, 03:39 PM
Keep telling yourself that when he hands you your *** again in 2012.We? I thought you were a Republican???!?

Or were you making that up too???

OU Adonis
8/26/2009, 03:40 PM
Keep telling yourself that when he hands you your *** again in 2012.

At the rate he is going there is no chance of that happening unless he can really turn stuff around. He his approval is going down faster than Sic'em in prison.

8/26/2009, 03:40 PM
A black man in white face? Racist.

I ask again. How else are you going to portray a black man as The Joker?

Our President equated to a sociopathic, homicidal mass murderer? Traitorous.

A fictional one.

Accusing our President of being a Socialist? Simply stupid and inaccurate.

Yeah, he's more communistic?

Frozen Sooner
8/26/2009, 03:40 PM
A black man in white face? Racist.
Our President equated to a sociopathic, homicidal mass murderer? Traitorous.
Accusing our President of being a Socialist? Simply stupid and inaccurate.

1. That's a hard argument to make, since the obvious intent is to compare him to the Joker, who wore white face paint. I don't see a real race undertone there.

2. Simple name-calling isn't traitorous. The framers were VERY careful to ensure that the President was NOT the sovereign.

3. Well, yeah, but if the standard for taking things down was "stupid and inaccurate" I'd barely be able to post.

OU Adonis
8/26/2009, 03:40 PM
We? I thought you were a Republican???!?

Or were you making that up too???

He Republican in name only.

8/26/2009, 03:41 PM
Not just traitorous statements...STUPID traitorous statements.So when you called Bush a nazi once, does that mean you were being traitorous as well???

8/26/2009, 03:41 PM
Anybody who thinks that Obama or W is anything like Hitler is an idiot or they are being intentionally obtuse.

Frozen Sooner
8/26/2009, 03:42 PM
Anybody who thinks that Obama or W is anything like Hitler is an idiot or they are being intentionally obtuse.

Do you categorically deny that all three of them had feet? If not, you're an idiot or being intentionally obtuse. ;)

8/26/2009, 03:42 PM
At the rate he is going there is no chance of that happening unless he can really turn stuff around. He his approval is going down faster than Sic'em in prison.And if the rumors are true about Panetta and Clinton jumping ship, its not going to be pretty either.

OU Adonis
8/26/2009, 03:43 PM
Do you categorically deny that all three of them had feet? If not, you're an idiot or being intentionally obtuse. ;)

Hitler had 3 feet? WTF!


8/26/2009, 03:44 PM
We? I thought you were a Republican???!?

Or were you making that up too???I am.

You're not.

And your "republicans" will get their asses handed to them again until the Republican Party comes back to life.

So when you called Bush a nazi once, does that mean you were being traitorous as well???If I did, then yes, I was.

I ask again. How else are you going to portray a black man as The Joker?
Easy, you DON'T.

A fictional one.You're still calling him a sociopathic mass murderer. That's the intent. Unless you think that the Joker was for Socialism. :rolleyes:

Yeah, he's more communistic?:rolleyes:

Now you're just being stupid.

8/26/2009, 03:45 PM
The current "republicans" are republican in name only.

8/26/2009, 03:51 PM
Well LAS, you've at least proven that you are really an actor, at least when it comes to pretending to be a republican.

8/26/2009, 03:52 PM
Oh how fast the people forget how laughable the dems were before Obama caught fire and now look, Obama is the incredible shrinking man.

The Obama/Joker thing is in no way racist and if you think it is you are an oversensitive twit, those who think that is racist probably also thought it was racist when Lebron posed for a magazine with a white girl in his arms and everyone was saying he was being compared to King Kong.

Obama keeps wading in that deep water he will eventually fall in and Im not so sure his party will be there to save him.

8/26/2009, 03:54 PM
Maybe I will just re-color the pic to something more appropriate, like a nice communist red, panzy *** pink, or **** in your pants scared yellow??? :)

8/26/2009, 03:58 PM
BTW LAS, Obama isnt black, he is half black and half white so please explain to me how coloring his face white for the Joker is racist again?

8/26/2009, 03:58 PM
Well LAS, you've at least proven that you are really an actor, at least when it comes to pretending to be a republican.

It's so sad that that's the best you can come up with, Tuba.

8/26/2009, 04:00 PM
How about a "This is stupid ****" forum?

Someone starts a thread equating Bush/Obama to Hitler...BOOM...it's moved to the Stupid **** forum.

Someone starts a thread about how MySpace proves that Obama isn't a US citizen...BOOM...it's in the Stupid **** forum.

Someone accuses Bush/Cheney of orchestrating 9/11...BOOM...it's in the Stupid **** forum.

Someone starts a thread calling for us to fire Brent Venables...BOOM...it's in the Stupid **** forum.

Someone starts a thread about how Bob Stoops is gonna leave us to go coach the Browns...BOOM...it's in the Stupid **** forum.

Someone starts a thread talking about failures in Bush/Obama's policies, terrorists trying to attack us, political issues and concerns, questionable play calling from the defense/Kevin Wilson in NC games...THOSE stay where they are.

Works for me.

+ any post by LAS should be moved to this forum also:D

Works for me:D

8/26/2009, 04:00 PM
BTW LAS, Obama isnt black, he is half black and half white so please explain to me how coloring his face white for the Joker is racist again?
Maybe the many black people who were offended and found it racist can.

I'm just a overly sensitive twit.

8/26/2009, 04:03 PM
Like there has never been an instance where a group of people from one race found something racist when we all know it truly wasnt.

I could say you are racist for implying that Hollywood is the home of all the beautiful people and there are far less black people in Hollywood than whites. Just cus someone says it is racist doesnt mean it is actually racist

8/26/2009, 04:03 PM

It's so sad that that's the best you can come up with, Tuba.
Well at least i didn't say you really sucked at it. I was trying to be nice.

OU Adonis
8/26/2009, 04:04 PM
Maybe the many black people who were offended and found it racist can.

I'm just a overly sensitive twit.

I found the movie title "White men can't jump" offensive and racist. So where the producers racist?

8/26/2009, 04:04 PM
+ any post by LAS should be moved to this forum also:D

Works for me:D


8/26/2009, 04:04 PM
I'm just a overly sensitive twit.

Atleast you finally admitted it :D

8/26/2009, 04:07 PM
Another thing LAS, are you implying that the Obama Socialist Joker pic can single handedly hold back the entire black race, cus that is the only way it would be racist. Maybe you meant that it is prejudice or hateful in your view because I know the exact definition of racism and that is not racism

8/26/2009, 04:08 PM
BTW, I think the guy that made the joker posters was black.

8/26/2009, 04:08 PM
Like there has never been an instance where a group of people from one race found something racist when we all know it truly wasnt.

I could say you are racist for implying that Hollywood is the home of all the beautiful people and there are far less black people in Hollywood than whites. Just cus someone says it is racist doesnt mean it is actually racistWhy can't some of you figure out that just because you SAY something isn't racist or SAY that someone is being silly for being offended by something doesn't MAKE it any less offensive or racist?

A black man in white face is racist. Period. Would it have been racist to make Obama the Riddler? No. The Penguin? No. Magneto? No. Would all three of those been pretty idiotic? Yes.

And I'm STILL waiting for SOME clever person to explain to me how The Joker was for Socialism. Please...tie the two together for all of us "unenlightened ones." :pop:

Well at least i didn't say you really sucked at it. I was trying to be nice.Don't be nice to me, Tuba. I have no respect for you whatsoever, so your opinion of me is weightless and your pseudo niceties are disingenuous.

I found the movie title "White men can't jump" offensive and racist. So where the producers racist?Actually, YES. And I agree that it was a racist premise that, if reversed in some way (Red Men Can't Stay Sober, perhaps?), would have drawn justified outrage from minorities.

8/26/2009, 04:09 PM
Another thing LAS, are you implying that the Obama Socialist Joker pic can single handedly hold back the entire black race, cus that is the only way it would be racist. Maybe you meant that it is prejudice or hateful in your view because I know the exact definition of racism and that is not racismI'd grab a dictionary if I were you, Collier, 'cause that ain't the singular qualification for racism vs. prejudice.

8/26/2009, 04:10 PM
and just cus some white dude from LA says its racist doesnt make it racist, why cant you figure that out

8/26/2009, 04:12 PM
I'd grab a dictionary if I were you, Collier, 'cause that ain't the singular qualification for racism vs. prejudice.

Actually there is...Racism is the ability of one race to hold back another race through opressive measures, that picture is not racist

8/26/2009, 04:13 PM
and just cus some white dude from LA says its racist doesnt make it racist, why cant you figure that outIf I were the only one who felt that way...........

Actually there is...Racism is the ability of one race to hold back another race through oppressive measures, by that definition, that picture is completely racist

8/26/2009, 04:14 PM
HA, I will stop drinking if you ever actually admit it when you are wrong

8/26/2009, 04:14 PM

And you guys whine and complain about me, but look how lively I made this thread. 4 pages in about 20 minutes. :D

8/26/2009, 04:15 PM
HA, I will stop drinking if you ever actually admit it when you are wrongI've admitted I was wrong NUMEROUS times on this board.

I'm just not wrong on this one. ;)

8/26/2009, 04:15 PM
Okay. Lunch time. You kids play nice without me.

8/26/2009, 04:26 PM
we will just play intelligent

8/26/2009, 04:37 PM
Okay. Lunch time. You kids play nice without me.

Ahh LAS my feelings would be hurt......if I had any....cause you negged me.

Why LAS are we cross?

You know LAS, if I thought we weren't friends, I just don't think I could bear it.

8/26/2009, 05:03 PM
I thought the "white" was an acid scar or something? Either way, this is a stupid conversation.

8/26/2009, 05:03 PM
So when all those liberals called Bush a Nazi, those were traitors too huh??

I can tell you didnt read the article you ****ing moron.

It essentially says in the article, (in print even!) that the same people who called Bush a Nazi are out of their depth.

And yes, you are even protected if you liken Obama or Bush to Hitler. Yet every time I hear that, it makes me cringe for what it says about our collective propensity for historical amnesia and our retarded capacity for reverence. Once upon a lifetime ago, 6 million people with DNA, names and faces just like you and I, were butchered with gleeful sadism and mechanistic dispatch.

I started this thread to basically say invoking Nazi rhetoric about political candidates is wrong.

Thank you for ****ting all over it. :mad:

8/26/2009, 05:12 PM
I can tell you didnt read the article you ****ing moron.

Thanks for the kind words and all, but I guess you didn't read my post asking where this article was when MoveOn.org, Dick Durbin, etc were going around calling Bush and our troops nazis. Wasn't really commenting about the article's content per se.

8/26/2009, 05:16 PM
Thanks for the kind words and all, but I guess you didn't read my post asking where this article was when MoveOn.org, Dick Durbin, etc were going around calling Bush and our troops nazis. Wasn't really commenting about the article's content per se.


I asked in my first post in the thread to talk about the content of the article.

Not to whine that Bush didnt get the same treatment.

8/26/2009, 05:18 PM
I think what more of the gripe is about is that this crap happened in excess for atleast the last 3 years of GWs presidency and we didnt hear any of the libs defending him but now when it is happening to Obama it is SOOOOO horrible

Not that one is better than the other

8/26/2009, 05:18 PM
Do you think he'll read that? :D

8/26/2009, 05:19 PM
WHO CARES!?I guess only you do, since you keep bringing it up and know one else does.

8/26/2009, 05:20 PM
...Not that one is better than the other

So then can we please quit bitching about who is getting treated unfairly, and perhaps talk about the questions in my first post?

8/26/2009, 05:21 PM
but now when it is happening to Obama it is SOOOOO horrible

Very hypocritical, as most "progressives" tend to be.

8/26/2009, 05:21 PM
I guess only you do, since you keep bringing it up and know one else does.

You're the one that brought it up for four pages, before I came back to look at the thread to see you and LAS having a pissing match all over it.

8/26/2009, 05:22 PM
So then can we please quit bitching about who is getting treated unfairly, and perhaps talk about the questions in my first post?

Im not bitchin about anything Frag, just trying to clear up the argument that will never be settled between you and Tuba :D

8/26/2009, 05:26 PM
I think what more of the gripe is about is that this crap happened in excess for atleast the last 3 years of GWs presidency and we didnt hear any of the libs defending him but now when it is happening to Obama it is SOOOOO horrible

Not that one is better than the otherIn fairness, people have been calling groups they disagreed with Nazis well before W, and will well after Obama. I think it's patently stupid when anybody does it. I also fondly remember Tuba accusing those who disagreed with the president as treasonous, I guess he forgot to qualify that. Good times.

Crucifax Autumn
8/26/2009, 05:33 PM
Is it weird that I have a boner right now?

8/26/2009, 05:34 PM
Crux hates America...


Crucifax Autumn
8/26/2009, 05:37 PM
America is great. It's the Americans I take issue with! lol

8/26/2009, 05:39 PM
So it isnt the Americans that give you a Boner?

OU Adonis
8/26/2009, 05:40 PM
Is it weird that I have a boner right now?

So, do you like Gladiator Movies?

8/26/2009, 05:40 PM
How about a "This is stupid ****" forum?

Someone starts a thread equating Bush/Obama to Hitler...BOOM...it's moved to the Stupid **** forum.

Someone starts a thread about how MySpace proves that Obama isn't a US citizen...BOOM...it's in the Stupid **** forum.

Someone accuses Bush/Cheney of orchestrating 9/11...BOOM...it's in the Stupid **** forum.

Someone starts a thread calling for us to fire Brent Venables...BOOM...it's in the Stupid **** forum.

Someone starts a thread about how Bob Stoops is gonna leave us to go coach the Browns...BOOM...it's in the Stupid **** forum.

Someone starts a thread talking about failures in Bush/Obama's policies, terrorists trying to attack us, political issues and concerns, questionable play calling from the defense/Kevin Wilson in NC games...THOSE stay where they are.

Works for me.

LAS post in a thread...BOOM...it's in the Stupid **** forum.

8/26/2009, 05:40 PM
A black man in white face is racist. Period.

I think you're confusing historical acting in blackface.

Would it have been racist to make Obama the Riddler? No. The Penguin? No. Magneto? No.

Does the Riddler wear white face makeup? No. Magneto? No. The Penguin? That's arguable. In the original TV series there was no makeup but in the movies The Penguin wore heavy black and white makeup. I'm guessing probably because penguins are black and white.

And I'm STILL waiting for SOME clever person to explain to me how The Joker was for Socialism. Please...tie the two together for all of us "unenlightened ones." :pop:

It's hard to explain art to the unenlightened.


And you guys whine and complain about me, but look how lively I made this thread. 4 pages in about 20 minutes. :D

I've seen a cow poop a stack of **** 2 feet high. It was impressive. However, it was still ****.

Crucifax Autumn
8/26/2009, 05:48 PM
So, do you like Gladiator Movies?

What's the point? There are bloodier battles right here on the board.


8/26/2009, 05:52 PM
Ahh LAS my feelings would be hurt......if I had any....cause you negged me.

Why LAS are we cross?

You know LAS, if I thought we weren't friends, I just don't think I could bear it.

P.S. Yep n00b is usually a threat to the Status quo

8/26/2009, 05:56 PM
Is it weird that I have a boner right now?

Happens to me all the time.

OU Adonis
8/26/2009, 05:58 PM
What's the point? There are bloodier battles right here on the board.


Airplane quote

"Captain Oveur (http://www.soonerfans.com/name/nm0336335/): Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? "

8/26/2009, 05:58 PM
Did he really pull out the n00b card?

8/26/2009, 06:07 PM

On a Troll, no less.

8/26/2009, 06:16 PM
This post was a day late and a dollar short, as usual. - LAS

Weak attempt but since you have not posted for a few days I will overlook it. :D

8/26/2009, 06:23 PM
Whining about spek is lame...and is against board rules. - LAS

I missed your whining about me posting your whinings. :D

8/26/2009, 06:27 PM

On a Troll, no less.

And I guess the only difference is one is a veteran troll.

"It's hard to explain art to the unenlightened?" Really? LOL Wow. You just get more and more worthless, you know that? - LAS

Have you ever tried?

8/26/2009, 06:29 PM

Wow, you guys sure cry and whine a lot.

I never realized it was so easy to manipulate grown men.



8/26/2009, 06:31 PM
Whining about spek is lame...and against board rules. - LAS

And I never knew it was so easy to get you so riled. :D

8/26/2009, 06:32 PM

Wow, you guys sure cry and whine a lot.

I never realized it was so easy to manipulate grown men.



Ha. The irony.

8/26/2009, 06:33 PM
Since martin is gone, I have to ask the question. Did the board improve 10 fold? Ummmmmm I don't know. Maybe a 3 or 4 fold increase but not quite a 10 fold increase.

8/26/2009, 06:34 PM
:les:I SAID DANCE!!!!!!!!

8/26/2009, 06:35 PM
Since martin is gone, I have to ask the question. Did the board improve 10 fold? Ummmmmm I don't know. Maybe a 3 or 4 fold increase but not quite a 10 fold increase.Martin is probably just posting more *ahem* ENLIGHTENING photos of his wife over on Picassa. :texan:

8/26/2009, 06:38 PM
i like martin

8/26/2009, 06:39 PM
Whining about spek is lame...and against board rules. - LAS

You keep sending them and I'll keep posting them. :D

8/26/2009, 06:41 PM
*ahem* ENLIGHTENING photos of his wife

Okay that one I don't get? :confused:

8/26/2009, 06:42 PM
i got him on ignore list, he just gives me a headache and kills brain cells

8/26/2009, 08:41 PM
Whining about spek is lame...and against board rules. - LAS

Second verse same as the first........I'm Henry the Eight I am......... :D

Curly Bill
8/26/2009, 08:45 PM
It seems LAS has returned with a vengeance. :D

...but at least he didn't change his act. ;)

8/26/2009, 08:50 PM
Whining about spek is lame...and is against board rules. - LAS

I missed your whining about me posting your whinings. :D

I've got that exact spek three times. His cut and paste skills are legendary.

8/26/2009, 09:14 PM
Is it weird that I have a boner right now?


starclassic tama
8/26/2009, 09:40 PM
closest living person to hitler is oklahomatuba

8/26/2009, 09:45 PM
sometimes its ok to leave the stupid sh*t to someone else

8/26/2009, 09:46 PM
closest living person to hitler is oklahomatuba

personal attack.

8/26/2009, 10:01 PM
coexist bitches.

sooner ngintunr
8/26/2009, 10:25 PM
even nazis need love

8/26/2009, 11:31 PM
It seems LAS has returned with a vengeance. :D

...but at least he didn't change his act. ;)If it ain't broke, don't fix it. :texan:

8/26/2009, 11:42 PM
If it ain't Brokeback, don't fix it. :texan:

Fixed it for you.

Oh yeah..............

Whining about spek is lame...and against board rules. - LAS

That's pretty LAmeasS if you ask me. :D

8/27/2009, 02:21 AM
And if the rumors are true about Panetta and Clinton jumping ship, its not going to be pretty either.

Panetta has surprised me in a good way. I figured he was an outside the agency political hack sent in to destroy the clandestine service and cripple its ability to do all sorts of nasty things overseas to our enemies. He has really gone to bat for his agency in a way that I would never have guessed.

It could also be that he took the job with the assurances that he wasn't going to get caught in the middle of a political witch hunt at Langley and the Administration changed its mind because of the bad press over healthcare.

I think it's a little from column A and a little from column B.

8/27/2009, 05:18 AM
The only way Bush or Obama could be anywhere near Hitler is if they made the trains run on time.

8/27/2009, 06:19 AM
Whining about spek is lame...and against board rules. - LAS

Try to think of something new and fresh. :D

8/27/2009, 08:42 AM
I don't think Obama is like the Nazis. He's more like a Marxist, in true Saul Alinsky (the original "community organizer" mode.

8/27/2009, 09:18 AM
closest living person to hitler is oklahomatubaThanks!

8/27/2009, 09:22 AM
Panetta has surprised me in a good way. I figured he was an outside the agency political hack sent in to destroy the clandestine service and cripple its ability to do all sorts of nasty things overseas to our enemies. He has really gone to bat for his agency in a way that I would never have guessed.Agreed! Guy seems to be trying to stand up for those folks. He gets my thanks for that!

I'm very eager to find out if Obama will be calling on the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks to take the stand against our CIA agents once they get this witch hunt to court???

Maybe Osama Bin Laden can be Holder's surprise witness!!

8/27/2009, 12:06 PM
I'm very eager to find out if Obama will be calling on the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks to take the stand against our CIA agents once they get this witch hunt to court???

Maybe Osama Bin Laden can be Holder's surprise witness!!

Deep Thoughts by Tuba.

The Remnant
8/27/2009, 01:55 PM
Obama's favorability rating is disappearing like a fart in the wind.

8/27/2009, 02:53 PM
I started this thread to basically say invoking Nazi rhetoric about political candidates is wrong. :mad:

And political candidates (Nancy Pelosi) invoking Nazi rhetoric (Swasitka carrying town hall attendees) is somehow right? :confused: :confused:

8/27/2009, 03:02 PM
People really need to get their European political ideologies straight.

8/27/2009, 03:03 PM
And political candidates (Nancy Pelosi) invoking Nazi rhetoric (Swasitka carrying town hall attendees) is somehow right? :confused: :confused:Of course it is. Its only when conservatives do it when it becomes a problem.

Thats the reason this article came out now, and not before Obama was elected.

8/27/2009, 03:04 PM
And political candidates (Nancy Pelosi) invoking Nazi rhetoric (Swasitka carrying town hall attendees) is somehow right? :confused: :confused:

And where did I ever say that? :confused:

She's an idiot too.

8/27/2009, 04:49 PM
Whining about spek is lame...and against board rules. - LAS

Nothing new? :D

Curly Bill
8/27/2009, 05:52 PM
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. :texan:

I didn't say it wasn't broke. ;)

8/27/2009, 06:02 PM
Why can't some of you figure out that just because you SAY something isn't racist or SAY that someone is being silly for being offended by something doesn't MAKE it any less offensive or racist?

A black man in white face is racist. Period. Would it have been racist to make Obama the Riddler? No. The Penguin? No. Magneto? No. Would all three of those been pretty idiotic? Yes.

And I'm STILL waiting for SOME clever person to explain to me how The Joker was for Socialism. Please...tie the two together for all of us "unenlightened ones." :pop:

Don't be nice to me, Tuba. I have no respect for you whatsoever, so your opinion of me is weightless and your pseudo niceties are disingenuous.

Actually, YES. And I agree that it was a racist premise that, if reversed in some way (Red Men Can't Stay Sober, perhaps?), would have drawn justified outrage from minorities.

Magneto wasn't in any of the batman series.... your argument holds no value! ;)

i do ask this though... if the poster would have been made to portray nobama as a clown--face painted white and all-- would that have been racist? if i were in a sense calling obama a "clown" that's my opinion. but how many clowns do you see walking around with black face paint? its not a race thing, its just the generally accepted outfit/make-up for a clown. it is simply used to get my point accross.

the left has a habit of throwing around the race card....funny how white leftists like to tell everyone else what is racist and what isn't. are you a black man? have you been oppressed by anyone? if you had been, then maybe your taking offense to the picture would hold value. however, until science finds a way to genetically alter your DNA to where you turn into a black man, don't go around critizing others where you have no personal experience.

here's what i find more disappointing...white leftist hollywood types adopting black babies from other countries in order to bolster their image as non-racist, accepting person, all in an attempt to gain popularity with their fans, thus using said support to launch a platform to help campaign for other liberals...

my two cents.

8/27/2009, 06:12 PM
Magneto wasn't in any of the batman series.... your argument holds no value! ;)

i do ask this though... if the poster would have been made to portray nobama as a clown--face painted white and all-- would that have been racist? if i were in a sense calling obama a "clown" that's my opinion. but how many clowns do you see walking around with black face paint? its not a race thing, its just the generally accepted outfit/make-up for a clown. it is simply used to get my point accross.

the left has a habit of throwing around the race card....funny how white leftists like to tell everyone else what is racist and what isn't. are you a black man? have you been oppressed by anyone? if you had been, then maybe your taking offense to the picture would hold value. however, until science finds a way to genetically alter your DNA to where you turn into a black man, don't go around critizing others where you have no personal experience.

here's what i find more disappointing...white leftist hollywood types adopting black babies from other countries in order to bolster their image as non-racist, accepting person, all in an attempt to gain popularity with their fans, thus using said support to launch a platform to help campaign for other liberals...

my two cents.

Good points. However, you totally wasted your time trying to convice LAS. You might as well try to **** up a rope.

8/27/2009, 09:25 PM
Martin is probably just posting more *ahem* ENLIGHTENING photos of his wife over on Picassa. :texan: