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8/24/2009, 08:23 AM
The Pokes have a new intro video song. It can be listened to here. (http://www.johnmartinlive.com/) It was apparently written by a former Baylor athlete, heh... who happens to be the son of an OSU associate athletic director. Read about him here. (http://www.tulsaworld.com/sportsextra/OSU/article.aspx?subjectid=93&articleid=20090823_93_B1_JohnMa994991)

Nike has also apparently taken over the "Cowboys 4Ever" theme of the song and Nikeized it.. you can see the end result here.

Of course, OP is melting down over this to the tune of 30 pages. (http://www.orangepower.com/showthread.php?t=73044) They also ran some poll where they all basically said their ears were bleeding here. (http://www.orangepower.com/showthread.php?t=73399)

I think we'd all agree here that we wouldn't want the song for our own intro if you replaced "Cowboys" with "Sooners" and upped the football stats a little, but I can't help but feel bad for the guy behind the song... and come on, OSU. The song might not be as awesome as our Contender theme, but at least they took out the cows mooing this year.

CK Sooner
8/24/2009, 08:28 AM
Is that going to be on the soundtrack for Brokeback Mountain 2?


8/24/2009, 09:15 AM
It sounds like contemporary christian music.

8/24/2009, 09:16 AM
I just read through the 30-page thread so none of you have to. There's nothing out of the ordinary... a lot of Poke whining that would make any of their previous post-loss meltdown threads jealous.

OU has had their share of so-so Sooner songs... the OU Bounce is not something that will ever go in a pregame intro video. "Who Let the Sooners Out?" is something that probably only still gets played as a joke.

Still, I think all of this attention - these preseason top ten rankings, the SI cover, etc. etc. - has led to some OSU fans to a little bit too much... um... hmmm... d00shbaggery?

So anyways, maybe the Pokes should just have to endure another season of cow mooing noises to make them appreciate that a songwriter would create an OSU-specific song that was supposed to instill pride in their university. Better yet, maybe the Pokes should have to endure another non-bowl losing season to make them appreciate the situation they're in. :D

8/24/2009, 09:22 AM
My Favorite sooner song.


8/24/2009, 09:32 AM
"other considered"...
Good one, poke. :D

8/24/2009, 09:35 AM
Texas A&M has a bad @$$ rap song abuot them. The singers even buckle their seat belts in their truck!

8/24/2009, 09:37 AM
Your MK rap link reminded me of something...

I thought it was really cool a few years ago... 2002 or 2003... when we visited Boulder and CU played the video of their football team singing the school song in the locker room after beating Texas for the Big 12 championship.

It was also cool when McCoy dressed up as the horsepig and danced on SS.com to get students to buy tickets.

Maybe the Pokes would have gotten the song over better if they had football players singing along? Maybe that's their plan all along and OP et al aren't giving OSU the chance to make things right?

:D Not saying that OSU has a very good track record of making stuff right.

RFH Shakes
8/24/2009, 10:09 AM
I really like this part...
"Early on in the pre-production stage of the project, I thought about one of the many facets that makes OSU different, Pistol Pete."

This from wikipedia...
"Pistol Pete is the athletics mascot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mascot) of Oklahoma State University (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_State_University_-_Stillwater), New Mexico State University (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Mexico_State_University) and the University of Wyoming (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Wyoming)."

Pretty unique there, osu.:D

8/24/2009, 10:13 AM
Well, as long as you mention the other two, here are the Pete imposters. First, from New Mexico State, shown here fighting with the Utah State mascot...
And another, for what was probably a breast cancer awareness game... or a bet lost...
Next, Wyoming's version...
OSU should take tips from their fellow Pistol Pete schools on how to prevent paint chipage from the chin area :D

8/24/2009, 10:17 AM
[hairGel] !!!!

8/24/2009, 10:38 AM
osu is the Joe Cocker of college sports,all they can do is copy others.

8/24/2009, 10:43 AM
Well, as long as you mention the other two, here are the Pete imposters. First, from New Mexico State, shown here fighting with the Utah State mascot...
And another, for what was probably a breast cancer awareness game... or a bet lost...
Next, Wyoming's version...
OSU should take tips from their fellow Pistol Pete schools on how to prevent paint chipage from the chin area :D

Chin Nutz....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8/24/2009, 12:19 PM

8/24/2009, 12:19 PM

CK Sooner
8/24/2009, 12:22 PM


8/24/2009, 12:24 PM

^^^It's Stunned Aggie!^^^

8/24/2009, 12:24 PM

Double post, couldn't delete it.


CK Sooner
8/24/2009, 12:25 PM

^^^It's Stunned Aggie!^^^

Is that french?


8/24/2009, 01:03 PM
Let us never underappreciate our marketing in Norman.

CK Sooner
8/24/2009, 01:16 PM
Seriously though....how is that going to be there intro....

8/24/2009, 08:38 PM
From your Nike link....this could give a little poke fan nightmares


Ok, they are both bad


8/25/2009, 09:52 AM
Ja... and here is the OSU take on the Big 12 "family"

Baylor - Baylor is like the youngest half-cousin at your family reunion. Everybody sees him sitting quietly and playing with Duplo blocks in the corner, but nobody's really sure who he belongs to or what he's doing there.

Colorado - That eccentric uncle that the family refers to only in vague whispers... You know he's alive, you know he's family, and you know he might or might not smoke a lot of weed with that bohemian girl he picked up at Woodstock. The original Woodstock. In 1969.

Iowa State - The great grandmother who has been lying in comatose for a decade now. Occasionally she squeezes your hand and shows signs of life, but in your heart, you know she's never going to emerge from it. In all actuality, it'd probably be easier for the family just to pull the plug.

Kansas - KU is that cousin who just irritates you to the point that you start disliking him, then he takes you out for a beer and you can't help but forgive him for it.

Kansas State - Kansas State is the little brother who just tries so gosh darn hard, but just can't seem to figure out a way to do anything without screwing it up.

Missouri - Missouri is your cousin who talks a big game, goes to the gym constantly and wears nothing but Affliction shirts. He thinks he's a badass, but every one knows he's just a giant toolbag.

Nebraska - Nebraska is your grandfather. Nice guy. Always takes the family to dinner and never expects anyone else to pick up the tab. Lived quite a life and still enjoys bingo night at the local VFW, but his best days are probably behind him.

Oklahoma - OU is the older brother who, despite his efforts, has caused the family nothing but embarrassment. Mommy and Daddy say they still love him, but their words sound hollow these days. OU keeps saying he's up for a promotion, but secretly, everybody knows he'll never get that manager position at McDonald's because he can't pass a **** test. Mommy and Daddy aren't angry. They're just very, very disappointed and hurt.

Oklahoma State - OSU is the All-American boy. Kind to childern and old ladies, always does his best, even if he sometimes falls a little short.

Texas - Texas is your rich uncle who shows up in a new Corvette, clad in a Tommy Bahama shirt and Jesus sandals. He chews cigars, but never lights them. He thinks the rest of the family cares when he tells stories about Little Jimmy's exploits at Harvard and Little Suzy's adventures in France, but really, everybody thinks he's a prick.

Texas A&M - A&M. What to say about A&M... You tried to warn your cousin that the path he was taking might lead to bad things, but he just wouldn't listen. Now, he's a member of a dog-worshiping cult. You just pray that someday, he'll escape the Aggie Compound and become a normal, productive member of society once more.

Texas Tech - Your cousin, Tech, was last seen speeding westward down I-10 toward Juarez, fueled by copious amounts of cocaine and alcohol. Police aren't sure if the women they saw in his backseat are hostages or hookers he picked up somewhere outside Fort Hancock, but one thing is certain - he's an embarrassment to the family and everybody wishes he'd just go away.

I don't know how winning the conference virtually every year since the Big 12 formed equates to almost being promoted to McDonald's manager, but I'm sure the joke ends in either the phrase "We're a team on the rise!" or "We won a million wrestling championships!" :rolleyes:

I only found that at OP here (http://www.orangepower.com/showthread.php?t=73458) when I wanted to find an update on how everyone like the 4ever song... it seems after initial outcry, they've accepted that the Springsteen thingie is gonna be their song even if they don't like it.

:D Kind of like how they accept that OU > OSU in football even if they don't like it???

8/25/2009, 10:00 AM
Ja... and here is the OSU take on the Big 12 "family"

I don't know how winning the conference virtually every year since the Big 12 formed equates to almost being promoted to McDonald's manager, but I'm sure the joke ends in either the phrase "We're a team on the rise!" or "We won a million wrestling championships!" :rolleyes:

I only found that at OP here (http://www.orangepower.com/showthread.php?t=73458) when I wanted to find an update on how everyone like the 4ever song... it seems after initial outcry, they've accepted that the Springsteen thingie is gonna be their song even if they don't like it.

:D Kind of like how they accept that OU > OSU in football even if they don't like it???

10 out of 12 of those are dead on.

8/25/2009, 12:31 PM
10 out of 12 of those are dead on.

Let me guess which two :D

Also, OSU just surpassed the great 41,592 landmark... by selling 41,593 season tickets. (http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=93&articleid=20090825_93_0_AsofTu349350)

Coming up next: Why offseason is still looming. :pop:

8/25/2009, 02:11 PM
"other considered"...
Good one, poke. :D

:P I see you had an extra helping of the Obama Koolaid! Best of luck to ya. That hopey changey thing is going down in flames.