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6/30/2009, 12:23 PM
Interesting...it show's there's a mind behind those eyes--something we've been missing at the White House for eight years.

6/30/2009, 09:10 PM
Interesting...it show's there's a mind behind those eyes--something we've been missing at the White House for eight years.

Yeah, there's a mind behind those eyes all right. A mind securely in the mold of Saul Alinsky. Feel better now?

7/8/2009, 03:57 PM
Mikeelikee wrote:

"Yeah, there's a mind behind those eyes all right. A mind securely in the mold of Saul Alinsky. Feel better now?"

Alinsky? Nah. I just thank God it's light years from Bush. So, as a matter of fact, I do feel better now. Thanks for askin'.

Nice work on the farks, though.

8/18/2009, 02:55 PM

"Rules for Radicals" is a far cry, although the GOP has been screaming a similar line since 1932, sorta like gravy on their mainstay Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin comparisons. And Obama ain't a 60's cat.

You can read about it with every Democrat in the White House, even a few Republicans (I'm neither, by the way). The nation heard it all back in '61, when we were also on the path toward socialism. Of course, the result was Medicare, one of the most effective and enduring of federal programs.

I doubt that fear tactics, misinformation, name-calling, finger-pointing will always work. Sadly, they are the only skills the Republicans have left, easily stirring up fringe elements and probably leading to tragic violence. A national health care plan was needed ages ago, but we're doing all we can to protect our beloved insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc.

We will always be a free enterprise nation. Saul Alinsky's b.s. won't change that. Meanwile, b.s. from Hannity, Savage, Beck or Limbaugh won't fly for anyone with a brain, nor will the brownshirt approach they're cheering on at town hall meetings.

Let's both read a little more, eh, pal?

8/19/2009, 05:06 PM
Let's both read a little more, eh, pal?
New York Times? No thanks.

8/20/2009, 02:02 PM
First off you should do some reading sometime. "Rules For Radicals" is exactly what the president is following with the stimulus, the auto bailout, healthcare and soon with a cap and trade system. You create a crisis where there is none and because citizens would never stand for a revolution, you takeover one program at a time. If you actually read it you would know this as the comparisons are obvious.

Secondly, Medicare is not an effective program at all. The very fact that you would think medicare is a great program tells me that you know nothing other than what you are repeating from the evening news. As the head of the Mayo Clinic wrote a few weeks ago, Medicare only pays a percentage of the actual costs for a patient. The hospitals are forced to pass the unpaid costs onto the rest of us to make up for the money they lose on medicare patients. As a result, we pay more and the insurance companies are forced to raise their rates.

Thirdly, telling the truth is not equivalent to fear tactics, misinformation, name-calling or finger-pointing; it is simply putting the facts out there. The facts speak for themselves. We have the greatest health care system in the world, period. Government run healthcare is either a failure or is far inferior to our system everywhere in the world that it is tried. Just yesterday, there were several articles on how the Canadian system is imploding. I say don't ruin the greatest system in the world. We must target the 15% of Americans who don't have insurance. It is lunacy to change the entire system instead of targeting those who need help. Conservatives have a plan for doing this and put their plans out before the Democrats started talking about their takeover. These plans can be found if you look hard enough because the media will not talk about them. The plans includs tort reform, keeping insurance companies from denying coverage for preexisting conditions, promoting competition, etc.

Fourthly, government run anything doesn't work. Medicare, medicaid, and social security will all be broke within a few years. The post office is losing billions of dollars this year. Amtrak has been propped up by the government for 30 years and is still losing money. Enough said!

Fifthly, fringe elements aren't involved in this uproar (unless you count the union members who are showing up to meetings and causing trouble). Polls consistently show that the American People are against any government run plan. Conservatives do not advocate violence nor has their been any at the townhalls (except the violence by union members in St. Louis). Also, noone is trying to protect pharmaceutical or insurance companies, we are trying to protect the health and well being of American citizens.


"Rules for Radicals" is a far cry, although the GOP has been screaming a similar line since 1932, sorta like gravy on their mainstay Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin comparisons. And Obama ain't a 60's cat.

You can read about it with every Democrat in the White House, even a few Republicans (I'm neither, by the way). The nation heard it all back in '61, when we were also on the path toward socialism. Of course, the result was Medicare, one of the most effective and enduring of federal programs.

I doubt that fear tactics, misinformation, name-calling, finger-pointing will always work. Sadly, they are the only skills the Republicans have left, easily stirring up fringe elements and probably leading to tragic violence. A national health care plan was needed ages ago, but we're doing all we can to fear tactics, misinformation, name-calling, finger-pointing
We will always be a free enterprise nation. Saul Alinsky's b.s. won't change that. Meanwile, b.s. from Hannity, Savage, Beck or Limbaugh won't fly for anyone with a brain, nor will the brownshirt approach they're cheering on at town hall meetings.

Let's both read a little more, eh, pal?

8/20/2009, 04:05 PM
Geez, Rooner, you might read "Rules for Radicals" and ask yourself who's applying it. Not Obama, but the companies, their lobbyists, their talking points and their apparently effective use of disinformation. Apparently, all of which you embrace. You appeared smarter than that. You are right in one sense, however, the comparisons are truly obvious, just not by the side you suggested.

The President and both political parties acted to bail out corporations, a desperate but necessary move at the time. Even Bush pushed for federal bailouts. Obama acted against the problems he inherited, and congress went along. Considering 1929, I hate to think where we'd be had the leadership done nothing.

Who's not doing their reading?

Your conservatives do have a health plan. It's called, "No, we can't." They're not contributing squat, which is disappointing for folks like me who want to see ideas on the table and compromise--all of which create better legislation. Just Wednesday, they declared they're not going to the table.

You can find, I'm sure, articles produced about failures in Canadian or U.K programs. You can find thousands more about failures in our own system. We have rationing, but by insurance companies. We have assigned doctors, but by insurance companies. We have people dying because they get dropped when they're in need of, God help 'em, catastrphic care. Pre-existing conditions? No need to go there.

Medicare works, but society is aging. As people on it whether they prefer the alternative. The postal service? Well, we're emailing, now aren't we? We could privatize that, but what's the price of a letter, $2.00, $5.00?

"...fringe elements aren't involved in this uproar." C'mon, laddie...you can't possibly believe that. Either you're fooled by the organized lobbying and recruiting efforts, or you're part of them. Not avocating violence? Oh, brother...The Timothy McVey's of our world are watching, believe me.

The anti-government mantra is an interesting thing, usually chanted by those seeking power--by controlling the government, of course. They first, however, must achieve mind-control, i.e. the "Rules for Radicals" program. Interestingly, it seems to be working best when applied to southern white males. Dick Armey loves it.

8/21/2009, 01:56 PM
I doubt that fear tactics, misinformation, name-calling, finger-pointing will always work. Sadly, they are the only skills the Republicans have left, easily stirring up fringe elements and probably leading to tragic violence. A national health care plan was needed ages ago, but we're doing all we can to protect our beloved insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc.

....... b.s. from Hannity, Savage, Beck or Limbaugh won't fly for anyone with a brain, nor will the brownshirt approach they're cheering on at town hall meetings.

Let's both read a little more, eh, pal?

You gotta be kidding me. Fear tactics and misinformation are precisely what put Obama, Pelosi, etc, in power.

In true lib high brow fashion, it's good to see you added in the, "If you don't agree, you obviously have no brain!"

Obama ran on "Hope" and "Change" with no real facts supporting anything.

"Senator Obama, how do you feel about Iran threatening to blow Israel off the map?"

"Good question. First, let me talk to you about health care. By the way, the policies of the last 8 years got us in this mess. Now, everyone has a right to healthcare."

"You never answered my question."

"Now now, let me talk."


What a joke. The only good thing about Dems having absolute power right now is they have no more excuses.

Animal Mother
8/25/2009, 04:45 PM
You gotta be kidding me. Fear tactics and misinformation are precisely what put Obama, Pelosi, etc, in power.

In true lib high brow fashion, it's good to see you added in the, "If you don't agree, you obviously have no brain!"

Obama ran on "Hope" and "Change" with no real facts supporting anything.

"Senator Obama, how do you feel about Iran threatening to blow Israel off the map?"

"Good question. First, let me talk to you about health care. By the way, the policies of the last 8 years got us in this mess. Now, everyone has a right to healthcare."

"You never answered my question."

"Now now, let me talk."


What a joke. The only good thing about Dems having absolute power right now is they have no more excuses.

Keeriest! Who put this record on again?

I Am Right
9/21/2009, 02:49 PM
Interesting...it show's there's a mind behind those eyes--something we've been missing at the White House for eight years.

You Sir are a, never mind.

9/29/2009, 02:14 AM
Who let the Political B-Team get a thread? :rolleyes:

9/29/2009, 07:22 AM
Seriously... If I stumble into a political thread this early in the morning on accident, and still feel like one of the smartest people on the thread, then it's a slap fight and not a political discussion, anyway...

The real problem is that everybody's become so brainwashed by the alleged two-party system that they actually think that there's some difference between Republican and Democratic policy right now. It's just a change in who's pulling the triggers...
