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View Full Version : Speaking of intelligence in LA

8/20/2009, 10:57 PM

Just what many have known and from personal experience is finally being confirmed on national TV. She earns how much?????????????????

8/21/2009, 12:50 AM
There's too many 0's in her bank account!

Viking Kitten
8/21/2009, 11:38 AM
Just curious, did you actually watch the video? Cuz, you know, she keeps making reference to the fact that she's NOT from L.A., that she's from Middle America, where people are smarter. Or so she says. Kind of odd that you would frame the thread the way you did.

BTW, politically, that particular actress is one of yours.

Scott D
8/21/2009, 11:44 AM
actually what's more amusing is someone who is proud to live near Austin would pick on someone in California.