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8/10/2009, 10:34 PM
I am not looking for sympathy or anything like that just so you know. I am very thankful for all of the kind words every sent me in my time of need. Since my mother passed away in April there have been a lot of firsts. Ther was the first baseball game my mother was not at...the first holiday we had with out her. My birthday was the first in my family without her. There will be many many firsts this year.

My mother always made away game days amazing. I remember last year someone posted a game day menu thread and I posted all of things my mom would put together for me(because I am the biggest sooner fan in my fam) the rest of the fam and my buddies. She made nachos like it was some kind of mosaic art piece! One time she and my sister put together a bedlam party package when I got to the house on the living room table was a cake that was divided in half a bucket of beer and every kind of pop you can think of! She made every away game amazing like it was a holiday every Saturday.

This first year I got a parking pass for the TG I did not have the money to get one but she made sure I got it. That is the way she was for all of her children. She made sure that we always had the newest and best of anything we wanted. I don't know what the hell I am going to do this year for away games. The last couple of years I have spent a few games with my buddies at their homes and now that I look back on it, I feel terrible. I know it took some stress off of her and she was able to do more things with my dad but she loved to make football days awesome for me. I miss her more than anything and it is almost like I am lost without her! I want the season to come but I am not looking forward to that first away game when there's no nachos or any beers but mainly there will be no my mom! Sorry to be such a downer but it is tough when really have no one to talk to about this.

On a happier note! Last year I made a thread about sitting in the student section all those rules still apply! CHEER LOUD, STEP ON YOUR OWN SEAT NOT ON THE ONE IN FRONT OF YOU, GET DRUNK, IF YOU ARE A GIRL DRESS SLUTTY, DON'T DO THE WAIVING WHEAT and DON'T BE A NOT STRAIT PERSON!

As for my outlook on this season! This is another year to make a good run. I think we have a LSU type set up but with a better offense! If the O does its job then we will ride the D-line to a NC game and hopfully the Crystal Ball! LSU did it and we can do it! We have the best d-line in the country and I think that will be the the key to our success! We have awesome depth and they will pressure QB's enough to make sure we have the edge in any gun battles we get into. This schedule is awesome and it is going to be exciting to watch, win or lose.

I know I have been a dummy in the passed and I am sorry. I know I would not want my players or the fans of any team I coach to say the things I have said in he passed. I will try to be a better representative of the Sooner Nation! Thanks again and this is going to be a great season!

8/10/2009, 10:44 PM
All the firsts are really hard and I know how you feel. For so many of us, OU games, both home and away, are part of the fabric of our family memories. God bless you and just remember she has awesome seats and will be watching. Make your sweet Mom proud by being a classy representative.

8/10/2009, 10:57 PM
thanks for sharing setem


8/10/2009, 10:58 PM
Its a weird thing when someone goes away like that for good, I still miss my Grandfather every day after 12 years. Just remember the good times and that she is in a pain free place where she can always be happy.

Everything happens for a reason, you may have to look for a while but you will figure it out. I wish you the best

A Sooner in Texas
8/10/2009, 11:33 PM
Hey Setem, that's a really beautiful tribute to your mom. She sounds like a wonderful mother and person. Just remember, she'll be with you in spirit every game day and every day.

8/10/2009, 11:55 PM
I know the feeling,my Mom passed in January.I share your pain and many of your experiences.

8/11/2009, 03:05 AM
ok here's a little pick you up --- lets go back in time to October 2000. OU was playing in Manhatten against KSU. KSU just scored to close OU's lead to 3. My father and mother were in Chicago visiting a cousin (his nephew) and my mom and cousin were all upset that OU was about to lose. My father turned to them and said, "We just letting them think they are going to win." Josh then leads OU back down the field and the lead goes back to the 10, the final score they win by.

A week later after this game my fatrher suffers a severe brain anurism (sp) and passes away on 10/22 while still celebrating their (mom and dad) 50th wedding anniversary in Michigan (where mom is from, dad is from Delaware County, Ok.).

We get him home and the funeral is scheduled the Friday before the OU - NU game. Not a hotel room in town for all the out-of-towners coming in for the funeral. The postal training center on HWY 9 opens rooms for all the people coming in to town for the celebration of hois life. Its where I stay with my family. Saturday morning comes and the game starts, OU falls behind 7-0 before I can check out and get over to my parents house. By the time I get there OU is behind 14-0 and my sister is in her typical anxiety mode when OU is losing and says we are blowing the chance for a NC. I sit down in my fathers recliner in the den, look at my sister and for some unknown reason (I had not spoken to my cousin as of yet about the KSU game earlier) I say, "we are just letting them think they are going to win."

Now here comes the weird part, I was all stressed before I sat in the chair, as I listened to the game on the radio driving over, but when I sat in the chair a calming came over me before I said those words.

Also my cousin overheard me and came to me and asked what I said and I repeated it. Then he told me what my father had said 2 weeks before. I replied to him 13-0 and number 7 in January.

Oh btw --- that Saturday against NU, was the 1st time since 1969 that my father and I missed the opening of pheasant/quail season in Nebraska too. 30 years straight.

The rest is history.

Not a day goes by that I dont miss my father. We hunted, fished, gardened and got in trouble with each other and who knows what else for 43 years. RIP dad.

Mom will be a lot tougher though....

for you Setem, this fall will be tough, but be as strong as your mom is and you will do just fine.

8/11/2009, 03:09 AM
damn dude, that is awesome

8/11/2009, 07:50 AM
ok here's a little pick you up --- lets go back in time to October 2000. OU was playing in Manhatten against KSU. KSU just scored to close OU's lead to 3. My father and mother were in Chicago visiting a cousin (his nephew) and my mom and cousin were all upset that OU was about to lose. My father turned to them and said, "We just letting them think they are going to win." Josh then leads OU back down the field and the lead goes back to the 10, the final score they win by.

A week later after this game my fatrher suffers a severe brain anurism (sp) and passes away on 10/22 while still celebrating their (mom and dad) 50th wedding anniversary in Michigan (where mom is from, dad is from Delaware County, Ok.).

We get him home and the funeral is scheduled the Friday before the OU - NU game. Not a hotel room in town for all the out-of-towners coming in for the funeral. The postal training center on HWY 9 opens rooms for all the people coming in to town for the celebration of hois life. Its where I stay with my family. Saturday morning comes and the game starts, OU falls behind 7-0 before I can check out and get over to my parents house. By the time I get there OU is behind 14-0 and my sister is in her typical anxiety mode when OU is losing and says we are blowing the chance for a NC. I sit down in my fathers recliner in the den, look at my sister and for some unknown reason (I had not spoken to my cousin as of yet about the KSU game earlier) I say, "we are just letting them think they are going to win."

Now here comes the weird part, I was all stressed before I sat in the chair, as I listened to the game on the radio driving over, but when I sat in the chair a calming came over me before I said those words.

Also my cousin overheard me and came to me and asked what I said and I repeated it. Then he told me what my father had said 2 weeks before. I replied to him 13-0 and number 7 in January.

Oh btw --- that Saturday against NU, was the 1st time since 1969 that my father and I missed the opening of pheasant/quail season in Nebraska too. 30 years straight.

The rest is history.

Not a day goes by that I dont miss my father. We hunted, fished, gardened and got in trouble with each other and who knows what else for 43 years. RIP dad.

Mom will be a lot tougher though....

for you Setem, this fall will be tough, but be as strong as your mom is and you will do just fine.

That is a heck of a story man! I am sorry you lost him, but that was a great story! My dad and I are the same way minus the gardening...

The firsts are tough but it is going to be ok.