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8/8/2009, 09:35 AM
OK homeowners, help a noob out. What is the best stuff to kill these guys. I know the third one is grass of some type. The 2nd one is popping up everywhere, and i already picked them once, but they obvisouly came back. I've got some round up weed and grass killer, will that do the trick. Any trade secrets I should know?





8/8/2009, 09:38 AM
Round up should do it
just be careful about gettin it on plants ya want to keep . It wont hurt Most but will kill some of the desirable s

8/8/2009, 09:40 AM
Yes, it should.

I have a house that's 27 years old and I'm certain the driveway is that old as well. So obviously, it has some cracks where weeds have grown into this year and I've been too lazy to take care of it.

That is, up until last week when I bought some roundup weed and grass killer. Sprayed those cracks as well as the weed-infested garden.

Turned everything brown in about 2 days.

8/8/2009, 09:42 AM
Sweet. I'll go blast those bitches and report back later.

Colley Out.

8/8/2009, 09:51 AM

8/8/2009, 10:09 AM
Not to be an Amish tree hugger, but I just pull'em.

Sooner Mommy
8/8/2009, 10:11 AM
That stuff is nut grass...several things to try (1) pull it out, (2) round up, (3) plant other grass seed around it if in major portion of yard to strangle it out. This stuff is really prevalent in play sand bags. I made the mistake of putting sand in my yard and this nut grass just shot up.

8/8/2009, 10:51 AM
That stuff is nut grass...several things to try (1) pull it out, (2) round up, (3) plant other grass seed around it if in major portion of yard to strangle it out. This stuff is really prevalent in play sand bags. I made the mistake of putting sand in my yard and this nut grass just shot up.

Would kicking it in the nuts help, then? ;)

8/8/2009, 12:43 PM
Round up is your best bet...It will not sterilize the soil....

8/8/2009, 12:46 PM
Ok, gettin me some roundup then.

8/8/2009, 01:08 PM
Nut grass will ruin your peanut crop

8/8/2009, 02:14 PM
1st picture is spurge.

Fighting that crap is a constant battle once it gets in the yard. It goes to seed not very long after germination, to the point where it's already seeded before you notice it's there in an established yard. MSMA at appropriate dilution in established turf will kill it, but as would make sense, you need to spot treat on a cycle, roughly one week intervals. Kinda like fleas. The spray kills the fleas, but not the eggs, so when those eggs hatch, you need to treat again before they lay eggs and then a third to clean up any stragglers.

MSMA will also kill that in the 2nd image. I don't think it's nut grass, though. I have that exact same stuff pop up on occasion and I clean it out faster and better by hand.

3rd image looks like bermuda that's creeping. Round-up. Watch your overspray. Or even better, trace the runners back, pull them in the unwanted areas keeping the runners intact, and simply redirect them to the yard. A week or so later, round-up any stragglers in the bed. But those runners you moved will work back toward the yard and you won't waste that growth.

8/8/2009, 04:17 PM
All of these are along stone or in bark flower beds, none near any grass. Does that change any of the above methods.

8/8/2009, 05:01 PM
For the yard itself I just throw a bag of good ole weed 'n feed on it (found at Home Depot), that works best for me, everything else I've tried doesn't work.

For the flower beds, don't know. About the only thing you can do is pick them all out from the root and then dump a TON of mulch in your flower bed.

8/8/2009, 05:17 PM
Spray it when it's Hot out.That shouldn't be a problem.Good Luck. :pop:

8/8/2009, 05:20 PM
All of these are along stone or in bark flower beds, none near any grass. Does that change any of the above methods.

Nope. The only thing different would be to simply put round-up on the runners of bermuda instead of bothering to peel 'em back. Again, watching any overspray.

To shed some light, I've tried just about every chemical known to mankind on my patch of grass. Pre-mix weed sprays, weed n' feed, you name it. The absolute best method I've found is pre-emergent in February and the fall (even for your beds), Round-up for early season clover, et cetera before the bermuda sprouts, and MSMA to spot treat during the season, both in the yard and around. Be careful with your annuals as you spray, but the odds of annuals surviving a little overspray of MSMA versus the liquid death of round-up are pretty good. Don't go blastin' 'em point blank, but the world won't end of a little gets blown by the wind.

And I'm deadly serious about maintaining a vigil on that spurge. Once that stuff gets its claws in your yard or beds, if you don't get on top of it, you're screwed.

8/9/2009, 08:31 AM
Get a Dremel with the smallest drill bit you can find. Hollow out the center of the plant and fill it with nitro. Stomp your foot on the ground and poof!

8/9/2009, 10:23 AM

8/9/2009, 10:37 AM
what about crab.............................grass? they got a special powder for that?


Lott's Bandana
8/9/2009, 12:52 PM
Another round of a heavy mulch really helps too, once it's all cleaned out. Just make sure water still soaks in, no puddles.

8/9/2009, 11:32 PM
OK homeowners, help a noob out. What is the best stuff to kill these guys. I know the third one is grass of some type. The 2nd one is popping up everywhere, and i already picked them once, but they obvisouly came back. I've got some round up weed and grass killer, will that do the trick. Any trade secrets I should know?



8/10/2009, 12:21 AM
All lawn questions can be answered from this site. VERY helpful info on what to do / when to do it.


Very helpful layout by grass type:


8/10/2009, 12:23 AM
And heres weed identification pdf format:


8/10/2009, 08:12 AM
Ricky's Weed Killa is the best homeopathic way to rid yourself of weed....that's for sure

8/10/2009, 08:27 AM
Ricky's Weed Killa is the best homeopathic way to rid yourself of weed....that's for sure

what a bong or a native stone pinch hitter?

8/10/2009, 09:39 AM
Dude, nobody uses bongs anymore. I found that out when one of my kids was doing something stupid and I said "go take another bong hit."

8/10/2009, 09:48 AM
So what do they use?

Not to be a jackass at all. Serious question so I know when my girl gets a little older.

8/10/2009, 09:54 AM
One hit pipes, at least that's what my Niece was caught with.

8/10/2009, 10:43 AM
Dude, nobody uses bongs anymore. I found that out when one of my kids was doing something stupid and I said "go take another bong hit."


He might take you up on that.:D

8/10/2009, 10:43 AM
Nut grass>nuclear war.

8/10/2009, 11:27 AM
Salt the earth.


8/10/2009, 04:22 PM
Nut grass>nuclear war.


I did finally find something that kills it, but it's the damn debbil with a St. Augustine yard.

8/10/2009, 04:48 PM
Salt the earth.


i keep threatening to do this. i heard diesel works too :D

8/10/2009, 06:53 PM
One hit pipes, at least that's what my Niece was caught with.

shoot then, even 20 years ago I was ahead of the times...thats what I used too! (I have been smoke free for years now tho) :cool:

8/10/2009, 07:39 PM
A pop can works fine.