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7/30/2009, 03:20 PM
Nearly one-out-of-three women in America (32%) have read at least one of the fictional Harry Potter books, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Fourteen percent (14%) say they have read every one of the books by author J.K. Rowling.

Sixty-seven percent (67%) of women say they have not read any of the Potter books, but that compares to 79% of men.

Among men, just 19% have read at least one of the Harry Potter books, while 10% have read them all.

FWIW, I know at least one straight man who has read all the Harry Potter books. ;)

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/lifestyle/entertainment/july_2009/32_of_women_have_read_at_least_one_harry_potter_bo ok

7/30/2009, 03:22 PM
dang i read them all

7/30/2009, 03:24 PM
107 percent of survey types can't count to 100.


The remaining one percent must be illiterate and not know if they "read" Harry Potter or not? :confused:

Oh, and there's 10 Harry Potter books if you include the little J.K. exploits for charity :D

Frozen Sooner
7/30/2009, 06:03 PM
Being as that it's a Rasmussen poll, I'm going to guess that they've intentionally understated the number of Potter supporters by overrepresenting self-identified Slytherins.

7/30/2009, 06:04 PM
Dean in 1, 2, 3.....

7/30/2009, 07:03 PM
Being as that it's a Rassmussen poll, I'm going to guess that they've intentionally understated the number of Potter supporters by overrepresenting self-identified Slytherins.

This is comedy gold and will surely be under-appreciated by the masses.

7/31/2009, 11:18 AM
I'm a 10%er.

7/31/2009, 11:26 AM
makes me think I should start painting faeries.

7/31/2009, 11:33 AM
The problem with these types of polls is that most witches and wizards will tell pollsters that they are for Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix and all that is right and good in the magical word... but then they will go to the polls and vote for Voldemort's coalition of Death Eaters on threats of being cursed and avada kedavra'd.

7/31/2009, 11:40 AM
makes me think I should start painting faeries.

You could start with Dean.


7/31/2009, 12:04 PM

7/31/2009, 12:05 PM
Harry Potter and Rasmussen's Pole..... to follow Harry Potter and the Drug Deal gone Bad

7/31/2009, 01:16 PM
That 9% of men that read some but not all are quitters.

7/31/2009, 01:47 PM

Lily: Happy Birthday to you...
James: Shhh! Not so loud! We're supposed to be hiding from Vold-e-mort!
Lily: No worries! The only one that knows we're here is Sirius.
James: Uhhhh... about that...

(crashing noise... probably through a window or something loud)

Voldy: Surprise, beyonces! Time for some death spells from the death stock, all right. Giggity giggity.

(James dies)

Lily: But... but... everyone loves me!

(Lily dies)

Harry: wah wah wah
Voldy: Sorry little buddy, but can't have you causing me trouble in 11-17 years, now can I? AVADA KEDAVRA!

(Voldy dies)

Wormtail: Oh, snap... goes my wand
Sirius: Nice try, Peter, but we all know that you're an unregistered...

(piece of finger goes flying at Sirius, wormtail disappears)

Sirius: Oh why, oh why do we have so much useless dialog instead of immediate action like that? If only I stopped talking long enough to kill him then we wouldn't have all the problems we likely will later

(Hagrid arrives, takes Sirius' bike and baby Harry)

Sirius: Well well, there goes my flying bike, my godson and here I am all alone. I am just going to continue musing through more useless dialog for the next several pages...

(ministry officials arrive)

Auror: To Azkaban with you!
Sirius: Well does that just magically suck! Dementors are so dark and depressing and will just suck the life and happiness right outta ya. But that's ok, I'll just turn into a wolf and wolves don't have feelings, so I'll be able to escape later... ok, now to continue talking for the next several chapters...

(and that is why J.K. Rowling never wrote a prequel... it would suck too much. the end)

7/31/2009, 02:42 PM

snape still is my fav tho

Curly Bill
7/31/2009, 02:44 PM
dang i read them all

Someone may need to be removed from a certain organization that may or may not exist. :cool:

7/31/2009, 02:47 PM
hahaha, vet loves harry potter, you can't remove him!

Curly Bill
7/31/2009, 02:47 PM
In that case I may need to remove myself.