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View Full Version : Least fav Big 12 coach

7/21/2009, 02:08 PM
Rock the vote and explain your nominee

edit - i misspelled macc and texaz to avoid the asterisk filter, heh :D

7/21/2009, 02:09 PM
where da poll

7/21/2009, 02:11 PM
Ok, it's up now. I admit - I had to google to see who replaced Gene Chizik, lol :D

7/21/2009, 02:13 PM
lol, i just took a dump, and was reading about the new Iowa State coach

7/21/2009, 02:15 PM
William Mack Brown gets my vote ... why????

Because people claim he is one of the best college football coaches of all time..... yet he has only won his conference one time....... i confused? he thinks hes the best.

He's a liar, he said he was going to vote his team number (last year), and he chickened out.

He claps too much

7/21/2009, 02:24 PM
Mack because it's saxet.

7/21/2009, 02:26 PM
Macc because he whines and whines and whines... on NATIONAL TELEVISION.

I know she looks like her in her underwear, but Erin Andrews is NOT Oprah!!!!

7/21/2009, 02:26 PM
Gary Pinkel is a tool too.....

I like Bo tho.

Boomer Mooner
7/21/2009, 02:40 PM
MacDaddy...whines too much, teeth are too yellow, too dooshlike.

Too bad Callahan got **** canned before he had a chance of winning something in the Big 12.

7/21/2009, 02:41 PM
Living in St. Louis, I have to go with Pinkel.

7/21/2009, 02:42 PM
I really hate Bill Snyder and his thug teams. Pinkel is a close second, though...

7/21/2009, 03:00 PM
I chose Gundy mainly because he reminds me too much of someone I personally know that I despise with a passion. But Mack is a lying, whining, crybaby weasel and finishes a VERY close 2nd. I totally understand fighting for your team and even lobbying for your team in the polls...but do it with class and don't look like an ***hat on national television while doing it.

stoops the eternal pimp
7/21/2009, 03:06 PM
I went with Pinkel, because he is the biggest fraud of them all

7/21/2009, 03:17 PM

7/21/2009, 03:26 PM
I think Gundy is a ****** rocket. he gets my vote.

7/21/2009, 03:27 PM
Tough choosing between Mack & Gundy. I had to vote for Gundy just because he wants to act so much like his program belongs up there with OU, and even saxet, burt refuses to realize that they are not in the same class.

7/21/2009, 03:28 PM
Gundy--He's a man who likes to scream at women. I also don't like his hair.

A close second is Mac the Wwwwhhhhiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeerrrrrrrr!

7/21/2009, 03:31 PM
We should be allowed at least 2 picks in this poll! :D

7/21/2009, 03:32 PM
I think Gundy is a ****** rocket. he gets my vote.

That's garbage!!! [hairGel]

7/21/2009, 03:33 PM
I went with Dan Hawkins.. For some reason that man just aggrivates me just looking at him.

7/21/2009, 03:52 PM
I went with Dan Hawkins.. For some reason that man just aggrivates me just looking at him.

I know what you mean. He has that consistent "just farted" look to him.

7/21/2009, 03:57 PM
I must say that I am really surprised at the overwhelming votes for Macc Daddy... but a lot of hate-worthy coaches are gone now, like Fran Fran and Lester the Molester... lester was hat-worthy too, har har

7/21/2009, 04:00 PM
Gundy for me. Kick the crybaby momma's boys off your team, don't stand up for them!

Scott D
7/21/2009, 04:02 PM
Can't convince me it's anyone other than Bill Snyder.

and yes, I'm still bitter about the 2003 Big XII CCG.

7/21/2009, 04:10 PM
Brown, Snyder, Pinkel in that order. Gundy would be worthy of more hate if his rant weren't so damn funny and if he had actually beaten us before. Pinkel's just a jackass. Brown and Snyder for obvious reasons. Hawkins may have beaten us but he gets a reprieve for the "intramurals, brother" comment. Plus if he doesn't do something this year he might be gone.

7/21/2009, 04:16 PM
I voted for Macc mainly because I don't dislike any of the others.

7/21/2009, 05:56 PM
I voted for Stoops.........

Just kidding I vote for Macc because he licks Bevo's balls and whines like a bitch!!! :D

7/21/2009, 06:55 PM
mack... whiney little girl and **** texas thats why

7/21/2009, 08:00 PM
I went with Dan Hawkins.. For some reason that man just aggrivates me just looking at him.


I'd go with Mack's bitching as a close second, but If Mack were coaching Iowa State no one would give him the time of day. It's Texas I hate not Mack

7/21/2009, 08:27 PM
Mac because I have TV envy - I don't a set in every room in my house like he does.

7/21/2009, 08:41 PM
Too many of the other bad guys left the conference, so there really isn't much to pick from. Mac has got to the clear choice because of his cry baby, belly achin', politicin', banner flyin', happy clappin', yellow toothed arse hattery. Bill Snyder does run a close second, as I haven't forgotten his cheap shot artistry on defense.

7/21/2009, 08:42 PM
Bill, "take their quarterback out of the game", Snyder; however Mack, whinny britches, Brown isn't far behind.

7/21/2009, 10:14 PM
Briles is the Goddamn devil.

Frozen Sooner
7/21/2009, 10:51 PM
Rhoads. Mainly because I felt bad for him because nobody was voting for him.

7/22/2009, 06:07 AM
Mike Sherman. I just don't think he tries very hard and that ain't gonna cut it in my book.

7/22/2009, 07:23 AM
As soon as interest in this poll dies down, I'll have to start another on coaches around the country or something... but till then, keep hatin' on the conference coaches, because that's what offseason needs - a good, hearty :les: "HURRY THE EFF UP AND BECOME SEPTEMBER!" [hairGel]

I voted for Bill Snyder in honor of Jason White's missing knees. The way those thugs trashed beloved Jason makes me never want to see KSU return to winning ever again, regardless of who the coach is. Slip back into mediocrity slowly and painfully, plzkthx!

7/22/2009, 07:47 AM
I see this as a three way tie but went with Hawkins cauz as someone said above just looking at him makes me want to stick a ice pick in his ear. Plus the buff fans are the worse in the b12 IMO.

I used to like macc and would like to had a beer with him, now I just want to pour one on him. (a cheap 7-11 type beer that is, not the good stuff)

Snyder is third I just don't think anyone that looks like a scarecrow we used to put up in the fields many years ago should be coaching, plus he acts like a doosh.

Close 4th pinky.

Harry Beanbag
7/22/2009, 08:18 AM
I went with Pinkel, because he is the biggest fraud of them all


stoops the eternal pimp
7/22/2009, 08:29 AM

I know, right?

7/22/2009, 08:44 AM
I went with Gundy cause of his hair. He thinks he's some 20-something metro doosher, and he's close. He's a 40-something doosher, and a man and so on... Also, he's full of BS excuses and hopes for the future that NEVER come true.

Macc I respect because even though he cries like a little girl who lost her dolly, sometimes he puts a good team together. Without a good team to play, we wouldn't have competition.

Hawkins benched his son. That takes stones.

Pinkle, well it's just fun to say "2 in the Pinkle, 1 in the stinkle"

Snyder brought a program from the cellar to the elite, even if some of the things he did were bushleague.

7/22/2009, 08:47 AM
I know, right?

he's like macc before the 2005 (or perhaps 2004) season... it's like... HOW do you screw up having a huge alumni base, a big arse university in a prime recruiting and television market location and not at least make a BCS game or win a conference championship occasionally?!

eventually, pinkie will find his VY, stop coaching his VY and he will win a single conference and national championship with his VY... oh wait, he already had his VY and his name was brad smith. HOW did you screw that up, Gary?! HOW?!?!

stoops the eternal pimp
7/22/2009, 08:54 AM
I tell you how...you tell him to stop running and stand in the pocket on 3rd and 2 and try and complete a 15 yard pass instead of letting him take off and break a 30 yard run....

The 4 year decline of Brad Smith is a prime example of him being a fraud

7/22/2009, 09:01 AM
I tell you how...you tell him to stop running and stand in the pocket on 3rd and 2 and try and complete a 15 yard pass instead of letting him take off and break a 30 yard run....

The 4 year decline of Brad Smith is a prime example of him being a fraud

Brad Smith under Macc = VY
VY under Pinkie = Brad Smith.

Search your feelings you KNOW it to be true, heh :D

Harry Beanbag
7/22/2009, 09:05 AM
I know, right?


7/22/2009, 09:05 AM
I voted Pinkle just because I figured Mack and Gundy would be well represented in the hatage department. I think all three are cocky d-bags consider between them they have 1 conference title.

Harry Beanbag
7/22/2009, 09:07 AM
Brad Smith under Macc = VY
VY under Pinkie = Brad Smith.

Search your feelings you KNOW it to be true, heh :D

Smith doesn't = VY no matter who is coaching them. And I think the talent surrounding them had a lot to do with the results as well.

That being said, Pinkel is still the biggest fraud in the Big 12. :)

7/22/2009, 09:12 AM
Since someone just mentioned Gundy, I decided to peek at OP and they are in full meltdown mode here. (http://www.orangepower.com/showthread.php?t=70822)

Spoiler: They're coming up with gameday signs and they're telling each other how much their ideas suck... imagine the meltdown when gameday goes to Bammer/Va Tech instead :D

Sooner in Tampa
7/22/2009, 09:29 AM
Macc....because I EVERYTIME I hear his voice I want to punch the t.v. screen, he is a whiny, crying, BITCH!!!! He just pisses me off to no end with crybaby antics.

It is July 22nd 2009 and *Texas* SUCKS!!!!!

7/22/2009, 09:52 AM
Macc....because I EVERYTIME I hear his voice I want to punch the t.v. screen, he is a whiny, crying, BITCH!!!! He just pisses me off to no end with crybaby antics.

It is July 22nd 2009 and **Texas** STILL SUCKS!!!!!

Fixed it fer ya

Sooner in Tampa
7/22/2009, 10:21 AM
Fixed it fer ya

Much appreciated

7/22/2009, 10:21 AM
Since someone just mentioned Gundy, I decided to peek at OP and they are in full meltdown mode here. (http://www.orangepower.com/showthread.php?t=70822)

Spoiler: They're coming up with gameday signs and they're telling each other how much their ideas suck... imagine the meltdown when gameday goes to Bammer/Va Tech instead :D

Or show up to the OU-Byu game instead. I think it is bit early to be talking about college game day. Stupid aggies.

7/22/2009, 10:24 AM
Or show up to the OU-Byu game instead. I think it is bit early to be talking about college game day. Stupid aggies.

I could see Jerry bribing all the right people.

7/22/2009, 10:39 AM
Or show up to the OU-Byu game instead. I think it is bit early to be talking about college game day. Stupid aggies.

Fact: OSU will lose and may not have another opportunity all season to host College Gameday.

Fact: OU will win and have many opportunities all season long to have Gameday on campus.

Fact: The first game isn't even on campus, so I really don't care.

Fact: OP will never stop melting down.


Boomer Mooner
7/22/2009, 11:09 AM
I had to go with Mac cause he just whines too much and he isn't funny about it.

Gundy on the other hand has just too much entertainment value.

I wouldn't have voted for Les Miles for the same reason, that ****er is solid gold! I can just watch him talk with the sound turned down and still laugh my *** off! Let'er Rip!!!

7/22/2009, 11:18 AM

I know, right?

7/22/2009, 11:35 AM
Mike Sherman. He's a dou$he.

7/22/2009, 11:43 AM
I like Mack Brown. He's good people.

It came down to Hair Gel or Pinkel for me. I voted for Pinkel because I felt like it. Although truth be told I hope they both get eaten by a dragon.

7/22/2009, 11:51 AM
I should make a pie chart when this is all over... a big burnt orange pac man eating the rest of the fractional big 12 coaches... except stoops of course, who nobody of note hates (sorry wh0rn fan)

7/22/2009, 12:01 PM
The coach I most like the Sooners to beat = Mack *

The coach I root against the most = 2 in the Pinkel

Also root against Gumby but I respect what he is doing and his ability, same with Hawkins a little ( he finished 2nd to Pinkel on my list )

7/22/2009, 12:33 PM
Since someone just mentioned Gundy, I decided to peek at OP and they are in full meltdown mode here. (http://www.orangepower.com/showthread.php?t=70822)

Spoiler: They're coming up with gameday signs and they're telling each other how much their ideas suck... imagine the meltdown when gameday goes to Bammer/Va Tech instead :D

badger from the link you posted I had to share this post from one of the porkers.....

"The Vick references don't make sense. There is no reason at all to include him in anything related to UGA. You will look really dumb and tacky if you reference him."

Oh the lines that can come from these 7 little words. I really don't know where to start..................

Go ahead and fill in the blanks yourselves:D

7/23/2009, 12:31 PM
Hooray for killing a few days of offseason boredom here with useless poll thread :D

The next useless poll that I start will be for least fav coaches around the country... I will nominate Macc Brown, of course, but the others I'm still trying to figure out... what do you think? Did I miss anyone you want to vote for?
Pete Carroll, USC
Rick Neuheisel, UCLA
Charlie Weis, ND
Jim Tressel, tOSU
Howard Schnellenburger, FAU
Les Miles, LSU
Nick Saban, Bammer

I'll misspell Howard's name for the same reason I misspell Macc's. Only nominate the coach you would definitely vote for... and let me know if any of my nominees suck and I'll take 'em out.

PS: No more Big 12 coaches besides Macc... you've made it perfectly clear that he has no peer among your Big 12 coaching hatred.