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7/18/2009, 08:19 PM
Get the constitutional amendment rolling ...

Governor orders state vehicle 'garage sale'
[email protected]
Published Saturday, Jul. 18, 2009

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Friday ordered that 15 percent of California's motor vehicle fleet be sold in a massive "garage sale," declaring he wants to clean up potential "abuse of taxpayer dollars," including allowing certain employees to take state vehicles home.

The governor said the order resulted from disclosures to a newly created "Waste Watchers Web site." The complaints detailed allegations that some workers were storing state vehicles at home without apparent justification.

"Today I am taking action to get rid of waste and abuse in the state's vehicle fleet … eliminate all wasteful home storage permits, and sell surplus cars at our state garage sale next month," Schwarzenegger said in a statement.

"I want to thank all the vigilant Californians who have submitted concerns on the Waste Watchers Web site," he added. "My staff will continue to review your submissions to ensure state government operates efficiently and is accountable to the people."

The state Department of General Services reported that the vehicle sell-off could save the state $24.1 million over the next year.

Under the governor's order, the state will identify every light-duty vehicle under 8,500 pounds and determine which state employees are required to use the vehicles in their official duties. The governor's plan would then reduce by 20 percent the number of workers who are allowed to store state vehicles at home.

In the proclamation, the governor declares: "The state of California is committed to ensuring there is a significant business need for employees to use a state vehicle and, when required by state or federal law, that these employees are reporting such use for tax purposes."

The proclamation said the vehicle sell-off will also focus on removing "higher polluting vehicles from the state fleet and replacing them with newer, more fuel efficient models."

The Department of General Services vehicle sale is to be held Aug. 28 and 29 in Sacramento.

7/18/2009, 08:25 PM
Good for Ah-nold.

I was about to make a Green Acres joke until I read that. ;)

7/18/2009, 08:30 PM
i heard cali is doing great, economy wise

Crucifax Autumn
7/18/2009, 08:59 PM
Yep...Arnie is a master of saving the economy!

7/18/2009, 09:20 PM
Wow, he's now a fiscal conservative!
Why the sudden u-turn?

IOU's not working out?


You made your bed, sleep in it.

7/18/2009, 09:39 PM
lol.. .so are you saying Obama is going to turn conservative ,.. LOL

7/18/2009, 09:59 PM
Wow, he's now a fiscal conservative!
Why the sudden u-turn?

IOU's not working out?


You made your bed, sleep in it.

Maybe President Arnold will furlough all federal workers three days a month. Hell, just cut all gov't checks by 15%.

7/18/2009, 10:07 PM
And he's fighting this "retire at 55 and draw a pension with full medical benefits for the next 35 years."

too many gov't workers with a title of Director, Coordinator, or Program Manager who pull 80 to 130 k.

7/18/2009, 10:39 PM
They just need to pass the 61st Amendment....

7/18/2009, 10:40 PM
He needs to talk to Bill Martinson.

He doesn't know a good ol' fashioned cost cutting crusade until he walks a mile in that crazy bastard's shoes.

7/19/2009, 05:23 AM
For some reason I see him delivering this line while wearing an SS Uniform.

"My staff will continue to review your submissions to ensure state government operates efficiently and is accountable to the people."

7/19/2009, 11:27 AM
Maybe he'll make another run. :pop:


7/19/2009, 01:59 PM
I thought this was about Tom Arnold.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/19/2009, 10:56 PM
Ahnold can run. At least he's a citizen. Naturalized is better than non, I would suppose.

7/19/2009, 11:01 PM
Ahnold can run. At least he's a citizen. Naturalized is better than non, I would suppose.
We had a democrat serving for the last 10-15 years as president. We don't need another one.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/19/2009, 11:41 PM
We had a democrat serving for the last 10-15 years as president. We don't need another one.If W and Clinton are democrats, what does that make Maobama?

The Remnant
7/21/2009, 09:09 PM
I am on my daughter's computer located 2 blocks from St Charles. Arnold is a phony. I was at a rally 2 months ago where they ran an effigy of Arnold through a shredder. He has absolutely no core convictions.People who think Arnold is a conservative are in for a big surprise. Also, he lists his height at 6' 2". I met the guy at a bodybuilding contest many years ago. He is not 6'2". And I have had too much to drink,,,

7/21/2009, 10:06 PM
Well, it all depends on what your definition of "conservative" is, for California he may very well be a "conservative" for what constitutes one out there is far different than what constitutes one in Oklahoma, Texas or throughout the "flyover" country. That's the problem with the "big tent" parties, they are different things to different parts of the country.

Just like Austin is considered "liberal" but stack them up against San Francisco, Berkley and other true liberal meccas and Austin is moderate. For this part of the country, yes Austin is liberal but out on the coasts they would probably consider it a bit conservative. I have had some Californians relate this very fact, they were confused by the label of Austin being liberal.

The Remnant
7/21/2009, 11:04 PM
Come out to California I will show you what a conservative is. Arnold AIN'T a conservative. He has absolutely ZERO support among conservatives. I don't give a crap about your DEFINITION. There is a petition to have him recalled. You have no clue about California.

The Remnant
7/21/2009, 11:05 PM
Bluedogok. You are truly confused about California. When you have something worth reading , let me know.

7/22/2009, 02:03 AM
To be fair, there is probably a petition somewhere to get Bob Stoops fired, get child pornography legalized, and I am sure there was a petition to have Reagen removed in Cali back in the day

7/22/2009, 09:33 AM
Arnold is a phony. I was at a rally 2 months ago where they ran an effigy of Arnold through a shredder. He has absolutely no core convictions.People who think Arnold is a conservative are in for a big surprise.

He's not a gay-bashing, anti-abortion rights cultural conservative. He did, however, fight the donks to close the budget deficit without raising corporate or personal income tax brackets. He's stood up to the govt workers' union and went through with furloughs.

So the cultural conservatives don't like Arnold. Let them nominate a candidate who runs on a gay-bashing anti-abortion plank and it'll be another pub who get plowed under by 20 percentage points in the election.

7/22/2009, 09:42 AM
He's not a gay-bashing, anti-abortion rights cultural conservative. He did, however, fight the donks to close the budget deficit without raising corporate or personal income tax brackets. He's stood up to the govt workers' union and went through with furloughs.

So the cultural conservatives don't like Arnold. Let them nominate a candidate who runs on a gay-bashing anti-abortion plank and it'll be another pub who get plowed under by 20 percentage points in the election.

He's another George Bush type liberal. Says he's a conservative, but he's really a complete liberal.

7/22/2009, 10:25 AM
Says he's a conservative, but he's really a complete liberal.

then why didn't he join the donks and go along with raising the tax brackets to close the deficit? raising taxes was the "liberal" solution.

why did he negotiate an off-shore drilling lease? No off-shore drilling is the "liberal" position.

why did he negotiate gov't program cuts? Maintaining gov't programs is the "liberal" position.

cultural conservatives seek to castrate those within the party who are liberal on social issues and moderate-to-conservative on fiscal matters -- handing the Democrats yet more victories.

that's the truth.

7/22/2009, 10:54 AM
then why didn't he join the donks and go along with raising the tax brackets to close the deficit? raising taxes was the "liberal" solution.

why did he negotiate an off-shore drilling lease? No off-shore drilling is the "liberal" position.

why did he negotiate gov't program cuts? Maintaining gov't programs is the "liberal" position.

cultural conservatives seek to castrate those within the party who are liberal on social issues and moderate-to-conservative on fiscal matters -- handing the Democrats yet more victories.

that's the truth.I don't care about democrat vs republican, neither party is truly representative of what they once meant. I would like to see a more true conservative in office again, that's not likely to happen with Arnold or Huckabee or Romney all they want is big government.

7/22/2009, 11:20 AM
If Arnold ran and became President, would he be known as Commando and Chief?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/22/2009, 06:49 PM
If Arnold ran and became President, would he be known as Commando and Chief?If he's pres. right after Barry, he will be Terminator 2.

7/22/2009, 09:47 PM
Come out to California I will show you what a conservative is. Arnold AIN'T a conservative. He has absolutely ZERO support among conservatives. I don't give a crap about your DEFINITION. There is a petition to have him recalled. You have no clue about California.
No I am not, of course there are parts of California that have the same sense of conservatism, every place has some of them, I guess Lake Arrowhead would more than likely be one of them. The cities (which constitutes the bulk of the state population) are decidedly liberal to liberal-conservative (conservatives who are that in name only) and the rural areas are further to the right. Colorado gets viewed as a "liberal" state because of Denver, Boulder, Aspen, Vail but most of the state is fairly to very conservative, look at all the conservative groups that are based in Colorado Springs. After all Colorado's Amendment 2, classified as an anti-gay state constitutional amendment passed because the Springs and rural Colorado passed it in spite of Denver/Boulder. It was later overturn in the courts.

To be fair, there is probably a petition somewhere to get Bob Stoops fired, get child pornography legalized, and I am sure there was a petition to have Reagen removed in Cali back in the day
A recall petition to remove the governor is what gave Arnold the opportunity to run for the office.

He's another George Bush type liberal. Says he's a conservative, but he's really a complete liberal.
That pretty much describes the majority of both the parties. There are many "conservatives" in name only. Ask a fiscal conservative what they think about the social conservatives pet issues and most could care less, and vice versa. That's the problem with labels, they don't really apply when co-opted and bastardized by politicians. Most conservatives in politics no longer care about "small government". Liberal means they pass laws "liberally" as in many of them and have no qualms restricting the rights of others. Most of the extreme liberals that I have known are just as closed minded than the extreme social conservatives that I have, the sad thing is they actually believe they think with an "open mind". Most social conservatives seem to think all conservatives think like them even though a fiscal conservative could care less about social issues, a social conservative would consider most fiscal conservatives a liberal. Hell...all of them are delusional.

Bluedogok. You are truly confused about California. When you have something worth reading , let me know.
Just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean there is a need for this kind of crap. I didn't call you or anyone else out directly and I bet OTHERS could care less about your definition as well. Just like in others states/areas, your perception may be skewed by your own dogmatic views. Hell, Arnold isn't a conservative, he never was and never even ran as one.

I am relaying my experiences out there, family that I have out there and the many Californians who left that place and live here now. Many moved for various reasons, some of which were people who considered themselves "too conservative" for California and other liberal types who can't believe how "conservative" Texas or even Austin is. Many of them felt they were a "conservative" out there and found out is has a different meaning here...and yes, most of them were from the large cities. I can guarantee you that a "conservative" in LA or San Francisco is a rare animal and would be a fish out of water in rural California. It seems the majority of the state of California doesn't seem to think the same way the rural voters do.

There are also some who moved here who would make an Oklahoma or Texas conservative look like they were just a bit of a leftist and had to flee the state because it had been overrun by Commies...and I know an extreme conservative, my grandfather was one and thought Pat Buchannan was a little too "liberal" for his liking.

I don't care about democrat vs republican, neither party is truly representative of what they once meant.
THAT is very true. I was once an active Republican, now I consider myself a disenfranchised independent because neither party represents my views.

cultural conservatives seek to castrate those within the party who are liberal on social issues and moderate-to-conservative on fiscal matters -- handing the Democrats yet more victories.

that's the truth.
Yep...the Republican party is actually two separate parties under the same big tent.

7/31/2009, 05:56 PM


Arnold said this week that he would press for pension reform now the state has enacted revised spending plan. California has at least $63 billion in unfunded pension liabilities, an amount equal to roughly two-thirds of all annual general fund spending.

For example, a civil servant with 30 years in state government who made $70,000 a year could take early retirement at 55 with an annual pension of $42,000. Under Schwarzenegger's proposed reform, they couldn't retire until age 60.

Employees in high-risk jobs — such as firefighters — can receive up to 90 percent of their salaries if they retire at age 50. Under Schwarzenegger's plan, they couldn't retire until age 55.

Retirees also are promised health care coverage for themselves and their families, a benefit that can cost the state $1,100 a month per retiree, according to the California Public Employees' Retirement System.

But the latest U.S. Census survey, from 2007, shows the average annual salary of California state government employees was $53,958, compared with $40,991 for the average private-sector worker.

The Remnant
7/31/2009, 06:50 PM
There are a large number of independents in California that are fiscal conservatives. They don't give a crap about abortion or other social issues. In Socal people are upset that Arnold came into office to lower taxes and cut spending. They feel let down. It is ALL about fiscal issues. Nothing more. To say otherwise shows how much you don't know. I have attended 3 anti-tax rallies in Socal. 1) 15000 people showed up in OC 2) 500 in Redlands 3) 5000 in Corona. It is all about taxes. Nothing more.

The Remnant
7/31/2009, 06:55 PM
At the rallies people bashed both parties. That was the best part. Both have contributed to this mess. No politician dared came near these rallies. They might have been tarred and feathered.

7/31/2009, 07:22 PM
There are a large number of independents in California that are fiscal conservatives. They don't give a crap about abortion or other social issues. In Socal people are upset that Arnold came into office to lower taxes and cut spending. They feel let down. It is ALL about fiscal issues. Nothing more. To say otherwise shows how much you don't know. I have attended 3 anti-tax rallies in Socal. 1) 15000 people showed up in OC 2) 500 in Redlands 3) 5000 in Corona. It is all about taxes. Nothing more.

He closed a HUGE deficit without raising taxes, which the donks wanted to do. He can't lower taxes with the current legislature. No "real" conservative could.

Furloughing state employees is a spending cut.

The Remnant
7/31/2009, 07:51 PM
After he got bitch slapped by the public employee unions he was effectively neutered.

The Remnant
7/31/2009, 07:53 PM
His favorability rating is about 28%. That means you and a few of your homies are the only ones supporting him.

The Remnant
7/31/2009, 07:59 PM
"I said it before that I will not raise taxes, and I will not raise taxes," Mr. Schwarzenegger said in his first press conference since he began his victorious campaign for governor. That was in 2003. Now in 2008.

Schwarzenegger ordered lawmakers into a special session to consider ways to close the gap. He proposed increasing the sales tax by 1.5 percentage points for three years as well as raising oil severance and alcoholic beverage taxes and motor vehicle fees. In all, taxes and fees would increase $4.7 billion while spending is cut $4.5 billion

7/31/2009, 10:02 PM
Just what America needs: another Kennedy family member in the White House. ;)

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
7/31/2009, 11:38 PM
Just what America needs: another Kennedy family member in the White House. ;)Right now...I'll TAKE IT!