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View Full Version : Sooner Caravan Report, Wichita 6/30

7/2/2009, 09:36 AM
Here's a write up from Tuesday's stop in Wichita!


7/2/2009, 09:45 AM
Finally, OU AD Joe Castiglione - who’s put on some serious weight - told the crowd that the department’s cumulative student athlete GPA is just short of 3.0.
Something tells me when OU coaches get a raise, Joe C.'s salary isn't overlooked for raises too.

And he paid homage to the four players who backed off the NFL for another run - Sam Bradford, Jermaine Gresham, Trent Williams and Gerald McCoy.

“I think that speaks volumes for the kind of program we run,” Stoops said.

I really don't expect this to always be the case. It seems like players staying or going is not a reflection on their dedication to their university, but their family's financial need. Granted, I LOVE when players stay rather than go to the NFL, because I get to watch them longer and not play for a Packer-rival team. However, I don't think anyone questions the dedication to OU players that leave school early have for their school... they just needed to help their families, that's all.

Jimmy Wilkerson comes to mind.

7/2/2009, 09:51 AM
He told the crowd that the Sooners will make another run at a natty next year - you know, that thing that Texans believe they’re entitled to, that thing that makes them cry like the entitled titty babies they are when it slips away - as it does every year.

Sadly, however, the OUAD seems to be lagging behind in the apartment collision department, with no reports of players under the influence - of a phone or whatever - crashing into buildings. I’m sure we can count on Joe to work on that weakness.


7/3/2009, 02:39 PM
Gets me a little excited when people take shots at Texas like that.

Just sayin ...