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View Full Version : You guys remember Lazlo in Real Genius?

6/30/2009, 11:07 PM
And how he'd sneak into a room and disappear in a closet? And remember the nerdy kid followed him one time and they ended up in the bowels of a basement type place with computers and stuff?
Well my old lady is reading this book called Wesley The Owl and this girl that wrote it went to Cal Tech back in the day and said there really was math types who did this. Said there were secret shafts and stuff and dudes would disappear into closets and end up down in their lair.
Said they had to write an ordinance for the prof and science types there requiring them to bathe and brush their teeth and such.


6/30/2009, 11:28 PM
and then they become Uncle Rico

6/30/2009, 11:30 PM
heh, he was good in Get Shorty.

7/1/2009, 12:50 AM
Will Bri = Lazlo?

7/1/2009, 08:05 AM
OU has some tunnels kinda like that, though I've only been in them from the street access. Apparently, besides just being steam tunnels, they used to function as 'inclement weather' tunnels WAAAAAAYYY back when.

7/2/2009, 12:14 AM
Nothing rivals the nerdiness of The Tech.